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Fandom [Stars of Sinnoh]

Phoebe smiled as he asked if he could join her. You could say she was relieved, as she didn't really want to do everything alone. She looked down at Blub, who was playing happily with the Elekid. The Squirtle looked up, and seemed to understand what she was thinking. Shall I journey with him, or not? Blub nodded.

"Yes, that would be great!" Phoebe exclaimed with a huge smile.

"You alright, friend?" Percivale asked in concern a concern glance. Her eyebrows knit in genuine concern as her lips give a subtle frown. Her face was close to Dawn's as she attempts to rub her back, in effort to calm her down from her sudden phase of depression. For some odd reason, she blanked out not long after correcting the fact that she happens to be female. Is there something wrong with that...?

The young girl rises and sat up properly from her chair in order to stare straight at her; sharp shades of blue clashes with a bright salmon pink. Small tears threaten to come out of her eyes, but it seems to her that it would be ridiculous to cry in a situation like this. As of yet, she stress fully rubs her temple in frustration with herself.

"Life is unfair," she muttered, "(Why did you have to be born with two X chromosomes?)"

"What was that? I'm afraid I didn't hear what you said," Percivale tilts her head, unable to decipher Dawn's private mumbling. Why were girl's so weird sometimes. She was a girl herself, but sometimes they're just... an entirely new species of human entirely. She wasn't made to be so feminine. It simply was not her style. Perhaps it was the way she was raised. Living with several other boys seems to really take a toll on her personality, as she happens to first resemble a young adolescent man.

"It's nothing," Dawn sighs, her arms propping her head up, "It just goes to show how Arcaeus is a troll."

Percivale chuckles, her high cheekbones turning into a tint of red. She doesn't know why she found it so amusing. Probably because she couldn't have said it any better. Whoever is out there, whoever created this world, surely was an asshole indeed.

Dawn fixes her sorry state of being shortly afterwards. The white beanie girl, coughs in a way to bring Percivale's attention.

"Anyway, congratulations!" she cheered, "You have been registered as an official Sinnoh League Pokemon Trainer!"

Dawn applauses and smiles, grabbing the attention of a few of the people of the laboratory. Some of the pokemon professor's aids join in and clap as well. Hell, even Rowan seems to spare a small gruff to her. That would be considered a compliment, right?

Percivale shyly rubs the back of her neck, the tinge on her cheeks growing brighter, "Ahah, thanks guys. I never imagined a day like this would happen to me."

Dawn walks off to the copier at the corner of the lab and returns with a small plastic card. Percivale's ID. Her official license. Holy crap. Taking the license with utmost care, she stores it in her colorful blue, pink, yellow wallet.

"What made you decide to become a pokemon trainer in the first place?" asked Dawn.

You notice Percivale's eyes flicker with a glinting happiness. She looks around for that guy, that one guy for whom she is doing this all for. Someone who Percivale is truly grateful to have. Biting her lips in a coquettish smirk, she spots him in the corner, tending to the white daisies once more.

"For Tyranny," she said.

Dawn glances between the Larvitar and Percivale. Larvitar was watering the plants with utmost care, not even considering the situation around him. And his owner was just as strucked, she found a soft tenderness in the way she looked at her beloved pokemon. Dawn slowly grows a wide grin, "So what are you going to do now?"

Percivale suddenly averts her eyes to Dawn's, as though what she asked was something rather serious. She tilts her head, a single knuckle touching the bottom of her pink lips.

"I... I'm not sure. I honestly haven't thought this far."

Finding herself at a lost, she touches her chin thoughtfully. Yea, what would she do now? She finally got registered as a trainer, and now what? It's not like Percivale studied on how to become a proper trainer. She was far too busy helping out the Café and packing up for the Sinnoh Region, as well as video calling with Stone. Actually, maybe she does know.

"I'll probably call my family, you know? And a friend, too. Tell them I made it to Sinnoh safely. And that I successfully became a full-fledged trainer."

Dawn nods in agreement, "Yea, that sounds like a good idea. The Pokecenter is not so far off, either, but..."

"But...?" this grabbed Percivale's attention.

"Before you go I would like to challenge you to a pokemon battle. I'm a new trainer as well, so I guess the match would be equal."

Percivale listens to her offer attentively, listening to every word she said. After the last word, she grinned widely, almost amused of this idea. She never had a real pokemon battle before. She has seen them, but never really experience in participating in it herself. Excited, she quickly agrees to Dawn.

"I accept your challenge."

Professor Rowan, who seems to be listening on in your conversation instead of doing important paperwork speaks up, "I guess it's the occasion to go to the back garden."

Percivale accepts Dawns challenge! The first pokemon battle awaits!

Leon White is formally recognized as a Sinnoh League Pokemon Trainer. Congratulations!
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Prof. Rowan's Lab
Previously, Pierre had just knocked someone off their feet as he apologized to them while Sewaddle glared daggers at the culprit who carelessly ran into Pierre without acknowledgement of their surrounding. It looked like the fall was painful but the girl who he bumped into seemed unfazed by it after a while and dragged a poor Charmander -- that was holding a Pokedex in hand -- onto her lap. From what Pierre could guess, the girl was chasing after what looks to be her partner pokemon who had stolen her Pokedex which made Pierre chuckle softly to himself at how mischievous a pokemon can be especially for a baby dragon but quickly dismissed it as he was more worry about the girl's conditions,"

T-that's good.

" He frantically said relieved that she was fine,"

I'm fine but--

" Just when he was about to help the girl up, someone called out to the girl as a man came over to her side and helped her up asking for her well-being.

Pierre felt guilty for being such a rude person to harm a girl much smaller than him and to top it off, she didn't look any older than at least... maybe 15? He couldn't quite make out how old the girl was but she looked pretty young which meant he just have harmed a child,"

Ugh, way a go Pierre, you hurt a girl.

" Pierre thought mentally scolding himself but snapped out of it when the girl apologized again,"

Don't worry about it, no one was at fault here, really.

" He reassured though he felt most of the blame was on him for not being attentive of his own surrounding and smiled when the girl introduced herself as 'Alexis',"

Nice to meet you Alexis, I'm Pierre.

" He responded accepting the hand with a gentle squeeze and a shake,"

Oh, and this is my companion, Silky.

" He added introducing his Sewaddle as Silky stared at Alexis in silence to study her behavior towards his trainer. She seemed nice enough to not be mean as Silky gave in,"

Se-wa! Sewaaadle!

" He cried closing his beady eyes to give a buggy smile, his fangs visible to see their fine, sharp tips.

Studying Alexis, he noticed how energetic she was for a small girl and how close she was with her pokemon. It made Pierre happy to see such an exciting duo who's personalities were much alike as if they were a warm, blazing fire but so unlike Pierre and his partner. For Pierre and his Silky, they were more like a gentle wind that went with whatever but could grow aggressive if provoked. The two trainers were quite the opposites indeed. To be honest, he could say that Alexis reminded him a lot about his sisters,"

Ah... I wonder how they are in school?

" He thought though it had only been a few hours since he left home and shook off the homesickness he was feeling just reminiscing on his family,"

Is your Charmander alright? It looks like it doesn't like being hold.

" He asked chuckling at how the Charmander looked upset that he was being chained to Alexis. Sewaddle only cried and continue his observation of Alexis and her pokemon along with the man next to her, his beady eyes never left Alexis' eyes as he stared down into her soul.



Pierre made a new friend, Alexis!

"S-Shuu...!" Kasumi called, running after the fast Cyndaquil. "S-slow down!" she tried again, hoping that her new friend would slow down and let her catch up. While the eighteen-year-old was perfectly healthy, she was a bit out of shape. She never was much of a runner. Pausing for a moment to catch her breath, Kasumi sighed. Shaking her head, she stood again and took off after the fire-type. The whole reason she was running after the Pokémon didn't make much sense to her in the first place...

All she did was go through her bag. She had decided it was best for the two to go over what Professor Rowan had given them. She'd seen her dark violet colored PokéDex and six pokéballs, one with a note taped on top. Curious, she'd lifted the note, reading quietly to herself while Shuu stuck his nose inside her bag.


This pokéball is the one holds your new starter, Cyndaquil. For him to officially be yours, you'll have to tap the ball on his head and he should go inside and let himself be captured. It won't hurt at all. Good luck to you on your journey Miss. Takasha. I'm sure I'll be hearing of you. Oh, one last piece of advice. Trainers seem to do well with more than one Pokémon. I suggest you head to route 202 and try capturing one.

~Professor Rowan

The pink-haired teen had then picked up the pokéball, and informed Shuu of the letter. He had seemed enthusiastic about the idea and stepped back a bit, crying out gleefully. Biting her lip lightly, she tossed the ball into the air at an angle so it would land on Shuu's head. Watching in awe as her partner became encased in a static-y red light, she watched as he disappeared into the ball. As it fell to the ground, landing softly in the sand, Kasumi began to worry that maybe Shuu actually was hurt.

Seeing the ball stop moving, she quickly picked it up. "Shuu...?" she called out, worried. Turning the ball in her hand, Kasumi wondered what she'd just done to her new friend. Planning on moving it to her other hand, she gasped as it dropped, hitting the floor. Eyes wide in shock, Kasumi was relieved upon seeing the strange static like red light where Shuu emerged. "Oh thank goodness...!" she sighed.

"Cynda?" he questioned, tilting his head.

"Oh, never mind that." Kasumi laughed lightly. "So, the Professor said to try and capture other Pokemon...? Should we give that a try?"


Smiling again, Kasumi started off, Shuu running beside her. "Alright, to Route 202 it is." she announced quietly as they started off the beach.


Kasumi somehow captured Shuu!


"Okay!" Dewey had never seen such a bright, such a wide smile before. It made him smile back, though, but lightly. Truth be told, he did not see this coming. She seemed very glad that he had suggested to be 'partners' together on the same journey. Perhaps, her thoughts were almost like his? Unlikely, though. "We sh'ud be going now, then--" His attention shifted to the two Pokemon, and Phoebe might do the same, as well. "--so! Y'u guys sh'ud stop now; we're about to leave-- huh.." They were playing quite happily, with all the cute Pokemon sounds. He could already tell how much fun they were having, and even though they had a terrible start, no thanks to Lecky, they were playing as if they were long time friends.

Well, they were not in such a rush, so, he could wait for the Pokemon to finish.

"Birii! Biribiri!" Lecky was enjoying his time over there with Phoebe's Squirtle, Blub. Thanks to her trainer, safety was 100% certified for the Squirtle, and the young Elekid could finally play with her. He did things such as drumming on her turtle shell rapidly, but gently and softly., and he also let the Squirtle 'piggy ride' on him, possibly gripping his plug-like antennas. All was fun until Lecky made a terrible mistake and let out some level of voltage. Weak and hardly visible, but probably very effective to the poor Squirtle(?). One could say, water-types and electric-types just do not blend well.

But of course, whether or not should the Squirtle be zapped and glow yellow anime-style(@amybri18)It was up to the writer-roleplayer!
Dawn stood fifty paces from Percival, which was typically the standard amount in a pokemon battle. It was a grassy area, but still a good place to practice in the open air. You could smell the recently mowed grass and the hint of pollen in the air. Not many people from the laboratory decided to come out. Instead, they would periodically look through the window to check on how you guys were doing. The only person who decided to go out was Professor Rowan, standing at the sidelines.

"I..." spoke the pokemon professor, "Shall be the referee. The rules are simple, as it seems both parties only hold one pokemon in their inventory. This is a one-on-one battle with absolutely no substitutions. If a pokemon and his trainer resigns or is knocked out, their opponent shall be declared the winner. Do you both understand?"

They both nodded. Dawn gives a small smile in confidence. Percivale grins, her blood boiling in anticipation. She has so much energy to expend, but it looks like it's all on Tyranny. The little guy stands idly next to her, admiring the beauty of the laboratory garden. She gives him a warm glance, without him knowing.

Percivale cracks, first her knuckles and then her neck, making an almost uncomfortable sound. Though it sound gritty, it appears that she does not seem bothered by it, and even excitedly continues to do little bunny hops on the ground.

Let's do this! You got this Tyranny!"

At the mention of his name, he jumped, ready for action. Percivale is surprised to see a new side of her pokemon. He almost looks tough. 'Look' is a keyword here, though. Like his master, he was just as ecstatic to participate in a full-fledged pokemon battle! He lands on a patch of grass, a short distance away from her.

"Larvitar~!!" he bellowed.

Dawn's hand reaches into her belt pocket, and grabs a single inactive pokeball. Clicking the white button center, she releases it into the air, a beam of red light spilling out of it. A small blue pokemon appears.

"Piplup piplup!"

He dances cutely, flapping it's wings to the left, to the left, everything to the left. He even gives a finale pose with him twirling around in pride. Is it just her or does she feel awful that she needs to knock him out in order to win the battle? Glancing back at Tyranny, he doesn't appear to be fazed by anything at the moment.

Professor Rowan coughs, grabbing the attention of both of you,
"The challenger for this battle is Dawn, from Sandgem Town, therefore Percival, of Anistar City, makes the call. Heads or tails?"

"Uhh... tails." Percivale glances at the Larvitar's dinosaur like tail following behind him.

He touches something on his wrist, almost flicking his finger up. A short few seconds of patience, and he shares what he sees on his wrist.

It was sort of watch, but it had a screen to it. It was colored brown, like it was made to suit his tie. He shows off the screen, which reveals a golden coin that landed on...

"It is tails. Percivale goes first."

The old man turns his head expectantly at you, waiting for you to make the first move... but it never came. He speaks out once more.

"Percivale? It is your turn."

She jumps,
"Oh, uh, me?? I...What the hell am I supposed to do?"

Tyranny, found himself tripping over nothing again, but it feels necessary at the moment. Percival shifts her weight around, embarrassed not know at least this much. She would use the fact that she is a new trainer as a valid excuse for her ignorance, but for now she stand idle, unsure what to do.

Rowan shakes his head, but answers her,
"Simply order your pokemon to attack."

"Uh.... um. Okay. Uh, Tyranny! Attack(?)!"she yells, though it was more proper to say she did it rather confused. She doesn't even know the proper moves that Tyranny could do, so she's simply trying to pull it off by saying a single word.

Surprisingly, Tyranny seems to know what he is doing, as it sprints toward Piplup and lunges for him.


Tyranny manages to land a bite on one of his wings. The blue penguin Pokemon literally waves the Larvitar around as though he was a flag. Percivale sweatdrops, as she finds it almost ironic how a piplup could wave a 150 lbs creature so easily, as though it was nothing. Unlike her, Dawn happens to be cringing after hearing her pokemon cry in pain.

"Get him off you, Piplup! Use Peck!"

With a forceful thrust of his wings, Piplup does manage to throw Tyranny off him, at least a few feet further back. His eyes were slightly tearing up, but he still continue to hold that confident look in his eyes. He still continue to holds it, even when his beak started to glow white and noticeably longer. Without warning, he begins to peck at Tyranny at the speed of light.

"L-l-l-l-l-a-a-a-a-r-r-r-r-r-v-v-v-t-a-a-a-r-r-r-r-r-r..." He said with the fast pecking affecting his voice. Due to his rock like skin, it doesn't seem he is dealing with much damage, however he seems to grow irritably annoyed by this. It was like perhaps banging on someone's bike helmet just to spite them.

"Tyranny, brush him off!" Percival yelled, "And er... bite him again!"

Piplup continues plucking at the larvitar, but at the very last second found himself at the mouth of Tyranny. Bitten once more, piplup cries, unable to hold his tears. It waddles around the garden with a Larvitar noming on its head. What a strange sight.

"C'mon Piplup! Use bide if you have too!"

The blue pokemon whips his head, throwing Tyranny off once more. However, this time Piplup rises back up with an almost sacred golden gold. One could feel his was empowering himself, but unfortunately Percival didn't know what he's powering himself for.

"Use bite once again!"As commanded by Percivale, Tyranny lunges for another bite, this time aiming for his webbed feet.

"Quick, evade him!" Dawn shouted.

Too bad. It seems that Piplup safely dodged the attack. Gritting her teeth, Percival commanded Tyranny once more.

"Try again! Bite!"

Tyranny spins around and lunges for Piplup, but he dodges once again.

"Yea! That's the way to go Piplup! Keep on dodging him!" Dawn jumps, fist pumping into the air. She seems to be gaining the confidence to win the battle.

Percival, however, is beginning to lose morale. She grits her teeth, as her eyebrows furrowed. She has to find something. Something new. She can't use bite anymore, even though it's the only move she knows that Tyranny has. She curses herself for not seriously battling when she had the chance. She scratches her head irritatingly.

Tyranny glances at his master, worried. Gulping down some saliva down his throat, he turns around and faces Piplup. How does he glow like that? It's obviously something that is giving him power, but how? Tyranny stares at Piplup intently. Glowing. Empowering oneself. Tyranny tries to learn the move by glance.

But there was no use, as he was no Piplup.

"This is your chance! Bubble Beam! Now!"

The light from piplup starts to glow at it's brightest as he breathes in. And with a final heave, a barrage of bubbles comes streaming out of his mouth. With the force of iron, the bubbles pops against Tyranny. They were powerful. More damage than what bubbles should have done. Tyranny was forced to shut his eyes tight, due to the pressure. Was it because of that move? Because of the glowing? He was nearly there. All he had to do was hit the piplup with his arm! But him some more! But instead he finds himself slipping under the force of the of the bubbles.

And suddenly, the stream of bubbles stop. Larvitar slowly open it's eyes, seeing Piplup panting heavily, but he was no longer glowing as it did before. Arcaeusdammit. What was that move? He wouldn't be so damaged if it weren't for that. He wouldn't be standing on his last breath. He wouldn't have to force himself up, to battle. He wouldn't be in so much pain. He...

He collapses on the grassy field.


...The voice of his master was like a sweet lullaby.

Percivale loses her first pokemon battle.
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"Nice to meet you Alexis, I'm Pierre." He responded accepting the hand with a gentle squeeze and a shake,"Oh, and this is my companion, Silky." He added introducing his Sewaddle as Silky stared at Alexis in silence to study her behavior towards his trainer.

Alexis couldn't help but grin at how quiet and nice the new guy sound. Turning to the small bug pokemon, the girl gave a small wave,
"Hi there Silky." she grinned. She waved to the cute pokemon with her spare hand. Certainly, the Unova-bug pokemon looked very close to his trainer, just looking at how attached the two were. They weren't the excitable, on the run pair like Alexis and Dyrao were, but rather a gentle feather that flows with the wind. A nice gentle feather, that is.

"Is your Charmander alright? It looks like it doesn't like being hold." The question snapped Alexis out of her thoughts as she glanced down and found out indeed Dyrao was giving her a glare, a pout on his lips. Still dangling in his hands were her Pokedex and angrily, Alexis snatched her device away from him before shoving it into her jacket pocket. Then she allowed her pokemon to climb up her arm and onto her shoulder.

"Yeah, Dyrao's fine. He was just grumpy that I caught him. That's the fastest I actually caught him!" she laughed, glancing over at the grumpy charamander who looked away and crossed his arms. "So Pierre, right? That's a pretty cool name! Never heard of it before," Alexis grinned.

"Ahem." Jacob's voice sounded from behind the pair, "I'm still here you know..."

"Oh." Was Alex's reply as she glanced over behind her, and indeed her brother was standing there, looking a bit agiatated that his baby sister already forgot about his presence. "Pierre, meet my brother, Jacob. Jacob meet Pierre. The guy I crashed into like a few minutes ago," Alexis giggled, using her hands to gesture the two.

"Nice to meet you, Pierre. Mind if I snatch my sister away for a moment? I need to talk to her." And with that, Jacob excused him and his sister as he dragged the fifteen year old out the exit, Alex protesting.

"Heeey! I was making a new friend!" the girl whined, snatching her arm away to glare at Jacob. Jacob turned around, glancing up at Alexis. Then suddenly, without saying anything, the older brother embraced Alexis in a tight bear hug. "Mmmmmf! Jaacob! I can't breathe!" the girl cried out, wiggling around as Jacob's hold suddenly tighten. "Jaacccob!!"

With a laugh, the male released his younger sister, giving her a small kiss on the forehead,
"I have to go. Alisa just called and she wants me to be there to support her for her contest So I gotta go...like now, " and with another kiss and hug, Jacob backed off. "Have fun, be safe, keep Dyrao out of his pokeball at all times, and call, okay? Till then sis!" Chipten appeared behind him in a flash, the charizard roaring, then bent down for his trainer to get on.

"Bye Lexis!"

Alexis flashed her big brother a big grin and waved,
"Byeeee!!!" she called out, waving furiously at the retreating figure. She kept a big grin on her face until Jacob left, and let her hands fall to the side. Glancing over to Dyrao, she couldn't help but have her smile grow bigger, "Our adventure finally starts! Oh, and we should probably go back to Pierre, come on!"

However, the large wail from back at the lab, made her jump. She glanced over at Dyrao, who shrugged and looked just as surprised.
"Is something wrong...?"

"Blegh." a gruff voice came from a teenager, standing on the shore of Sandgem Town, gazing over the horizon of the blue hues. He had his hands stuffed in the shaggy gray pants he was wearing and his hair was ruffled by the wind. His lips were chapped, and his green eyes were dull with boredom. Beside him, latched onto his leg using his claws was a small totodile.

"Dile?" he asked, glancing up at his trainer, who kept his eyes on the horizon.

"Blegh," he repeated. "I can't believe we're actually in Sinnoh," he sighed.

"To-to!" the starter pokemon chirped brightly, a big goofy grin on his face.

"Wipe that grin off your face. Come on, we should probably go sign up. Dad will kill us if I don't do it soon," he sighed, turning around so he faced the town. The totodile grinned, jumping up and biting onto the end of his jacket. However, the trainer didn't seem to mind it as he made his way to the laboratory.

"Goodbye Johto, hello Sinnoh..."

Elliot finally makes his appearance in Sinnoh!

Jacob has left Alexis on her own, and to be with her new friend, Pierre! On to a new adventure, hmm?

Alexis Finntry"

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His entrance wasn't a grand one, far from it in fact. The long-legged boy simply took a step from the boat he had arrived on, breathing out a sigh of relief. Much unlike Kitch, who didn't seem to mind the ocean at all, he grew rather tired of the choppy water and the throwing of the boat from side to side.

"Come, Kitch, to the Professor I suppose." Logan said with a little click of his tongue. The jittery little Mudkip appeared behind him with a small smile and went dashing on ahead, leaving Logan to sneeze at the dust in his wake. "Wait Kitch! We don't even know where we're going!" He yelled angrily, chasing after his rather hasty Pokemon.

Somehow, the simple-minded Poke had led him the right way, for he saw the lab not far off in the distance, though he still had to catch Kitch. "Don't make me use your Pokeball, Kitch! Get back here, this instant!" He yelled, and suddenly the Mudkip came to a screeching stop and looked back at him with wide, sad eyes, as if to say, 'No, please don't!' Logan gave a small smile at that, he always knew how to get at him, "That's what I thought, you pesky little Poke. Now, the lab is but a few yards ahead, you can wait patiently at my side, yes?" To that the Mudkip nodded and set the pace for the two, walking at a rather normal gait.

He entered the lab to find nobody there, and he frowned at that. Was the Professor not here? And then he heard it, the sounds of an exhilarating battle taking place, and it must have been on the lab's battlefield as well, for the sounds weren't far off. He turned and headed back out of the door and went around the other side, approaching the battlefield with caution. He didn't want he or Kitch to be hit by an off attack. But as soon as he had gotten there, the battle was over, and somebody didn't seem too happy about it.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT.

Percivale rushes toward her beloved Pokemon, making not that hard to believe that this might have been an autonomous action. This is not what she wanted. She collapsed, hovering over her befallen Larvitar.

"Tyranny! You alright? Tyranny?!" Percivale tries to shake him awake, but guessing by the look on his eyes, he is completely knocked out, "Shit."

"Piplup, return!" Called out Dawn. The small penguin-like pokeball turns his head head one last time toward his master, giving one last final call before he return.


A flash of bright red light completley enraptured the entire length of his body in just mere moments, and the little Pokemon was no longer on the grassy knolls.

With pokeball in hand, Dawn ran to Percivale, in assurance that she's okay, "Percivale? Are you-"

"I need to go to the Pokecenter," she abruptly declared.

"What? But Percivale-"

"Tell me, where's the Pokecenter?" She insisted.

"It's next door. It's not that far off, just a five minute walk- Hey wait! Where are you going?!"

Dawn tries to reach for Percivale before she runs off. Alas, it was to no avail. She carried off her green Pokemon with an ease and just sprinted off the laboratory property.

"But we have healing equipment already here..." Dawn trails off.

"Don't mind her, she'll get used to it," Professer Rowan chimes in, walking with an almost powerful authority, "For now, we should attend to our newest aspiring trainer."

Both their heads glance toward the laboratory building, glancing at the young man who seems to be observing the scenery.

Percivale can finally carry her Larvitar like he was a carton of milk!


orry, I completley glanced over Logan. xD
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Sighing as she finally caught her breath, Kasumi stood up straight, her hands on her hips as she looked down at Shuu. "Okay...So we made it here." she mused softly, with only the breeze around them to make any other noise. "So...uh. How do we go about this?" she wondered aloud. Seeing Shuu's tilted head, Kasumi sighed again. This was seemingly hopeless.

Hearing a small rustling in a patch of grass nearby, Kasumi jumped, eyes wide. Shuu tensed, moving in front of his new trainer, hoping to look frightening. As the two remained still, slowly a ruffled looking Pokemon appeared, all his fur standing on end, seemingly glaring at Shuu.



Confused at the two growling, the pink haired teen stared at the scene before her. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she started to rummage through her bag. Finding what she wanted, she pulled the device out and opened it up, hoping she could figure it out quickly. Fumbling with the dark violet device, Kasumi managed to open it. Blinking warily at the voice that spoke as she opened it, she realized it turned on by itself. Smiling, she held it out in front of her. Hoping to see if there were any buttons to press to start, she was shocked when it seemed to activate on itself.

Eyes widening again, she realized there was a camera on the front of the PokeDex, and it was pointed straight at Shuu. "Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokemon. Cyndaquil protects itself by flaring up the flames on its back. The flames are vigorous if the Pokémon is angry. However, if it is tired, the flames splutter fitfully with incomplete combustion."

Eyes wide in wonder and curiosity, Kasumi moved the PokeDex so it was focused on the other Pokemon. She smiled as the voice spoke again. "Growlithe, the Puppy Pokemon. Growlithe has a superb sense of smell. Once it smells anything, this Pokémon won't forget the scent, no matter what. It uses its advanced olfactory sense to determine the emotions of other living things."

A giggle escaped her mouth, showing her joy at such a simple yet wondrous device.


Looking up at the now confused Pokemon, Kasumi blushed lightly. "Um...Hello?" she offered, crouching down behind Shuu. "I'm Kasumi Takasha." she introduced herself. "This is Shuu," she gestured to the Cyndaquil. "And, um...you're Growlithe?"

"Growlithe!" he yelled back.

Tilting her head in confusion, Kasumi wondered if he was greeting them back. "I can tell your a boy....I am right, right? Gosh I hope so...That'd be really awkward, and I don't want to offend you..." she murmured, hearing a few barks in response. Biting her lip, she glanced between Shuu, who had been strangely quiet, and the wild pokemon before them.

"Hey..." she called out. "Um...would you like to come with me and Shuu? We're planning on going everywhere I believe. All across Sinnoh." she explained. "Uh...we'd love some company...Ya know...i-if you wanna come..." she flushed slightly, hoping she hadn't done anything wrong.

The pokemon tilted his head, looking like he was considering her decision. "Grow!" he growled, having seemingly made his decision.

"Cynda!" Shuu cried, the flames on his back flaring for a moment.

Eyes wide, Kasumi fell back onto her butt. "Oh...!" she gasped. Looking between the two pokemon again, Kasumi wondered if they wanted to fight? Eyes widening, a small amount of fear in her eyes, she hoped they didn't. "Shuu?" she questioned.

"Cynda!" he cried again, turning slightly to look at her. That was when the Growlithe struck.

Gasping loudly, covering her mouth in shock, she watched as the other male being bite into Shuu. Shaking furiosly, Shuu shook the dog like pokemon off. "Quil!" he cried again, his body tense as his flames roared again.

Fumbling to take proper hold of the PokeDex again, Kasumi held it up towards Cyndaquil, hoping the strange device could tell her what to do. "Cyndaquil's move-set includes Tackle, Ember, Quick Attack, Flame Burst, Crush Claw, and Nature Power."

Tears starting to well up in her eyes, Kasumi lowered the device. Fighting....She hated fighting...What on earth could she do?! Looking down at her hands, the pink-haired teen struggled, having no clue what to do next.

At hearing another cry from Shuu, her head snapped up, a tear slipping from her eyes. "S-Shuu...!" she whispered, her voice cracking. Gulping, the girl made up her mind. She absolutely did not want her partner to suffer because of her weakness. "S-Shuu, Q-quick attack..." she called out, hoping he could hear her.

Shuu did indeed hear her, and cried out again, though this time in pride, flaring the flames on his back. "Cynda!" he shouted before dashing quickly towards the Growlithe. Slamming into the other's body, the Growlithe cried out in pain as he fell to the side. As Shuu cheered, Kasumi watched as the Growlithe stood again. Seeing it charge, she instinctively cried out for Shuu to dodge.

Following her command, the Cyndaquil jumped to the side to avoid a bite, before charging him again with another Quick Attack. Watching as he fell again, she realized he seemed to be struggling to get up. "T-tackle...!" she called out, slowly making her fingers move towards her bag, intending to grab a pokeball.

Shuu slammed into the Growlithe, who then let out a whine of pain. Gulping, Kasumi knew this was her chance. Quickly going over what Professor Rowan's note said, she gripped the small ball, before feeling it grow in size at her touch. "S-Shuu!" she called out hastily, telling him to move. As he obeyed her call, the pink-haired teen tossed the ball with all her strength.

Watching as it hit Growlithe, she bit her lip as he disappeared. Seeing the ball drop to the ground, she remained tense, waiting for it to stop moving. Holding her breath, Kasumi slowly stood, inching closer, Shuu coming up to her side...
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The ball titters back and forth, the sound of it ringing through out your ears. It was almost heart-wrenching to just wait for it. With a final lob, the pokeball stood in perfect silence.

Congratulations, @Infinities Lover, you have just caught a Growlithe.
Slowly a small smile settled onto Kasumi's face. Bending down, she picked up the pokeball and glanced down at Shuu. "Did...did we...do it?" she questioned the Cyndaquil.

"Cynda!" he cheered, sporting a few scratches.

Her smile growing, she grabbed Shuu off the ground and hugged him tightly, spinning slightly. "We did it!" she laughed gleefully.


Kasumi and Shuu caught Growlithe!

After a few minutes of running. The duo finally made it to route 202, it was a nice grassy area with a couple of trainers scattered around the area. Leon waisted no time exploring the grass with his pokéDex in hand but after a few minutes of looking they found nothing of interest so they decided to take a break under the shade of a nearby tree.

"No luck so far..but I wonder."

He held up the black electronic device and pointed it at Nuka, watching as it scanned over him and listened closely as an electeonic voice began to speak.

" Torchic a Chick Pokémon. It's a Fire-type that has a flame sac in its belly where it produces fireballs reaching 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit."

the device also listed off its moves, stats, and gender.

"looks like this is going to be useful."


Leon was about to speak up again but was thrown off by something quickly jumping from some nearby bushes and biting his ear in almost a playful manner but it still hurt.

"Get off!"

with those words a blue and black cat-like pokemon jumped down, looking at him with angry eyes..almost battle hungry.

"Shii shiiinx!"

"Chic Torchiiic!"

"Both of you calm down right now."

Leon walked up the the blue cat, squatting down a bit in order to scan it with his pokéDex.

"Shinx 'The flash pokemon The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble."

"Hmm a shinx huh? you seem to have a lot of fighting spirit..I like that, how about joining me and Nuka on our journey?"

"chiic torchic!"

After a few minutes of silence between the three of them. The shinx finally nodded slowly at his question, the battle hungry look never leaving it's eyes.

"Right on!"

Leon reached into his pocket pulling out one of the pokeballs the professor gave him and gently tapped it on the shinx's head. and watched as the red beam absorbed the tiny blue cat and started slowly rocking back and forth.

"The silence is killing me!"


Leon is attempting to capture Shinx
The ball moves back and forth for a mere moment, and shortly afterwards a red stream of light suddenly spills out! The capture was a failure. The Shinx crouches low, ready to pounce! It wants to battle! You swear you could see the Pokemon smile...

As the two Pokemon played, something terrible happened. Lecky the Elekid let out abit of electricity, causing Blub to glow yellow (anime style).

"Blub!" Aqua shouted, as she knelt down.

The squirtle didn't seem to be serious injured, just a little shocked.

"Squirt," she said as she jumped up, unharmed.

Aqua let out a sigh of relief.

"It's fine," she said to Dewey.

"Foo, that was pretty disappointing, wasn't it Kitch?" Logan said with a rather let-down sigh. He turned and saw the Professor along with Dawn staring at him, and suddenly he grew hot, oh gods how he hated to be stared at. He quickly rushed over, his head down, Kitch following him with a rather amused look upon his face.

"Hello, I'm Logan." He said, looking up at the Professor with a nervous smile lighting his face. He had never met Professor Rowan before, though he could say with a certainty that he was much more dignified than Elm was.
Percivale trembles. Never before had she ever felt something like this. This fear, this pressure. It... doesn't feel good. Not a little bit of awesomeness at all. All she could taste were irrational fear and a deep abyss of ignorance, leaking its blacky depths. She chokes on her own sobbing as she tries to run to the Pokemon center. Her pace was unsteady as she sprints on to the red roofed building, as she simply passes by the rush of new born trees and infested tall grass. It wasn't exactly easy for her, after all. Carrying a Pokemon that pretty much weighed more than she did. Her lungs pained at every step she takes, telling her that it was enough. She should stop.

But she can't.

"It’s okay, Tyranny. I got you." she barely whispers to say to the green larvitar in her hands. Her voice was mangled by the heavy pants of breaths as well as the rush of the wind.

Tyranny didn't respond at the hands of his master. So morbidly quiet, his green tail swinging back and forth with the wind. This wouldn't have to happen, y'know. Tyranny wouldn't be reduced into this. He wouldn't have to be, if it were not for you, Percivale.

She grits her teeth remembering that she accepted the match so easily. Thinking the strength of their bond would have been enough to win the battle. Oh, how wrong she was! She could laugh. How can one expect herself to win with absolutely no experience at all, not even enough to know how one's Pokemon moves! She bites the bottom of her lip, hard enough to have a new metallic taste enrapture her sense of taste. It's not that bad, this taste of blood. As long as it brings her consciousness away from the ache of her feet...

She bites her lip, and shakes her head. The Pokecenter wasn't that far off. Percivale will be be able to get there, as long a there is nothing in her way.

Jumping off the ledge at the edge of the property, she was like a gazelle. She leapt with a stunning grace, as though she was being hunted by a lion.

Though it looks like the gazelle had a stumble, and was caught at the very claws.

Without any warning, she stumbled upon a frail, willowy girl with cherry blossom hair, and before impact she clenches her eyes shut. Percivale held Tyranny tight in her arms, protecting him from the blow.

Percivale crashes into Kasumi!

@Infinities Lover

One request, Percivale appears to look like a young man at a glance. She's a he. :3
Grinning with glee, Kasumi held Shuu in her arms and her recently caught Growlithe in his pokeball, clasped tightly in her hand. She knew both were tired and most likely in pain so she figured she should probably take them to that red building she'd passed earlier. She faintly recalled it being a....what was it called....? A center...No...close...Pokemon...Pokemon Center. Yes! That was it.

She'd seen one near Professor Rowan's lab, and had put it to the back of her mind. Nodding happily at her remembrance, the pink-haired teen picked up her pace, pushing open the doors gently. Walking inside slowly, she looked around. Noticing all the technology, her eyes landed on a computer. Eyes brightening at the sight, Kasumi realized she recognized those computers. They had those at home, in Black City! She could call Mina!


At hearing Shuu's voice, Kasumi looked down, confused but then gasped, remembering why she'd come here in the first place. "Ah! Oh I'm sorry Shuu!" she murmured before hurrying straight to the back by the desk.

"Hello, welcome to the Sandgem Town Pokemon Center. We can heal your Pokemon here, is that what you'd like?" the woman asked.

Nodding hesitantly at the bright and perky woman, Kasumi gently placed Shuu on the counter between the two females, placing her captured Pokemon beside them. "U-um, c-can you heal these t-two please?" she questioned softly.

"Oh of course we can sweetheart! Although, we require that your Cyndaquil be placed inside it's pokeball, to make the process easier." she explained.

Nodding Kasumi dug around in her bag, grabbed the pokeball. "Shuu..." she spoke gently, not really sure how to use it properly.

Chuckling lightly, the nurse smiled at the girl before her. "Just tap the center and tell him to return." she explained gently.

Flushing, Kasumi nodded. Tapping the center of the pokeball, she blinked as it grew. "Uh...Shuu, return."

At her words, Shuu was encased in that red light that was becoming increasingly familiar to her. Smiling lightly at her small accomplishment, she placed the device beside the second one on the counter. "I-is that all...?" she asked.

Nodding the nurse grabbed a tray and placed the two pokeballs on top. "Yes ma'am. Now it shouldn't take too long, but there will be a small wait. I'm Nurse Joy by the way. And you are?"

"O-oh! I'm Kasumi T-Takasha."

"Nice to meet you sweetheart, I'll be back soon." With that said, Nurse Joy turned and walked away, leaving a red faced Kasumi to mumble back her greeting.

Watching the retreating woman's back, Kasumi scratched the back of her head, sighing. "That was awkward..." she mumbled, turning around. Surveying the room, she wondered what to do while she waited and caught sight of the computer's once again. Eyes lighting up at the idea, she hurried over to one. Having already operated the computer before, she knew what to do. Quickly gaining access, she made a call to Black City, Unova.

Waiting a few minutes, her anticipation growing, Kasumi smiled, though she was soon grinning as Mina's face popped onto the screen. "Mina-nee!" she called out happily, leaning forward in her seat.

"Ehhh? Kasu-chan? What're you doing calling me?" the elder Takasha sibling asked, tilting her head.

"I wanted to talk to you Mina-nee! I did what you told me too. I'm in Sinnoh." Kasumi explained.

"Oh good, good. I was wondering if you were hiding with the neighbors. I was about to go drag you out and hit you." Mina shrugged, a small grin playing across her face.

Sweat-dropping slightly, Kasumi continued, her voice unexpectedly animated. "No, Mina-nee. I'm in Sandgem Town now. I already met with the Professor here, and he gave me this," she said, quickly grabbing the PokeDex. "He also gave a Pokemon that I found on the beach! He's a really nice person."

Mina smiled, happy to see her sister this excited. She couldn't really recall a time when Kasu-chan had been this animated and excited about something, especially in public. A smile on her face, she listened to her sister talk for a few minutes when someone interrupted her.

Turning slightly, Kasumi realized the person who had interrupted her was Nurse Joy. "Here are your Pokemon ma'am. Good as new." she said with a smile, handing her the two pokeballs before walking off.

"Th-thank you!" she called to the woman, receiving a smile and a wave in return.

Turning back to her sister, she held up the two pokeballs. "See? I already caught a Pokemon, on my own with Shuu!"

Interested, Mina leaned closer. "Well, what're you waiting for Kasu-chan? Show me! I wanna meet your new friends!"

Grabbing the pokeball she knew to be Shuu's, she tossed it lightly into the air, and Shuu appeared, landing lightly on Kasumi's lap. "Quil?" he questioned, looking around. Seeing the amazed face on the screen before him, he hoped up onto the small desk and stuck his nose against the screen. As Mina leaned back, laughing, Shuu leaned back as well, turning to Kasumi. "Cynda! Cynda! Quil!" he chirped.

"Shuu, that's my sister, Mina. Mina-nee, this is the pokemon Professor Rowan gave me, Shuu." Kasumi introduced.

Waving, Mina smiled at the Cyndaquil. "Take care of my little Kasu-chan okay?"

Puffing his chest out slightly, Shuu nodded, causing Mina to laugh again and Kasumi to flush. "M-Mina-nee....." she mumbled.

"Well come on then, let's see your other friend." Mina told her, wiping a tear from her eye.

Nodding, Kasumi tossed the other ball into the air, and the Growlithe landed on her lap. "Lithe?"

"Oh! That's right...I never named you....Would you be okay with me naming you?" she asked.

"Groww!" he replied, placing two paws on her chest, reaching up to lick her face. Giggling, she gently pushed him down.

"Okay, okay," she laughed. "Um...how about Kagari?" she asked.


Mina sweat-dropped in the background. "You're naming him bonfire?" she asked.

Flushing, Kasumi looked away. "I-I...I thought it suited him...." she murmured. "Plus, he seems to like it..." she nodded towards the Growlithe and Cyndaquil that seemed to be talking.

Chuckling, Mina nodded. "He does." she admitted. Having glanced at something off screen, Mina realized she needed to go. "It was great to see you again Kasu-chan. Don't be afraid to call me at any time. I've got to go now."

"Oh..." Kasumi murmured, frowning lightly. "Okay Mina-nee. I'll make sure to call you often."

Grinning, the elder Takasha sibling gave a thumbs up. "Good. I'll be looking forward to it then." she announced. "Oh! One last thing, on the off-chance you actually did go to Sinnoh, I sent you something! It should be arriving soon!"


"Bye Kasu-chan!"

As the screen went dark, the last thing Kasumi heard was her sisters laughing. Frowning, Kasumi picked up Kagari, and stood, looking down at her Shuu. Feeling a wet, rough tongue lick her face, she giggled, focusing back on her new team. "Well....should we go then you two?" she asked, placing Kagari on the floor as Shuu jumped of the desk, onto the chair, and finally to the floor.



Smiling at their response, she headed towards the doors, thinking of heading back to the beach to think of where to go next when someone crashed into her.

Letting out a startled cry, the eighteen year old fell to ground, groaning at the weight on top of her. Hearing two loud growls, she opened her tightly clenched eyes-when did they close?- and saw Shuu and Kagari next to her. Feeling the weight roll to the side, Kasumi groaned again, before slowly pushing herself up into a sitting position.

Rubbing her stomach lightly as her team moved closer to her, she blinked, finally taking in the person beside her. Eyes widening, she saw what looked to be an injured Pokemon held in a man's grasp. "Oh...! O-oh my gosh, a-are you two okay?!" she questioned, worried.


Kasumi learned how to properly use a PokeBall!

Kasumi called Mina!

Growlithe was named Kagari!

Kasumi was knocked to the ground by Percivale!

Percivale abruptly lifted herself up, from the ground. She had an... Interesting face. It was tense and fidgety, her frown, unsettling. Her pink eyes was fixed on the girl, though unable recognize what she looked like at all. Her brain was blocking out all the information from her mind, other than the fact that she needs to go heal Tyranny.

Oh crap, what was she doing on the ground? Rising from the ground, she flinches as she tried to put all her weight upon her right leg, but still forced herself up.

She was scratched in nearly several places. The most noticible was on her cheek and her right leg, bleeding in almost a comb like pattern.

Still holding Tyranny in her hand, she nods politely, as though nothing happened just now.

"I'm fine, thank you," Percivale begins to walk trying to forget the strain on her leg, "If you'll excuse me."

She walks around you, transfixed with the Pokecenter.

No one saw anything, I swear!

@Infinities Lover
As Elliot made his way toward the laboratory, his starter pokemon dangled off his jacket with a goofy grin on his face. Eli had a neutral face on; his face kinda twisting into frustration as his pokemon's body kept slamming into his rear end, but he didn't mind. However, his face lit up in shock as he suddenly felt Jawzter climb up his back.

"J-Jawz!" he cried out, stopping abruptly as shivers ran up and down his back; obviously not liking the feeling of something climbing behind him. "Stop that! You know I hate that!" the brunette shouted, getting a few odd stares in the process. Another shiver went up him when he felt the cold, wet feet of his partner on the nape of his neck as the totodile made himself comfortable on his trainer's mop of brown hair. "Jawz..." Eli groaned.

"To-do?" the Johto starter pokemon chirped, tilting his head. As if Eli could actually see him though...he is on the top of his head, and frankly Eli's eyes doesn't go that high.

Eli shook his head in a gentle manner, so he didn't shook off his pokemon because he rather go chase after it and enter the lab with an bruised up pokemon. He didn't want to seem as if he abused his pokemon, that's just cruel...

The lazy trainer made his way toward the laboratory, watching as the doors open up for him. "Automatic doors, huh. Rare in Johto," Eli murmured to himself. There were so many people running out and in the laboratory and it kinda made Eli uncomfortable...

"Come on, we should just get signed up and leave. I don't like being in crowded places," Eli grumbled as he made his way to what seemed like the professor assistant. "Um, hello. Do you know where the Pokemon Professor is?" the trainer asked, shoving his hands into his pockets while Jawzter waved in a friendly manner, his small grin rising into a large smile.

"Oh, why hello! Yes, of course. He's in the back, over there." The assistant pointed towards an old guy at the back, who seem to be talking to another trainer. "Are you here to sign up?"


"I can sign you up and make you a trainer card, but you're gonna have to talk to Professor Rowan to get your pokeballs and pokedex, and now come with me so we can get you all signed up."

"Alright." Eli grumbled, shrugging his shoulders as he followed the male to a lab of computers. The assistant made himself comfortable as he logged into the computer and typed in some information before a window popped up with many blank spaces.

"Okay, let's get started. Full name?"

"Elliot Scott."




That thew Eli off as he looked at himself. He was obviously male right...? "Um, male?" he asked in a questioning tone.


"Newbark Town, Johto."

"Johto, huh? Pretty far away. Starter?"

"Totodile named Jawzter."


"Ah, I see." With a final click, the assistant did a few more arrangements before clicking the submit button. "Alright! Now, just go over to the Professor to get a pokedex, and some pokeballs and you'll be all set! Good luck." With a smile, the assistant got up and left, leaving back to get back to his work.

He turned to totodile, "That was easy, huh?"


Elliot is now a valid Sinnoh trainer with no Pokedex or Pokeballs! . . . GET THOSE, KINDA IMPORTANT.

"What if I don't want to get those...? Ugh. At least I made my dad proud."
Elliot Scott
Prof. Rowan's Lab
Pierre let out another chuckle at how silly the two were as he nodded,"

My name isn't common and actually means 'stone' in French I do believe but I don't quite remember on the top of my head


" He explained but his thoughts were interrupted when the man from before stepped in as Pierre felt a ping of guilt shoulder on him for neglecting the man's presence. As Alexis introduced the two, Pierre smiled giving a nod,"

Nice to meet you too, Jacob. I-i don't mind.

" He said watching as the two siblings left -- Alexis making a commotion about it which made Pierre laugh to himself, Silky sadden that their friends left -- as he heavily sigh as if he had been holding in his breath the whole time they have been talking,"

I wonder what they needed to discuss about?

" He said, his question directed to Silky,"


" Silky replied having a confused expression as Pierre smiled, patting Silky's head gently,"

Must be something important.

" He said staring at the door they left out of as he thought about his own sisters again.

Just as he was in a daze, Silky heard a pokemon in distress, lifting his head. Silky was alert that something must had happened as he nibbled on his trainer's head for attention,"

H-huh? What is it Silky?

" He asked puzzled what could be the problem as Silky hopped off Pierre's shoulder and crawled ahead of him,"

W-wait! Silky what's wrong?

" He asked again and followed after his partner towards where Alexis and her brother went off to along with the sound Silky heard.


Pierre is bewildered as he follows Silky!

"It's fine,"

Phoebe seemed to know more about how Dewey behaved the longer they stayed together. She automatically reassured and told him that 'it was fine'. Seeing how his Elekid had just shocked her Squirtle quite literally, no, to him, it was not fine. Her sigh of relief had Dewey mistaken it as a sigh of annoyance. With that tone in her voice, that calm voice, it was no wonder why he thought he was becoming a nuisance for her.

"No, no! Really, it's not! I'm very, very sorry for what jus' happened! I should have gave rubber gloves to your Pokemon beforehand. She could have gotten paralysed or something. I'm sorry!" Dewey basically just sent whatever he could think of to 'comfort Phoebe'. He seemed very apologetic. Notice how he was taking the blame on himself rather than pushing it all for his Pokemon, simply shielding him from any harm? It was no wonder why Lecky was very much, oblivious to what he had done just now.

If taken enough notice, Dewey and Phoebe would seem to have overstayed here in the Pokemon laboratory. Trainers had walked in and out for quite some time, and there was one point where the professor himself had went outside while assistants watched out from the windows. Dewey was debating on whether to be the one who would lead the way and be the first to head out, or to let Phoebe decide where to go first. He was interrupted, either way.


A girl with a shade of blue hair suddenly came in from the front door and was walking towards both Dewey and Phoebe. He could only stand there and watch as the scene unfolded. Oh, and he was also going to predict what was going to happen. In his mind, he thought that the approaching girl would, without question, push the both of them out for staying in the lab for far too long, although it was only mere, minutes. He was both surprised and relieved to see that what he had thought would happen, did not happened.

"Uhm. Excuse me?" The girl known as Dawn was now standing in front of them. She glanced over to Phoebe for a second and smiled at her, recognising her from a few posts before from earlier ago. ".. So I see that you both are new Pokemon trainers. You guys already registered for the league, right?"

Devan gave a nod. A simple one.

"Hm. I'll help you guys out a little. I know just the right person who can help out, actually! My mother, Johanna, used to be a great Pokemon Coordinator. She was once a Grand Festival Contest Champion, and she won a Ribbon Cup there. You guys could learn a thing or two from her; she'll do a super great job at coaching you guys! So, what do ya' say?" The strangest of things kept happening to Dewey at every single moment of his life. He and Phoebe were given the offer to 'train and learn' from Dawn's mother, Johanna, whom was some kind of person with a Pokemon or two, if he heard right.

"Sure!" Dewey tried to sound energetic and eager to do this. He did not like to do what he did not know in reality, but if he followed his current path, there would be no way of predicting what could have had happened in the future. He accepted Dawn's offer.

"Great! She's currently back at home in Twinleaf Town, probably teaching her Coordinator class. It's not too far away from here, so let's get to there as fast as we can guys!" Dawn was now by the door while Dewey pulled his luggage as his Pokemon, Lecky, went into his Pokeball with the simple push of a button on his Pokeball. Both of their attention now shifted to Phoebe.

"You're coming too, right?" This question was from Dawn, and now very clearly directed to the new trainer with her Squirtle. Dewey could predict the answer from her, but who was to say that the chance of her accepting to come be 100%?

"You're coming too, right?" the girl asked.

Phoebe recognized the girl to be the Professor's assistant, Dawn. She was asking if Phoebe and Dewey wanted to join some "Coordinator class". Phoebe wasn't quite sure hat she meant, being abit of a noob to Pokemon.

Well, I gotta start somewhere, she thought.

"Yes, I'll join you," Phoebe said happily.

"Great!" Dawn exclaimed, "Lets go then!"

The three of them walked out of the Lab and headed for Route 201.

As she sat on her legs, Kasumi pet both Kagari and Shuu, before hurrying to stand as the male who crashed into her struggled to his feet. "A-are you sure...?" she asked softly, slowly walking after him, noticing the small scratches, the two main ones being his cheek and right leg. Wincing in sympathy as he started to limp forward, Kasumi bit her lip, glancing down at her two Pokemon before deciding. Taking a few steps, she quickly caught up to the boy carrying a Pokemon.

"Y-you don't look fine...." she murmured. "Is there...is there any way I can help you?" she asked, her eyes shining with worry. "I-I mean, well, after you get your friend taken care of..."

Trailing off, Kasumi sighed. Gosh, she probably sounded like a weirdo. Who was this pushy about helping a stranger? She sighed inaudibly to herself. She was hopeless....


C-can I help somehow...?

Percivale turns her head back, glancing at the stranger for a mere moment.

"No, it's fine-"

And suddenly her shoulder bumps past a boy who came out of the Pokecenter, tumbling soon after. How unbecoming. She was never this pathetic.

Tyranny rolls away from her hands, his movement going with the momentum. Percivale looked at Tyranny with a disturbing daze, and immediately glared at the kid who bumped into her.

"You-!" Percivale suddenly paused, her sharp glare slowly conforming to a look with curious awe.


That boy. He looked down at Percivale, but he couldn't be, not with that mask in the way. It had an exotic design, hand painted white with various streaks of red and blue. Almost belonging to a cat, or was it a fox? She can't point her finger to it. It completely covered his face.

He was sipping a juice box of convenience brand milk through his mask, completely aloof with the fact that he knocked her down. He just stared at her for three seconds, and returned to sipping the milk off the straw.

Percivale laughs, "You're just going to stand there?"


"Are you not going to say sorry?"


"I'll take that as a no," she picked herself up from the ground, but her cuts were covered in dirt. It'd be a miracle if it didn't get infected by now.

"Hey, Sakura Blossom hair. You said you wanted to help?" Percivale asked with a new voice. Almost firm.

She looks at the stranger behind her with expectation.

"Then please help me."

Percivale bites her pride and asks for help.

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