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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I know there’s probs gonna be a joker vs Lunaris duel. I’m hoping for one with Seph I know it’s gonna be fun.

The agahnim/stefan writing has made me like Lunaris more. He’s a well developed character.
So I’m not sure if I’ll have Joker up this weekend like I would have liked to. Given I’ve still be struggling with muse in general plus I’ve been playing a lot of FE6, I’ve gotten a bit behind on stuff and I’m slowly catching up on everything. Hopefully once I get to writing it’ll actually go smoothly. I do wanna get things moving a bit Dx
Good to hear. I feel bad that it's taking so long.
Want to say thanks for the post / reply!

Immediately I can imagine the tension of this situation as Pauline's own allegiances are being torn between her friends and the safety of her citizens, and whatever she chooses is going to have big reprecussions no matter what she decides on, to the point that even I'm struggling to figure out what would be the best course of action, at least for the RP.

Her making a rival out of Lunaris sounds dangerous not just for her but also for Console City, but being an image of resistance sounds interesting in the context of the RP.

Then again, so is the idea of Pauline going heel and being an enemy to those she once deemed as allies, and it's only going to make character interaction more intriguing once she meets her supposed foes and potentially has to deal with them.

For the sake of the RP I'm definitely leaning more towards Pauline giving in to Lunaris, although for her own health and safety it may not be the best choice.
Want to say thanks for the post / reply!

Immediately I can imagine the tension of this situation as Pauline's own allegiances are being torn between her friends and the safety of her citizens, and whatever she chooses is going to have big reprecussions no matter what she decides on, to the point that even I'm struggling to figure out what would be the best course of action, at least for the RP.

Her making a rival out of Lunaris sounds dangerous not just for her but also for Console City, but being an image of resistance sounds interesting in the context of the RP.

Then again, so is the idea of Pauline going heel and being an enemy to those she once deemed as allies, and it's only going to make character interaction more intriguing once she meets her supposed foes and potentially has to deal with them.

For the sake of the RP I'm definitely leaning more towards Pauline giving in to Lunaris, although for her own health and safety it may not be the best choice.
That's great! Not in that you're unsure of what to do at the moment, but that Pauline has the opportunity for big things! I think most of the heroic fighters of the SSB would understand Pauline's hands being tied and putting the safety of her citizens first. This just means the SSB will have to free Console City from Lunaris's control!

This can also present an opportunity for Pauline to learn more about Lunaris. If she's clever, she can pass on information to the SSB, and even possibly sabotage Lunaris's plans!
Finally got a Joker post up! Hopefully I wasn't all over the place with it
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