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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Doni smell another prompt idea? 😏
Do It Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
Here goes another one from yours truly! GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
A bustling marketplace in Hyrule, with stalls of colorful goods and the clamor of daily trade

The sun beats down on the cobblestones as Agahnim peruses a vendor’s selection of exotic spices. Suddenly, a group of three boisterous, heavily armored individuals, more suited to a tavern brawl than a knightly quest, approach him. They look around suspiciously before zeroing in on Agahnim.

Hunter #1: (puffing out his chest) Good day, sir! We are the renowned Dragon Hunters of East Hyrule, and we have reason to believe you’re harboring a dragon!

Agahnim: (raising an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips) A dragon, you say? Here, in the marketplace? Pray, is it hiding among the cabbages or has it taken a liking to exotic teas?

Hunter #2: (nervously fingering his sword hilt) No need for jests, old man! Our sources are very reliable. They spoke of a mage of considerable power seen conversing with what could only be described as a draconic entity!

Hunter #3: (eagerly) Yeah! They said it was big, scaly, and could breathe fire. Have you seen anything like that around?

Agahnim: (feigning surprise) Oh, that! Yes, I did see something of the sort. It was enormous and had a terrible temper. Nearly scorched my eyebrows off when I refused to share my lunch with it.

The hunters exchange excited but confused glances, leaning in closer.

Hunter #1: (whispering) You see! He admits it! Where is this beast? Lead us to it so we may slay it and claim our glory!

Agahnim: (dryly) If it’s glory you seek, you might start by rescuing some kittens from trees. Much safer, though the claws can be quite sharp. As for the dragon, alas, I fear it has moved on to terrorize another poor soul with its fiery breath and a penchant for grilled fish.

Hunter #2: (scratching his head) Are you mocking us, mage? We are skilled warriors, trained in the arts of dragon slaying!

Agahnim: (looking them over skeptically) Trained, you say? And yet, it seems you've mistaken the local blacksmith’s forge fire for a dragon. An easy mistake, I suppose, what with all the fire and smoke.

Hunter #3: (deflated, lowering his weapon) So, there’s no dragon?

Agahnim: (sighing dramatically) My friends, the only dragons here are in the tales we tell and the dreams of glory that fill young hunters' heads. However, if you seek real adventure, might I suggest the mountains to the north? I hear they’re quite lovely this time of year.

The hunters look at each other, their enthusiasm dampened by the realization of their error. They murmur apologies, their bravado evaporating under the weight of their inexperience.

Hunter #1: (sheepishly) Thank you for your... guidance, mage. We’ll take our leave now.

As they shuffle away, Agahnim chuckles to himself, shaking his head at the youthful exuberance and folly of would-be heroes. He returns to his spice browsing, amused by the day’s unexpected entertainment.
Here goes another one from yours truly! GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
A bustling marketplace in Hyrule, with stalls of colorful goods and the clamor of daily trade

The sun beats down on the cobblestones as Agahnim peruses a vendor’s selection of exotic spices. Suddenly, a group of three boisterous, heavily armored individuals, more suited to a tavern brawl than a knightly quest, approach him. They look around suspiciously before zeroing in on Agahnim.

Hunter #1: (puffing out his chest) Good day, sir! We are the renowned Dragon Hunters of East Hyrule, and we have reason to believe you’re harboring a dragon!

Agahnim: (raising an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips) A dragon, you say? Here, in the marketplace? Pray, is it hiding among the cabbages or has it taken a liking to exotic teas?

Hunter #2: (nervously fingering his sword hilt) No need for jests, old man! Our sources are very reliable. They spoke of a mage of considerable power seen conversing with what could only be described as a draconic entity!

Hunter #3: (eagerly) Yeah! They said it was big, scaly, and could breathe fire. Have you seen anything like that around?

Agahnim: (feigning surprise) Oh, that! Yes, I did see something of the sort. It was enormous and had a terrible temper. Nearly scorched my eyebrows off when I refused to share my lunch with it.

The hunters exchange excited but confused glances, leaning in closer.

Hunter #1: (whispering) You see! He admits it! Where is this beast? Lead us to it so we may slay it and claim our glory!

Agahnim: (dryly) If it’s glory you seek, you might start by rescuing some kittens from trees. Much safer, though the claws can be quite sharp. As for the dragon, alas, I fear it has moved on to terrorize another poor soul with its fiery breath and a penchant for grilled fish.

Hunter #2: (scratching his head) Are you mocking us, mage? We are skilled warriors, trained in the arts of dragon slaying!

Agahnim: (looking them over skeptically) Trained, you say? And yet, it seems you've mistaken the local blacksmith’s forge fire for a dragon. An easy mistake, I suppose, what with all the fire and smoke.

Hunter #3: (deflated, lowering his weapon) So, there’s no dragon?

Agahnim: (sighing dramatically) My friends, the only dragons here are in the tales we tell and the dreams of glory that fill young hunters' heads. However, if you seek real adventure, might I suggest the mountains to the north? I hear they’re quite lovely this time of year.

The hunters look at each other, their enthusiasm dampened by the realization of their error. They murmur apologies, their bravado evaporating under the weight of their inexperience.

Hunter #1: (sheepishly) Thank you for your... guidance, mage. We’ll take our leave now.

As they shuffle away, Agahnim chuckles to himself, shaking his head at the youthful exuberance and folly of would-be heroes. He returns to his spice browsing, amused by the day’s unexpected entertainment.
Agahnim bestows his wisdom and knowledge on the rookie hunters like it’s another day for him while being thoroughly entertained then going on his day. Your take on Agahnim and GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow on Stefan makes me think more of Zelda it inspired me to make my own head canons and lore for a Zelda RP I’m currently in the middle of with another RPer. Please keep up the great work, mates, they are thought provoking. I wish the actual Zelda canon is as good as these.
Here goes another one from yours truly! GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
A bustling marketplace in Hyrule, with stalls of colorful goods and the clamor of daily trade

The sun beats down on the cobblestones as Agahnim peruses a vendor’s selection of exotic spices. Suddenly, a group of three boisterous, heavily armored individuals, more suited to a tavern brawl than a knightly quest, approach him. They look around suspiciously before zeroing in on Agahnim.

Hunter #1: (puffing out his chest) Good day, sir! We are the renowned Dragon Hunters of East Hyrule, and we have reason to believe you’re harboring a dragon!

Agahnim: (raising an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips) A dragon, you say? Here, in the marketplace? Pray, is it hiding among the cabbages or has it taken a liking to exotic teas?

Hunter #2: (nervously fingering his sword hilt) No need for jests, old man! Our sources are very reliable. They spoke of a mage of considerable power seen conversing with what could only be described as a draconic entity!

Hunter #3: (eagerly) Yeah! They said it was big, scaly, and could breathe fire. Have you seen anything like that around?

Agahnim: (feigning surprise) Oh, that! Yes, I did see something of the sort. It was enormous and had a terrible temper. Nearly scorched my eyebrows off when I refused to share my lunch with it.

The hunters exchange excited but confused glances, leaning in closer.

Hunter #1: (whispering) You see! He admits it! Where is this beast? Lead us to it so we may slay it and claim our glory!

Agahnim: (dryly) If it’s glory you seek, you might start by rescuing some kittens from trees. Much safer, though the claws can be quite sharp. As for the dragon, alas, I fear it has moved on to terrorize another poor soul with its fiery breath and a penchant for grilled fish.

Hunter #2: (scratching his head) Are you mocking us, mage? We are skilled warriors, trained in the arts of dragon slaying!

Agahnim: (looking them over skeptically) Trained, you say? And yet, it seems you've mistaken the local blacksmith’s forge fire for a dragon. An easy mistake, I suppose, what with all the fire and smoke.

Hunter #3: (deflated, lowering his weapon) So, there’s no dragon?

Agahnim: (sighing dramatically) My friends, the only dragons here are in the tales we tell and the dreams of glory that fill young hunters' heads. However, if you seek real adventure, might I suggest the mountains to the north? I hear they’re quite lovely this time of year.

The hunters look at each other, their enthusiasm dampened by the realization of their error. They murmur apologies, their bravado evaporating under the weight of their inexperience.

Hunter #1: (sheepishly) Thank you for your... guidance, mage. We’ll take our leave now.

As they shuffle away, Agahnim chuckles to himself, shaking his head at the youthful exuberance and folly of would-be heroes. He returns to his spice browsing, amused by the day’s unexpected entertainment.
Thanks! Cute little scene there!

As the hunters shuffled away, Stefan appeared by Agahnim's side, happily munching on grilled fish on a stick. Hanging from his arm was a basket full of exotic teas and a head of cabbage. He looked to the armored individuals then to his mentor, an eyebrow raised.

The leader of the dragon slayers halted and drew his sword. It was glowing, indicating the presence of a dragon! He looked behind him and saw only a tall, skinny youth alongside the older wizard he had just questioned. The man faced forward and sheathed his sword, shaking his head. He can't believe he trusted that Business Scrub! Enchanted dragon-slaying sword, indeed! Ha!
Unsure what prompted these buried feelings amid his daily morning training exercises, Sephiroth isn’t used to positive interactions; it's confusing to him. His 14 year old half is a different story; they shared similar confusion over their warmth towards Captain Falcon. Unlike the other smash fighters, Falcon isn’t quick to judge the boy nor did he walk on eggshells around him like most people do when he happens to be nearby. He is emotionless, however, the boy isn’t stupid he could see the way others judged him, and looked at him as if he’s a ticking time bomb ready to detonate at any given time. He could not blame anyone for their reactions. Granted, of the actions his future half had done in the past and present it still stings though. Kid Sephiroth’s tumultuous emotions weighed on his chest like an iron wrought. He spent the time baking a strawberry cream cake for Captain Falcon. Words of gratitude are on the tip of his tongue; his mind and body are at war with one another. He’s never been good with expressing positive thoughts that don’t sound awkward, or at the very least chase people away. He’s surprised his quirks didn’t seem offensive to Falcon instead he embraced them and guided him like a father to a son. “ A Father-son bond, huh? who would’ve thought someone from an alien universe would treat me like his own, and not a monster..” He cuts a piece of the cake, setting it gently on a place next to the glass of milk he generously filled just for Falcon.

Instantly, he had a light bulb moment, words may betray him. The boy grabs a piece of paper and a pen. It didn't take long for him to say what's on his mind. “ Sorry, if this comes off as lackluster or heavy. I’m not used to positive reinforcement—so you being the positive role model feels.. different in a good way. Thank you, for your kindness, you treated me like your own kid. Is that what unconditional love feels like? You’re the first to never look at me like a bomb ready to explode, or a human meat shield. I feel light.. it’s not something I’ve experienced before. Thank you for that. I’m sorry we didn’t get much time together. I.. tried to escape my predetermined destiny. Now, I know it’s pointless to fight it. Fate is such a cruel thing, isn’t it? On the bright side I got to meet you, right? I’m happy your face is the last thing I see before I become whole again. Yeah.. I’m just his past. I’m sorry for the things I did. I.. never wanted to end things with you on a sour note. Forgive me.. “ He knows his time is at an end, filled with regret and sorrow. He left that note it seems saying good bye judt more than the content of the letter. He left the letter near the food, he’s fading faster than he thinks he ups and leaves never to be seen or heard from again.

He blinks, now whole again. His past self disappeared into nothing, returning to him. Sephiroth was not only lost, he's confused that he cared for Falcon who his past self looked up to as a father figure. His emotions that he disregarded and threw away surfaced into his younger self. The 14 year old was only meant to be a placeholder to keep the military off his back, a decoy to keep them from interfering anymore. He miscalculated he gave his past self his own thoughts and emotions-something foreign to him. Now, he forced him back. His rebellion cut at the seams. His last act of rebellion against him was keeping him from hurting Captain Falcon as his last act of gratitude towards the other. “ I can’t have anyone disobeying me.. even if he’a my clone..” He murmurs, his tone cold and ruthless as he is.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Ok, this the prompt for Kid seph and Falcon. I cried writing this.. 😭
Unsure what prompted these buried feelings amid his daily morning training exercises, Sephiroth isn’t used to positive interactions; it's confusing to him. His 14 year old half is a different story; they shared similar confusion over their warmth towards Captain Falcon. Unlike the other smash fighters, Falcon isn’t quick to judge the boy nor did he walk on eggshells around him like most people do when he happens to be nearby. He is emotionless, however, the boy isn’t stupid he could see the way others judged him, and looked at him as if he’s a ticking time bomb ready to detonate at any given time. He could not blame anyone for their reactions. Granted, of the actions his future half had done in the past and present it still stings though. Kid Sephiroth’s tumultuous emotions weighed on his chest like an iron wrought. He spent the time baking a strawberry cream cake for Captain Falcon. Words of gratitude are on the tip of his tongue; his mind and body are at war with one another. He’s never been good with expressing positive thoughts that don’t sound awkward, or at the very least chase people away. He’s surprised his quirks didn’t seem offensive to Falcon instead he embraced them and guided him like a father to a son. “ A Father-son bond, huh? who would’ve thought someone from an alien universe would treat me like his own, and not a monster..” He cuts a piece of the cake, setting it gently on a place next to the glass of milk he generously filled just for Falcon.

Instantly, he had a light bulb moment, words may betray him. The boy grabs a piece of paper and a pen. It didn't take long for him to say what's on his mind. “ Sorry, if this comes off as lackluster or heavy. I’m not used to positive reinforcement—so you being the positive role model feels.. different in a good way. Thank you, for your kindness, you treated me like your own kid. Is that what unconditional love feels like? You’re the first to never look at me like a bomb ready to explode, or a human meat shield. I feel light.. it’s not something I’ve experienced before. Thank you for that. I’m sorry we didn’t get much time together. I.. tried to escape my predetermined destiny. Now, I know it’s pointless to fight it. Fate is such a cruel thing, isn’t it? On the bright side I got to meet you, right? I’m happy your face is the last thing I see before I become whole again. Yeah.. I’m just his past. I’m sorry for the things I did. I.. never wanted to end things with you on a sour note. Forgive me.. “ He knows his time is at an end, filled with regret and sorrow. He left that note it seems saying good bye judt more than the content of the letter. He left the letter near the food, he’s fading faster than he thinks he ups and leaves never to be seen or heard from again.

He blinks, now whole again. His past self disappeared into nothing, returning to him. Sephiroth was not only lost, he's confused that he cared for Falcon who his past self looked up to as a father figure. His emotions that he disregarded and threw away surfaced into his younger self. The 14 year old was only meant to be a placeholder to keep the military off his back, a decoy to keep them from interfering anymore. He miscalculated he gave his past self his own thoughts and emotions-something foreign to him. Now, he forced him back. His rebellion cut at the seams. His last act of rebellion against him was keeping him from hurting Captain Falcon as his last act of gratitude towards the other. “ I can’t have anyone disobeying me.. even if he’a my clone..” He murmurs, his tone cold and ruthless as he is.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Ok, this the prompt for Kid seph and Falcon. I cried writing this.. 😭
A pretty neat piece, Cat! 👍
I feel obligated to post this thingymabob bc I said that I would like to have drawings of all my girlies in summer wear so yeah
1000000345.jpgI drew this late last night so that probably explains my train of thought while making this-
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow I hope you don't mind me having Byleth ending things with the Captain since he was already immobile as is and I figured we could push forward with things. If not I will go back and edit! I'd hate to be taking too much control

Also Shroomie Shroomie I apologize I only tied Zelda in a little bit. I wasn't sure how else to do it since she's hiding and Byleth is a bit preoccupied lol! I hope that doesn't cause huge issues for you when it comes to writing a reply
Dw about it! I get that Byleth and Layton are busy fighting so I didn't expect much to begin with. I'll figure it out, no worries 👍
I feel obligated to post this thingymabob bc I said that I would like to have drawings of all my girlies in summer wear so yeah
View attachment 1173244I drew this late last night so that probably explains my train of thought while making this-
She looks really cute I like the summer vibes of this
Was inspired to doodle Joker what a surprise after watching some comp Smash so I offer a random doodle

For a bonus, for anyone interested in the set that inspired me to doodle, I offer it as well though the doodle has nothing to do with it
I found this the other day and debated sharing, but I decided I will cuz maybe some of y'all will enjoy it. Thought this was neat that one of the FE3H lord VAs did this cover for the final map theme of his character's route the OG is one of my favorite FE songs and god I'm on a FE brainrot lately

As the hunters shuffled away, Stefan appeared by Agahnim's side, happily munching on grilled fish on a stick. Hanging from his arm was a basket full of exotic teas and a head of cabbage. He looked to the armored individuals then to his mentor, an eyebrow raised.

The leader of the dragon slayers halted and drew his sword. It was glowing, indicating the presence of a dragon! He looked behind him and saw only a tall, skinny youth alongside the older wizard he had just questioned. The man faced forward and sheathed his sword, shaking his head. He can't believe he trusted that Business Scrub! Enchanted dragon-slaying sword, indeed! Ha!
Now I've a thought of the wannabe hunters giving the sword a second chance and following its glow only to find Stefan asleep in his wheelchair within the gardens of Hyrule Castle. They are very confused, and of course they have no desire to do battle with a teen in a wheelchair. Agahnim immediately becomes protective upon seeing them, however, as he worries that they mean Stefan harm. That's his boy!

Somewhere, a Business Scrub is about to get a visit from some very unsatisfied customers!

I found this the other day and debated sharing, but I decided I will cuz maybe some of y'all will enjoy it. Thought this was neat that one of the FE3H lord VAs did this cover for the final map theme of his character's route the OG is one of my favorite FE songs and god I'm on a FE brainrot lately


It's always cool to hear voice actors sing or do covers of songs from their games.
Now I'm picturing Zelda having prophetic dreams while Shulk is having visions, and the two having to work together to see if they're related and what it all means.
Shulk and Zelda about to piece together where all the remaining pillars are plus Lunaris's plans via their dreams/visions + big brain power. The rest of the Smash Bros just see them scribbling things down on a notepad and bags under their eyes because they haven't slept in over a day just to piece it all together. Many cups of coffee have been consumed as well

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