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Fandom Pokémon OOC Discussion

Oh, also happy pre-4th of July (for any of my fellow Americans who celebrate it!)!

I'll be gone all day tomorrow with family. But on Friday I'll be able to post and give us a time skip.

If anyone wants to hit me up between now and then with requests for what they'd like their characters to have done during the time skip, please feel free. If not, all good! It's easy to leave things broad and vague. But just to throw it out there if anyone thinks that maybe during the skip a fight could have broken out between one or more members, or some other positive/negative interaction between their Pokemon could have happened, let's see what we can do to make it part of the skip!

ive been playing violet to judge which pokemon could be just grabbed by a child intent on terrorizing the local wildlife and lets just say

i will now be playing the game with a party of three applins
Oh, also happy pre-4th of July (for any of my fellow Americans who celebrate it!)!

I'll be gone all day tomorrow with family. But on Friday I'll be able to post and give us a time skip.

If anyone wants to hit me up between now and then with requests for what they'd like their characters to have done during the time skip, please feel free. If not, all good! It's easy to leave things broad and vague. But just to throw it out there if anyone thinks that maybe during the skip a fight could have broken out between one or more members, or some other positive/negative interaction between their Pokemon could have happened, let's see what we can do to make it part of the skip!

uhh well idk if this counts but i dont think sage wouldve clarified that hana is her sister unless somebody directly asked.
Oh, also happy pre-4th of July (for any of my fellow Americans who celebrate it!)!

I'll be gone all day tomorrow with family. But on Friday I'll be able to post and give us a time skip.

If anyone wants to hit me up between now and then with requests for what they'd like their characters to have done during the time skip, please feel free. If not, all good! It's easy to leave things broad and vague. But just to throw it out there if anyone thinks that maybe during the skip a fight could have broken out between one or more members, or some other positive/negative interaction between their Pokemon could have happened, let's see what we can do to make it part of the skip!

I can envision one of two things happening if we don’t want to leave it broad and vague:

1) Sage tries to cheer Yume up who’s still upset after what Kayla said. Kayla says (and this is when she evolves into a grade A bitch) that if she doesn’t want her Charmander biting Spearow’s necks, she should train it better. Otherwise, it’ll act on its animal instincts which is exactly happened earlier. She then upholds Sole as an example of how a Pokemon should be raised, saying things like "Look at Sole. He knows his place. He fights for me because that’s his purpose,” “we’re the trainers. We command, they (the Pokemon) obey,” and that if she treated Enjō more like a tool instead of coddling him, it would never have bitten the Spearow without her orders. This upsets Yume and causes the two to battle it out. Sole does well but ultimately loses due to the type disadvantage. But just before Enjō is about to finish off Sole, Kayla blocks the attack herself and pulls out a water gun from her bag (which she won at the Pallet Town street fair a while back) thinking it will do something to the fire lizard. While it’s admirable that Kayla stops her Pokemon from getting hurt despite her thinking him a tool, Sage and Yume start cracking up, laughing at her not with her, which prompts Kayla to tell them to “Stop laughing!” She’s quiet and embarrassed the rest of the way, crossing her arms and turning her head aside in defiance, with a weakened Sole back in its Pokeball. On arrival to Viridian City she’ll have to head straight to the Pokemon Center. That’s a rather detailed sequence of events though, should we write it out instead?

2) The Yamper that Sage was looking forward to appear. Kayla kicks one though which pisses Sage off. Somehow Yume ends up fighting and winning against Kayla instead, because I can’t imagine Sage’s non-battling Teddiursa beating Sole and besides, it’s too cute to get hurt.
I can envision one of two things happening if we don’t want to leave it broad and vague:

1) Sage tries to cheer Yume up who’s still upset after what Kayla said. Kayla says (and this is when she evolves into a grade A bitch) that if she doesn’t want her Charmander biting Spearow’s necks, she should train it better. Otherwise, it’ll act on its animal instincts which is exactly happened earlier. She then upholds Sole as an example of how a Pokemon should be raised, saying things like "Look at Sole. He knows his place. He fights for me because that’s his purpose,” “we’re the trainers. We command, they (the Pokemon) obey,” and that if she treated Enjō more like a tool instead of coddling him, it would never have bitten the Spearow without her orders. This upsets Yume and causes the two to battle it out. Sole does well but ultimately loses due to the type disadvantage. But just before Enjō is about to finish off Sole, Kayla blocks the attack herself and pulls out a water gun from her bag (which she won at the Pallet Town street fair a while back) thinking it will do something to the fire lizard. While it’s admirable that Kayla stops her Pokemon from getting hurt despite her thinking him a tool, Sage and Yume start cracking up, laughing at her not with her, which prompts Kayla to tell them to “Stop laughing!” She’s quiet and embarrassed the rest of the way, crossing her arms and turning her head aside in defiance, with a weakened Sole back in its Pokeball. On arrival to Viridian City she’ll have to head straight to the Pokemon Center. That’s a rather detailed sequence of events though, should we write it out instead?

2) The Yamper that Sage was looking forward to appear. Kayla kicks one though which pisses Sage off. Somehow Yume ends up fighting and winning against Kayla instead, because I can’t imagine Sage’s non-battling Teddiursa beating Sole and besides, it’s too cute to get hurt.
kicking a yamper shouldnt have made me laugh as much as it did. send that thing flying like a football.

that also opens up the avenue to demonstrate sage being the complete opposite of kayla: she responds by trying to punch kayla in the face (somebody restraining her before she can cause any damage optional)
kicking a yamper shouldnt have made me laugh as much as it did. send that thing flying like a football.

that also opens up the avenue to demonstrate sage being the complete opposite of kayla: she responds by trying to punch kayla in the face (somebody restraining her before she can cause any damage optional)
Kayla actually knows how to fight from her past life but I don’t want to reveal that in RP yet. So if we go this route, somebody will likely restrain Sage before she can cause any damage, with the caveat that Kayla sees Sage’s punch coming from a mile away (foreshadowing what she’s capable of).
Kayla actually knows how to fight from her past life but I don’t want to reveal that in RP yet. So if we go this route, somebody will likely restrain her before she can cause any damage, with the caveat that Kayla sees Sage’s punch coming from a mile away (foreshadowing what she’s capable of).
thats uhm, also part of sages past, though that part of her history would be older than hana and teddy.

she changed bc she was given a responsibility named teddy, its not a spoiler or anything. i slapped that in her backstory bc i thought i might be able to make a joke if the stars aligned properly

but the odds are low
you know actually i kinda think having an uneventful timeskip would be better than making the animosity between the group worse off screen. that deserves to be on screen.

instead lets discuss what were wanting to catch for a second pokemon

ive been strategically narrowing down a list of puppies based on in-game capability to stand near them and ive ruled out poochyena and growlithe bc they chased me. i havent seen a maschiff yet bc im playing the dlc first, but hes still a contender bc i love ugly little guys, and fidough is friendly. smeargle is a consideration, despite being unable to guage its likelyhood of trying to kill me in my sleep. they have the aura of just being little dudes. snubbull, despite how much i love him, cannot be a consideration at this time because thats one of the pokemon sage is telling hana the plastic egg could be, and i dont really know what i plan to do with that whole fake egg thing.

applin is an honourary puppy bc appletun looks like a doggosaur
im sorta in a desperate state after realizing i did not plan teddy as really
battle capable
so im trying to figure out a pokemon that would bond with sage easily. so uh

yeah thats where i stand, when you think "animal that loves people", you know its gotta be puppies. i could double down on sage having dogs tho and make a team of ALL dogs
A Larvitar for Isaac sounds good. Something physically strong to go with his Gastly.

Larvitar's a personal favorite. But being a pseudo-Legendary it's too rare to be thinking about this early for Isaac's second Pokemon. Especially since it's more a mountain/cave type Pokemon based on its typing. We won't be seeing any in the rolling grasslands and lightly wooded areas of Route 1.

That's something for everyone to think about as well, as it was part of the Interest Check.

* All Pokémon can be found anywhere in the world so long as the environment is appropriate. For example, fire types will be found in deserts, wastelands, volcanoes, etc. Grass Pokémon can be found in grasslands, forests, etc. Bug Pokémon are mostly found in forests but can also be in grasslands, especially if there are large flower fields or sporadic woodlands areas throughout. Etc, etc. If you are uncertain as to whether or not a specific Pokémon can or should be found in a given area then feel free to ask me and I'll let you know my thoughts.

So yeah. Larvitar's out for now. But keep it in mind for later when we get to Mt. Moon. That'll be the first environmentally appropriate place to find one in the Kanto region. The others being Rock Tunnel, Indigo Plateau, and Cerulean Cave.
im sorta in a desperate state after realizing i did not plan teddy as really
battle capable
so im trying to figure out a pokemon that would bond with sage easily. so uh

yeah thats where i stand, when you think "animal that loves people", you know its gotta be puppies. i could double down on sage having dogs tho and make a team of ALL dogs

I hear ya on that. Lol.

I'm struggling to come up with something Yume would want to catch which would be available in this area because of how many Pokemon can/do live in grassy and semi-wooded areas. Sometimes too many options is just as bad as too few, ya know?
im sorta in a desperate state after realizing i did not plan teddy as really
battle capable
so im trying to figure out a pokemon that would bond with sage easily. so uh

yeah thats where i stand, when you think "animal that loves people", you know its gotta be puppies. i could double down on sage having dogs tho and make a team of ALL dogs
How about a Rockruff? They're generally friendly and playful but become irate as they near evolution.
I hear ya on that. Lol.

I'm struggling to come up with something Yume would want to catch which would be available in this area because of how many Pokemon can/do live in grassy and semi-wooded areas. Sometimes too many options is just as bad as too few, ya know?
i want all of the puppies, how could i leave one out? but sage wouldnt be too picky about pokemon, she wants to study all the possible species out there, BUT shes also accounting for her sister when choosing which pokemon to catch, because you cant put a kindergartener in a room with an old man and trust they wont try to pull off his beard, much less a giant lizard that looks like an old puppy

id planned to account for so much when making her, but yknow. i didnt anticipate getting stuck on puppies.
How about a Rockruff? They're generally friendly and playful but become irate as they near evolution.
i love my midnight lycanroc but id feel bad not getting fidough.....bread dog...
i want all of the puppies, how could i leave one out? but sage wouldnt be too picky about pokemon, she wants to study all the possible species out there, BUT shes also accounting for her sister when choosing which pokemon to catch, because you cant put a kindergartener in a room with an old man and trust they wont try to pull off his beard, much less a giant lizard that looks like an old puppy

id planned to account for so much when making her, but yknow. i didnt anticipate getting stuck on puppies.

i love my midnight lycanroc but id feel bad not getting fidough.....bread dog...
Then again, Rockruff would probably be more likely to be found near Mt Moon. How about Riolu? Looks a bit like a jackel, but still a canine regardless.
Larvitar's a personal favorite. But being a pseudo-Legendary it's too rare to be thinking about this early for Isaac's second Pokemon. Especially since it's more a mountain/cave type Pokemon based on its typing. We won't be seeing any in the rolling grasslands and lightly wooded areas of Route 1.
Maybe a Beldum, Duskull, Ferroseed, Nidoran, Rookidee, Tengela, Trapinch, or Treecko then?

I think those work for grasslands and forest terrain.
Maybe a Beldum, Duskull, Ferroseed, Nidoran, Rookidee, Tengela, Trapinch, or Treecko then?

I think those work for grasslands and forest terrain.

Everything on that list is viable except Beldum, who is also a mountainous environment Pokemon, or found in the Safari Zone.

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