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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

If it’s been 3 weeks or longer, I have no problems with pressing on. I may have to find a way to push on with the Lake Group (getting Mouser to the girls at the lake is vital, and the combat RP is really slowing things down.) I’d like to finish that up so I can focus on groups like Shulk’s and Isabelle’s teams. I currently don’t have plans, but I want to put some timr aside to think of stuff for them to do and give them attention.
I’m also aware that folks in school may be working on finals, or visiting family during the Thanksgiving week, so I do expect some slowness.
Yeah I get school and holiday stuff ofc. I just like to make sure I communicate since I find it important to do so. In my eyes if ya don't communicate (ofc within reason), then things go south which would suck
I watched DK Country as a child. I can't say I remember too much of it (memes aside) outside of DK having an amazing singing voice. King K. Rool had a great voice too.

I finally beat DK64 with 101% completion! I never beat it as a kid because I couldn't get the Nintendo Coin required to beat the game, and my little sister wouldn't stop deleting my file.


  • DK64100Complete.png
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Random, but my friend sent me this meme along with "This is you. You know what you need to do"

So I did exactly what I needed to do and I offer it to y'all
Ack Sorry for being inactive this past week 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

So I was looking at the groups my characters are in so I can figure out posting and all that and figured I’d just make sure I’ve got everything straight, and maybe see if I can push some stuff forward

Joker/Ann - Waiting on everyone to make their last posts before I skip to the next morning. Not sure if we’re waiting on specific person to post first, but has been about 2 weeks since last post

Pyra - Waiting on a Fawful post, though it has nearly been 3 weeks and I do think I could push forward though it would mean giving him no chance to react to what has been done which might not be the worst thing. Don’t wanna drag on for too long

Yoshi - Pretty much waiting on Falcon iirc and then it would be a scout post again after that. It’s been around the same time frame as Pyra I think? I can’t remember exactly but it’s been a couple weeks

Sora/Byleth - If Sheep wants me to post before them, I can, but I’m not too worried here and will only skip them if they want me too but given a Layton post just happened I’m all cool with waiting a bit

Roxas - Not too bothered waiting. Like I’ve said before I rather the big groups be focused upon than worrying about him too much. Besides hasn’t been too long since he was my last post

Shulk - It’s been nearly a month. Not really sure what to do. While I’m fine with it for the same reasons as Roxas, it has been a bit

Please feel free to skip Pichu! As for the Joker gang, I think(?) Paula and Noctis/prompto are up next in posting order but I might be wrong lol
I’ve been sick and not in a good head space this past week. I think I’m doing better.
Ack Sorry for being inactive this past week 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Please feel free to skip Pichu! As for the Joker gang, I think(?) Paula and Noctis/prompto are up next in posting order but I might be wrong lol
All good! I was mostly just seeing how things were cuz it had been a bit! I will make a Byleth/Sora post then since you're cool with it! And I'm sure order can be whatever since we're just wrapping up, but whatever works is cool with me
Something I have been thinking about doing is RPing some of the available SSB fighters as temporary NPCs. For example, maybe a group finds themselves in a snowy area and bump into the one of the Ice Climbers, and then after whatever plot is resolved the Ice Climber leaves the party because they cannot bring themselves to focus on a massive treasure hunt while their partner is missing.

It's just a thought though. Nothing set in stone.
I have posted! Sorry I am literally SO FRIGGING SLOW, I know I'm constantly keeping people waiting.
Also, here to apologize on A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity 's behalf because the reason why she delayed her post for Min Min for so long may or may not have been for me. Again, sorry-
Harkinian: *nocks an arrow, glances over to see Hyacinth with a bow as well and raises an eyebrow*
Hyacinth: "Listen, pal, you might be 'Hawk-Eyes' to Kaida, but that doesn't mean she can't give me lessons in archery too.."
It'd be fun if Harkinian can be smug or savage without saying a word! He gives Hyacinth a piercing stare as though he could read his soul and know his true intentions, then simply shrugs at him, his eyes going back to their usual soft and sleepy look before returning his focus to his own archery practice. A lion doesn't concern himself with the ambitions of a lamb!
I offer a silly from P5T. I think Joker's face speaks volumes lol

Man learns he is second priority to sweets and ain't too happy
Hopefully he can bake as well as he cooks lol. I don't recall him making any sweets canonically, but with Ann as a girlfriend I imagine he wants to learn so he can make her happy lol
hello, sorry i havent posted anything. i can write a novel about how my life has been tragic these past months, but everything is settling down.
now i can finally try to do something with riku if someone wants interact with him
Thinking on my Byleth/Sora post, Darklord95 Darklord95 did you have an specific ideas where you wanted Lucina to be on the map? Just figure I should ask so we know where it would be marked. Might help having an idea, though there is no guarantee it will matter given the info the characters will have, but from a player stance it'll help

Byleth is right too much. Nobody understands why
I’m not totally sure where on the map specifically. Just some fortress. Where would work?
I’m not totally sure where on the map specifically. Just some fortress. Where would work?
Well other than the Battlefield Fortress itself, I don’t believe there are other ones on the map specifically so it’d just be about deciding where one might be and being creative with it. Where exactly that could be, I’m not sure given the whole Lucina being captured is a plot you created and I’m not sure how you wanted to approach it as is. It kinda depends on what you want. Like do you want her close or far away because that likely gives an idea of if it would even be plausible for them to go searching because Byleth likely isn’t going to go on a wild goose chase especially with the world itself having clear problems
Well other than the Battlefield Fortress itself, I don’t believe there are other ones on the map specifically so it’d just be about deciding where one might be and being creative with it. Where exactly that could be, I’m not sure given the whole Lucina being captured is a plot you created and I’m not sure how you wanted to approach it as is. It kinda depends on what you want. Like do you want her close or far away because that likely gives an idea of if it would even be plausible for them to go searching because Byleth likely isn’t going to go on a wild goose chase especially with the world itself having clear problems
Okay. Let’s see……..he could maybe make a fortress out of the ruined zoo?
hello, sorry i havent posted anything. i can write a novel about how my life has been tragic these past months, but everything is settling down.
now i can finally try to do something with riku if someone wants interact with him
The smallest groups are Roxas and Isabelle, who are on the way to the Mushroom Platforms and may possibly have an encounter with Sephiroth. There's also Min Min, Shulk, and Lucas at the Mountain Falls. This group is starting to get together.
Okay. Let’s see……..he could maybe make a fortress out of the ruined zoo?
Maybe? A fortress in a ruined zoo might be weird though, but maybe the old animal exhibits are a temporary stronghold rather than a full blown fortress
I was told I was slacking with my art lately so I suffered for too long today trying to make this. Take the two dorks like I always offer

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