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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

lmao it shows some real self control on Mika’s end that they didn’t immediately try to build a makeshift guillotine in the castle’s front yard afterwards/j Fhsjfjfhdh but realistically they probably have enough self awareness to know that’d definitely be a very, very, very bad idea.
Lol they just want their friends to be happy and free, and for their efforts to not be in vain!

It'd be fun if Melina had a Centurion escort whenever she's outside Angel Land alone (not that he'd offer much in protection, the poor thing), and every time someone says something critical of her the Centurion is immediately ready to fight! Melina would have to keep telling him to calm down! Imagine if it was a Strongarm Centurion lol

It'd be badass if Percy puts his foot down and declares that, as future king, he IS considering the well-being of his kingdom and as such WILL choose Melina as his Queen Consort! She's kind, wise, courageous, and faithful; everything a Queen needs to be, and if the elders do not like her, TOO BAD!
Surely Joker has taught them that actually trying to kill people is not okay. He can’t have his child turning into a murderer. But who knows how teenage rebellion be hitting Mika lol

Fhskfhskf but now I’m just imagining Joker with that disappointed father face™ as he’s dragging Mika away from the scene. Meanwhile Mika’s just shouting back “I wasn’t actually going to use it!”

Fhskfhskf but now I’m just imagining Joker with that disappointed father face™ as he’s dragging Mika away from the scene. Meanwhile Mika’s just shouting back “I wasn’t actually going to use it!”
The one time Joker isn’t supporting Mika’s rebellious spirit. He refuses to let them become a persona user that kills like Akechi did

However a funny thought is after Joker’s dragged them away, Ann is waiting for them and she just pats Mika’s head and says “You know Mika there are fates worse than death for cruel people” and she’s just smiling while saying it and Joker’s just staring at her like ??????? To say the least, Mika is likely very intrigued to learn
Mika: We’ll have to kill him, Percy.

Percy: Damn. :C

Dark Pit trying to give Cream life advice:
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I bless all of you with this cute, but silly Ann from P5T
Sorry it's taking so long for me to get to that Layton post. Offline life has been pretty busy lately.
All good. It be like that sometimes. I’m just patiently waiting for replies so I can make some posts again since I don’t think I can push anything along with any of my kiddos at the current moment
I was rereading the RP last night to get my muse back on track.

I do not think Lunaris would tolerate the presence of an army that is not his own in the Smash Realm! >: )
Oh no. Lunaris about to make sure that army does not exist anymore. Who can blame him though? If I was trying to rule a land and an army that would very clearly be against me showed up I’d want to put it down asap! Gotta set an example that all resistance will be destroyed

Also the thought of Lunaris reminded me of him dealing with the meteor which in turn reminded me of the silly Twitter thread of Sephiroth vs Mario & Luigi. So take some silly

No wonder Lunaris makes the Smash Bros wanted criminals. Wouldn’t wanna deal with these shenanigans LOL
To add to the topic of Lunaris and the BS the SSB can pull off, a friend recently shared this with me.

Too bad Young Link couldn’t have simply called DK for help in Majora’s Mask.
Ploegy Ploegy

Layton post up! Here's a clip of him in a swordfight in case a reference is needed, and let me know if the sword-fighting part of the post is too vague. There's only so many ways to describe fencing, and I wanted to leave it open-ended for Byleth to react as desired.

I doubt Layton would beat a Fire Emblem swordsman in a fight, but I think he'd be able to put in a very good effort. I'm totally fine with Byleth beating Layton in the spar if you want to do that.
I’m sure I can figure it out with what I was given. I’m not too worried about it lol. If needed I’ll just bullshit my way through it though that’d only be if my brain is completely dead on me and just doesn’t want to think at all
Lol Byleth knocks Layton onto his butt, ending the spar. He then tells Layton that he finds him worthy of wearing the Anime Swordsman title, and gives him a pin as well as a package that explains all the perks that come with joining the Anime Swordsmen club.
Layton getting knocked down just made me think of this short scene from Three Hopes

But also Byleth about to give Layton a pin like this

And on the topic of anime swordsmen, I guess the club gets even more

Joker has upgraded from dagger and gun to sword and gun LOL
Layton is shown around the Smash House and he sees the “Byleth was Right” counter with all its tally marks.

“Oh dear…”

What did he get himself into??
I'm sorry I've been gone so long- I know I've kept a lot of people waiting.
Yup! Corrin just didn't let everything get to her I guess. She's too busy being a girlboss and fighting for the salvation and happiness of her stupid family to worry about itty bitty pessimism and melancholy. Those are for the WEAK/j

Sheik can't get a date, not because she isn't charming, but because of her attack dog (Kamui) and her chihuahua (Tetra) XD

Cinth literally gives Kaida a free win pass. Five kingdoms united under them, they're UNSTOPPABLE!! Power Couple goals!!
DUDE THAT IS SO ADORABLE!!!!! Lol I bet Clem and Laurel will n e v e r let Cinth live that down. It would be adorbs if Cinth perfected his archery skill when he got older, and when asked how he got so good with a bow and arrow, he just looks at Kaida and smiles.
Corrin's too busy being an icon, she doesn't have time for such things XD

They're the ultimate third wheels, periodt.

I really need to make Kaida and Hyacinth a child. I've had a couple of ideas if you'd like to hear em lol
Clementine and Laurel will tease Cinth about it for the rest of his days. At least he got good at archery *cough*EvenThoughHeOnlyDidItSoKaidaWouldLikeHimMore*cough*
And sure, we can totally have Tetra and Sheik meet up with Dark Pit and Pikachu. We'll just need Sheik's post from Forevermore Forevermore of course, but I'm def down for that.
I'll hop to it, then!
Thinking on my Byleth/Sora post, Darklord95 Darklord95 did you have an specific ideas where you wanted Lucina to be on the map? Just figure I should ask so we know where it would be marked. Might help having an idea, though there is no guarantee it will matter given the info the characters will have, but from a player stance it'll help

Layton is shown around the Smash House and he sees the “Byleth was Right” counter with all its tally marks.

“Oh dear…”

What did he get himself into??
Byleth is right too much. Nobody understands why
Clementine and Laurel will tease Cinth about it for the rest of his days. At least he got good at archery *cough*EvenThoughHeOnlyDidItSoKaidaWouldLikeHimMore*cough*
Harkinian: *nocks an arrow, glances over to see Hyacinth with a bow as well and raises an eyebrow*

It'd be cute if Harkinian has a child that is pretty much a mini-Zelda. Hylian genetics are weird in that they have clone descendants lol Zelda and Pittoo are enjoying retirement by traveling the world when they receive news that Harkinian's first child was born. Zelda IMMEDIATELY snags the reins of the Lightning Chariot from Dark Pit and drives it back home. It's probably one of the few times Dark Pit was ever genuinely terrified! XD

Byleth is right too much. Nobody understands why
Byleth is a man of logic in a world of chaos!

He's happy (as much as Byleth can be) that there is now another person in the Smash House that is a being of logic, but he learns quickly that even Layton has his quirks. After seeing the counter and its tally marks, Layton tells him that it reminds him of a puzzle. That's the fifth puzzle that day!
Harkinian: *nocks an arrow, glances over to see Hyacinth with a bow as well and raises an eyebrow*

It'd be cute if Harkinian has a child that is pretty much a mini-Zelda. Hylian genetics are weird in that they have clone descendants lol Zelda and Pittoo are enjoying retirement by traveling the world when they receive news that Harkinian's first child was born. Zelda IMMEDIATELY snags the reins of the Lightning Chariot from Dark Pit and drives it back home. It's probably one of the few times Dark Pit was ever genuinely terrified! XD

Byleth is a man of logic in a world of chaos!

He's happy (as much as Byleth can be) that there is now another person in the Smash House that is a being of logic, but he learns quickly that even Layton has his quirks. After seeing the counter and its tally marks, Layton tells him that it reminds him of a puzzle. That's the fifth puzzle that day!
That’s exactly why it’s confusing. Logic shouldn’t work well in the Smash Realm given how chaotic and illogical the world can be lol
It's why the Smash Realm is such a fun setting for RP. You can slap eyes onto anything, ANYTHING, and there are floating boxes with items inside! You can have Miis and talking animals exist alongside humans! Medieval tech and sci-fi tech exist at the same time! And that's completely normal in the Smash Realm!

Byleth observes as Pit plays a harp and the enemy army all turn into hammers. He asks how that power works, and Pit and Dark Pit look at each other before responding in unison, "... We don't know!"

On the topic of harps and hammers, I would LOVE a moment in the RP where Dark Pit snatches Sheik's harp and turns a bunch of enemies into hammers, but then there'd be the question of why neither Pit can do that every time there's an enemy encounter. It's definitely an OP ability, so as much as I would enjoy such a moment I'll have to leave it as a funny thought.
Byleth being logical while having his own illogical circumstances around him. Like yes, logical man uses a whip sword made of bones and those bones happen to belong to the goddess who once resided in his head before she sacrificed herself to save him. Oh yeah her supposed heart is now a stone that’s implanted in his chest and let’s him draw out said sword’s power while also keeping him alive. Very logical things are going on here
Professor Layton is a man of logic, but if I were to list all the strange and illogical circumstances around him, this would be a huge post! I'll try to keep it simple and brief.

Curious Village: An inheritance dispute turns into a discovery that all the villagers are robots. Layton makes a glider out of a globe frame, curtains, and string.

Diabolical/Pandora's Box: There's a vampire terrorizing a town. Turns out everyone is high as fuck on hallucinogenic gas.

Unwound/Lost Future: Layton and Luke were thrown into the future. It's later revealed there's a fake Future London built beneath the real London in a revenge plot against the government. There's a giant robot in it too, and Layton uses his car to defy the laws of physics and drive on said giant robot. Layton also makes a gun out of a slot machine.

Spectre's Call/Last Spectre: Big-ass ghost terrorizes a town. Turns out they're robots, and a giant manatee does battle with the robots.

Miracle Mask: Dumbass refuses to do one of many simple things that could have prevented the whole game's plot from ever happening. Dumbass then tries to destroy a town his friends created in his honor, out of petty revenge, because he chose to listen to a random stranger.

Azran Legacy: Layton makes another glider out of a fossil and fabric. Rocks fall and everyone dies, but they get better. BBEG 1 is revealed to be Layton's brother, who sacrificed a chance at happiness for Layton to have a better life, then spends the games trying to kill him.

The Eternal Diva: Layton builds a flying machine out of a barrel, a fan, and a chainsaw. There's a giant robot in this one too.

Vs. Ace Attorney: More hallucinogenic gas, drugs, and hypnosis. Turns out to be a huge and complicated experiment. This whole game is illogical.
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So I was looking at the groups my characters are in so I can figure out posting and all that and figured I’d just make sure I’ve got everything straight, and maybe see if I can push some stuff forward

Joker/Ann - Waiting on everyone to make their last posts before I skip to the next morning. Not sure if we’re waiting on specific person to post first, but has been about 2 weeks since last post

Pyra - Waiting on a Fawful post, though it has nearly been 3 weeks and I do think I could push forward though it would mean giving him no chance to react to what has been done which might not be the worst thing. Don’t wanna drag on for too long

Yoshi - Pretty much waiting on Falcon iirc and then it would be a scout post again after that. It’s been around the same time frame as Pyra I think? I can’t remember exactly but it’s been a couple weeks

Sora/Byleth - If Sheep wants me to post before them, I can, but I’m not too worried here and will only skip them if they want me too but given a Layton post just happened I’m all cool with waiting a bit

Roxas - Not too bothered waiting. Like I’ve said before I rather the big groups be focused upon than worrying about him too much. Besides hasn’t been too long since he was my last post

Shulk - It’s been nearly a month. Not really sure what to do. While I’m fine with it for the same reasons as Roxas, it has been a bit

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