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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)


One thing I try to emphasize with my short stories about Stefan is that he always had that darkness in him; he wasn’t a “pure bean” who became twisted overnight. He wasn’t evil in the beginning (and had things been different, he could have become a great hero) but one should be able to see him as a normal person and find it believable that he could turn out that way in the end. While he had free will for the most part, possessing the Night Dragon’s corrupted soul made it so he felt negative emotions far more strongly than positive ones. Stefan smiled a lot, but deep down inside he was seething!

That makes it that much better 😂

I like the way you write stories about him. Not only does it help express those thoughts you have about Stefan so clearly, but it genuinely makes it feel like I actually know this character after reading through all of them, like that's how fleshed-out he is at this point.
This is very off topic but the comment about Lunaris retiring from villainy inspired me so now I have a random prompt for y’all!

Where do you see your character in 50 years from now? What do you think they’d be doing, would they be retired and chilling out on the beach sipping martinis, or do you see them still going on adventures at their age? Do you think they’d have any regrets or would they be satisfied with how their life turned out?
This is very off topic but the comment about Lunaris retiring from villainy inspired me so now I have a random prompt for y’all!

Where do you see your character in 50 years from now? What do you think they’d be doing, would they be retired and chilling out on the beach sipping martinis, or do you see them still going on adventures at their age? Do you think they’d have any regrets or would they be satisfied with how their life turned out?
Hmm, considering Seph basically split his personalities post the Advent Children movie and two years after the end of the original Final Fantasy VII game. He’s deaders and naw. Seph? Regrets? Haha no regrets except not figuring out Shinra’s evil side sooner He still wants to cause shit beyond his grave. 👀 How he took over Kadaj? Be an evil Gabaleth gremlin

Paula (at least my Paula) likely settled down with Ness had a family so no she’s happy with her life. After all she was a big part of saving her own universe from Giygas’s path of destroying the world through his evil influence and PSI abilities. I see her going on chill honey moon at the touristy beach town of Summers.

Ah, Cyan’s biggest regret is never telling Elayne (his wife) how much he loved her before it was too late. Though after dealing with his demons he’s able to move on and grow as a man be at peace. 50 years from now he’d likely be dead ( bro is literally a 50 year old retainer post Final Fantasy 6) by then happy he was able to come to terms with what happened.
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Allllrighty, I finished my post for Lyn. I'll probably hold off on writing for Ike or the Ice climbers (bc those groups are kinda finicky), and just loop back to Cia again.
This is very off topic but the comment about Lunaris retiring from villainy inspired me so now I have a random prompt for y’all!

Where do you see your character in 50 years from now? What do you think they’d be doing, would they be retired and chilling out on the beach sipping martinis, or do you see them still going on adventures at their age? Do you think they’d have any regrets or would they be satisfied with how their life turned out?
HW Zelda will most likely be an old grandma, but I'm sure she'd be guiding her offspring and grandchildren with wise words and nuggets of advice she had gathered over the years. She'd probably be retired from the throne already, but she'd still be able to kick some butt at her age. I feel like, at that ripe age, she would finally be proud of herself and of everything she's been able to do for her kingdom, now that she can look back on her entire life and see all the amazing things she's been able to accomplish. In her youth, she was never satisfied with herself. Her era being lost in the threads of time, she isn't sure who to look up to, what Zelda came before her. She had no idea what standards she had to meet, to be able to be a Zelda worthy of her title and status. This gave her a sort of need to always try to be better, to always try and push herself harder, often to an unhealthy extent. No matter what she did, it wasn't good enough. But with age comes wisdom, and she'd at last realize how that mindset wasn't good for her. I feel like she would come to regret that, feeling as though she partially wasted her maidenhood on trying to make herself perfect instead of embracing her imperfections.

The ice climbers won't be that old, I'd say in their early sixties. But I'm sure they'd retire from climbing (cold and old bones don't mix well, from what I've heard). They wouldn't have any regrets, having climbed the mountain their parents couldn't, and many other mountains, to boot. I feel like Nana would be the village grandma who makes cookies for all the kids and treats everyone as if they were her kin, while Popo would be some "crazy" old man who sneaks out to play games with the kids despite knowing he'd get scolded by Nana later.

Ike will be one of those buff grandpas that look like they could gouge you with a cane! But I'm sure he'd have lots of grand-nieces and -nephews running around his house. I like to imagine him coming home once he finished travelling the world, seeing everything he wanted to see, and doing everything he wanted to do. He would sit back, then, and tell stories about his prime and how he defeated a goddess, and avenged his father, and whatnot. I feel like his only regret would be having left Mist and his band of mercenaries to go solo after the events of Radiant Dawn, but his adventures alone brought him a sense of fulfillment that cancels it out.

Lyn, I'm sure, will still be roaming the plains. After all, she left her throne of Caelin and shunned the title of nobility bestowed to her in favor of keeping true to her roots and living under the spacious skies of Sacae. She would surely want to die under them too. If she has a spouse or not, I don't really know, but what I do know is that Lyn would continue staying true to herself. Perhaps if she did have children, her bloodline would restart the Lorca tribe, and she would become the chieftainess, finally being able to do what her tribe had told her she was unfit to do. I'm sure she would have a few regrets, such as not sticking up for herself and keeping her tribe together when they disbanded because she couldn't be the leader of the Lorca, or perhaps not being able to stop her grandfather's death in the end despite stopping Lord Lundgren.

Lana and Cia, as the deities they are, will live on for all eternity (unless one of them is slain by the other). It is hard to say exactly what will happen to Cia, and what if anything she might regret, but as for Lana, she will continue watching over both the Triforce, the flow of time, and Link, Zelda, and Ganon, whether hidden in her temple or not. She would be there to watch the Link and Zelda she called her friends pass away, and watch them be reborn to do it all over again. Would she have her regrets? Absolutely. She would regret doing her job. Regret being selfless. Regret not telling Link how she felt. She would regret not following Cia's lead, just this once, and do what she wanted to do for once, the one and only time she was free from the shackles of her duty. Perhaps if she had children, it would lighten her grief, but in the timeline where she doesn't, she's sentenced to desolation for the sake of others.
Where do you see your character in 50 years from now? What do you think they’d be doing, would they be retired and chilling out on the beach sipping martinis, or do you see them still going on adventures at their age? Do you think they’d have any regrets or would they be satisfied with how their life turned out?
Yoshi is would likely be leading the same life he always has, that being a rather mellowed one unless Mario needs his help. He probably moved from his Island to be closer with Mario and the family he would likely have by then. He 100% helped with raising his kids when needed and enjoyed it very much so. Of course he would help out with any family Luigi would have had too. He definitely lives a life full of lots of happiness and love, and is probably adored by all the children he helps take care of. He still adventures some times though mostly just to return home to visit the other Yoshis on the island from time to time

Joker would have settled down, eventually married Ann and started a family of his own. I've had a couple thoughts on what he might do in life, one being he ends up becoming an owner of his own cafe and staying close to home to practically be a stay at home father for his children because Ann would travel often for her modeling and he refused to work a long job that would force his kids to be alone/with a caretaker, or the other being a defense lawyer so he could bring justice to those in need like he tends to do. I tend to lean more towards the former, so he'd probably still be at it, though likely enjoying a peaceful life with possibly a grandkid or two by then

Pyra and Mythra would be living hopefully relaxing lives by then and surrounded by a big family at that too. They both canonically have at least one child and I have a feeling Pyra would have more than that. She is 100% a grandma by then too if XC3 is any indication and funnily enough it's somewhat hinted at that her daughter and Shulk's son possibly had a thing for one another so it's possible she's inlaws with him LOL. Mythra is probably still the adventurous type especially since it's very likely her and Pyra wouldn't really age (though who knows with some Xenoblade logic). Mythra would be showing her kid(s) or even grandkids a lot of troublesome things to say the least. Wouldn't put it past her to be trying to keep the world safe especially if something is threatening her family

Sora is kinda hard to know where he'd be given how KH3 ended but given KH4 is a thing he's not just banished forever. Still with all his meddling into chasing hearts and abusing his powers, I don't think I can really clearly say where he would end up. I'd like to think he would have married and has a happy family, and he now serves as a teacher/master to new, young keyblade wielders since he became a master himself, but who knows with this boy

Byleth would be likely still serving Fodlan as it's ruler and Archbishop given that is what he becomes at the end of the Golden Deer route which I have him based on. He is a wise man his later years and actually tries to share his wisdom to those around him. I'd like to think he greatly grew as an individual and really learned various emotions over the years. Living a lavish life never suited him though and despite his standing he lives a humble, modest life. It's possible given his bond with Sothis, he might not age the same way as a human so he could very well be still fighting when necessary, though he learned to solve things through diplomacy when he can. He's still not an eloquent speaker, but he does his best. I also imagine he may have adopted a child or two as his heirs rather than having children of his own

Shulk is a happily married man with 1 possibly 2 (though XC3 never confirmed if one character was his son) sons. He could possibly be inlaws with Pyra and have grandkids. Whatever it may be he is still a tinker and mechanic nonetheless. He doesn't let age slow him down and he's still as crafty as ever. People likely need to drag him outside to get him away from all his work more often than he would on his own. He is a brilliant mind who the people around him look up to and he is well respected by other races like the remaining High Entia and Nopons as well
This is very off topic but the comment about Lunaris retiring from villainy inspired me so now I have a random prompt for y’all!

Where do you see your character in 50 years from now? What do you think they’d be doing, would they be retired and chilling out on the beach sipping martinis, or do you see them still going on adventures at their age? Do you think they’d have any regrets or would they be satisfied with how their life turned out?
Captain Falcon would probably be dead. With ALOT of regrets. The main one being he regrets he wasn't stronger for the Smash Bros. He wished he could do more for them. To let them know how much they meant to him. To apologize how much he let them down. But knowing that the others were always stronger and better with or without him, that's enough to put Falcon's mine at ease in his last moments. Ultimately, Cap dies with his many insecurities and his many hopes that his friends will be happy like they deserved.

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