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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I’ve been writing a lot of brain rots of kid Sephiroth. Now it’s time to take the dive finally Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- What would Falcon’s actual thoughts of his uncorrupted half? In my head canons and brain rots I love the bond 14 yr old seph forms with Falcon. 😭 it’s doubtful the smash fighters readily accept him because of his future half’s actions. Can’t blame them to be honest.
I couldn't tell you, cause we haven't really talked about how Falcon feels about Spehiroth currently lol
Well I get to avoid drawing her armor and usual outfit cuz I’m doing beach stuff but she still pretty! Both Zelda’s I’ve drawn on this got to be a little bit matching cuz I thought it’d be cute if they coordinated a little! But I have a lot to still sketch lol. Me forgetting how long drawing a bunch of characters takes even though I’m cheating on my own and using existing art I made so I focus more on other peoples characters over my own
Awww, the Zeldas dressing up in matching outfits is such a cute idea!

Lmao you don't have to remind me how long it takes to draw more than one character takes. The only reason I haven't drawn all my PCs together is because I have the attention span of a toddler.
But you got this Plo! I believe in you! 💯 🗣️
Awww, the Zeldas dressing up in matching outfits is such a cute idea!

Lmao you don't have to remind me how long it takes to draw more than one character takes. The only reason I haven't drawn all my PCs together is because I have the attention span of a toddler.
But you got this Plo! I believe in you! 💯 🗣️
Well they only have one matching bit but still lol!

I also have such a bad attention span but here we are. I have done a few group things for the rp whether it be my own characters or others. It's always fun but so time consuming. I actually wanna redo the one I did which was a redraw of the Kingdom Hearts Rechain of Memories box art and swap characters no longer in the rp out for new ones but I am lazy
Well they only have one matching bit but still lol!

I also have such a bad attention span but here we are. I have done a few group things for the rp whether it be my own characters or others. It's always fun but so time consuming. I actually wanna redo the one I did which was a redraw of the Kingdom Hearts Rechain of Memories box art and swap characters no longer in the rp out for new ones but I am lazy
Either way I'm excited to see what you're cooking!

That sounds so neat! But lol I completely get the laziness, like drawing is so fun but so energy- and time-consuming ong
Either way I'm excited to see what you're cooking!

That sounds so neat! But lol I completely get the laziness, like drawing is so fun but so energy- and time-consuming ong
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Let's just hope I don't overcook LOL. So far I've drawn: Both Zeldas, Pikachu, Ann (which I reused my summer Ann I doodled), Joker (he also has reused art), and a partly sketched Sephiroth. I still plan to draw Falcon, Marth or Corrin (haven't decided. I wanna draw Corrin cuz she has a summer alt but so many girls lol), and Daisy or Link (I feel like Link would add too many Hylians but again so many girls, but also Daisy is one of my fav Mario characters so I am troubled LOL)

LOL I wish I could do that so badly!
Also for reference this was the old redraw of the box art I did
This is still a huge WIP, but I figured I should share the partly clean sketch so y'all can see apologies for all the overlapping of characters cuz I haven't added color yet
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With how many times Lunaris has tried to make allies in the RP and my short stories, maybe the guy just wanted friends the entire time? Sora befriends Lunaris and the realm is saved! Power of Friendship triumphs again! XD
The Zeldas:
View attachment 1169925

But omg the designs are all so cute!! I’d 100% wear some of these swimsuits irl if I could 🏖️
I thought the Zeldas both having sun hats would be cute!

Ahhh ty! I plan on putting more detail into them when I color but this was just to get the general look down. I also remembered the drawing you did forever ago for Christmas of a bunch of characters in swimwear and took the idea for Falcon from that lol!

With how many times Lunaris has tried to make allies in the RP and my short stories, maybe the guy just wanted friends the entire time? Sora befriends Lunaris and the realm is saved! Power of Friendship triumphs again! XD
Sora missed his chance by fleeing the Citadel! Could have ended the RP right then and there if he just became friends with Lunaris LOL
Joking aside, Lunaris believes loyal allies to be more valuable and useful than minions that follow out of fear.

Had Sora stayed on the Flying Citadel, I had a plan of Shiri showing Sora and Pichu the stained glass window of the Night Dragon and explaining the legend of how his Spark, his “heart,” was stolen from him. That didn’t happen so Zelda got the legend told to her instead, which is perfectly fine as it does have more ties to her than to Sora.
Probably is better for Zelda to have than Sora anyways. He’d get too caught up on trying to restore a heart than actually doing anything important lol! Or it’d go over his head for the most part

Also I’ll try to have a Pyra post up today. If I feel extra motivated, I’ll include a Yoshi post too but I’d like to put my focus on Pyra first
Sora trying to restore Lunaris’s heart would be incredibly sweet, but I don’t know if he’d make the connection between him and the Night Dragon unless someone spelled it out to him lol
Here it is! The long awaited encounter! GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SheepKing SheepKing
Agahnim and Stefan are surrounded by ancient books and magical instruments, immersed in a tense but humorous debate.

Agahnim: (holding a scroll, not looking up) Stefan, I have a new task for you. You’ve been selected to tutor Princess Zelda in the mystical arts.

Stefan: (dropping a stack of books in surprise) Tutor? The princess? Why on Hyrule would you think that’s a good idea?

Agahnim: (smiling slightly) Because, my reluctant apprentice, you have a knack for magic and mischief, both of which will serve well in engaging a bright young mind like Zelda’s.

Stefan: (sarcastically) Great, so when we accidentally turn the court jester into a chicken, it’ll be educational. Seriously, Agahnim, I’m the last person who should be teaching royalty. What if she ends up turning her nanny into a toad?

Agahnim: (laughing) I’d consider that a sign of advanced proficiency. Come now, Stefan, what are your real reservations?

Stefan: (counting off on his fingers) Well, for starters, princesses are notoriously high maintenance. What if she wants her spells to match her dresses? Or worse, decides that my magic isn’t as fashionable as some court sorcerer from a neighboring kingdom?

Agahnim: (raising an eyebrow) Your concern for the fashionability of your magic is duly noted. Anything else?

Stefan: (growing more animated) Yes! What if she’s a faster learner than me? I can’t have royal blood showing me up! My ego is fragile, Professor...

Agahnim: (smirking) Stefan, your ego is robust enough to survive a few magical duels with a child. Besides, teaching her might actually improve your own skills.

Stefan: (groaning) And what about tea parties? I’ve heard she hosts them for her stuffed animals. I can’t be expected to sip imaginary tea and discuss the finer points of enchantment with a teddy bear!

Agahnim: (chuckling) I believe the stuffed council can manage without you. You’re to teach her magic, Stefan, not partake in royal tea ceremonies.

Stefan: (running out of steam) Alright, alright, but what if she turns out to be dreadful? What if she turns me into something unspeakable? Like a Slime! O-or a Cukeman! Or even WORSE! . . . A goat. . .

Agahnim: (firmly) Stefan, Princess Zelda is a bright and capable young girl. You’ll find her to be curious, intelligent, and perhaps even a bit mischievous—much like yourself. Who knows, you might even enjoy it.

Stefan: (sighing) Fine, I’ll... Tutor the princess.... But the moment one of us gets turned into a goat, I’m out.

Agahnim: (grinning) Agreed, though I’d pay good rupees to see that. Now, go prepare your lessons. Princess Zelda awaits her new mentor with eagerness.

Stefan: (muttering as he gathers his materials) If I end up as a goat, I’m definitely billing you for the transformation spell reversal!

With a shake of his head and a resigned smirk, Stefan exits to prepare for his first session with Princess Zelda, his steps slow but his mind already turning with ideas for their lessons. Agahnim watches him go, amused and satisfied that his apprentice is about to embark on a new, enriching challenge.

The room is filled with sunlight, colorful books, and various magical artifacts. Princess Zelda, a young girl with bright eyes and an eager smile, waits as Stefan enters, his demeanor a mix of resignation and forced politeness. Zelda springs up to greet him, her voice chirpy and full of excitement.

Zelda: (extending her hand with royal grace) You must be Stefan! I’ve been so looking forward to our lessons! I've heard you're quite the wizard!

Stefan: (taking her hand, attempting a polite smile) Yes, Your Highness, that’s me, Stefan, the... uh, wizard. I hope you’re ready to dive into the mysteries of magic and not just the royal jelly tarts.

Zelda: (giggling, oblivious to the slight) Oh, I love jelly tarts! But I'm even more excited about magic! I can’t wait to learn everything! How do we start? With a spell? A potion? Oh! Can we summon a rainbow?

Stefan: (raising an eyebrow, enthusiasm began creeping into his tone) A rainbow, eh? Well, we might not start with the weather patterns of Hyrule, but how about something simple, like turning these flowers blue? (Gestures to a vase of white flowers)

Zelda: (clapping her hands) Oh, yes! That sounds wonderful!

Stefan walks her through the basics of a color-changing spell. His explanations are flamboyant, filled with unnecessary flourishes.

Stefan: (waving his hands dramatically) You see, Your Highness, magic is both an art and a science—like baking a cake, but if you get the recipe wrong, the cake can explode. Now, watch closely...

Zelda tries the spell, concentrating hard. The flowers flicker with blue light but revert to white.

Zelda: (frowning slightly) It didn’t work. Did I do something wrong?

Stefan: (lightly tapping his wand on his chin) Well, perhaps. I'd be concerned if you didn't do something wrong. It is par the course for royalty. But remember, even the best wizards find their spells go soggy in the middle sometimes. Let's try again, and remember, whisper to the flowers, don’t command them. They’re not soldiers, after all.

Zelda giggles and tries the spell again. This time, the flowers turn a perfect shade of blue.

Zelda: (excitedly) I did it! Look, Stefan, they’re blue!

Stefan: (genuinely impressed but hiding it behind a gruff tone) Very good, Princess. Blue as a Hylian sky. You might just have a knack for this.

Zelda: (beaming) This is fun! What else can we do? Maybe something... mischievous?

Stefan: (smirking, warming up to her enthusiasm) Mischievous, you say? Well, I suppose we could engage in a little light-hearted tomfoolery. How do you feel about pie?

Zelda: (eyes lighting up) Pie? I love pie! What are we going to do with it?

Stefan: (leaning in conspiratorially) Let's just say that the royal kitchen might accidentally make too many pies, and we might accidentally find them needing a home. A little summoning practice, perhaps?

Zelda: (clapping her hands, delighted with the plan) Oh, that sounds wonderful! We can practice summoning and then have a feast!

Stefan: (nodding, a playful glint in his eye) Exactly! A feast for the mind and the stomach. Let’s get to it, then. First, we learn the summoning charm, then we liberate those pies!

Zelda: (claps excitedly) Oh joy~! Pie liberation! The best kind of liberation!

As they set off to prepare their magical "heist," Stefan finds himself genuinely smiling, his initial reluctance fading in the face of Zelda’s infectious enthusiasm and brightness.
Here it is! The long awaited encounter! GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SheepKing SheepKing
Agahnim and Stefan are surrounded by ancient books and magical instruments, immersed in a tense but humorous debate.

Agahnim: (holding a scroll, not looking up) Stefan, I have a new task for you. You’ve been selected to tutor Princess Zelda in the mystical arts.

Stefan: (dropping a stack of books in surprise) Tutor? The princess? Why on Hyrule would you think that’s a good idea?

Agahnim: (smiling slightly) Because, my reluctant apprentice, you have a knack for magic and mischief, both of which will serve well in engaging a bright young mind like Zelda’s.

Stefan: (sarcastically) Great, so when we accidentally turn the court jester into a chicken, it’ll be educational. Seriously, Agahnim, I’m the last person who should be teaching royalty. What if she ends up turning her nanny into a toad?

Agahnim: (laughing) I’d consider that a sign of advanced proficiency. Come now, Stefan, what are your real reservations?

Stefan: (counting off on his fingers) Well, for starters, princesses are notoriously high maintenance. What if she wants her spells to match her dresses? Or worse, decides that my magic isn’t as fashionable as some court sorcerer from a neighboring kingdom?

Agahnim: (raising an eyebrow) Your concern for the fashionability of your magic is duly noted. Anything else?

Stefan: (growing more animated) Yes! What if she’s a faster learner than me? I can’t have royal blood showing me up! My ego is fragile, Professor...

Agahnim: (smirking) Stefan, your ego is robust enough to survive a few magical duels with a child. Besides, teaching her might actually improve your own skills.

Stefan: (groaning) And what about tea parties? I’ve heard she hosts them for her stuffed animals. I can’t be expected to sip imaginary tea and discuss the finer points of enchantment with a teddy bear!

Agahnim: (chuckling) I believe the stuffed council can manage without you. You’re to teach her magic, Stefan, not partake in royal tea ceremonies.

Stefan: (running out of steam) Alright, alright, but what if she turns out to be dreadful? What if she turns me into something unspeakable? Like a Slime! O-or a Cukeman! Or even WORSE! . . . A goat. . .

Agahnim: (firmly) Stefan, Princess Zelda is a bright and capable young girl. You’ll find her to be curious, intelligent, and perhaps even a bit mischievous—much like yourself. Who knows, you might even enjoy it.

Stefan: (sighing) Fine, I’ll... Tutor the princess.... But the moment one of us gets turned into a goat, I’m out.

Agahnim: (grinning) Agreed, though I’d pay good rupees to see that. Now, go prepare your lessons. Princess Zelda awaits her new mentor with eagerness.

Stefan: (muttering as he gathers his materials) If I end up as a goat, I’m definitely billing you for the transformation spell reversal!

With a shake of his head and a resigned smirk, Stefan exits to prepare for his first session with Princess Zelda, his steps slow but his mind already turning with ideas for their lessons. Agahnim watches him go, amused and satisfied that his apprentice is about to embark on a new, enriching challenge.

The room is filled with sunlight, colorful books, and various magical artifacts. Princess Zelda, a young girl with bright eyes and an eager smile, waits as Stefan enters, his demeanor a mix of resignation and forced politeness. Zelda springs up to greet him, her voice chirpy and full of excitement.

Zelda: (extending her hand with royal grace) You must be Stefan! I’ve been so looking forward to our lessons! I've heard you're quite the wizard!

Stefan: (taking her hand, attempting a polite smile) Yes, Your Highness, that’s me, Stefan, the... uh, wizard. I hope you’re ready to dive into the mysteries of magic and not just the royal jelly tarts.

Zelda: (giggling, oblivious to the slight) Oh, I love jelly tarts! But I'm even more excited about magic! I can’t wait to learn everything! How do we start? With a spell? A potion? Oh! Can we summon a rainbow?

Stefan: (raising an eyebrow, enthusiasm began creeping into his tone) A rainbow, eh? Well, we might not start with the weather patterns of Hyrule, but how about something simple, like turning these flowers blue? (Gestures to a vase of white flowers)

Zelda: (clapping her hands) Oh, yes! That sounds wonderful!

Stefan walks her through the basics of a color-changing spell. His explanations are flamboyant, filled with unnecessary flourishes.

Stefan: (waving his hands dramatically) You see, Your Highness, magic is both an art and a science—like baking a cake, but if you get the recipe wrong, the cake can explode. Now, watch closely...

Zelda tries the spell, concentrating hard. The flowers flicker with blue light but revert to white.

Zelda: (frowning slightly) It didn’t work. Did I do something wrong?

Stefan: (lightly tapping his wand on his chin) Well, perhaps. I'd be concerned if you didn't do something wrong. It is par the course for royalty. But remember, even the best wizards find their spells go soggy in the middle sometimes. Let's try again, and remember, whisper to the flowers, don’t command them. They’re not soldiers, after all.

Zelda giggles and tries the spell again. This time, the flowers turn a perfect shade of blue.

Zelda: (excitedly) I did it! Look, Stefan, they’re blue!

Stefan: (genuinely impressed but hiding it behind a gruff tone) Very good, Princess. Blue as a Hylian sky. You might just have a knack for this.

Zelda: (beaming) This is fun! What else can we do? Maybe something... mischievous?

Stefan: (smirking, warming up to her enthusiasm) Mischievous, you say? Well, I suppose we could engage in a little light-hearted tomfoolery. How do you feel about pie?

Zelda: (eyes lighting up) Pie? I love pie! What are we going to do with it?

Stefan: (leaning in conspiratorially) Let's just say that the royal kitchen might accidentally make too many pies, and we might accidentally find them needing a home. A little summoning practice, perhaps?

Zelda: (clapping her hands, delighted with the plan) Oh, that sounds wonderful! We can practice summoning and then have a feast!

Stefan: (nodding, a playful glint in his eye) Exactly! A feast for the mind and the stomach. Let’s get to it, then. First, we learn the summoning charm, then we liberate those pies!

Zelda: (claps excitedly) Oh joy~! Pie liberation! The best kind of liberation!

As they set off to prepare their magical "heist," Stefan finds himself genuinely smiling, his initial reluctance fading in the face of Zelda’s infectious enthusiasm and brightness.
Ahh I love Zelda’s friendship with Stefan their bond is so sweet. 🥲
Now that i got that out of the way I suppose I should have the military react to the radio announcement 😏
michael jackson mj GIF
Now that i got that out of the way I suppose I should have the military react to the radio announcement 😏
You should probably wait until people get to post first given not everyone has replied yet. It can always still be in the next post and not immediately be done rn
You should probably wait until people get to post first given not everyone has replied yet. It can always still be in the next post and not immediately be done rn
I was going to post for the military base, not the unit currently engaging Sephiroth since i know you and everyone in that area (save Shroomie i think), haven't posted yet.
Here it is! The long awaited encounter! GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SheepKing SheepKing
Agahnim and Stefan are surrounded by ancient books and magical instruments, immersed in a tense but humorous debate.

Agahnim: (holding a scroll, not looking up) Stefan, I have a new task for you. You’ve been selected to tutor Princess Zelda in the mystical arts.

Stefan: (dropping a stack of books in surprise) Tutor? The princess? Why on Hyrule would you think that’s a good idea?

Agahnim: (smiling slightly) Because, my reluctant apprentice, you have a knack for magic and mischief, both of which will serve well in engaging a bright young mind like Zelda’s.

Stefan: (sarcastically) Great, so when we accidentally turn the court jester into a chicken, it’ll be educational. Seriously, Agahnim, I’m the last person who should be teaching royalty. What if she ends up turning her nanny into a toad?

Agahnim: (laughing) I’d consider that a sign of advanced proficiency. Come now, Stefan, what are your real reservations?

Stefan: (counting off on his fingers) Well, for starters, princesses are notoriously high maintenance. What if she wants her spells to match her dresses? Or worse, decides that my magic isn’t as fashionable as some court sorcerer from a neighboring kingdom?

Agahnim: (raising an eyebrow) Your concern for the fashionability of your magic is duly noted. Anything else?

Stefan: (growing more animated) Yes! What if she’s a faster learner than me? I can’t have royal blood showing me up! My ego is fragile, Professor...

Agahnim: (smirking) Stefan, your ego is robust enough to survive a few magical duels with a child. Besides, teaching her might actually improve your own skills.

Stefan: (groaning) And what about tea parties? I’ve heard she hosts them for her stuffed animals. I can’t be expected to sip imaginary tea and discuss the finer points of enchantment with a teddy bear!

Agahnim: (chuckling) I believe the stuffed council can manage without you. You’re to teach her magic, Stefan, not partake in royal tea ceremonies.

Stefan: (running out of steam) Alright, alright, but what if she turns out to be dreadful? What if she turns me into something unspeakable? Like a Slime! O-or a Cukeman! Or even WORSE! . . . A goat. . .

Agahnim: (firmly) Stefan, Princess Zelda is a bright and capable young girl. You’ll find her to be curious, intelligent, and perhaps even a bit mischievous—much like yourself. Who knows, you might even enjoy it.

Stefan: (sighing) Fine, I’ll... Tutor the princess.... But the moment one of us gets turned into a goat, I’m out.

Agahnim: (grinning) Agreed, though I’d pay good rupees to see that. Now, go prepare your lessons. Princess Zelda awaits her new mentor with eagerness.

Stefan: (muttering as he gathers his materials) If I end up as a goat, I’m definitely billing you for the transformation spell reversal!

With a shake of his head and a resigned smirk, Stefan exits to prepare for his first session with Princess Zelda, his steps slow but his mind already turning with ideas for their lessons. Agahnim watches him go, amused and satisfied that his apprentice is about to embark on a new, enriching challenge.

The room is filled with sunlight, colorful books, and various magical artifacts. Princess Zelda, a young girl with bright eyes and an eager smile, waits as Stefan enters, his demeanor a mix of resignation and forced politeness. Zelda springs up to greet him, her voice chirpy and full of excitement.

Zelda: (extending her hand with royal grace) You must be Stefan! I’ve been so looking forward to our lessons! I've heard you're quite the wizard!

Stefan: (taking her hand, attempting a polite smile) Yes, Your Highness, that’s me, Stefan, the... uh, wizard. I hope you’re ready to dive into the mysteries of magic and not just the royal jelly tarts.

Zelda: (giggling, oblivious to the slight) Oh, I love jelly tarts! But I'm even more excited about magic! I can’t wait to learn everything! How do we start? With a spell? A potion? Oh! Can we summon a rainbow?

Stefan: (raising an eyebrow, enthusiasm began creeping into his tone) A rainbow, eh? Well, we might not start with the weather patterns of Hyrule, but how about something simple, like turning these flowers blue? (Gestures to a vase of white flowers)

Zelda: (clapping her hands) Oh, yes! That sounds wonderful!

Stefan walks her through the basics of a color-changing spell. His explanations are flamboyant, filled with unnecessary flourishes.

Stefan: (waving his hands dramatically) You see, Your Highness, magic is both an art and a science—like baking a cake, but if you get the recipe wrong, the cake can explode. Now, watch closely...

Zelda tries the spell, concentrating hard. The flowers flicker with blue light but revert to white.

Zelda: (frowning slightly) It didn’t work. Did I do something wrong?

Stefan: (lightly tapping his wand on his chin) Well, perhaps. I'd be concerned if you didn't do something wrong. It is par the course for royalty. But remember, even the best wizards find their spells go soggy in the middle sometimes. Let's try again, and remember, whisper to the flowers, don’t command them. They’re not soldiers, after all.

Zelda giggles and tries the spell again. This time, the flowers turn a perfect shade of blue.

Zelda: (excitedly) I did it! Look, Stefan, they’re blue!

Stefan: (genuinely impressed but hiding it behind a gruff tone) Very good, Princess. Blue as a Hylian sky. You might just have a knack for this.

Zelda: (beaming) This is fun! What else can we do? Maybe something... mischievous?

Stefan: (smirking, warming up to her enthusiasm) Mischievous, you say? Well, I suppose we could engage in a little light-hearted tomfoolery. How do you feel about pie?

Zelda: (eyes lighting up) Pie? I love pie! What are we going to do with it?

Stefan: (leaning in conspiratorially) Let's just say that the royal kitchen might accidentally make too many pies, and we might accidentally find them needing a home. A little summoning practice, perhaps?

Zelda: (clapping her hands, delighted with the plan) Oh, that sounds wonderful! We can practice summoning and then have a feast!

Stefan: (nodding, a playful glint in his eye) Exactly! A feast for the mind and the stomach. Let’s get to it, then. First, we learn the summoning charm, then we liberate those pies!

Zelda: (claps excitedly) Oh joy~! Pie liberation! The best kind of liberation!

As they set off to prepare their magical "heist," Stefan finds himself genuinely smiling, his initial reluctance fading in the face of Zelda’s infectious enthusiasm and brightness.
These are so cute! Thank you again for the stories!

Agahnim thinks Stefan will finally understand what he has had to go through in educating him only to hear that Stefan and Zelda are causing magical mischief!

I also imagined a scene:

Stefan: (*a sheep*) Professor! It happened! I TOLD you this would happen! She turned me into a goat!

Agahnim: A ram, actually.

These are so cute! Thank you again for the stories!

Agahnim thinks Stefan will finally understand what he has had to go through in educating him only to hear that Stefan and Zelda are causing magical mischief!

I also imagined a scene:

Stefan: (*a sheep*) Professor! It happened! I TOLD you this would happen! She turned me into a goat!

Agahnim: A ram, actually.

Thanks boss! These are always a joy to write 💕.

And Stefan's goat status is a canon event😈
I know I don't gotta say this, but the more I've let the post sit the more I've disliked it, so I apologize for the mid af Pyra post. I might wait a couple days to work on Yoshi cuz I kinda shot my motivation to write with this one u_u

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