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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Seeing kid talk again I remembered the silly Joker-Zelda boy I had made and well, here is what I can randomly offer about him that my brain decided on tonight I am sorry for dragging this out of hell LOL
-Possibly named Lupin?? cuz haha Arsene Lupin ain't no way he's named Arsene. Surely both Zelda and Joker wouldn't okay that. Could be Maurice after Maurice Leblanc, but that name doesn't sit as well with me
-Very strained relationship with Joker because he is disgusted by his dad being a thief
-Absolute angel towards Zelda. Mama's boy 100%
-Takes being a royal very seriously. Probably too seriously for everyone's own good
-Calls Joker "Old Man" or "Pops"
-Probably not great relationship with Mika, but alright with his other half siblings
-Definitely does not obtain a persona he lacks that rebellious spirit and would never want to be a Phantom Thief
-Too smart for his own good, but also 100000000000% sass and attitude
-Pretty boy alert! Probably spends 80 years getting ready every morning. He must look fabulous
-Very bad with weaponry, but very adept in magic
-Smooth talker. Flirts a lot. Absolute ladies man and he loves the attention he 100% is getting slapped in his future by a woman or two
-Has to have tea time every day. If he misses it he is cranky af
Seeing kid talk again I remembered the silly Joker-Zelda boy I had made and well, here is what I can randomly offer about him that my brain decided on tonight I am sorry for dragging this out of hell LOL
-Possibly named Lupin?? cuz haha Arsene Lupin ain't no way he's named Arsene. Surely both Zelda and Joker wouldn't okay that. Could be Maurice after Maurice Leblanc, but that name doesn't sit as well with me
-Very strained relationship with Joker because he is disgusted by his dad being a thief
-Absolute angel towards Zelda. Mama's boy 100%
-Takes being a royal very seriously. Probably too seriously for everyone's own good
-Calls Joker "Old Man" or "Pops"
-Probably not great relationship with Mika, but alright with his other half siblings
-Definitely does not obtain a persona he lacks that rebellious spirit and would never want to be a Phantom Thief
-Too smart for his own good, but also 100000000000% sass and attitude
-Pretty boy alert! Probably spends 80 years getting ready every morning. He must look fabulous
-Very bad with weaponry, but very adept in magic
-Smooth talker. Flirts a lot. Absolute ladies man and he loves the attention he 100% is getting slapped in his future by a woman or two
-Has to have tea time every day. If he misses it he is cranky af

Oh gosh names lmao. Here’s a few ideas I got from some excessive googling lmao

- Arsenius: The Latin origin of the name Arsene

- Felicien: an alias that Lupin’s son apparently used in The Revenge Of The Countess Of Cagliostro (his actual name is jean but that's boring lol), dgsjfhddd it’s hard finding an actually good plot summary for the book but it seems the general gist about Jean is that he was kidnapped and at a young age by the antagonist so he could be trained to become Lupin’s equal/defeat him. I think this name is my personal fav since it’d draw on that strained father vs son dynamic between him and Joker while also sounding fancy enough for his royal status.

- Louis: Named after Louise, the daughter of Maurice Leblanc

omg but I love the irony of his name being inspired by a phantom thief while he himself wants absolutely nothing to do with any of that business. and oh lord Mika definitely would not get along with him lmao
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I've said before that I'd like to make an attempt at a Zeltoo kid, and instead of resting in bed and getting over this cold I've stayed up until 2 am doodling. Her name is Ianthe (Ee-ahn-thee), which is a Greek name meaning "purple flower." The purple eyes were probably the first thing everyone noticed! The wings are decorative and a part of the dress.

I'm not experienced in drawing babies and it shows. I found it pretty tricky to avoid making a baby look like a creepy blob lol
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I've said before that I'd like to make an attempt at a Zeltoo kid, and instead of resting in bed and getting over this cold I've stayed up until 2 am doodling. Her name is Ianthe (Ee-ahn-thee), which is a Greek name meaning "purple flower." The purple eyes were probably the first thing everyone noticed! The wings are decorative and a part of the dress.

I'm not experienced in drawing babies and it shows. I found it pretty tricky to avoid making a baby look like a creepy blob lol
damn bro Hylian genetics are so strong none of Zel and Pittoo’s kiddos managed to inherit wings lololol

But omg she’s adorable!!!! The purple eyes are absolutely gorgeous and I love how you went with the blue shirt and Peter Pan collar for her lil outfit. She’s just like her mother 💙
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Oh gosh names lmao. Here’s a few ideas I got from some excessive googling lmao

- Arsenius: The Latin origin of the name Arsene

- Felicien: an alias that Lupin’s son apparently used in The Revenge Of The Countess Of Cagliostro (his actual name is jean but that's boring lol), dgsjfhddd it’s hard finding an actually good plot summary for the book but it seems the general gist about Jean is that he was kidnapped and at a young age by the antagonist so he could be trained to become Lupin’s equal/defeat him. I think this name is my personal fav since it’d draw on that strained father vs son dynamic between him and Joker while also sounding fancy enough for his royal status.

- Louis: Named after Louise, the daughter of Maurice Leblanc

omg but I love the irony of his name being inspired by a phantom thief while he himself wants absolutely nothing to do with any of that business. and oh lord Mika definitely would not get along with him lmao
I don’t think Joker would be the type to name a child after himself so any form of the name Arsene is out the door since ya know Arsene is technically his other self lol

Felicien is a pretty cute name! I like the whole meaning you gave behind it. Definitely more thought than what I put in LOL. Guess that’s decided then. Poor boy gets to have that PT related name and hate PTs! Truly ironic

-Felicien’s relationship with Joker wasn’t always bad and he actually adored his father as a child, but the reason it got strained is because he began hearing and learning how the people of Hyrule viewed his father, specifically the powers he possessed and what he was. A man who steals and essentially summons some kind of “demonic” power certainly doesn’t sit right with the people. It’d be similar to the whole devil spawn thing that was discussed with Pittoo before, except Joker is detached from being involved in royal affairs so he likely doesn’t get it directly to himself but his poor son likely hears it and gets effected by it. Felicien would think by detaching himself from his father and being the “perfect royal” he could prove he’s not some devil spawn himself and win favor with the people. So the views of others essentially pushes him and Joker apart
-Nicknamed Feli. Affectionately used by Joker
-Probably argues with Mika a lot on their ideals. Funnily enough they probably both have similar ideals just very different approaches. Both have very strong desires of protecting and helping others after all, but were shaped differently in how to approach such things
-I totally forgot about Gratia when I spoke of half siblings before and Feli 100% does not get along with her either. If he thought being born with 1 thief as a parent was bad, then hoo boy 2 is a literal nightmare. She is more of a devil spawn than him
-He is trilingual speaking the Hyrulian language, Japanese and English
-If he were to be assigned an arcana, he likely wouldn’t fit the Fool like Joker’s other children, but rather the Emperor. Like this bit of how the arcana is described from the wiki makes me think of him specifically:
“Within the Persona universe, characters of the Emperor Arcana are often aspiring male leaders or strong male allies. Although they invest in a nuanced and humane craft, due to circumstances they find themselves to be overly logical and obsessive simultaneously, making them eccentric and inflexible. Generally having lost touch with the guidance of someone they trust, the characters try to find a sweet spot to establish their independence in between having their lives be completely controlled and becoming bad people that they would be ashamed of. At first, they're purists in their beliefs, refusing to view things from different perspectives. But over time, they understand their mistakes and lead their own lives while trusting in the guidance from others”
Joker probably is his lost guidance and over time Felicien probably comes to open up more to the views from Mika and Gratia over time. He definitely needs reassurance in that regard though and lots of patience
damn bro Hylian genetics are so strong none of Zel and Pittoo’s kiddos managed to inherit wings lololol

But omg she’s adorable!!!! The purple eyes are absolutely gorgeous and I love how you went with the blue shirt and Peter Pan collar for her lil outfit. She’s just like her mother 💙
I'm imagining this taking place in the hypothetical King DP AU where he became mortal. Biblical Nephilim do not have wings either. On occasion I have thought about Harkinian being able to sprout a pair of black wings for a brief time similar to the Aasimar from D&D.

Ianthe's personality came to me in a heartbeat: she has Zelda's bubbliness and Pittoo's fearlessness. As a child she's always getting into places she shouldn't, and daydreaming about grand adventures instead of focusing on her studies. If Zelda and Dark Pit get grey hairs prematurely, she's the cause of it! Perhaps Ianthe learned how to manifest her wings early and that's how she keeps getting into high places such as the castle roof. She keeps it a secret! I had the thought of Harkinian being around 10-13 years old by the time Ianthe comes around, and she really admires her big step-sister Aster!
I posted for Min Min and Corrin! Sorry that I took so long to write them (again) but I made sure to not half-ass it and make them as best as I could!
Darklord95 Darklord95 For Corrin's post, I knew that the combat RP would take a while and the main priority was to just get the Mouser to the Lake Shore, so I hope you don't mind me just taking things into my own hands like that.
Hyacinth sees Kaida and Harkinian practicing their archery and wants in on that! Then the Nephilim Twins join in and it’s a big competition on who is the best archer or sharpshooter!

Lol I’m trying to imagine Pittoo as a grandfather! That’s a crazy thing in itself! I can see him mellowing out as he matures and losing any angst he may have had in his youth. Still a stern fellow though. He’s his typical serious self, then he sees his grandchild and his personality does a complete 180, and he’s suddenly bouncing her on his knee while talking sweetly to her!

One of my favorite things to do when designing children of characters is to incorporate traits of the grandparents into the child, if the grandparents are known.
The competition's fierce!

Aww, that's so sweet! I think Link would be a cool ass grandpa, and as soon as he sees the little mini-Zelda smile at him, he forgets all about his woes about her not looking anything like his daughter >w<
I posted for Min Min and Corrin! Sorry that I took so long to write them (again) but I made sure to not half-ass it and make them as best as I could!
Darklord95 Darklord95 For Corrin's post, I knew that the combat RP would take a while and the main priority was to just get the Mouser to the Lake Shore, so I hope you don't mind me just taking things into my own hands like that.

The competition's fierce!

Aww, that's so sweet! I think Link would be a cool ass grandpa, and as soon as he sees the little mini-Zelda smile at him, he forgets all about his woes about her not looking anything like his daughter >w<
Zelda shows off the portraits of past Kings and Queens of Hyrule and everyone becomes aware of the very strong family resemblance! On that train of thought, I have pictured Zelda showing Dark Pit the portraits and asking him if he's ever considered growing a beard.

Link would totally be a cool-ass grandpa! Maybe the girl has Kaida's warrior spirit, which absolutely delights him!
-Definitely does not obtain a persona he lacks that rebellious spirit and would never want to be a Phantom Thief
My dumbass says this then gets thinking “but what if” and here’s my thoughts on that what if:

-If his persona followed the same concept as the ones given to the PTs, his first stage persona would represent a rebel, which I honestly haven’t found one I liked, but his second tier one would fall into a mythological entity which I feel Prometheus fits him if only he wasn’t already the persona of one of P3’s main characters who ironically is the emperor arcana in that game. God I’m creative lol
-But then I got to thinking more cuz of wanting to be unique and my brain clicked on an idea. I can pull from LoZ goddesses for this concept and with him being Zelda’s son, the concept of a masculine manifestation of the goddess Hylia as his persona came to mind. Ain’t no one calling him a devil spawn if he’s got something like that LOL

And now that is where my brain is at. Maybe I do something with this concept for fun, but that remains yet to be seen thinking of designing a persona rn hurts my brain
Welp I turned that "what if" into a messy concept design which oops it's all over the place but that is how my brain is rn lol

Bonus dump:
-Code named Monarch
-Persona is Hylia
-Definitely has an affinity to Light
-Mask mimics the wings on the Master Sword
-Felicien outfit slightly inspired by Royal Guard armor (mostly color wise)
-Totally didn't steal the persona headpiece from a Zelda artwork I did and modify it a bit LOL (also ig that headpiece floats??? I didn't think that through tbh)
-Big glowy gold wings on Hylia. They come from the lower back similar to Arsene
-Do not lift the veil on Hylia. Probably will get blinded with some radiant light or something LOL

I was very lazy on details. My art block is so bad that this was even a struggle to get done but the concept would not go away so here we are Dx
The wings of the Master Sword being the mask is a pretty creative idea!

I'm feeling much better tonight than I have been the past couple of days, but I'm still home after work to continue to recover. Gonna try and get some posts out!
The wings of the Master Sword being the mask is a pretty creative idea!
I sometimes have creative ideas once in a blue moon lol. I wanted something that could mimic Joker’s mask shape wise so it worked pretty well

Also I’ll work on Shulk post soon and I’ll probably get a head start on Joker and Ann since I’ll be writing posts separately for them and figure it’ll probably take me a bit so I might as well start getting my thoughts down
I'm working on posts now.

I had a thought of Byleth or Joker fishing, and they catch Pit on their line, the angel stubbornly holding the crystal of Pyra/Mythra to himself. He's pale, cold, and very clearly dead. Then, after a moment (and MUCH to the horror of everyone watching), Pit comes back to life, coughing violently and banging his fist on his chest to try and restart his own heartbeat! Immortality isn't all it's cracked up to be!

I had another terrible thought, thinking of Siren and the discussion way back when of Pit's Great Sacred Treasure and joking about Pyra/Mythra wondering if Pit, too, is a Blade; of the girls seeing the Great Sacred Treasure, and Mythra suddenly grabbing at Pit's clothes in an attempt to find his Core Crystal. Of course, to everyone else it seems like something R-rated was about to happen and any children in the vicinity is being shooed off! Totally OOC, but pretty funny!
Welp I turned that "what if" into a messy concept design which oops it's all over the place but that is how my brain is rn lol

Bonus dump:
-Code named Monarch
-Persona is Hylia
-Definitely has an affinity to Light
-Mask mimics the wings on the Master Sword
-Felicien outfit slightly inspired by Royal Guard armor (mostly color wise)
-Totally didn't steal the persona headpiece from a Zelda artwork I did and modify it a bit LOL (also ig that headpiece floats??? I didn't think that through tbh)
-Big glowy gold wings on Hylia. They come from the lower back similar to Arsene
-Do not lift the veil on Hylia. Probably will get blinded with some radiant light or something LOL

I was very lazy on details. My art block is so bad that this was even a struggle to get done but the concept would not go away so here we are Dx



Especially their outfit! I’m absolutely addicted to cream and gold paired togther in clothes and boy do these fits deliver! And omg the headpiece on Hylia is just 👌😩 ✨divine✨
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I'm working on posts now.

I had a thought of Byleth or Joker fishing, and they catch Pit on their line, the angel stubbornly holding the crystal of Pyra/Mythra to himself. He's pale, cold, and very clearly dead. Then, after a moment (and MUCH to the horror of everyone watching), Pit comes back to life, coughing violently and banging his fist on his chest to try and restart his own heartbeat! Immortality isn't all it's cracked up to be!

I had another terrible thought, thinking of Siren and the discussion way back when of Pit's Great Sacred Treasure and joking about Pyra/Mythra wondering if Pit, too, is a Blade; of the girls seeing the Great Sacred Treasure, and Mythra suddenly grabbing at Pit's clothes in an attempt to find his Core Crystal. Of course, to everyone else it seems like something R-rated was about to happen and any children in the vicinity is being shooed off! Totally OOC, but pretty funny!
You’d get two very different reactions from whoever it is fishing him out. If it’s Byleth, I can imagine he’s just staring deadpanned at Pit, rather unfazed by what he’s seeing. He’s seen a lot of weird stuff and this just adds to it. Joker on the other hand is wide eyed and confused af. He tries to be calm and collected like he usually is but fishing out a dead Pit certainly tests that mentality of his

That does seem like a pretty funny little scenario lol

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Especially their outfit! I’m absolutely addicted to cream and gold paired togther in clothes and boy do these fits deliver! And omg the headpiece on Hylia is just 👌😩 ✨divine✨
Ahhhh ty! I would have done so much more detail if my brain wasn’t so dead lately but we take what we can get. I’m happy overall with the concepts. Ain’t nobody in Hyrule gonna think he’s a devil spawn when he showing up with this drip and a persona like that lol
That would definitely be a way for Light, Wind & Fire to unite with one of the groups though! I pictured Byleth silently kneeling next to Pit, checking his pulse and letting out a very brief sigh as he confirms that he is dead, drowning being the cause of death, then tries to pry the crystal from his death grip, only to fall on his butt and watch deadpanned as Pit suddenly lets out a strangled gasp of air! Poor Luke, Sora, and Pichu if they witness that, though!

If it's Team Woomy, everyone screams while Joker is struck dumb! Everyone is gonna need therapy after that! Except Inkling. I'm of the impression she'd find that to be pretty metal! 🤘

Toon Link probably got launched into the air like a rocket somehow; that tends to happen to the little guy!
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow I’ve been inspired so here’s a not-baby Ianthe!


broooo omg I struggled so much with thinking about what I wanted in her design and went through a whole bunch of ideas. Initially when I only had the drawing an no personality to go off of I was actually basing her design off of characters like Hilda from AlBW, Vidia from the pixie hollow series, and a whole bunch of other black haired purple wearing villains/rival characters. Plus I was binging Princess TuTu while drawing so omg she was this close to having a ballerina themed outfit. But in the end I’m pretty happy with what I came up with!

Bonus hc’s and other things:
- If you look close enough, you’ll see that I added the tiniest bit of eyeshadow onto her. I thought it’d be cute if she were both an aggressively outdoorsy and adventurous person while still being super into girly girl things. Like she’s the girl who’d be happy about getting pretty dresses but then will proceed play outside and immediately get it all dirtied up
- I like to think she got inspired to wear a shortish cut skirt…tabbard…tunic? thingie rather than a dress from seeing Link running around in his tunic
- It’s hard to tell but she is indeed wearing pegasus boots/sandals. But oh dear lord she sucks at actually controlling their speed, so much to the maids’ and Zelda’s dismay Ian often crashes into nearby walls and furniture lol
- She’d totally loves animals of all kinds, but is especially obsessed with horses. She probably spends a lot of time admiring Phos and Lux whenever Pittoo takes the lighting chariot out for a spin. To go along with her desire for adventure, I imagine Ian’s dream would be to travel across the world alongside her own noble steed 🐎 💨 (But she’d need to actually get a horse of her own first lmao)
- Despite having the heart of an adventurer, I don’t see her being all that interested in doing battle or fighting in general but if she over does need to defend herself I imagine she’s most skilled with using a slingshot

Also for a little extra silly, here’s Felis hastily doodled as if he was the villain of a shoujo romance manga Ploegy Ploegy

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GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow I’ve been inspired so here’s a not-baby Ianthe!

View attachment 1129259

broooo omg I struggled so much with thinking about what I wanted in her design and went through a whole bunch of ideas. Initially when I only had the drawing an no personality to go off of I was actually basing her design off of characters like Hilda from AlBW, Vidia from the pixie hollow series, and a whole bunch of other black haired purple wearing villains/rival characters. Plus I was binging Princess TuTu while drawing so omg she was this close to having a ballerina themed outfit. But in the end I’m pretty happy with what I came up with!

Bonus hc’s and other things:
- If you look close enough, you’ll see that I added the tiniest bit of eyeshadow onto her. I thought it’d be cute if she were both an aggressively outdoorsy and adventurous person while still being super into girly girl things. Like she’s the girl who’d be happy about getting pretty dresses but then will proceed play outside and immediately get it all dirtied up
- I like to think she got inspired to wear a shortish cut skirt…tabbard…tunic? thingie rather than a dress from seeing Link running around in his tunic
- It’s hard to tell but she is indeed wearing pegasus boots/sandals. But oh dear lord she sucks at actually controlling their speed, so much to the maids’ and Zelda’s dismay Ian often crashes into nearby walls and furniture lol
- She’d totally loves animals of all kinds, but is especially obsessed with horses. She probably spends a lot of time admiring Phos and Lux whenever Pittoo takes the lighting chariot out for a spin. To go along with her desire for adventure, I imagine Ian’s dream would be to travel across the world alongside her own noble steed 🐎 💨 (But she’d need to actually get a horse of her own first lmao)
- Despite having the heart of an adventurer, I don’t see her being all that interested in doing battle or fighting in general but if she over does need to defend herself I imagine she’s most skilled with using a slingshot

Also for a little extra silly, here’s Felis hastily doodled as if he was the villain of a shoujo romance manga Ploegy Ploegy

She's very lovely! Thank you so much! The long-haired design is incredibly close to what I was imagining and doodling when figuring out her late teens/early adulthood appearance. I also imagined her being the type who is adventurous but still enjoys traditionally girly things such as dresses and make-up, and not being much of a warrior herself. You're pretty spot on!

The Pegasus Sandals and slingshot are great ideas! I can see Ianthe keeping a sling wrapped around her waist like a belt. Laurel crowns are traditionally symbols of triumph; maybe she earned hers pulling a David and Goliath by slaying a Hinox with her sling! Pit and Dark Pit having laurel crowns made for their children when they deem them worthy is a thought I've had more than once. Even though Ianthe isn't really a warrior by nature, she was likely trained in combat and magic by her parents, just like Harkinian was: they're doing their best to make sure she doesn't become a Damsel in Distress!

Some other thoughts I've had about her are that she is skilled in singing and dancing (obscure reference coming, I couldn't help but be reminded of King's Quest's Princess Rosella when thinking about her. I should stream that game sometime, it's a cute point-and-click adventure game I played a lot as a child!), and she and Dark Pit used to be close until she became a teenager. Pittoo thought it was time she started taking her responsibilities and studies seriously and became a lot more strict with her, only for her to fiercely rebel in response. After she does get her great adventure and goes through trials and tribulations, she matures and realizes that he was never being controlling, but trying to teach her prudence. Perhaps a god (maybe Pandora?) has also been manipulating her against her parents, which is what drives her to run off! She probably called Dark Pit out on his supposed hypocrisy. "You make the rules, papa, but you never had to follow them when you were young!"

Much to Pittoo's chagrin, Ianthe doesn't really care for her name and prefers her nickname. There may have been some controversy over Ianthe not being named Zelda as is tradition, but Queen Zelda promised to let him name their next child should they ever have one.

I totally thought Felician looked like he could be a Shoujo Anime character as well! XD
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow I’ve been inspired so here’s a not-baby Ianthe!

View attachment 1129259

broooo omg I struggled so much with thinking about what I wanted in her design and went through a whole bunch of ideas. Initially when I only had the drawing an no personality to go off of I was actually basing her design off of characters like Hilda from AlBW, Vidia from the pixie hollow series, and a whole bunch of other black haired purple wearing villains/rival characters. Plus I was binging Princess TuTu while drawing so omg she was this close to having a ballerina themed outfit. But in the end I’m pretty happy with what I came up with!

Bonus hc’s and other things:
- If you look close enough, you’ll see that I added the tiniest bit of eyeshadow onto her. I thought it’d be cute if she were both an aggressively outdoorsy and adventurous person while still being super into girly girl things. Like she’s the girl who’d be happy about getting pretty dresses but then will proceed play outside and immediately get it all dirtied up
- I like to think she got inspired to wear a shortish cut skirt…tabbard…tunic? thingie rather than a dress from seeing Link running around in his tunic
- It’s hard to tell but she is indeed wearing pegasus boots/sandals. But oh dear lord she sucks at actually controlling their speed, so much to the maids’ and Zelda’s dismay Ian often crashes into nearby walls and furniture lol
- She’d totally loves animals of all kinds, but is especially obsessed with horses. She probably spends a lot of time admiring Phos and Lux whenever Pittoo takes the lighting chariot out for a spin. To go along with her desire for adventure, I imagine Ian’s dream would be to travel across the world alongside her own noble steed 🐎 💨 (But she’d need to actually get a horse of her own first lmao)
- Despite having the heart of an adventurer, I don’t see her being all that interested in doing battle or fighting in general but if she over does need to defend herself I imagine she’s most skilled with using a slingshot

Also for a little extra silly, here’s Felis hastily doodled as if he was the villain of a shoujo romance manga Ploegy Ploegy

Somehow Felicien and Ianthe are Zelda’s only dark haired children, but then when Feli has to be with Joker’s side of the family he is just one of the pack of darker haired children lol. Clearly dark hair is Joker’s dominant gene I could change this and make one kid that stands out but lol I cannot be asked rn

Honestly very fitting view of him LOL. Let’s be real he probably DOES laugh like that
But on the opposite end, Feli probably views Mika as just a lil slime ball. Probably questions how his father managed to have a kid like that. Sad thought is he probably didn’t care much as a kid that Mika was very different and much like Joker adored them (and Gratia as well), but everything associated to Joker became very much a disgust to him, Joker siblings included. Oh how the views of people sadly shaped his mind. Deep down Feli probably knows it’s wrong and stupid of him, but he wants so badly to please the people
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Had a fun thought of Melina being kidnapped by a god because he desires to marry her, or it’s his mother who snatches her up for her son, and the whole time Melina is treating it as a huge annoyance! She’s just merciless with the sass!

Goddess: Watch your tongue, young lady! You are addressing gods, AND your future mother-in-law!

Melina: HA! I’d sooner chuck myself out of the heavens than have YOU as my mother-in-law and grandmother of my children, you wretched old hag!

Meanwhile, Mika hears the news and immediately goes to Percy. “Broooo! This is your chance!”

“For what?”

“To be the Prince Charming who sweeps the lady off her feet and saves her from evil, bro!”
She's very lovely! Thank you so much! The long-haired design is incredibly close to what I was imagining and doodling when figuring out her late teens/early adulthood appearance. I also imagined her being the type who is adventurous but still enjoys traditionally girly things such as dresses and make-up, and not being much of a warrior herself. You're pretty spot on!

The Pegasus Sandals and slingshot are great ideas! I can see Ianthe keeping a sling wrapped around her waist like a belt. Laurel crowns are traditionally symbols of triumph; maybe she earned hers pulling a David and Goliath by slaying a Hinox with her sling! Pit and Dark Pit having laurel crowns made for their children when they deem them worthy is a thought I've had more than once. Even though Ianthe isn't really a warrior by nature, she was likely trained in combat and magic by her parents, just like Harkinian was: they're doing their best to make sure she doesn't become a Damsel in Distress!

Some other thoughts I've had about her are that she is skilled in singing and dancing (obscure reference coming, I couldn't help but be reminded of King's Quest's Princess Rosella when thinking about her. I should stream that game sometime, it's a cute point-and-click adventure game I played a lot as a child!), and she and Dark Pit used to be close until she became a teenager. Pittoo thought it was time she started taking her responsibilities and studies seriously and became a lot more strict with her, only for her to fiercely rebel in response. After she does get her great adventure and goes through trials and tribulations, she matures and realizes that he was never being controlling, but trying to teach her prudence. Perhaps a god (maybe Pandora?) has also been manipulating her against her parents, which is what drives her to run off! She probably called Dark Pit out on his supposed hypocrisy. "You make the rules, papa, but you never had to follow them when you were young!"

Much to Pittoo's chagrin, Ianthe doesn't really care for her name and prefers her nickname. There may have been some controversy over Ianthe not being named Zelda as is tradition, but Queen Zelda promised to let him name their next child should they ever have one.

I totally thought Felician looked like he could be a Shoujo Anime character as well! XD
Omg Ianthe being manipulated into running off and joining Pandora would be amazing purely for the fact the banter between them would be absolutely glorious! Fhsjfj and there’s def a certain level of irony over Ianthe running away to Pittoo’s “mom” (Calling her that is probably a massive stretch but she played a hand in his creation so shhhh close enough) during her bout of teen rebellion. Pandora swiftly begins to regret this whole plan the moment Ian starts calling her Grandma Panny lmao.

Somehow Felicien and Ianthe are Zelda’s only dark haired children, but then when Feli has to be with Joker’s side of the family he is just one of the pack of darker haired children lol. Clearly dark hair is Joker’s dominant gene I could change this and make one kid that stands out but lol I cannot be asked rn

Honestly very fitting view of him LOL. Let’s be real he probably DOES laugh like that
But on the opposite end, Feli probably views Mika as just a lil slime ball. Probably questions how his father managed to have a kid like that. Sad thought is he probably didn’t care much as a kid that Mika was very different and much like Joker adored them (and Gratia as well), but everything associated to Joker became very much a disgust to him, Joker siblings included. Oh how the views of people sadly shaped his mind. Deep down Feli probably knows it’s wrong and stupid of him, but he wants so badly to please the people
dark hair is a dominant gene so I suppose it’d only make sense for all the Joker’s spawnlings to have dark hair as well lmao. Fhdjdjfj and omg my heart 😭, imagine the pain and confusion Mika and Gratia would feel watching their bro grow more and more distant from them 💔
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Omg Ianthe being manipulated into running off and joining Pandora would be amazing purely for the fact the banter between them would be absolutely glorious! Fhsjfj and there’s def a certain level of irony over Ianthe running away to Pittoo’s “mom” (Calling her that is probably a massive stretch but she played a hand in his creation so shhhh close enough) during her bout of teen rebellion. Pandora swiftly begins to regret this whole plan the moment Ian starts calling her Grandma Panny lmao.
Granny Panny lol

Ianthe is finally allowed to have a horse and after looking around she ends up choosing the scruffy donkey no one wanted! He turns out to be as loyal and protective of her as any guard dog, and he's incredibly strong. Of course, it looks absolutely ridiculous when Ianthe rides him, all decked out in royal steed finery, but she loves him, dammit! Pandora eventually reveals her true intentions, and ends up getting punted by the donkey! XD

I also imagined Pyrrhon appearing before Ianthe and trying to convince her that he is MUCH cooler (hotter?) than ol' lady Granny Panny, and that she should ditch her in favor of him! Either way, she ends up in a lot more trouble than she had anticipated!

On a more solemn note, before it's revealed where Ianthe has run off to, Zelda and Pittoo must've been worried sick! Dark Pit would likely spend many sleepless nights trying to find her, and running the royal guard ragged with the constant searching. How hard and painful it must've been for them to realize they must go back to their duties as Queen and King, and as such, must call off the search. Harkinian is very distraught over her disappearance as well, and he tries to take over the search when his parents couldn't.

Y'all remember the conversation we had long ago about what the hypothetical families of Smash Bros. fighters would be like, and I mentioned a silly possibility of Dark Pit ending up with a bunch of children, most of them daughters, because Palutena thought it would be funny to bless him with such? Now in this crazy AU, thanks to Crazy Hand's shenanigans, Dark Pit ends up being the step-father of a bunch of children, most of them daughters! All he needs is a son that is a perfect clone of Pit (the third and youngest of the Zeltoo kids, maybe? XD). That kid would be the only brunette in the family! The real reason Pittoo doesn't die of old age isn't because he fell in battle, but from having all these dang kids running around!
So today my friend sent me my Christmas present from him and look at the little cuties he sent me! I love them 😭

dark hair is a dominant gene so I suppose it’d only make sense for all the Joker’s spawnlings to have dark hair as well lmao. Fhdjdjfj and omg my heart 😭, imagine the pain Mika and Gratia would feel watching their bro grow more and more distant from them 💔
Him becoming distant is why they gotta knock some sense into him and teach him that good ol' dad and being a thief isn't bad. Gotta assure him he is no devil spawn and neither is anyone in the family

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