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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

You know I said I was done sketching, but I lied cuz Shroomie's return and art inspired me to add another character so I offer the new updated cast. Hopefully I'll work on finishing it this coming week

I'm still disappointed that there isn't a RE1 mod that lets you play as Luigi.

Too bad there isn't a Luigi in this RP. As there was a SSBU event that added Resident Evil spirits to the game, RE elements can be brought into the RP. Luigi wins yet another mansion, goes to check it out, and it's the Spencer Mansion from RE1! XD
Good to see you! Lol Cia is like, "Spill the tea, gurl!"

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- I was watching videos about Disney villains, because October, and I had a very silly thought of something like this happening between Agahnim and Lil' Lizard Stefan while his earring is missing lol

On the topic of Lunaris and Disney, Lunaris being a dragon was influenced by Disney's Sleeping Beauty, and Lunaris's true name of Stefan is a nod to that. I was originally going to name him Stephen to make it a little different but I was concerned about folks pronouncing it as "Steven." What's funny is that even though it was supposed to be pronounced "Steff-in," whenever I had to say the name aloud I could only say "Steff-ahn," so that's how Lunaris got his name.

Stefan means "crown," and his last name, Aylward, means "noble guard," so his name is pretty much, "Noble guardian of the crown."

If Lil Human Stefan wasn't enough, noh Agahnim ahs to deal with a quirky lizard Stefan lol. Don't know how the sages thought he was equipped to deal with this 😂. Also, I thought Lunaris being based on Maleficentis honestly really clever as there's alot of similarities in the movie that kinda does happen in the Downfall timeline
If Lil Human Stefan wasn't enough, noh Agahnim ahs to deal with a quirky lizard Stefan lol. Don't know how the sages thought he was equipped to deal with this 😂. Also, I thought Lunaris being based on Maleficentis honestly really clever as there's alot of similarities in the movie that kinda does happen in the Downfall timeline

The idea of Link or Zelda throwing the Master Sword into Lunaris's chest is pretty awesome!

Poor Agahnim trying his darnest to hide a baby zombie dragon while castle staff are wondering where that awful smell is coming from, and Shiri is frantically searching for his earring. The smell eventually brings the staff to Agahnim's study. Not only does it smell like death, but it is trashed after said baby zombie dragon climbed and chewed on everything. The staff criticize his house-keeping, and Agahnim takes the blow to his pride just to keep Stefan hidden.
You know I said I was done sketching, but I lied cuz Shroomie's return and art inspired me to add another character so I offer the new updated cast. Hopefully I'll work on finishing it this coming week
OMG it's so cute!! 💞
The poor Icies look so scared! Lol they don't enjoy being test subjects for spellcasters at all!
How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
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How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
Captain Falcon:
How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
Final Fantasy Ff GIF

He wants Lunaris’s head so..

Would give Lunaris a merciful death because the poor guy’s been through so much crap at least she’ll show empathy.

Is more of an honorable guy would fight if it gets down to it. He’s not going to hold back though.
How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
My brain is very mush rn so I’ll give a proper response later. But for now-

Zelda when she has to deal with ANOTHER villian from her era getting revived through magic:

Am I really gonna be the third person in a row to respond to the prompt with an image? Yes, yes I am
How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
Pit would definitely be conflicted. Lunaris doesn't seem to have any ill-intent, but he has done terrible things in the past. Letting him go may be a great injustice against all those he hurt, but Pit also doesn't feel right attacking someone who was forcibly resurrected and shows no desire to commit any more wrong-doing. He may even be reminded of Medusa and how she was forcibly resurrected over and over again to work for Hades. This is something he seeks Palutena's guidance for.

I do not think Dark Pit would care too much. He doesn't consider Lunaris's judgement his call to make, and he can see that Lunaris is nowhere near as powerful as he was when he ruled the Realm. Even if he were to defend himself, he'd easily be crushed by the Super Smash Brothers. If Dark Pit does decide to attack Lunaris, it's likely to be out of a desire for a fight than out of a sense of justice.

Toon Link doesn't trust Lunaris at all, but he also will not attack a person who doesn't seem to want to fight. Being a more relaxed sort, he will not be bothered too much if Lunaris is allowed to go free. He'll just put him down if he causes problems. I think Toon Link would prefer to let others make the decision of what to do with Lunaris.

Sparks will be shooting from Pikachu's cheeks! She doesn't like Lunaris and she's making that very clear! She'll leave Lunaris's judgement up to the others, but she is keeping a sharp eye on him and has no problem giving the sorcerer a nasty shock if he does anything funny!
Final Fantasy 14 shenanigans!

How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
Lana: Lana has very clear morals; it's very hard for her to fight something or someone that doesn't show to have any evil or dark inclination, and even if they do, it's a struggle sometimes (*cough cough* Cia). I don't think Lana would try to kill Lunaris, as the Smash Realm was already saved and Lunaris isn't showing any signs of looking for a fight. She would keep a close eye on him though.

HW Zel: I feel like Zelda would be very conflicted. On one hand she would believe that having defeated Lunaris once was enough, and that killing him again would be, well, overkill. But on the other hand, she is not able to be convinced of his docility that easily. She would have to decide with either being overly cruel to Lunaris (in her eyes), or letting a past threat get away and possibly stir up trouble again, so it's a fifty-fifty for her.

Lyn: Lyn might be more inclined to be trusting towards Lunaris (as in Fire Emblem, sometimes all you need is character development, a fight, or a good conversation between two people in order for an enemy to join your team). People that have tried to strike her down ended up being important allies to her, so maybe she would let him go with the thought that perhaps he would aid them in a time of need, as a form of gratitude toward this act of mercy.

Ike: Ike would definitely be on board with sending Lunaris back to the ether. Although he, much like Lyn, have spared people and gotten them to join his cause, that doesn't mean he would do it with Lunaris. He is much less trusting and can only think of what Lunaris had done and what he might be able to do, if he were to be left to his own devices (even though Lunaris is probably weaker than he was...)

Icies: They don't want to kill anyone! They would most likely leave Lunaris alone, though they would probably do this out of fear more than anything.
In my defense, I figured that Lunaris would just magic his way out of any traditional form of capture lmao 😅
True. With the realm being so full of odd and magical beings, maybe law enforcement has found a way to detain them. That doesn’t mean they’d be successful in the case of Lunaris. Even without magic, he is a sly fellow!
More spooks! :3
New Drawing (5).pngIgnore my terrible handwriting 😭
I changed Ike's costume idea bc I figured he'd like to dress up as Jason. He's already burly and used to carrying weapons around, so it would probably make the costume all the more believable!
Lyn is very angry about what she has been made to dress as. Obviously lolz
I also really enjoyed drawing Zel's costume, as you can guess by how much detail I forced myself to put into it. Very pretty, but all I can think about is how cold she'd be if she were to go trick or treating on that late October night 🥶
Now all I have to do is draw all my PCs together!

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