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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Apologies for double posting just to ask a little favor of everyone, but given I'm in an artsy mood, I figure I might try to make something including a character from everyone, so if y'all wanna tell me which character of yours you want me to draw I'd be grateful I'm indecisive which is why I'm asking LOL
Apologies for double posting just to ask a little favor of everyone, but given I'm in an artsy mood, I figure I might try to make something including a character from everyone, so if y'all wanna tell me which character of yours you want me to draw I'd be grateful I'm indecisive which is why I'm asking LOL
Would Sephiroth be alright?
Apologies for double posting just to ask a little favor of everyone, but given I'm in an artsy mood, I figure I might try to make something including a character from everyone, so if y'all wanna tell me which character of yours you want me to draw I'd be grateful I'm indecisive which is why I'm asking LOL
How about Pikachu? Poor thing's been ignored lately.
Apologies for double posting just to ask a little favor of everyone, but given I'm in an artsy mood, I figure I might try to make something including a character from everyone, so if y'all wanna tell me which character of yours you want me to draw I'd be grateful I'm indecisive which is why I'm asking LOL
Ah gosh that's a toughie! I'd say either Ike or HW Zel since I am also indecisive 🫠
Apologies for double posting just to ask a little favor of everyone, but given I'm in an artsy mood, I figure I might try to make something including a character from everyone, so if y'all wanna tell me which character of yours you want me to draw I'd be grateful I'm indecisive which is why I'm asking LOL
Dhakdjfhdfl ah I can’t decide! I’ll leave it up to you 😅
Dhakdjfhdfl ah I can’t decide! I’ll leave it up to you 😅
Me after you also decide to also be indecisive:

Obviously joking LOL

Given I draw Inkling a lot from your characters I'm also drawing Zelda from you

Real talk is me trying to decide who from my characters to draw LOL. I should probably avoid Joker for once in my life
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Picori Lunaris is a fun thought for me! Lol he loses the fight against the SSB and his curse is broken… only for another to be placed upon him! Zelda doesn’t want Stefan killed and instead sentences him to prison time. His prison is a rodent enclosure complete with a rodent wheel. It sits on Zelda’s work desk.
Impa: How has he been doing, Princess? No trouble, I hope.

Zelda: Actually, no Impa. He's been no trouble at all...

Picori Lunaris: (*chilling on a leaf, experiencing peace and happiness for the first time in his life*)

Exclusive prompt just for you GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow : If Lunaris wrote his own bible/holy book, what would it be called and what would its contents contain? 🧐
Good question. I’ll have to think on that. I think it’s more likely that someone else wrote the holy book and invented the religion centered around Lunaris than Lunaris doing anything himself. He’s too preoccupied with his studies and magical experiments to really care about such things.

I’ll definitely need time to really think on it.
Good question. I’ll have to think on that. I think it’s more likely that someone else wrote the holy book and invented the religion centered around Lunaris than Lunaris doing anything himself. He’s too preoccupied with his studies and magical experiments to really care about such things.

I’ll definitely need time to really think on it.
Honestly, that sounds about right lol. I still look forward to what you come up with
Shroomie Shroomie I now see the beauty behind HW Zelda. I've been working on sketching her and god she is so pretty! I can only hope I do her justice with how I'm drawing her cuz she has been fun you'll have to wait to see it though lol!
Shroomie Shroomie I now see the beauty behind HW Zelda. I've been working on sketching her and god she is so pretty! I can only hope I do her justice with how I'm drawing her cuz she has been fun you'll have to wait to see it though lol!
OMG yes!! She really is so freaking gorgeous. She's one of the most slept-on Zeldas, but she's definitely one of the prettiest in my opinion. Drawing her is always so much fun, what with her unique design, and all the intricate armor and patterns on her. I'm excited to see how it looks, I'm sure you totally will do her justice Plo! ♥️
I’ve been writing a lot of brain rots of kid Sephiroth. Now it’s time to take the dive finally Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- What would Falcon’s actual thoughts of his uncorrupted half? In my head canons and brain rots I love the bond 14 yr old seph forms with Falcon. 😭 it’s doubtful the smash fighters readily accept him because of his future half’s actions. Can’t blame them to be honest.
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OMG yes!! She really is so freaking gorgeous. She's one of the most slept-on Zeldas, but she's definitely one of the prettiest in my opinion. Drawing her is always so much fun, what with her unique design, and all the intricate armor and patterns on her. I'm excited to see how it looks, I'm sure you totally will do her justice Plo! ♥️
Gorgeous and a bad ass not my simp ass talking nope
He’ll definitely want to form an alliance with Lunaris with his army teaming up with a rich kid with an army of genetically engineered super humans. Yeah.. Rufus isn’t stupid go against the one guy that rules the smash realm.. and having Seph going on a rampage is problematic. Rufus knows what Sephiroth is after. He’ll make it very clear to Lunaris what he’s up against.. Rufus won’t cut corners.
OMG yes!! She really is so freaking gorgeous. She's one of the most slept-on Zeldas, but she's definitely one of the prettiest in my opinion. Drawing her is always so much fun, what with her unique design, and all the intricate armor and patterns on her. I'm excited to see how it looks, I'm sure you totally will do her justice Plo! ♥️
Well I get to avoid drawing her armor and usual outfit cuz I’m doing beach stuff but she still pretty! Both Zelda’s I’ve drawn on this got to be a little bit matching cuz I thought it’d be cute if they coordinated a little! But I have a lot to still sketch lol. Me forgetting how long drawing a bunch of characters takes even though I’m cheating on my own and using existing art I made so I focus more on other peoples characters over my own
I had a thought of the Pits wearing sleeveless tops or chitons with Hawaiian shirt patterns on them because their wings make it difficult to wear actual Hawaiian shirts.
He’ll like his clothing and fighting style as well as be interested in his persona.
Cyan wears shorts that ends below his knee while Paula is in a two piece swim suit.

And Seph wears an open shirt and black shorts. He’s mostly commenting oh everyone’s sand castles being a back seat judge lmao. Or judges everyone’s skills at volley ball
He’ll like his clothing and fighting style as well as be interested in his persona.
I apologize if this is rude, I'm not trying to be, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to gather from this given the character is not in the rp nor do I know who they even are
I apologize if this is rude, I'm not trying to be, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to gather from this given the character is not in the rp nor do I know who they even are
He’s a Final Fantasy VII character the son of President Shinra.

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