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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

It'd be kind of fun if Sora had taken Luke's words literally, looked down his nose, and found the lone Smash Logo that represented Lucina.
If it helps give you something to write for Sephiroth since ik you're kinda stuck, that's fine with me
Which im sorry for, by the way. I got one weeks of finals left and then I'll be done for this semester
I have about half a Pyra post done but my brain melted from too much thinking lol. I’ll try to finish it tonight if not it’ll be up tomorrow some time
omg I just realized it’s December already, I need to start thinking about making holiday doodles! 🫨🫨🫨 🎄 🎁 ❄️
I think I've come down with a mild case of the sniffles. 🤧 Here's a small prompt for y'all:

Your PCs have caught a cold during their stay at the Smash House. What do they do?
I think I've come down with a mild case of the sniffles. 🤧 Here's a small prompt for y'all:

Your PCs have caught a cold during their stay at the Smash House. What do they do?
Seph probably can’t catch them because of his Jenova cells he’s already a bastard he’ll likely try to spread it.

Oh boy the cold is an annoying status in the early portion of Mother 2. Paula would just ride it out try not to let people catch it or use a cold remedy an item in the game.
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I think I've come down with a mild case of the sniffles. 🤧 Here's a small prompt for y'all:

Your PCs have caught a cold during their stay at the Smash House. What do they do?

Isabelle: While when it comes to other people Isabelle’s probably the best at reminding them to take care of themselves while they’re sick, Isabelle’s totally the sort to completely ignore her own advice cus there’s zero chance she’s taking any sick days! If someone doesn’t drag her from her duties then Isabelle’s going to run herself dry. But eventually she’ll give in and head to her room for some rest, probably asking Villager to grab her some medicine from the store (which then immediately cures her because Animal Crossing logic lmao)

Pichu: Since he’s a little baby with a less developed immune system I’d imagine Pichu gets hit pretty hard by colds and other illnesses. Then when you combine that with his already lackluster control on his electricity probably worsening while sick, the experience really isn't fun for anyone. I imagine he’d probably be placed under observation by Doctor Mario. If there’s one good thing that comes out of it, Pichu will use his sorry state + his puppy eyes to convince the other fighters to get or do stuff for him in the meantime. Who could say no to a poor sick little meow meow like him? 🥺

Inkling: Oh gosh she’s going to be SO BORED being stuck at home. In the beginning she’d alleviate her bored by catching up on any shows she’s watching, playing video games, and sleeping throughout the day. But eventually her entertainment’s going to run dry and she’ll be left pretty miserable until she recovers lmao.

Zelda: I like to think any time she’s sick, girlie is going to be glued to her bed and will be dead asleep until she’s made a full recovery (insert sleeping beauty joke here).
Cyan would be a dad to the younger ones and make sure they’re nice and comfortable and hands tissues/
omg I just realized it’s December already, I need to start thinking about making holiday doodles! 🫨🫨🫨 🎄 🎁 ❄️
Lol I was already thinking of this too. We’ll see how far I get with doing the idea I already have since I always do art Christmas presents for my friends and with me in a bit of an art block who knows how well it’ll go Dx

I think I've come down with a mild case of the sniffles. 🤧 Here's a small prompt for y'all:

Your PCs have caught a cold during their stay at the Smash House. What do they do?
Yoshi: he is using it as an excuse to sleep all day long. When he’s sick you will not see him until he feels entirely better! Mario or Luigi definitely come bring him food and drinks though to make sure he’s take care of when he does wake up

Pyra / Mythra: Being sick isn’t something that slows them down. Pyra will make herself herbal teas an effort to help clear up her system quickly while Mythra is likely trying to hide the fact she’s even sick and keep pushing on stubbornly though she probably can be found sinking into a hot bath to try and help her body clear up

Shulk: When he gets a cold at the Smash House his productivity plummets. Everyone is so used to seeing him up tinkering away on machines or being a complete nerd into the late hours of the night, but now he’s passed out early at his desk. He’s still trying to put in the work but luckily one of the other fighters made sure he took some medicine to get him to actually pass out and help him feel better

Sora: Oh god he does not do well with being sick at all. He is always go go go and he tries to keep up that energy cuz hey it’s only a cold, but his much lower energy makes it clear to other fighters that he is not 100% and they are putting him on bed rest. Someone probably has to make sure he actually stays in be and takes it easy otherwise he will be up trying to do something. Once he does settle down though, he conks out hard and sleeps for a few days. Good thing that’s not unusual for Smash characters lol

Roxas: He instantly is low energy when he gets sick and sadly he doesn’t know how to take care of himself all too well when it happens. He feels like a miserable mess and just lays in bed but can’t actually sleep. He’s complaining the whole time about how icky he feels and how he isn’t being allowed to eat ice cream because it “wouldn’t help him feel better” as he was told by the others

Byleth: He tries to take care of himself when he gets a cold but he’s still dragging himself out of bed and going to the library in the house to at least get reading material. He spends most of his time while sick reading and probably falls asleep with a book over his face or opened in his lap. He does try to be responsible with his sickness but he doesn’t exactly do it well

Joker: He has a hard time admitting he’s sick in the first place. He’s stubborn af after all. He’s probably forced into bed by Ann if she’s there at the time and he actually lets his body relax. He is bored though laying in bed all day. He’s on his phone or playing video games or just sleeping to try and pass the time. Luckily for him, Ann tries to take care of him by bringing medicine and a damp towel to put over his forehead to try and help with the heat from a fever he might have. He is well taken care of even if and he’s grateful for it even if he isn’t the happiest being in bed

Ann: You know that if she is taking care of Joker when he’s sick, he’s 100% doing the same for her, if not to a greater extent. She is sluggish and low energy the moment she catches a cold and she gets so bored laying in bed, but she can’t complain that she’s not well taken care of. She’s definitely watching movies and sleeping, maybe even playing video games if she has enough energy. Lucky her gets soups and herbal tea made by Joker to help her feel better



I've said before that I imagine both Pits hiding their illness pretty well and stubbornly pressing on. Much like birds, being visibly ill means they've been sick for a while and it's worsened to the point that they can no longer hide it. With how much Palutena relies on him, Pit often feels he can't take a day off, and both Pits do not want to advertise their vulnerability. At the Smash House, if someone shows concern I think both Pits would be in stubborn denial ("Angels don't get sick."). It probably gets to the point where their bodies finally give out on them and someone has to carry or escort them to their beds. Dark Pit puts up more resistance toward being carried to bed and cared for. I can see Palutena scolding them while trying to feed them soup, and I wouldn't put it past someone, probably Palutena again, slipping some sleep-inducing cold medicine into them to ensure they get their rest and stay out of trouble.

Toon Link will be conked out in bed and might be irritable if disturbed unless you have food. As expressive as he is, it's very obvious when he is not feeling well. If he falls ill during the day, he doesn't put up much fight when it is suggested he go back to bed.

Like the Pits, Pikachu may be stoic when it comes to illness, but this is due to animal instinct than stubbornness. She spends more time sleeping, and may show unusual moodiness (even aggression!) if rudely disturbed. She likely seeks out a safe place to rest and recover, or the help of a Smash fighter she trusts.
Since the prompt is Paula catching a cold yeeeah if anyone played mother 2 it’s easier status to deal with than getting mushroomized.
My brain remembered 1 very random image of Joker from the credits of Persona Q2 and now I am here to share, the Smash Bros probably see him wearing this apron around the Smash House while he's taking care of Ann or anyone for that matter
Now I've the thought of Joker showing up in Dark Pit's room while the angel is sick with a cold, and he's wearing the apron and bringing coffee or tea, and Dark Pit's just staring at him deadpanned like, "wtf you wearing?"

Joker did it because he knew Pittoo's reaction would be worth seeing.
Joker is all smiles over his reaction. He could have worn an apron akin to his usual work one, but he chose to be silly for the kicks. He has no shame over such things after all. He probably ends up saying "What? Do you think pink isn't my color?"

Somehow everyone ends up thinking Ann got him the apron which is why he wears it but in reality he found it in one of the closets in the Smash House
I have posted! Sorry I am literally SO FRIGGING SLOW, I know I'm constantly keeping people waiting.
Also, here to apologize on A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity 's behalf because the reason why she delayed her post for Min Min for so long may or may not have been for me. Again, sorry-
Don't take all the blame girl, it was also my bad. I mean, more than a month of waiting was a major error on my part. I'm working on Min Min's post as we speak, as well as Corrin's.
Nice post for Lucas btw. I also like the new headers, using the congratulations screens from Classic Mode is a nice touch.
Corrin's too busy being an icon, she doesn't have time for such things XD

They're the ultimate third wheels, periodt.

I really need to make Kaida and Hyacinth a child. I've had a couple of ideas if you'd like to hear em lol
Clementine and Laurel will tease Cinth about it for the rest of his days. At least he got good at archery *cough*EvenThoughHeOnlyDidItSoKaidaWouldLikeHimMore*cough*

I'll hop to it, then!
Speaking of icons and idols, I found this really adorable comic:


Corrin learned Skewer! But at what cost-

Aw, cute! Their child would actually be quite adorable ngl, I'd love to hear what you got!

Lmao, Kaida would probably realize that fact. She'd corner him and demand to know why he's trying to get good at all the things she likes. Poor Cinth has to come up with a bullcrap story to hide his feelings!
Harkinian: *nocks an arrow, glances over to see Hyacinth with a bow as well and raises an eyebrow*

It'd be cute if Harkinian has a child that is pretty much a mini-Zelda. Hylian genetics are weird in that they have clone descendants lol Zelda and Pittoo are enjoying retirement by traveling the world when they receive news that Harkinian's first child was born. Zelda IMMEDIATELY snags the reins of the Lightning Chariot from Dark Pit and drives it back home. It's probably one of the few times Dark Pit was ever genuinely terrified! XD
Ruh roh-

Lmao, I feel like everyone would be very surprised to see that their child is- surprise!- a Zelda clone.
Link: "I have a grandchild! Oh goddesses, finally! Which one is it? What does she look like? Oh, I hope she has my daughter's eyes-"
Nurse: *points at a baby that looks exactly like Zelda*
Say Sike Right Now | Know Your Meme

I think I've come down with a mild case of the sniffles. 🤧 Here's a small prompt for y'all:

Your PCs have caught a cold during their stay at the Smash House. What do they do?
Same here lol, hope you feel better soon tho

And as for the prompt:

--Min Min probably just tries to isolate herself from everybody (to not make them sick!) but she also cooks herself her mother's secret Get-Better-Soon Broth. Perks her up in no time!
--Tetra would deny that she's sick and carry on with her activities until someone forces her to take a lie down XD
--Marth just chills and wraps himself up in blankets in his room, and drinks some tea to help him feel less congested.
--Agent 8 would probably try to not let the sickness get him down, of course, but eventually he'd just cave in and lie under his covers like a blob until he feels better.
--Corrin would plain refuse to lay in bed. Girl has a kingdom to look after, and she's going to be bedridden because of a little cold? Of course, that's until the tiredness, body aches, and fevers kick in. Azura has to go into mom-mode and take things into her own hands, much to Corrin's dismay.
Lmao, I feel like everyone would be very surprised to see that their child is- surprise!- a Zelda clone.
Link: "I have a grandchild! Oh goddesses, finally! Which one is it? What does she look like? Oh, I hope she has my daughter's eyes-"
Nurse: *points at a baby that looks exactly like Zelda*
Say Sike Right Now | Know Your Meme

Hyacinth sees Kaida and Harkinian practicing their archery and wants in on that! Then the Nephilim Twins join in and it’s a big competition on who is the best archer or sharpshooter!

Lol I’m trying to imagine Pittoo as a grandfather! That’s a crazy thing in itself! I can see him mellowing out as he matures and losing any angst he may have had in his youth. Still a stern fellow though. He’s his typical serious self, then he sees his grandchild and his personality does a complete 180, and he’s suddenly bouncing her on his knee while talking sweetly to her!

One of my favorite things to do when designing children of characters is to incorporate traits of the grandparents into the child, if the grandparents are known.
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