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Fandom [Stars of Sinnoh]

Watching the strange boy with the mask, Kasumi wondered what on earth possessed him to wear it. At the growls of Shuu and Kagari, she snapped out of her small daze, realizing the boy she was pestering had just forced himself up. Gasping, she took a half step forward before she wondered if they didn't want her help. Deciding to remain nearby in case they did need help, she was startled out of her thoughts again at the boys voice.

"S-sakura blossom...?" she murmured, confused for a second before she flushed. "U-uh, oh Y-yes! Of course!" she babbled lightly, hurrying closer. While she didn't know if she could do much, she'd do her best!

"W-what do you need me to do?"


Kasumi is ready to do her best!

"Help me carry this guy," Percivale squats down, the boy watching her. Perhaps with interest? No, you cant tell with that mask.

Pulling the sleeves of her blue hoodie up, she places her hand under Tyranny, ready to pick him up. She waits for you to come over, but can two people, one injured and one rather dainty really lift such a heavy pokemon up?

Percivale feels a tap on her shoulder, expecting that you be there, but instead saw the fox mask boy. She looks at him confused, but he just stared at her for the longest of time then squatted to. He was well off from Tyranny, but instead he wrote on dusty ground with his fingers.




P O K E B A L L?

Percivale had a butt brain moment, reading this guys message over and over again. She forgot that he had one. She was so used to having him out. She glances up at him and immediately averted her eyes. Taking out a pokeball, she tapped the red thing on Tyranny's forehead.

"Tyranny. Return," And he disappears in a bath of red light. Percivale sighs, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head., "Uh. Thanks, I guess."

She tries to pick herself up, but looks like it was no good this time. The strain on her ankle was too much to carry herself. She curses, and looks at you.

"Uh. Never mind about what I said before. Want to help me get up?" She lied on the ground, her legs spread out and her hand reaching for yours.

A wild Notable Anonymous Guy appeared! Notable Anonymous Guy uses Sip Quality Milk Box! It's super effective!
Smiling slightly, Kasumi nodded, giving one last glance to the strange boy. Shrugging thoughts of him away, she leaned down, grabbing the boy's arm, starting to pull him up. Expecting there to be some weight for her to struggle with, Kasumi was surprised when, while slightly heavy-for her anyway-the boy did not seem to weigh much. Once he was standing, she maneuvered him so that he was leaning on her, one arm of his arms around her neck so he didn't put any weight on his bad leg. "S-Shuu, Kagari, can you go find somewhere we can sit?" she asked.



Her smile growing a bit bigger at their response, she watched as they ran off, looking for someplace for the two to sit. It was a few moments later that Kagari ran back, Shuu having stayed behind to 'claim their spot'. Promising to give the Pokemon a pat on the head later, Kasumi looked over at her companion. "Do you want to sit down? I can take your friend and give him to the nurse," she offered. "You just....you look to be in a lot of pain, I don't mind helping."


Shuu uses Claim Territory! It doesn't really do anything....


".. Yep!"

Oh? She accepted? Splendid!

And before he knew it, Dewey had discovered that he, Phoebe and Dawn were now on Route 201. His Pokemon was in his Pokeball, and he was lugging his, luggage, with effort. They were walking on foot rather than travelling on bicycles and, or any form of transportation. He could not understand why, and Phoebe might think the same too, but Dawn -might- know, as she was the one who suggested to walk. Bicycles.

They went past the short route and arrived to Twinleaf Town about half an hour later or so, but Dewey did not keep track of time. All he knew to do at the time was to reapply sunscreen, make sure Phoebe was still following, and follow Dawn. The first person that they found in the town was a seemingly hyper blonde boy who was, running. Dewey paid no attention to him, while Dawn was completely oblivious. What about Phoebe, though? This young boy seemed to headed towards her way, and possibly about to bump, I mean, 'stumble' upon him.

Would she avoid Barry? Would she avoid her personal mission in general? If she did, then the small group would be forced to stop walking and stay. and delay the next personal mission.


Dawn and Dewey's course of action now rests on Phoebe's shoulders!
"Just take me to the front desk. It's fine, I appreciate it," she thanked while she brought her hand over her shoulder. Percivale turns her head, her pink bright eyes piqued with this girl who so earnestly wished to help.

Now that she notices, it was very appropriate to call her Sakura blossoms. Her hair was light and ebbed with the movement of the wind, like pink petals falling lithely. And her eyes were doe-like, a shining dark red cherry.

"Hello, uh, welcome to the center... Would you like me to heal your Pokemon?" Nurse Joy inquired, behind the Pokecenter counter.

"Yes, please," Percivale places a single pokeball before here.

"Thank you, this will only take a moment, but, er... Do you also need healing...?"

"You tell me," Percivale shrugs, unsure of what to say without being rude.

Nurse joy nods, taking Tyranny's pokeball with her, "I'll come back. Please, make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you," Percivale sighs with relief, "And thank you, for well... Carrying me. What's your name?"

So much pink.
Phoebe saw a boy with blonde hair run up to her. She stopped to see what he wanted.

"You guys go on, I'll catch up," she told Dewey and Dawn.

"Are you sure you'll be able to find us after?" Dawn asked.

"Yes, just go," Phoebe replied with a smile.

The other two started to walk while Phoebe stayed to chat to the boy.

"Hello," Phoebe said, "Where are you going?"

The boy looked her in the eye and said, "Hi, I'm Barry. I was just going over to Sandgem Town to hopefully get a Pokeball. I really want to get a Pokemon, but I have nothing to catch one in..."

Phoebe listened to the boy say what he had to say, then had a sudden idea. She had quite abit of spare time as a child, and was taught how to create Pokeballs with apricorns.

"Hey! To save the journey, why don't I just make one for you?" Phoebe said to Barry.

"How on Earth would you do that?" he asked.

"Well, it's quite simple really. I just need to find some apricorns and a button and slap them together, then bam! You have a Pokeball!" she explained.

Biting her lip lightly, Kasumi nodded and helped her over to Nurse Joy. Remaining silent, she smiled lightly at the commentary between the two before her attention was brought back by his question. "Oh, uh no problem," she smiled brightly. "I'm Kasumi. Kasumi Takasha. You?" she introduced.

Looking around she spotted Shuu who had been joined by Kagari. Looking back at the blonde boy beside her, she figured it best that they head over. "Uh, we should probably sit you down. My partners saved us a seat over there," she said, nodding her head in the two fire-type's direction. "You just seem like you're in pain, a-and I doubt standing is really helping..." she trailed off, looking back up at her companion.


So awkward...

Percivale sighs in relief as she sits down on the white leather chair in the lounge, the pressure put on her ankle settling down.

"Ahh. Name's Percivale Olsen. A pleasure," she holds out her hand for you to shake.

A matter of manners.

@Infinities Lover
Sitting down beside Percivale, Kasumi shook his hand, feeling Shuu and Kagari crowd her lap. She giggled lightly, feeling some fur tickle her arm. "Nice to meet you Percivale," she smiled. Crossing her legs, she looked down at the two Pokemon in her lap. "This is Shuu," she motioned to the Cyndaquil and then to the Growlithe. "And this is Kagari."

Looking back at Percivale, Kasumi frowned lightly. "If...if you don't mind me asking...." she started slowly. "What exactly happened to you?"



"Oh, a pleasure to meet you as well, Shuu. Kagari," Percivale offers her hands to them as well, her voice cheery like a summer's day, "Ah, well as you can see I stumbled in front of you. My bad, haha."

She scratches the back of her head cheekily, her hair getting roughed up in the process, "Do you intend to be a fire type Pokemon trainer? You both have a Growlithe and a cyndaquil..."

Like a summer's day...
Smiling she watched as both Pokemon shook the offered hand, each letting out a greeting of their own. Looking back at Percivale she shrugged before attempting to answer question.

"I dunno....I'm uh, not from here." she started to explain. "I'm from Unova and when I got here, Shuu crashed into me onto the beach." she shrugged again. "I just...want to do want my sister wanted me to. Make friends I guess," she laughed at herself. "Didn't make much sense did I?"



"Oh, I understand completely. I headed down from Kalos by suggestion," Percivale states, "I wonder if I should have stayed and entered the Kalos league instead though. More closer to home, but... I don't know. Can I really handle myself like this?"

Percivale wonders, a look of guiltyness etched across her face.

"Well, how about this? If you can handle yourself, then maybe I can handle it as well, too."

...and a bond is made.
Leon sighed heavily before looking over at the Shinx. He could still see the fire in its eyes, he shook his head before backing up a few feet and looking over at, Nuka.

"Well let's put some of your energy to good use..who knows maybe your hyper activness will actually be a good battling tool."

He checked over Nukas moves one last time before nodding again, this time feeling a bit more confident this time.

"Alright, Nuka use ember."


The little orange pokemon shook slightly before firing several tiny specks of fire at the Shinx. But it quickly responded by moving to the left, avoiding the attack. and charging at the Torchic with electricity surging around its tiny fangs.

"Meet him head on with night slash."


The small pokemon nodded before running at top speed and suddenly jumping with its feet extended, a dark aura surrounding its tiny claws. The two attacks met with great force, causing both Nuka and Shinx to fly back a short distance.

"Alright one more should do it, Use Night slash again."

This time the Shinx quickly countered by turning and kicking Nuka twice with it's hind legs, sending him flying back a few feet.

"Don't give up let's try it again! Use Night Slash. "

Nuka nodded as he charged towards the Shinx faster than before, so it had little time to react as it was hit by Nukas claws head on,

"Alright that's enough, now let's try it again."

Leon pulled out another pokéball and threw it at the Shinx. Watching as it was absorbed by the red light and standing in a battle ready position as it began rocking back and forth.


Leon is attempting to capture Shinx...again.
The red cherry pokeball ebbed back and forth, the repetive sound of it almost dulling, yet you found it to be something to be anxious about. With a final rock, it...

... It settled down, completley silent at its wake.

Congratulations, @EclipseRising, you have captured a Shinx!
As Alex was making her way back, she saw the small green blob, recognized immediately as Pierre's partner pokemon crawling towards her.The girl crouched down with a gentle smile, Dyrao still perched on her shoulder. "Why hi there, Silky. Where are you heading without your trainer?" she asked with a gentle voice, then heard soft footsteps approaching here.

She looked up and Pierre was standing there with a look of bewilderment.
"Hi! " Alexis chirped brightly, with a large grin. "Are you heading somewhere?" she asked. "Because if not, I was meaning on going to Lake Valor, because there's rumors saying the legendary pokemon Mespirit is said to be there! I wanna go see if it's true!" The brunette exclaimed. "Would you like to come with me?" she invited.

"While we're at it, we can catch a pokemon at Route 201! I want to catch a pokemon!" she grinned with excitement. "A new friend would be amazing!"



Elliot made his way toward the Pokemon Professor, who seemed to busy. Without acknowledging that one fact,, Elliot tapped on his shoulder.
"Um, I''m here to get my pokedex," he grumbled.

Turning around, Professor Rowan made a grunt, "Hm?"

"I'm here to get a pokedex," he repeated, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"Oh! Why didn't you say so earlier? Come! You have registered already, correct?" the Professor Rowan exclaimed. A nod from Eli. "Great! Come, and choose a color!" The old man lead Eli to a box full of colorful pokedex. There was all kinds of pink, green, blue, purple and all that fun stuff. However, Eli didn't like bright colors, rather he enjoyed bland colors.

Which explains the reason he chose a dull gray Pokedex.
"I'll take that one."

Suprisingly, Profesoor Rowan didn't question it as he fished it out and gave it to him, "Great! Here you are. Just go ahead and actaviate it by sliding your trainer card right there," he pointed to the place where it looked like a thin card could pass through. "Then you're all set to go! Good luck on your journey, youhng man!" THe Professor grinned, before turning around and going back to his work he was previously doing before he was interrupted by a grumpy Eli.

"Hng. Lovely," Eli sighed, sliding the card down. "We're all set, Jawz. Let's go."


Eli is now a valid Pokemon trainer of the Sinnoh League!

Alexis has invited Pierre to go on an journey with her!

"Friends, friends and more friends!"
Alexis Finntry"

Congratulations, Eliott. You are officially recognized as a Sinnoh League Pokemon Trainer.

You also forgot your balls. You better go get them, unless Eliott wants to earn them.
At Percivale's words, a wide grin stretched across Kasumi's face. "Great!" she laughed lightly. "We'll do our best together," she said to Percivale before looking at her two Pokemon. "Right boys?"

Hearing their approval at her words, she looked back at her new friend, her eyes bright. "How about it?"



She smiled a wide grin as well, her eyes twinkling in happiness.

"Yea. Thank you... Really."

She sits without talking for a few minutes or so, enjoying the silence in the Pokecenter. Suddenly propping herself up, she asks you, "Do you know where the telephone booths are?"

Of course she would stumble admist it, but like she said...

She'll handle herself.
Smiling at silence, Kasumi leaned back against the seat, waiting with Percivale for any news. At her question she looked over at her curiously before the words reached her. "Oh!" she said. "Yes, they're over there," she pointed to the right side of the room. "I was just using one before we crashed into each other." she explained.


Point in the right direction

She stares at the direction Kasumi pointed at, looking at the black screens with the Pokemon logo flashing on it.

"Ah, thanks. I appreciate it," before she walks off, she looks at you one more time. Percivale gave you a smile, but her eyes said something more, "It was nice meeting you. Perhaps we'll meet again?"

She looked hopeful.

'Till the internet do us part.
Smiling brightly Kasumi nodded her agreement, standing as well. "Yes of course!" she replied as Shuu and Kagari jumped down so they were standing beside her. "I look forward to meeting you again, Percivale. And I hope both you and your partner feel better."

Turning slightly, she headed back towards the entrance of the building. Sending him one last wave of good-bye, Kasumi was about to open the doors again only to be bump into a delivery person.

"Ah, I'm sorry," she apologized immediately, bending down to pick up the box she'd cause him to drop. As she looked down, she blinked curiously, seeing her name written on the label.

"Oh, it's perfectly fine, miss." he told her, going to take the box from her.

"Oh, well, um. Is this for K-Kasumi Takasha...?" she asked, receiving a strange look from the man. Flushing at his expression, she hurried to continue. "W-well, I mean, t-that's my name. And m-my sister told me to e-expect something..."

Gaining an enlightened look, the man smiled at her, causing her to sigh in relief. Letting out a small laugh at her, he pulled out a pen and pad of paper. "Then please just sign here, Miss. Takasha." he smiled, offering the items to her. Nodding meekly, she placed the box back on the ground beside her two Pokemon and accepted then items. Signing her name quickly, she thanked the man and grabbed her box. Nodding with a small smile in response to his wave, she turned, heading back to a couch, wondering what exactly her sister had sent.

Feeling something against her legs, she glanced down before ruffling Kagari's fur and giving Shuu a smile. With the box in her lap, she slowly ripped the tape, and opened the sides. Removing the few pieces of tissue paper, Kasumi blushed, her face turning a dark, dark red at the site.

"M-Mina-nee...!" she exclaimed to herself, her voice slightly subdued.

Curious now, the two Pokemon hoped up beside her on the furniture, wanting to see what had surprised her. Peeking into the box, both fire-types gave the item a sniff before looking up at Kasumi. "Oh...." she murmured.

The pink-haired teen had to admit, the dress was beautiful. The dress was white with black designs and a red diamond shaped pattern in the middle. It reached down to her mid-thigh and a slit on each side went up to her hips where two tassels rested with a black ribbon tying them together where they met at the fabric. It had long sleeves that would cover her wrists and shoulders in a sleeveless jacket like fashion. All of her neck would be exposed, and all the way down to her chest, making Kasumi flush even more. Lifting the dress up, she realized something else was inside the box. Folding the fabric neatly, she placed it down and grabbed on of the thigh high black boots that had a pale pink design on the side.

She smiled softly. While embarrassing, the fact that Mina-nee had gotten her something this beautiful at all....well it made her happy. Glancing down at Shuu and Kagari, she smiled a bit weakly, embarrassed at her thoughts. "S-should I go try it on?"



Hearing their enthusiastic shouts, she nodded slowly. "I-I'll be right back..." she murmured leaving her things with the two. Gathering the dress in her arms, she picked up both boots and hurried over to a changing room, wanting to get it over with. Stepping out a few moments later, a dark stain on her cheeks, Kasumi looked down at her two partners. "W-well...?" she asked, tugging at the hem slightly.


Kasumi receives a Coordinator Dress!

Prof. Rowan's Lab
Silky inched his way forward till he saw Alexis and Dyrao ahead as he cried out to them. Standing up, Silky was pleased to see that the two were alright though he was confused what the noise was from earlier. Pierre wasn't far behind Silky as he ran over to them panting and sighed,"

Silky! I- Hey Alexis.

" He said between pants and scooped up Silky into his arms, relieved that he didn't go far though he was just as confused as Silky. Shaking off the confusion, he just thought maybe Silky got attached to Dyrao and felt sad seeing a friend going off. Shifting his attention towards Alexis, he was surprised to suddenly be able to join along an adventure with his first friend being a official trainer. He was honestly speechless to this invitation but he wasn't gonna miss this chance now, with a bright smile beaming on his face, he couldn't help but express his excitement along with her,"

I would love to! It would be fun to join along, right Silky?

" He said looking towards Silky who was also intrigued to join the team.

With Silky's approval, Pierre was set to join alongside with Alexis on their awaited journey to whatever the path leads them to. The idea of meeting the legendery pokemon, Mesprit -- if lucky enough -- was compelling! He could get a picture and even a drawing of it if the Mesprit wouldn't mind him doing so. He had heard stories of it from his mother and if he could get a drawing of it, he could be able to share with his family what he witnessed. Not just Mesprit but he could meet many other pokemons with his new found friend, Alexis and Dyrao towards the goal he planned to accomplish as a trainer,"

When shall we go?

" He asked already prepared to go with all the items he needed in his bag due to his father, a retired trainer now a police officer, and his mother, a scientist, equipping him with all the necessary items for many situations he may get himself in. Silky was fully ready to get some action, his eyes shine with a blazing fire ready to burst for battle.


Pierre and Silky had accepted Alexis invitation!

"You guys go on, I'll catch up,"

Did Phoebe just stopped to help some child, telling both of them to 'go on' and believe that she could catch up? Why? Perhaps Dawn was easily convinced and believed her, but on the other hand, Dewey was not. Both of the new trainers had little to no idea of how 'Johanna' looked like and where she lived, and only Dawn knew. To believe that Phoebe would be capable of catching up with them if they went far away, it was just not him.

She meant that she could catch up, as in able to get her current task done as quick as possible before both Dawn and Dewey were out of sight, perhaps? This idea made much more sense. He could go for this. Then again, could she be fast enough? Were her hands quick? Was she agile and athletic? Could she keep up after assisting the boy?


Dewey purposely walked very, very, freakishly slow for this purpose. It most definitely forced a certain blue haired female to wait for him, while at the same time, he was trying to wait for Phoebe. He could not afford to lose a travelling partner to a younger, hyper and most of all, blond boy. For Arceus's sake, she better finish it quickly.

Barry agreed to get help from Phoebe. She smiled as she started to look around for some apricorns. Knowing quite alot about them, Phoebe knew she had to find Apricorn tree. Whether or not the forest had these, she didn't know.

"Umm... Barry?" she said.

The boy who needed a Pokeball nodded.

"Do you know where I can find an apricorn tree?"

He nodded again and pointed in the direction of a clearing. On the other side, there was a tree covered in white apricorns. She smiled and walked over.

Perfect, she thought, I can make a fastball.

Phoebe picked one of the apricorns off the tree and got to work. To be honest, the main reason she agreed to do this job was because she enjoyed making Pokeballs. Being a 'professional' at making Pokeballs, Phoebe got the job done generally quickly. She handed the fastball over to Barry.

"Thank you," he grinned.

"Your welcome!" Phoebe said happily.

"How much do I owe you?" Barry asked.

Phoebe thought alot about this. Really, she only did it because he asked. She had never thought about payment. Twiddling with her hair, she came up with a reasonable price for the ball.

"Just 50 Pokedollars," she told him.



"Are y'u finished, Fe-Bee?" Now, hopefully Dewey did not mispronounced. He had been waiting for Phoebe for not-too-long but quite some time now as she tried to finish making... whatever she was making. It was nice and generous of her to stop and help somebody and all, but he could not comprehend just why would she help a stranger? Well, could say the same to Dewey; he befriended strangers. Who was more extreme here?

She seemed to be enjoying herself as she plucked one or two Apricorns from the nearby trees, somehow making what seemed like an object that resembled the shape of a Pokeball. She either made a genuine Pokeball, or she had made a ball for the boy. It seemed like a generous act, either way. Dewey would have applauded, but that might make the scene appear awkward, and he already was out of said scene.

".. Yep.." Seeing as Phoebe seemed to be finished and now simply waiting for payment, Dewey picked up speed. Dawn was thankful. Well, she should be able to catch up now, yes? Back to their original mission, then!


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