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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Okay, I don't know who I'm supposed to write for next but I think I'm up for Lana if I'm not mistaken??

Lol don't push yourself if you feel like the art would be too much! Drawing is supposed to be for fun after all.

Aw ty! I really enjoyed her aesthetic and I had fun drawing HW Zel as a surfer girl.

Lmao sometimes it do be like that. I mean props to your friend cuz I would never have thought of pink for Marth or cyan for Daisy but it ended up looking really nice!

Ye, you're up for Lana and I think if you wanted you could probably do the Ice Climbers given I don't think the order rn in that group is super important

Dw I won't. If I feel inspired I might go and work on it. Theoretically it shouldn't be hard but I'd probably make it hard on myself lol

Tbf I tried a few colors on Marth cuz I didn't want blue. The inside of his cape was a deep reddish-pink color in some of his art so the jacket color came from that which led my friend to suggesting a lighter shade of it. Cyan for Daisy came from the alt she has in the Mario Strikers games

Funny thing is Shulk ends up wanting revenge on the Machina which are machine people more or less. So where do this leave him? He embraces nothing
Small update, I’ll try to write a Yoshi post tomorrow if I can work myself up to it

Also SheepKing SheepKing any update on when you might be posting? Not trying to rush you of course but I might end up writing for Joker if you aren’t able to post soon since it’s been a while and I’d like to at least redirect off the whole Sephiroth thing with him. It wouldn’t impact Inkling too much but I’d hate to skip you if you’re close already anyways
Ploegy Ploegy Before to post with Shadow I needed to think what would happen. I thought of having distract the Pluton to allow Yoshi to escape.
Oh I figured Shadow was preoccupied with the whole poisoning and all given the last post for him. Whatever you may have him do, please do make it clear what it is so I can have Yoshi react to it and so Grumpy can also properly have the Pluton react as well
Oh I figured Shadow was preoccupied with the whole poisoning and all given the last post for him. Whatever you may have him do, please do make it clear what it is so I can have Yoshi react to it and so Grumpy can also properly have the Pluton react as well
Yeah,the poisoning will affect his speed and the timing of his attacks as well.
Also SheepKing SheepKing any update on when you might be posting? Not trying to rush you of course but I might end up writing for Joker if you aren’t able to post soon since it’s been a while and I’d like to at least redirect off the whole Sephiroth thing with him. It wouldn’t impact Inkling too much but I’d hate to skip you if you’re close already anyways
Please feel free to post for Joker! I’d also like to extend that for the other groups I’m in as well. I have to admit the summer brainrot has been hitting me pretty hard so I’ve been struggling a bit with gathering the motivation to really take the time to sit down and write 😅
Please feel free to post for Joker! I’d also like to extend that for the other groups I’m in as well. I have to admit the summer brainrot has been hitting me pretty hard so I’ve been struggling a bit with gathering the motivation to really take the time to sit down and write 😅
I will do that then so we can at least get moving forward a bit in the meantime. I'll work on something for him later this week hopfully

I'll figure on posting for Roxas as well if you would prefer to have us keep pushing forward but he'll come after Joker

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