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Fandom [Stars of Sinnoh]

Barry handed her 50 pokedollars, so Phoebe went on her way. She jogged towards Dewey and Dawn, who weren't that far in front.

"Done," she told them.

Dewey looked relieved, as if he didn't want her to get sidetracked and he was glad it was over. Dawn just smiled and said, "Great." The three trainers continued on their journey to Twinlake Town.

"How much further is it?" Phoebe asked.

"Not to far," Dawn answered.

Percivale Awkwarly limped her way to the video calling booths. It is honestly strange why it's taking longer than usual for the Pokecenter to heal her Pokemon more than usual. Maybe it's just her. It's been awhile since she's been to these sort of places. Tyranny wasn't often to be the type to cause injury to himself. Rather, he would avoid it.

She sat on the red stool, sighing in relief. It hasn't been long, but this is the first time she had ever been so distant from her family. Tapping on the screen of the computer several times, she dials home.

It rang several times before it picked up, the screen flickering on to a young man with bright yellow hair. He didn't bother to stare at the screen, as it appears he was too busy writing something down.

"This is the Poke Cafe, how may we be of service?" Said the other end of the line, his voice full of energy. He never really lost that spark, even during the busiest hours of the day and he was dead tired.


He looked up, wondering who called his name.

"Huh?... Percivale?" He stopped writing, setting his pencil down, "Oh my god, Percivale! What up, sis? Did you make it to Sinnoh?"

Trisdan Olsen. Percivale's older brother. He's the third eldest, while she happened to be the 4th. A smile is always constantly seen across his face. Out of the entire family he seems to be the most casual, energetic, but surprisingly he talks A LOT.

Percivale shifts herself in her seat, making herself comfortable, "Yea, I just did! Registered not that long ago, actually."

"That's awesome, do you want me to get dad or the fam? They miss you. Even Gabriel, but he would rather not admit it..." He waves his hand around, spreading the fact.

"No, it's fine-"

"Hey, I heard my name. Who are you talking to?" A distant, brash voice entered. A younger boy entered the picture, with hair so black the screen made it out to be blue.

"It's Perc. I'm just talking about how much you miss her and stuff," putting more emphasis on latter half of the sentence.

"Ugh, it's only been three days. I don't miss her yet."

"Yet?" Trisdan smiles smugly.

"I-... Ugh, whatever, I don't care." He waves him off.

Percival laughs, greeting the youngest of the family, "Hey Gabriel. I miss you too. I send you my sweet kisses!"

She blows a kiss to the screen.

"I, God, stop. That's embarrassing, why are you doing that in public?"

Gabriel Olsen. He's Percival's younger brother and pretty much the last one to be born. He surprisingly has a very closed and reserved personality, but that doesn't really wall off people like Trisdan and Percival. He probably loathes it, but no one seems to care so...

"Hey, what's that scratch on your face?"

Percival reflexively touched the wound on her face. Oh right, she tripped and scratched herself trying to get here. She replies, "Oh I just failed to jump properly and landed on my face."

"..." Gabriel gives a sour face. Alternatively, Trisdan seems to be more sympathetic, but not really.

"Oh, make sure to land on your feet next time."

"I will, haha."

"Where's the nurse? Your in the Pokecenter right?"

"Yea, I am. I'm just waiting for Tyranny to get healed and get some first aid, and I'll head to the next town I guess."

And speak of the devil. One of the nurse Pokemon, Chansey came along bearing some bandages and some anti-septic on a metal tray.

The pink Pokemon begins the process by spraying the alcohol material on her wounds, which made Percival hiss in pain. Gabriel spoke up, not wanting to watch this.

"We have to get off, we're still on duty Perce."

"Oh right, tell Dad I love him. You guys too. Oh and don't forget to tell that to Arter and Lance."

"Yea, yea."

"We will! Love you, P-"

The screen hangs up, showing the dialing page. Well, Percival is partially healed at the moment, but she's still waiting on Tyranny. Maybe she has more time to make one more call perhaps? Yea. That sounds good.

She knew who to call anyway.

Calling Home...!
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Kaede Fletcher, a blonde teenager who was a little on the taller side, was currently clutching her stomach with one arm and gripping the railing of the ship she was currently aboard with the other. Oh god, why couldn't I have come on a damn plane or something? she thought, her stomach churning for the umpteenth time. She really wasn't that suited to the sea, she recently realised, and vowed never to step foot on a ship or boat again. The seasickness was just that unpleasant.

Stunky, her poison-type companion, was a bit befuddled by her trainer's current condition. The skunk pokémon wasn't too bothered by water at all, in fact, she rather enjoyed swimming. Maybe it was the slow rocking of the boat that was doing something to Fletcher. "Stunk, stunky," chirped the pokémon then, spotting land just ahead which they seemed to quickly be approaching. She butted her trainer a few times to gain the blonde's attention, earning a couple of swats before the teen finally gave a sort of groan and looked up.

Land, sweet, sweet land.


Sandgem Town, that was where the sailors onboard the ship from the Unova Region had announced they were, as Fletcher staggered onto the beach, struggling to hold in her earlier lunch. Thankfully, the presence of steady ground seemed to ease her symptoms quite quickly. Stunky darted ahead, curious to explore somewhere new, and perhaps rile up a few strange pokémon or people.

When Fletcher finally felt good enough to proceed on, she dropped down onto her rump on the sand, pulling a folded scrap of paper out of the back pocket of her stressed, charcoal skinny jeans. Opening it, she re-read the instructions, telling her she needed to go find Professor Rowan and see if she could snatch a pokédex. Well, it wasn't worded like that, but the blonde thought she needed a back-up plan in case it wasn't actually that easy to get her hands on one.
Deep in the chasms underneath the mountains of Hoenn, was a young man in a Italian suit. Of all the places to be in, he just had to be a hundred feet under the surface of the earth. The more he shifted through the rocks, the more he would find his custom tailored silk suit caked with dirt. He didn't mind though.

"Ah, Aggron? Can you dig a bit further for me? Can't seem to reach the back."

His aggron roared in response. Once his Pokemon master stepped out of the way, the white armored pokemon bashed his way through the rocky earth. Each jab would cause the cavern ceiling to crumble up a bit, but neither of them seem to be cautious about it. They simply ignored the dust that cascaded down their shoulders.

The trainer would observe him as he would punch away, his arms crossed with a noble authority. He would play with his metallic rings by swiveling them around his fingers, but suddenly stops. He reaches in his suit jacket and pulls out his platnium pokenav that's been vibrating for a while now. He flips it open.

Reading the name off the caller ID, he grins and commanded his Pokemon, "Aggron! That's enough!"

Abiding to his master, the tremors of the cave stop as well. He nods a good job well done and tapped the button.

"Y-.... -Ne!" The images and audio was scratchy. You could barely recognize the form of a person at the other side of the screen. "S-...!"

"Hold on, I can't hear you," the young man taps on the Nav, as though it would make the signal stronger.

"St-...! ...!"

He started shaking it now.


He furrows his eyebrows. Well, that's strange. He should be getting a signal all the way down here, this was even made specifically for him. The signal should be strong even if he was a thousand feet under the earth's crust!

He whammed the pokenav with a bit more force this time. The screen now flickers on, revealing the boy at the other side on the screen.

"Yo, Steven Stone! Are you good?"

Steven smiles, quite glad that the pokenav is working correctly. Properly adjusting the gear on his the palm of his hand, he combs back his pale blue hair, and returned his greetings.

"Percivale! Good evening, how are you as of late?"

Percivale Olsen. He's a whimsical boy, younger than him by five years. He never went to college, but unlike the people he has seen from his days in the Ivy League, he has to admit. There was something refreshing about him. Steven can't put his finger on it, but he certainly enjoys being friends with someone from such a long distance way.

"I'm fine! You? Actually, where are you? I can't even see your face."

"Aha, well, as you can see I'm a few feet under the crust of the earth..."

"Are you searching for your stones, Stone?" Percivale laughs, hiding his wide grin under his hand.

"Well, yes. You are correct."

"What did you find this time?"

"Afraid to say not much. I have found this, though."

Once again, he reaches into his pocket in his coat. With a simple and elegant grace, he takes a small stone white like burnt ashes. Flat and smooth, it was interesting to touch.

"It's no gem, but it looks cool," Percivale admitted.

Steven tucks it back in, not even trying to hide his smile anymore, "Thank you. "

Steven Stone makes his Appearance!
"Alright.. to Sandgem town," muttered the blonde as she rose to her feet again. She could see buildings just a bit further on from the beach, and was relieved that there wasn't too much walking to be done before getting her hands on some pokéballs. "Stinker, come on!" she called after the poison-type Pokémon, who was still exploring the beach until called, and then trotted back towards Fletcher again with a chirp of a reply.

As they strolled into the small town, or village more like, Fletcher's pale gaze scavenged the area for a place that resembled a lab of some sort. Professor Rowan's lab, in particular. After a moment she spotted a promising looking building, blue and grey in colour. That must be it. She and her Pokémon then headed over, stepping inside right away once they reached the entrance.

Fletcher was greeted with a large, open room, and discarded some of the people walking about as assistants. It was the more elderly man further back that caught her attention, and she made haste in marching through to get to him. Without even giving the professor a proper greeting, she made her announcement, hands falling to sit on her hips. "I've come all the way from Unova to get here, so there better still be a damn pokédex left," she remarked.

The professor merely raised one brow, but wasn't too phased. The blonde before him reminded him just a little of Barry, that boisterous kid from nearby. "Yes, I've still got a few left. What's your name?"

"Kaede Fletcher," she replied, a little relieved to hear that.

"Your gender?" The Professor continued, turning around to root through a drawer behind him. Meanwhile, Fletcher was spluttering a bit at the odd question. "What the hell kind of question is that? I'm clearly female, old man!"

"Age and hometown?" He asked, not missing a best between questions. The response he received was a bored sounding, "Nineteen, and Nimbasa City."

"Well, here you are Kaede. Use this to record all of the Pokémon you bump into on your journey." Professor Rowan had turned to face the blonde again, and handed her the pokédex he had fished out. "I presume that Stunky is yours, so you should be alright for a Pokémon. Oh, and here, take these as well," he continued, pulling out five empty pokéballs and passing those over also. Fletcher began stuffing them into the backpack she had been carrying, without even thinking of giving a thanks.

"Alright, finally! Now we can go and become the strongest Sinnoh has ever seen," Fletcher cheered, her gaze having returned to her Pokémon, who puffed out her chest in agreement and began following her trainer out of the lab once more.
Kaede Fletcher has been officially recognized in the system, and is now considered a Sinnoh League Pokemon Trainer.



Not Twinlake Town, but Twinleaf Town!

Dewey sighed in relief. Finally, Phoebe was done helping the young boy. They were able to continue their small little journey to Twinleaf Town. And, not too far was right. Just up ahead of the trio were housing areas, trees and such, appearing to grow bigger and bigger as they got closer and closer. It would be much, much faster if they were to walk at a much quicker paste, or at least jog, but nobody was complaining. Dewey definitely didn't. Besides, it only took Dawn a few seconds before she began running hurriedly. Well, this turned into a race far too quickly.

A few minutes of running was one thing that could tire Dewey out. Catching up with the clearly younger person, Dawn, was already hard enough. There were many contributing factors that led to Dewey's loss of stamina - the heat, the running, and his overall body strength. He was not made to run! The trio arrived and stood in front of a door now. No gates around the home? Just a front door porch? Well, the town appeared to be a quiet one.

"And... we're here!" Dawn proceeded to open the door and be the first to walk in. So the door was not locked? Burglary must be rare here! "Mom, it's me, I'm home!"

"Welcome back, my dear!" An older looking Dawn, possible her mother judging by the similar hair colour, greeted her and welcomed her home. Something about her hairstyle intimidated Dewey just a bit. Perhaps, it was the volume? "Come on in, you two. Make yourselves at home!" Johanna was not questioning who Dewey and Phoebe were, for reasons unknown. Perhaps, she saw them as guests?

"What're your names?" Nope. She was planning to do so a few seconds later, and she did.

Dewey simply, awkwardly went into the house, doing his best to avoid bumping into that one Glameow on the floor, moreso the question. He got behind Dawn, and he stayed behind her for the time being, making little to no sound. Just letting Phoebe to introduce herself first, then. No?

"It's Dewey.." No.

He began to wonder if meeting the blue haired girl's mother could benefit him and Phoebe in any way. A mother usually is content in staying at home and doing little to nothing as her child embark on their Pokemon adventures, yes? All the trophies and the pictures on the walls caught Dewey's full attention. Safe to say, there were no more doubts in him. Not anymore.


The trio are now at Johanna's house!

(I'm so sorry for the long wait!)
As the town got closer and closer, Dawn got faster and faster. It seemed like she wanted a race. Either that or she wanted to get there as fast as possible. Phoebe shrugged as she ran after her, not looking back. Dewey seemed to be lagging behind, but no matter. They were almost there at Twinleaf Town.

When they finally arrived, Phoebe let out a sigh of relief. By this time, Dewey had caught up with them and was walking besides them. Dawn lead them to a small house with a front porch. This must be Dawn's house, Phoebe thought. Dawn opened the door with no difficulty- and no key? The door was just... open? The young Pokemon trainer didn't think to much about this, but surely it should be locked? It didn't really matter though, she was just glad to be here.

"Mom, it's me, I'm home!" Dawn announced as she walked in.

"Welcome back, my dear," Phoebe heard someone say. A Dawn-look-alike came to the door. She looked older than Dawn, but still exactly the same. This must be Dawn's mother, she thought. "Come on in, you two. Make yourselves at home," Dawn's mom, Johanna, said kindly.

Phoebe smiled and walked in with no hesitation. Dewey, however, was not that confident. Still, he walked in.

"What're your names?" Johanna asked. Dewey hesitated, but replied before Phoebe. Then, Phoebe spoke up and introduced herself. "I'm Phoebe Jensen," she said with a smile. She looked around the room in which they were in. The walls were covered in trophies. Obviously, Dawn's mother was an extremely successful Pokemon trainer.

"So, you want to be couched?" she guessed. Phoebe nodded. Maybe she knew this because this happened alot to her? Or maybe it was just a lucky guess? Never mind how she knew, Johanna was right and Phoebe was ready to be couched. "Great," she continued, "Please, lets discus this over a cup of tea."

She lead the trio to her kitchen-diner, and flicked on the kettle. "Please, take a seat," Johanna ordered in a nice manner. Phoebe walked over to the table, which was in the middle of the room, and sat down.

@Folkus (don't be sorry about the wait, I really don't mind ( :) )


This dining-kitchen room seemed... well organised. A flick sound could be heard, and then the sound of boiling... tea? Hopefully, the electric kettle doesn't break.

"Please, take a seat." Who still used 'take a seat' these days? Why should Dewey judge, though? Since he knew little to nothing about how people behave outside of his home, he did not correct Johanna. Not like there was anything to correct, though. As requested, he sat next to Phoebe on an available seat. Dawn sat the opposite of him, of course, and so did Johanna, with her Glameow on her lap. So, they were all waiting for the tea now?

Dewey predicted that there would be a small conversation that would happen in the meantime, and he was correct.

"In case if Dawn hasn't introduced me yet, I'm her mother, Johanna," introduced Johanna. "I'm sure Dawn may have told you two about this before, but, I used to be a great Pokémon Coordinator. My dear daughter wants to follow my foot-steps and become a great Coordinator, too. I'm guessing that you two are here for some coachin'?"

"Yep, that's right!" Dawn answered her before Dewey could, if he even wanted to. "These two are new Pokemon trainers that registered for the league just this morning! I thought that they might need some help, so I brought them here for you to coach, mom!"

"Excellent!" her mother replied. "You two shouldn't underestimate me, by the way. You might think I lost all my skills to being a mom, but I'm still as sharp as ever - I teach a coordinator class after all!" Yep, have some confidence in good ol' Johanna.



"Oh! Tea will be ready in a moment now." Johanna proceeded to finally, not a few minutes ago but right now, set up the table while at the same time, her Glameow hopped off of her. Four old-fashioned tea cups were placed onto the table, and soon, the hot kettle was there too. She was seen bringing it to the table while wearing a pair of oven gloves, and she carefully poured tea into each cup, placing the kettle down, and finally 'serving' them for the trio and of course, herself. The gloves were then removed, too.

"It finished boiling just now, so handle with care, okay?"

Well, Dewey would simply allow his cup of tea to cool off by itself now. Not good to risk burning his mouth, and not good to risk 'the potential poison' in it, either.

(@amybri18) Again, so sorry!
Phoebe listened to Johanna and Dawn, who seemed to be telling them that she would happily couch them. This was good, obviously. Phoebe smiled, thinking about what was to come. The future looked bright for herself and Dewey, and she honestly couldn't want to get started.


The kettle was ready. Johanna opened a cupboard and brought out 4 old-fashioned teacups with patterns of flowers around the side. She placed them on the table, then proceeded to get the kettle and place that on the table as well. She then poured out tea, wearing green oven gloves for some reason. She handed everyone a cup, and took off the gloves, before sitting down and taking a sip of her tea. It was quite clear to see that she didn't mind about the heat.

"So then, what Pokemon do you have there?" Phoebe asked, willing to know everything about Pokemon. She pointed to the Glameow on the floor, who looked pretty happy. Of course, being new to Pokemon, she didn't know what most types of Pokemon were. She took a sip of her tea (which was extremely good, by the way) and looked over at Dewey, who hadn't started to drink. "It's good, by the way," she told her fellow Pokemon Trainer.

@Folkus (again, don't worry!)

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