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Fandom [Stars of Sinnoh]


Chapter II: The Gateway to the World

Jubilife City
"The town of happiness where people gather"


Jubilife City is the most modern and largest city in the entire Sinnoh Region. Bustling with life in every direction, there are four gates from the north, south, east and west. There are plenty places of interests worth stopping by, such as the family-owned Poketch Company, the TV Station, and the Trainer's School.

Required Actions:

  • Reach Jubilife City!
  • Get a Poketch!

Optional Actions:

  • Visit the Poketch company, in order to receive a free promotional pocketch, with a surprise random app.
  • There's a sponsored event held outside in front of the Global Terminal, a public Pokemon battle contest. See if you can win the grand prize.
  • Interact with Landis, who seems to be rather young for a Pokemon trainer. He has a Shinx, but he surprisingly trained him well.
  • Visit the TV station, and see if you have the chance to guest star in the popular game show, Pokemon Dressup!
  • There is a rumour around town some Galatic punks are riling up some feathers in the city.
  • Some people from jubilife TV seems to be interviewing people outside the Pokemon Center.
  • There's a Pokemon contest hall near the Pokemon center, now accepting applications for Coordinator Passes as well as the Jubilife Ribbon Contest.
  • Visit the Pokemart or the Pokecenter!

Sandgem Town
"The sandy town connected to the ocean"


Sandgem Town is adjacent to route 201 west, 202 north, and 219 along with Sandgem Beach to the south. It's a sandy town with a small population and is home to Prof.Rowan's pokemon Lab. It is one of the few small towns in the world that has its own Pokemon Center and Poke'Mart.

Optional Actions

  • Converse with Professer Rowan, the Pokemon Professer. He has a large index regarding Pokemon in his laboratory.
  • See Barry, who is being registered into the system.

Route 202

Route 202 is the crossing point of Sandgem Town and Jublife City. It is really just a large hill and is home to diverse species of Pokemon. It does happen to be covered with tall grass and semi-large plants. You can find Youngsters, Lasses, and Picnickers here.

Wild Pokemon:


Oreburg City
"A place full of energy"


Oreburgh City is a vibrant and energetic mining town that is blessed with a precious natural resource. Directly connected to the intricate Oreburgh Mining System, there are huge deposits of coal beneath the City, and perhaps more precious objects. Oreburgh is accessible through the Oreburgh Gate from Jubilife City, Route 207 that leads directly to Mt. Coronet, and of course the Oreburgh mines down south.

Required Actions:

  • Challenge the current Gym Leader, Roark, for the Coal Badge!

Optional Actions:

  • Visit the Oreburgh Mining Museum for free and learn about the ores they extracted from the mines, such as coal, precious jewels, and fossils.
  • Explore the Oreburgh Mines, and its intricate system down under Sinnoh.

Route 203

Route 203 connects Oreburgh City in the east and Jubilife City in the west. Despite being near such a big town, this path retains its relaxed, natural atmosphere. The path starts off from the west and trails off up a flight of stairs.

Wild Pokemon:


Oreburgh Gate

A small cave that is located on the west side of Oreburgh City, separating it from route 203. Although the passage between Route 203 and Oreburgh City is small, the cave has a lower floor that can only be accessible with the move Rock Smash.

Wild Pokemon:


Oreburgh Mine

The Oreburgh Mine is one of the main features in the city, as well as the city's leading energy source. Operated by Roark, it is the livelihood of the town. Vents in the town allow steam to escape and fresh air to enter the mine, likely also clearing the mine of any poison gas (which is historically the bane of coal miners). The mine is operated with the utmost care to avoid causing damage to the natural habitats of wild Pokémon.

Wild Pokemon:


Floaroma Town

"The town that smells vividly of flowers"



According to the townspeople, Floaroma Town was once a barren and desolate hill. People started planting flowers around it to cheer up the place, but nothing would grow. Then, someone expressed thanks for a blessing of nature, and the whole hill burst into bloom.

Optional Actions:

  • Walk around the flowery meadows of Floaroma, and admire the view.
  • Participate in the Floaroma Contest Hall for the Floaroma Ribbon.
  • Stop by the Pick a Peck of Colors Flower shop.

Route 204

Heading north to Floaroma Town from Jubilife City, it has an upper and lower path. You will have to pass through the Ravaged Pass in order to pass through both. The lower path contains lots of ponds and lakes adjacent to the path. The upper path is decorated with flowers, taken care by the people of Floaroma town.

Wild Pokemon:


Ravaged Path

The Ravaged Path is a small cave that is located on Route 204, separating Jubilife City from Floaroma Town. Its quite a creepy place to walk into, before you come across one of the most highly flowerly and beautiful towns of Sinnoh.

Wild Pokemon:


Canalave City
"The town that rises from the water"



Canalave City is a port city that is bisected by a canal which is crossed by a small drawbridge. It has an air of exotic and foreign culture. Large ships are moored at the piers. In the old days, the port used to be a hub of cargo transportation. Canalave is home to the Mine Badge.

Required Actions:

  • Challenge the Gym Leader, Bryon, for the Mine Madge.

Optional Actions:

  • The Canalave Library is surprisingly the only library in Sinnoh. Here, many of the books range from fiction to philosophical theories. Stop by the Library if you want to work out your mind.

  • Alternatively, you can go to a far more exciting place. Or a more dreadful one, depending on how you think of it. Stop by the abandon Harbor Inn.

  • Go on a fun boat ride, from old fashioned ship to stylized yachts, just make sure you aren't easily sea sick. Make sure to visit Sailor Eldritch's house.

Route 218

Heading west from Jubilife City, the route follows a short path over land before reaching a body of water with a small island in the middle. A pair of bridges take travelers partway across the water, but do not go all the way to the other side. Your means of passage is through boat, flying, or surfing.

Wild Pokemon:


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The sea sickness thing was really getting to her brain. Not enough to make her sick and vomit, but just enough to have a headache. She was getting fed up with this rocky boat bull crap that is making the left side of her head grow crazy. After closing the wooden door behind her, she grabs for her hoodie over the handle. Rushing to pull her blue hoodie over her bare shoulders, she pauses to stare at the skies.

Her bright pink eyes were full of awe, who had perhaps never seen the wide open sky so naked like this. She had never seen so much… blue before! While squinting at the bright sky, she began to realize something.

The sun is sooooo annoying.

She groaned and tried to hide from the light by pulling her hood over her head. Of course, it wasn't enough to prevent her from hissing at the sun. This girl was sort of odd. It also didn't help the fact that she didn't even look like a she. Perhaps its the hair. Though tinged a hue of pink at its ends, it didn't help the fact that her hair was sort of a pixie cut. Except that it has long since grown past her ears. The cut just made her jaw look sharper and boyish. Not only that, her body shape was muscular as well, not fit to find on a proper lady. She doesn't seem to be bothered by appearances though. In fact, she honestly seems quite comfortable with it.

Exiting out of cabin, she trots over to the mast of the ship. Unlike the modern boats that ran on propellers and fuel, this boat was rather old fashioned. Built out of weather-treated wood and rope, it ran on natural wind power due to its white and blue striped sail. On top of the mast to complete its retro look, was the crow's nest. Below it, she smiles a large grin. She has the permission to climb up it. How magnificent!

"I'm goin' up, Capt'n!" the tom-boy chirped to the man on the wheel.

"Don't trip and die."

"I'll try," her chuckles were like honey.

She began to climb up the mast, her hand already lodged on a wooden peg. She can't believe she got a free ride down to the Sinnoh region, all for doing a small errand for the Pokemon professor, himself! Without him, she wouldn't be climbing up the mast right now… But before she could climb a bit more, the captain of the ship called out to her.

"And Percivale?"

The girl spun around with dramatic flair, her free hand swinging around in the air. She tilted her head in response to her name.


"Why don't you take your Pokemon out for a little?"

Percivale's free hand tapped on her chin rather thoughtfully. That was a good idea. Tyranny didn't go out for a while, but that was mostly because he has terrible case of sea sickness. Worse than her's at least. You see, a ground Pokemon like a Larvitar doesn't do so well in the open ocean.

"Okay, will do!" she yells.

She climbs up the mast in a rushed, excited pace. It didn't take long for her to push the wooden board above her and enter the nest. Before she could take a good look at the nice sky-high view, she grabbed an unactive pokeball and pressed the white button on the center.

"Come on out, Tyranny!"

A red jaded stream of light spilled out and almost out of no where, a green bipedal creature appeared! He blinks once or twice with his red ruby eyes and looks up at Percival. He beams, showing off his white fanged teeth.


"Wanna go see the ocean?" She asked.


"C'mon," Percival tries to pick her small Pokemon up, but is surprised by how much he weighs. She barely manages to bring him up half a foot off the ground. So she let him go back down.

"Holy crap, Tyranny, why are you so heavy for such a small pokemon?" She complained.

The larvitar can only give an unsure shrug in response. Percival sighs, but she quickly picks herself up. First, cracking the joints in her fingers then her neck, she breathed… Then suddenly jived for Tyranny's belly! With her quickness and a sudden surge of strength, she brought him up enough for him to sit on the ledge of the wooden nest.

She wiped the sweat off her forehead, accomplished by the mere task. So she gets to finally take a good look at the view. And what they both saw, was indeed worry for the heavens. They saw the gorgeous two shades of blues collide over the horizon, the sun at it's peak. The water reflected the brilliant light of the sun, that it was almost blinding. You could even see the curve of the earth.

Percivale's jaws drop, frozen in place. She wasn't just awed by the view, though believe me, which was just gorgeous. She merely speechless by the fact that she saw a strip of land. And if that wasn't enough to make her drop jaws, the boat was headed straight toward it.

"LAND HO!" Yelled the Captain.

Percivale swore she felt a tear come out of her eye. Perhaps listening to his advice was the greatest idea she ever followed. However, her admiration was short lived. She felt an empty presence beside her. The empty presence where her pokemon should have been.


Tyranny, without the support of his master, fell out of the nest with a pathetic ease. Fortunately, he manages to grab hold of Percival at the last second and her attention with his knubby green paws. He cries, swinging his feet around looking for the ground.

"Oh crap- hold on, Tyranny! I got you! Godammit, why do you weigh so much?! I swear I'll have to cut off at least half of your diet from now on..!"

Percivale has arrived to the Sinnoh Region!

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Sighing, the pink haired teen rested her arms against the railing of the boat she was on. As the breeze whistled through her hair, pushing her black dress against her legs, Kasumi Takasha rested her head on her arms, letting her eyes close slowly. She'd already been told to expect a long journey, and as Unova faded in the distance, she knew it to be true. Letting out another sigh, she opened her eyes into narrow slits, watching the sky and the flying type Pokémon.

It was frustrating. She couldn't decide whether to watch the world sail by or to try and sleep. Surely sleep would make the time pass quicker, but the girl didn't really care about how long or short her journey was. It wasn't like she was doing this for herself. She was doing this for Mina. Though probably only because Mina kicked her out of her own house. She sighed at the thought.

"Hey, little missy!"

Lifting her head slowly, Kasumi turned so she could see who called out to her. Seeing as there was no one else on this side of the deck, she knew it was her being called out to. "...?"

"You might want to head below little missy!" a sailor called out to her. "A storm's expected to come in soon, wouldn't want to get caught in that!"

Nodding, Kasumi pushed away from the railing and turned so she was now facing the man. "Thank you," she murmured softly, before walking towards the entrance to get below deck, the sailor following behind her.

As she made her way down the wooden steps, the only noise being made from the bulky sailor behind her, the pink haired girl walked calmly down the hallway before stopping before the room she'd been escorted to earlier. Turning slightly and thanking the sailor before her, she opened the door and went inside, having finally decided to take a nap.


Waking up suddenly as the boat suddenly jerked, as if it bumped into something, Kasumi sat up, rubbing her eyes. Yawning, she covered her mouth with a hand before getting out of her temporary bed, wondering what time it was. Pushing open the door to her room she stepped out into the hallway, greeted by the sound of a few sailor's shouting. Her curiosity piqued, she wandered down the hall and back up the stairs, going back to the deck.

As she reached the railing she saw that the boat had just finished docking, and that was what had woken her. Seeing all the other passengers grabbing their belongings and leaving, Kasumi looked down at her small bag resting against her hip, she opened it, recognizing that nothing was missing. After closing her bag, she started towards the exit ramp, gazing at the town in wonder.

Stumbling slightly as her foot sank into the sand of the beach they'd arrived at, Kasumi shot her arms out, regaining her balance after a moment. Smiling softly to herself, she started walking along the beach, happy to enjoy the cool breeze, nice weather, and beautiful scenery. Sandgem Town, she thought. While small, it really was beautiful.

Feeling something slam head first into one of ehr black boots, Kasumi let out a small startled shriek as she fell backwards, landing on her butt. Wincing slightly at the sudden fall, she looked up to see whathad crashed into her.


Blinking she realized it was a Pokemon that had crashed into her legs. Tilting her head to the side, she sat up so she was on her knees. Resting one hand on the sand, she let the other reach out to the Pokemon that seemed to keep shaking its head as if in pain. "Are you okay...?" she murmured, gently resting one finger above its nose.

"Cynda...?" it questioned, looking up at her.

Smiling softly, she rubbed her finger along its fur, giggling at its happy gurgle. "You're so cute..." she whispered watching as it walked towards her before climbing in her lap. Starting to laugh at it's friendly behavior, she wondered where it came from.


"Cyndaquil...?" she questioned aloud. "Is that what you are?" she smiled at its nod. "Okay, you're really smart." she told the Pokemon honestly. "Are you a girl...?"

At the angry cry, Kasumi smiled and started to pet him again. "So that's a no, huh?" she laughed. "Where did you come from...?" she questioned.

The Cyndaquil lifted his head at the questioned and gently bumped his head against her chin before scampering off her lap. Standing before her, he let out a small cry before running forward a few steps before turning and looking back at her.

"Follow you?" Kasumi questioned. Watching the Pokemon stand there staring at her, she shrugged, giving in. Getting to her feet, the pink haired girl started to follow him off the beach and towards the actual town. "Do you have an actual destination?" she called out.

"Cynda!" he cried back in response.

With a small smile staying on her face, Kasumi realized they were headed towards a lab. Is that Professor Rowan's lab...? she thought to herself. Seeing him scratch at the door, Kasumi pushed it open, letting him run inside. Following after him she slid into the lab, closing the door behind her. As she turned to face the inside of the building, her eyes widened at the sight. She'd never seen anything like it before. Shaking her head, she started upon hearing a booming voice.

"Ah! Cyndaquil, there you are!" a man's voice cried. "You can't go running off like that!"


"Yes, I know you're bored, but still, it's not safe for you to go running around on your own." the man admonished gently. "Actually, how did you get in here...?"

Coughing lightly, Kasumi stepped forward. "I...ah, I let him in." she spoke, trying to amplify her voice like she did when singing, but it didn't work. Her words still came out softly. She flushed.

"Ah, then I thank you miss. I'm Professor Rowan, what can I do for you?"

Blinking, she realized she'd been right at her guess. "Oh, uh, I'm here to register for the Sinnoh League." she admitted, fumbling with the strap of her bag.

"Ah! Yes, I'm expecting a couple of trainers to be stopping by!" he laughed before turning to a young girl holding a Piplup. "Dawn, can you go get me one of the new PokeDex's and some pokeballs?"

"Of course Professor!" the girl chirped.

"Now, let me get you started..." he murmured, grabbing the PokeDex Dawn offered. "Now, name?"

"K-Kasumi Takasha."


She flushed. "Fe-female..."




"Black City, Unova."


"Oh...uh...I don't h-have one..."

At her words, the Cndaquil from before ran out from where Dawn had placed him. Skidding to a halt in front of Kasumi, he started yelling before bumping her leg lightly. Blushing she crouched down and started to pet him, not realizing the professor had started to laugh before filling out the section.

"Starter, Cyndaquil."

Gasping, Kasumi looked up, startled. "O-oh! I-I mean are you sure...? H-he's yours isn't he?"

"Yes, he is, and that's why I'm going to give him to you, Miss. Takasha. He seems to like you already."

Smiling brightly, a red hue on her cheeks, she looked back down at the happy Cyndaquil. "Th-thank you sir."


Kasumi Takasha is now registered for the Sinnoh League!

Finally, Phoebe thought, Sandgem Town. Blub the Squirtle ran ahead into the center of the town.

"Blub, wait!" Phoebe shouted.

Her Pokemon obeyed and stood in the middle of the pathway, waiting her her master. Phoebe quickly caught up her Squirtle and started to walk besides her.

"Squirt?" Blub asked.

Phoebe instantly knew what he meant - what are they going to do know? She saw Professor Rowan at the end of the path. He seemed to be giving some girl a Pokedex and some Pokeballs. Phoebe eave-dropped on the conversation to see what was going on. He was requiting people for the Sinnoh League.

"Well, I am trying to become a Pokemon Trainer," she said to herself, "I have to start somewhere."

She walked towards the Professor.

"How can I help you, young trainer?" he asked.

"I wish to join the Sinnoh League," Phoebe replied confidently.

"Hmm... That seems far enough. Name?"

"Phoebe Jenson."




Why would he ask that? she asked herself, Can he not see I'm a girl?

"Well?" Rowan asked.

"Oh, yes," Phoebe said, as she realized she had stood there thinking about why he had asked that question. She took a deep breath, and said, "I'm female."

"Thank you. Hometown?"

"Ertana City."

"Starting Pokemon?"

"Well... I already have a Squirtle... does that count?" Phoebe questions.

Sunlight streamed through the light violet-colored curtains; the rays gazing the dark-purple colored room in streams of sunlight. The room was noticeably small; a lavender-flowered patterned bed tucked in the furthest right corner, sided with the wall and on the other side, a small nightstand took the right side. Beside the white-colored stand was a small, tiny rectangle bookshelf with various of things stacked on the shelves. Books, pokemon figures, and picture frames of her family decorated the shelves. At the end of the bed was a pokemon bed, a charamander was curled up and sound asleep. In the bed, however, was a young teen girl tangled into her duvet. Her hair was quite a mess, black hair sprawled around the pillows behind her. She had her hands tucked under a pillow, one foot around the blankets while the other foot was underneath.

In conclusion, a sleeping girl who was tossing and turning all night. Anyways, let me introduce you too...um...what's her name?


Ah, that's right, Alexis Finntry. It's pronounced
fin-a-tree, by the way! Moving on, meet Alexis Finntry, a young fifteen year old who should've began her jounrey hours ago...Why are you still in bed, Alexis?

"Alexis, what are you doing still in bed?" her mother called out from down the hallway, and in response, Alexis groaned as she twisted around in her bed, facing the wall instead of her room like was before. She heard the sound of delicate footsteps walking down the hall towards her room, then the sound of a door creaking open. "Alexis?" Chrissie's voice was closer now, as if she was in her room....

"Alexis..." she pestered once again.



"ALEXIS!" Her mother shouted, making both the sleeping charamander and Alexis jolt awake from the loud voice. Alexis turned to face her mother with an agitated face, until she turned to see the clock. Chrissie rolled her eyes, as she watched her daughter scramble out of her bed, even falling onto the carpent floor with a loud
THUD. Cue another roll from her eyes, "'bout time. Your dad was about to come here and wake you up yourself, it's already noon! Hurry up and get ready!"

As the brunette finally managed to free herself from her restraints, she stumbled on standing upright, "I'm going! I'm going!" she cried. "Stop pestering me, mom!" she whined out as she quickly dashed pass her mother and toward the bathroom.

Chrisse stuck her tongue out at her daughter childishly, "
Stop pestering me mom," she mimicked in a high-pitched way, mocking her offspring.

"I don't sound like that!" Alexis cried out, "And stop being childish! That's my job!" her face was distant as the sound of a door slamming echoed through the house.

A soft chuckle left the mother's mouth as she glanced at the half-awake charmander that was sluggishly dragging itself on the floor. It reached up to the door frame before getting scooped up by Chrisse and was cooed gently too, "Good morning Dyrao."

"Thanks for the good morning, mom!" Alexis's voice sounded from the bathroom, and Chrissie rolled her eyes.

"Good morning Alexis!"

"It's Alex!"

"It's Alexis, because that is what I named you!"



Finally, after the quick get-up; Alexis was running out the door, her Charmander hanging desperately onto her shoulder. Grasped in her other hand was her simple brown backpack her father gave her for this certain day. In fact, her whole outfit was chosen especially for this certain day; consisting of a simple blue jacket made especially for her. Her name was sewed in the back, in simple capitalized white letters. She wore a cream-colored, almost white sweater underneath which was unzipped and a black and white striped t-shirt. Her legs were adorned with denim caprices and a few ripped patched from her mid-thigh down. Her left wrist had an Xtranseiver strapped onto it, while a black sweatband was on the other. Wrapped around her necklace was a time gear necklace; yes the object from the Pokemon Mystery Games. A pair of purple plaid-patterned high tops adorned her feet, and was crushing the snow underneath her.

All for this certain, special day.

Which she is late too.

And the night before, she vowed not to be late.

The one time she's late, IT HAD TO BE THE DAY SHE OFFICIALLY BECOMES A TRAINER?! For Arceus's sake, WHY?

As she was silently raging to herself, her eyes drifted up to find her older brother, Jacob, waiting impatiently for his younger sister. He was leaning on the edge of a evergreen tree, a pissed off look on face. His arms were crossed and his foot was tapping impatiently. Chipten, Jacob's Charizard stood beside him in the same manner...I guess pokemon and trainers are alike....

When Jacob met Alexis's eyes, she gave a sheepish smile in return.

"There you are! I was waiting for thirty minutes now!" Jacob shouted, stomping over to his sister, who slowed down. She rubbed the back of her head sheepsihly as she looked away.

"Sorry, sorry...I kinda...may have...slept in..." Alex mumbled, her sentence trailing as she tried to force a laugh out of her. Jacob groaned.


"Sorry, sorry!" she cried out, scaring Dyrao in the process as he suddenly jolted. Alex laughed and stroked her pokemon's head, smiling affectionately at it, "Sorry there, Dy. Didn't mean to scare ya," she laughed. Turning to Jacob, she locked her hands behind her back and rocked slightly on the heels of her shoes, "Sooo...shall we go?"

Jacob sighed as he brushed a hand through his dark brown hair, "Come on, you lazy butt. Let's get going before it gets too late for you to even get to the next town," he groaned. Chipten roared as he stretched his wings out then slightly bend down for the two trainers to hop on. His trainer hopped on with ease, then held an outstretched hand, palm upwards, for his little sister. "Ready?"

Alexis gave a large grin, as she took her hand and jumped up onto the large dragon pokemon, Dyrao sliding into her backpack for safety. "I was born ready!"

Alexis Finntry has woken up late and now her brother is mad at her! Oh noes!

Alexis Finntry

"Dawn!" the Professor shouted.

"Yes Professor Rowan?" a small girl holding a Piplup said.

"We need another Pokedex and 5 Pokeballs."

"Yes, Professor," she said as she rushed inside.

A couple of minutes later, the girl returns holding a Pokedex in one hand, and a bag filled with Pokeballs in the other. Phoebe took the Pokedex and put it in her left pocket. She then took the bag and slung it over her shoulder. Professor Rowan wished her look and left her to decide where to go next.

Phoebe walked over to a nearby bench to sort out her inventory. She took out 1 Pokeball and attached it to her belt. She put the rest in her backpack for safe keeping.
Percivale sighed, but not out of misery but with gratefulness. Never before had dirt been so glorious. The sand was a bright yellow, the sea a beautiful hue, and the town ahead.... It must be Sandgem. She walked down the ramp with ease and gracefulness, taking off her hood. There were many people on the beach, ranging from small children to the elderly couple. And what was funny was, she feels they were all staring at her. Maybe it was just her.

Though Tyranny's master step down the ramp with grace, the same cannot be said for him. The first step he took, resulted in him tripping and literally rolling down into a random passerby. A mix of Pokemon cries and girlish 'kyaas' mixed together.

"Oh, my bad. I'm sorry..." Percivale ushered her way to the fallen girl. The girl had long dark blue hair, covered by a white beanie, "I didn't know Tyranny would be so clumsy today."

The rock skin pokemon could only waggle around at the mention of his name. For now, Percivale could only pick him up from the girl and lend a hand to pick her up, as well. Hell, even the captain from the ship peered over the deck and asked.

"Are you guys alright?!"

"It's alright, no one really got hurt, so..." The young girl blushed in embarrassment, her hands fiddling with her hat. The captain nods and removed the ramp from the ground. He disappears off into the ship.

"... Are you a pokemon trainer?" The girl interrupted.

"Huh? Ah, no. I'm afraid not. At least, not yet."

"Oh, I assumed since this little guy is your Pokemon. What is he anyway? I don't think I recognize his type."

She squatted down and petted Tyranny with a gentle stroke. He seems pleased he's receiving affection.

"This little guy is Tyranny. He's a larvitar."

"Well, hello there Tyranny! Aren't you just the cutest thing?"

The young girl continues to snuggle with Percivale's pokemon. She scratches him at random places, but for now Percivale looks at two with amusement. She crouched down as well, pointing to under the Larvitar's chin.

"This is his weak spot."

The girl brought her hand down and scratched his chin, oblidged. As she had said, this was his weak spot. Tyranny gives off this strange sound that resembles a cat's purr and a deep rumbling sound. The younger girl smiles, pleased to see him act in such a way.


She turned around at the sound of her name, "Yea?"

"You forgot this!" The captain came out and tossed a brown suitcase. Percivale caught it with relative ease. Oh crapples. This was the errand she was supposed to do, and she nearly forgot it on the boat. She yells back.

"Thanks, Capt'n!! 'Preciate it!"

Waving goodbye to the old man, he left the beach with no troubles.

"Oh, I see the delivery came in," the girl who once petted the larvitar now stood up, wiping her hand on her skirt, "You must be Percivale Olsen. Nice to meet you. I'm Dawn, Proffesser Rowan's assistant."

Percivale noticed her Larvitar lying in the sand in a relaxed manner. He smiles in pleasure.

"Nice to meet you as well."

Percivale meets Dawn! The Pokemon assistant!
The ride to Sandgem Town was longer than Alexis suspected. At least, it felt really long to her...

They flew through the harsh chilly winds of Route 216 and Route 217, then it gradually became warmer the closer they got. Alexis was sure they passed the three Grand Lakes, she likes to call them (yes, she knows it's call the three Great Lakes...), for she saw three large pools of water when she looked down occasionally. Thank Arceus she wasn't afraid of heights, otherwise she'd be clutching onto Jacob in fear.

Once the pair landed outside of Sandgem Town, Alexis was positive her hair was back to the state where when she woke up...

She thanked her brother as he helped her down, then turned to Chipten to give him an affectionate scratch under the muzzle, his weak spot. He gave a grumbling noise as he nuzzled Alex's hand before having to retreat back to his pokeball. Shifting her gaze to her brother, Alex gave him a giggly smile, whom he returned with a boyish grin.

"You excited?" he asked as the two walked into town, the smell of the salty ocean beside them hitting them quite hard. It didn't effect them much, seeing as they also lived near the ocean in Snowpoint City, so....

With an energetic nod, Alexis gave a large grin, "How can I not? Ten years, Jake! I've been waiting ten years for this day!" she squealed, bouncing slightly as they neared closer to the laboratory where Professor Rowan was.

Jacob gave a deep chuckle as he ruffled Alexis's already messed up hair, "I know. I was quite excited when I started my journey too. You'll like the Professor, he is a wise man." Jacob mused.

Alexis grinned, "I know." Was all she said as she fixed her hair back to it's original position. Once it was fixed, Dyrao climbed out of the bag, and settling himself comfortably on her head.

Opening the door for his baby sister, Jacob watched as she walked into the building with an excited step. The laboratory was like all Professor laboratory, bookshelves lining the walls, papers thrown randomly on silver desks, and a PC running in the back corner. The girl was curious on why they didn't get a larger building, but she never questioned it.

And she wouldn't now.

Standing beside a silver desk with papers scattered over the desk, and a tray holding a lavender-colored pokedex, and a set of five pokeballs, was the Professor himself, looking deep in thought as he shuffled through papers. It wasn't until Jacob cleared his throat to get his attention.

"Mmm?" the Professor glanced up, recognizing he had visitors, and when he realized who it was, he gave a small grin. "Why isn't it Jacob Finntry? How are you?" he asked in his deep, rough voice.

Jacob returned his grin with his own boyish grin, "I'm good, Professor. I brought my little sister, Alexis."

That was when he realized the teenager beside him. His eyes lit up, as his grin widen, "Alexis? Why, you look so much like your brother, except...with black hair instead of brown," he mused.

She chuckled and nodded, "Nice to meet you, Professor Rowan," she politely stated, with a childish grin on her face.

"My pleasure, my dear. I see you already have a starter? Charmander?" he pointed out, looking up at the charmander who was gazing curiously at the old man. Alexis nodded her head in confirmation. "Great! I'll just give this to you, then redirect you to my assistant, Dawn. She'll help you set up." He told her, handing her the tray of items. Alexis's smile widen as she grabbed the pokedex and analyzed it with wide eyes.

"Wow, how did you know my favorite color?" she asked, glancing up at the Professor.

"Your brother told me of course! I was asked specifically to get you that, from both your brother and father. Can't turn down an old friend," the professor chuckled.

The girl's face was just shining with happiness as she glanced at her brother, who was blushing in embarrassment and glancing the other way, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "It might have slipped..."

"Thank you Jake!" she cried out, hugging him. He returned the hug, then allowed Alex to move back to glance at her pokedex. Then finally, she stuffed it in her jacket pocket, which allow it to fit perfectly. Huh, her mom sewed it just for this trip. Then, without further ado, she grabbed the empty capsules and clipped them onto her belt like her father taught her.

She finally felt like a trainer.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Alexis beamed.

"Of course. I love seeing new trainers beginning their journey. But you can't really begin it, if you don't go register right away, now can you?" he smiled.

"Yeah. Thank you again, Professor!"

Jacob said his share of thanks before grabbing Alexis's arm and leading her to another room, where a young girl with black, kinda looking like blue hair sat, typing at an old version of the PC. "Hi, how may I help you?" she asked, her voice light and delicate.

"Hey there Dawn," Jacob greeted.

That was when the assistant, Dawn, glanced up, "Jacob! How nice to see you. It's been so long, how you been?"

"Great. Anyways, I'm here to register...well actually my sister is." Jacob chuckled, as he motioned over to his sister, who took out her pokedex and was gazing at it with bright, silver eyes.

For the second time, Alexis's presecene was suddenly realized as Dawn's blue eyes shifted to the young teen. "Of course! Name?" Alexis's eyes glanced up.

"Alexis Finntry," she answered.

"Finntry, F-I-N-N-T-R-Y, right?"



"....Female?" Alexis answered, a bit confused on why she must know her gender when she was obviously a girl. She has boobies, everyone, she has them...they're just flat.

"It's a requirement," Dawn answered her unspoken questioned, and Alexis's mouth opened in a shape of an 'o'. "Okay, age?"


"Same age as your brother, when he first started, huh." Dawn mused, "Hometown?"

"Snowpoint City."

"I should've known you came from the same city," she laughed. Then Alexis watched as she typed a few more things, then asking for her pokedex. Alexis reluctantly gave it to her, and Dawn giggled at her hesitance, "Don't worry, sweets, I won't steal it. Just gotta make sure I put all this information into your pokedex."

With a simple scan over a scanner, a
click! sound was made, and Dawn flashed her a big grin, "Congratulates Alexis. You're officially a trainer of the pokemon league."

She wasn't sure if she did or not, but she was pretty sure she squealed. Maybe inside her head or maybe verbally, she didn't know. But she did know she had a goofy grin on her face as she was practically beaming in happiness.

I'm finally a trainer!

Alexis Finntry is now accepted as an official Sinnoh League Pokemon Trainer!

"Yaaay! I'm a trainer~♪ I'm a trainer~♪! I'm offically a trainer! Woop woop!"
Alexis Finntry
"Where to now, then?" Phoebe asked Blub.

"Squirtle!" Blub replied.

The Professor's assistant came up to them.

"Hi there!" she said cheerfully.

"Umm... Hi?" Phoebe replied.

"I hear you've signed up for the league. Well, I didn't hear, I saw you."

Phoebe stared at the girl. At first, she couldn't quite work out who she was, but she finally worked it out. It was Dawn, Professor Rowan's assistant.

Dewey Glants

Bags were packed, goodbyes were said, hugs were made, and the ride was done. Before he knew it, his previous life had vanished right in front of his eyes. He was going to start a new one; a new life; a new journey; a new experience.


"... Wait what?"

It happened all too suddenly. Dewey found himself standing in front of Professor Rowan's Pokemon Laboratory, equipped with clothing meant to be worn at some wedding and dragging bringing a large, pulling luggage, under the sun with water-resistant Sunscreen. He was beginning to sweat, though. Water-resistant, but not water-proof, and like all warm-blooded, normal human beings, he was not immune from sweating while outdoors. Admittedly, the outside was so beautiful, such a sight, just like the pictures in the books with the addition of being able to breathe in fresh air and feeling the outdoor temperatures of Sandgem Town, but the environment was not his main focus.

Dewey realised how his uncle's car had disappeared. Huh? Where did his uncle drove off to?! Why was he here? Where was he? Why was he alone! He was under a form of panic, but it only took him about a few seconds to pull himself together. Pant, pant... Mmh.. Oh yes, he remembered now. He was starting his own Pokemon adventure! But wait! He was growing very, very, very panicked again, and that was when he realised...

That he was alone.

Dewey clearly had not thought of this beforehand. He was given a PokeBall-storing belt and a living Pokemon from his uncle, he was tutored and taught regarding information of Pokemon and training, he gained support from his parents to pursue this dream -physically- rather than dreaming and, or writing about it. It would seem that thinking is not doing, as now, Dewey was clueless of what to do. He was lost. Not to mention, he did not realise that he was going to do this alone. Was he really going to have to gain self-independance? Was he really going to do all this by himself? It was too scary of a thought for him. He felt hopeless.

Everything had changed right in front of his own eyes. He couldn't handle it. He couldn't accept it.

Like a child who just lost their parents in a busy street, Dewey began to sob, weep, and finally cry. His eyes were tearing up, his nose was runny, not to mention that uncontrollable sobbing. It would have seemed less awkward if he was four or five years old, but that was simply because of how society worked.

"... Calm down... Calm down... CALM DOWN..." Dewey had to stay strong, though, just like how he was taught to. He should not present himself as weak, sobbing, snot-faced, tear-soaked - he should be strong. He tried to stop his tear flow, as well as his sobbing. He wiped all the tears and, snot, off with a handkerchief, and perhaps he mistakenly wiped off some sunscreen, but, ah well. It took practically minutes before his weeping and sobbing disappeared altogether, and, his nose was still quite runny.

He proceeds to snort and swallow rather than to blow his nose. Ew.

Now back to pulling his luggage, Dewey proceeded to slowly walk and enter the Pokemon Lab, knocking and then opening the door. It was not only the door that was opening, of course, as it was apparent that his fellow Elekid, known as Lecky, had suddenly popped out of his Pokeball without warning.

Like he even needed to give a warning!

"Biri-biri!" Yes, the young Elekid proceeded to chant what is know as 'like an electric shock' in Japanese let out his signature Pokemon cry, sounding similar to most other Elekid out there. And like most other non-shiny Pokemon of his species, Lecky's body was round, yellow and had black stripes. He had three claws as fingers, and claws, and there were two horns on top of his head resembling a plug, not to mention the black lightning bolt marking on his chest. Toeless feet? He looked like he was wearing yellow shoes!

Lecky proceeded to run off, into the lab without Dewey, and he himself was forced to leave the door open, let go of his bag, and awkwardly chase after his 'loose Pokemon' as assistants watched. And guess what happened? He bumped into Elekid bumping into Professor Rowan. Nobody dropped any papers or anything, but oddly enough, only Dewey was the one who 'dropped down'. He was the only one who fell? Unlucky!

First time being here, and already, he had caused trouble. Rather than panicking like a few minutes ago, he was calm now, and he knew what to do.

"O-oh! My apologies, professor!" Give a good impression by apologising with fair literacy, without the use of complex words. That was not enough, though. Dewey soon realised how big of a mistake he had made. How he spoke might leave Professor Rowan with the impression that he was guessing who is and who is not a professor, and professors, to young children, are big-headed, old and short pharmacists. It might be even worse, as the professor might think of him as 'rude' for acting as if he knew him. Or perhaps, this might be a bonus point, as Dewey would give the impression that he knew the professor's appearance through social media, which he did. Otherwise, he would have called him a simple 'mister' or so.

Minor pain is in the forecast for Dewey.

Lecky spun around and around from mild dizziness, after being 'sandwiched' in between Dewey and Professor Rowan. Perhaps this was fake, as the crash was not really all that strong; perhaps it was true, as an Elekid could only have so much health. The young baby-Pokemon soon had Dewey's right thumb on his three 'fingers' though, assisting his trainer, trying to pull him up.

Dewey needed no assistance to be brought up back on his feet, especially from his Elekid. His thumb appeared to be swollen now. Ouch.

"No, no. It's fine. Nobody got hurt." Well, with the exception of Dewey's thumb that is. Otherwise? Yes, everything was fine. Nothing was broken, nothing was damaged, nothing was ruined. "You must be--" He knew Dewey? "-- one of the trainers I'm expecting!" Well, it was too good to be true. A letter was sent, but as Dewey sent no picture, it was to be expected! It would only make sense for Professor Rowan, and most other 'folks' of Sandgem Town to not know of his existance.

"Da--" Before the professor could finish, a mundane assistant appeared with a tray with five Poke'Balls and an indigo-coloured Poke'Dex, because Dawn 'hogged the assistant spotlight'. "--Thank you."

"You're here to register for the Sinnoh League, right?"


"Alright." The indigo coloured Poke'Dex, sixth colour of a rainbow, was held by Professor Rowan. It was probably turned on and ready for information to be 'keyed-in' or so; Dewey remembered reading about how Poke'Dex worked. "Name?"

"Dewey Glants. D-E-W-E-Y G-L-A-N-T-S." He had to spell out his name word by word at the end, in case if ears were not enough and that Professor Rowan would misspell.


"... Male." This was a perculiar question, indeed. Why would he ask this? Was this supposed to be an insult for his not-so-masculine-looking body build, or was this required simply because the PokeDex was on record? Dewey was leaning towards the latter, as, that made much more sense. Professor Rowan was not known for his rudeness, if he had any!


"Fifteen." Nope. Dewey was convinced that this was on record, because, the professor definitely was not insulting his appearance. He looked fifteen, yes?


"Sandgem Town." Well, at least this question was not insulting.

"Starting Pokemon?"

".. An Elekid."

There was a 'click' sound when Dewey looked over to the PokeDex. Oh. He noticed it had camera lenses. Did it just took a picture? Was it going to stay permanent? Would this show up in the leagues? Whichever the case, it was too late to go back now. Dewey was registered.

Speaking of Elekid, where had Lecky ran away to? Oh. There he is.

Lecky seemed to be standing quite far from his trainer, but very close to a certain Squirtle. Yeah, too close.
"Biribiri!" He greeted and began to hug the fellow Pokemon quite tightly. Now? He was trying to pull the Squirtle away from her trainer, and possibly play and have fun with her!


Dewey Glants is all set and registered for the regional Pokémon League of the Sinnoh region the Sinnoh League! Lecky the Elekid is trying to pull Phoebe's Squirtle away!

"Hey, stop!" Phoebe shouted as an Elekid tried to pull away Blub.

"Squirt! Squirt!" Blub shouted for help.

Phoebe grabbed Blub, but was unable to get it back.

How embarrassing, she thought to herself, A Pokemon is stronger than me...

"Hey, who owns this Pokemon? Or is it wild?" she shouted out.

Phoebe looked around.

"Can whoever owns it come and help me!" she requested, as she tried to get Blub back.


Not to worry, for it is perfectly normal for a Pokemon to be stronger than a human.

Dewey seemingly had the patience to clip each of the five PokeBalls onto his belt and carefully tuck his newly obtained PokeDex into his pocket and not help Phoebe out. But truthfully, he had not noticed how his Elekid had wandered away from him, as he had a brief session with Professor Rowan. His attention was caught soon, though, as he heard the pleas of a young woman. Turning to his left, he, he saw.

Lecky was trying to Poke-Nap a trainer's Squirtle? Unacceptable!

He immediately, but carefully ran to the scene, moreso towards his Elekid.
"Lecky!" Dewey now stood in front of the two struggling Pokemon, pulling out an Oran berry, crouching down and using said berry to catch the Elekid's attention. Works everytime! Lecky immediately traded the Squirtle for the Oran berry, letting her go and munching on the berry. Dewey stood back up.

"I'm sorry! Lecky here jus' likes to play, an' this is his first time seein' -that- kind of Pokemon!" said Dewey kindly to Phoebe as he proceeded to point at the Squirtle. "It's my first time seeing -that- Pokemon, too! What's it called again? I kno' it's a starter in another region..." Dewey's way of talking.. anybody noticed this? Although he could not remember what book he had read that regarded Pokemon regions, he read about PokeDex, and he proceeded to pull his indigo-coloured one out.

"Uh.. Now how do I use this again.. uhm.." This was admittedly his first time ever touching a device like this. Guess, reading is not always knowing. How does one open a PokeDex again?

"Biribiri!" As his trainer was busy staring at a PokeDex or something, since Lecky had finished his berry, there were no distractions anymore. Rather than pulling the Squirtle, though, he tried talking. "Biri?" Yes, he was asking to play; yes, he wants to have fun.

Either way, rather than Lecky, it was Dewey who had became the distracted one in this room, instead!

"Oh, umm... It's a Squirtle..." Phoebe tried to Dewey said he had never seen one before.

Phoebe looked over the Elekid. He wasn't trying to Poke-nap Blub after all - she just wanted to play.

"Aww... Go on Blub, go play," she told him.

She looked at the boy, who was trying to work out how to use the Pokedex.

"So, then... What's your name?" she asked, trying to start a conversation.


.. Dewey decided to give up in the end. Well, perhaps he could and should ask the professor for guides and assistance, because compared to a manual, a book simply could not teach how a complex PokeDex functioned and how to activate it. He placed it back into his pocket.

"O-Oh!" He was suddenly asked a question by the girl. According to the books, at least, girls were femininely built humans with long hair, and perhaps, this was a girl? So basically, a younger version of a mother? His mother? "Well. Tha' name's Dewey! D-E-W-E-Y." He believed that he was required to pronounce his name and spell it word by word, still. "My Elekid's name's Lecky!"

"So! What's y'urs?" He, at least, was not introverted. Was it considered 'weird' for a young teen with a developing voice and, development of everything to put it simply, to talk this way? Could it weird Phoebe out? Well, Dewey had not placed his thought towards this yet, as he felt no problem whatsoever. This felt natural for him, because it was.

"An' your Pokemon? Is it jus' 'Squirt-tle?"
"Nice to meet you, Dewey," she said polity, "My name is Phoebe."

He introduced his Pokemon to be Lecky. Phoebe turned to Lecky.

"Well, hi there, Lecky.

She turned back to Dewey.

"My Squirtle is called Blub."

This was good. Dewey could tell that he was on the road of subtle friendship. Just like in the books, a long-term friendship blossoms with a small and, or big accident. This certain accident was unintentional though, as the newly registered Pokemon trainer's Pokemon, he simply could and cannot control.

"Pho'b.. is it pronounced like 'phobia' with'aut the 'ia'?" Slight panic suddenly emerged. Oh no! Dewey suddenly felt that what he had just said could have sounded like an insult. Could this anger his 'new friend'? Could this affect his future? Could this friendship last? Stupid! He was so stupid! Soon after replying to Phoebe and having some inner thoughts towards this situation, everything became 'outer' as Dewey showed slight discomfort. He felt slightly numb and 'tingly', and it was clear, that he was worrying too much towards all this.

He had to calm down.

In attempt to calm down, Dewey tried to continue the conversation. "B-Blub? Great name! Is that tha' sound a fish makes?" But, unfortunately, he did it again! At least, he felt he did. He was continuously insulting Phoebe, he thought he was. He felt responsible for the feelings of others, not to mention how his mother always told him that women were delicate beings to be treated with extra care. He felt that he was too rough.

He goes silent. For now.
Phoebe sighs as Dewey gets her name wrong.

"It's pronounce Fe-Be," she says calmly.

He says something about the name of Blub.

"Yes, it's the sound a fish makes. Its a water Pokemon, so it kinda fits, don't ya think?"

He goes quiet. It seems like he is embarrassed.

"Umm... Are you ok?"
.. Well, Dewey saw it coming. He, eventually, would pronounce somebody's name wrong, but why? His ears were not clogged with earwax, he had no hearing problems, and he was not hearing impaired. So, why? How did he heard Phoebe wrongly when she first said her name? This was, indeed, an unforgettable day and experience. Awkward.

"Umm... Are you ok?"

Even Phoebe herself was aware of the awkwardness. She was unaware of how Dewey was feeling, but even she could understand the atmosphere of the scene. Why did he had to be so awkward? Why could he not get things done correctly? First impressions were the most important things ever, as taught, and he goofed up terribly bad. His first time, first try at interacting with a stranger had utterly failed.

"Yep.." He felt the need to look away; he really wanted to. Manners, though, he had to show manners, especially towards a woman, and a future friend. This friendship was not ruined just yet. Yeah, that is correct. The seed had merely been 'bought', but it had not been planted, watered, fertilised, grown and blossomed. There was still a chance.

".. Sorry.." Although Dewey had hope, he could barely utter a word. He did not know what to say, really. This was very, very, very awkward for him. His thoughts say, and he knew that he had no rights to talk, as he mispronounced a person's name.
At Jubilife City
The sun shone brightly in the blue sky that held little to no clouds. The bird-type pokemons all chirped their melody songs to welcome the morning and the pokemons were out doing their daily things while the city was bustling with people flocking the streets. Though it was morning, a bundle of blankets hiding a sleeping figure under it was still shut in, catching in on some missed sleep due to their late night studying and anxiety over their big day which was today as sounds of running footsteps could be heard outside the door of the shut room. The footsteps sounded as if it had multiply to become a stampede of people running as the door was busted open and two puny figures jumped onto the bed onto the mount of blankets along with a certain caterpillar,"



" Two feminine voices squealed trying to wake up the bundle as it groaned twisting it's way out of their grip,"




fwive moue



Brother! Wake up! There's no time for you!


Yeah! Today is your big day!

" The two said shaking their brother who shot out of bed when the other spoke of his important day,"

What?! Why didn't you guys wake me up sooner!

" The sleeping figure now a messy-bedhead fellow who seemed to lost track of time as he got out of bed towards his drawers to find some clothes to wear while his towel which was missing from it's usual spot,"

We did tried to wake you up earlier, Pierre Zain Halfrey!

" One of the girls protested with a pout using the boy's full name, her light brown hair long to reach her elbow as her eyes were a crystal-blue hue,"

We knocked on your door thirty minutes ago but you didn't answer so we left you alone for a while.

" The other said with a cheeky grin, her hair was the same color as the boy's own but darker and her eyes were a rich-chocolate hue. The two sisters soon got off the bed, fixing their uniform as they were suppose to leave for school but had to wake up their brother for his special day. The little Sewaddle, known as Silky, tottered it's way over to his trainer as Pierre smiled, picking up his faithful companion.

Pierre gave his sisters a glare though it was playful as he sighed,"

You two are unstoppable. Melody, Emily, thank you for waking me up but don't you two have school?

" He asked with a mischievous grin of his own as the two sisters gasped checking the time,"

Ah! You're gonna make us late, too!

" Emily gasped and ran out the door to get their things ready,"

Boo, you cheeky brother. You play mean.

" Melody said sticking her tongue out at him and also ran after her sister leaving Pierre to himself so he could get ready,"

Hah... younger sisters.

" He mumbled rolling his eyes and chuckled,"

Thank you Silky for waking me up, sorry for being such a lazy trainer.

" He apologized as Silky let out his usual cries in response and butt heads with him gently in a gesture that he forgave him.


Today, Pierre wore a white V-neck shirt with a light-grey Fair Isle shawl-collar cardigan over, two black belts hung around his waist with a small pouch on his left attached to it for other purposes, six slots were decorated on the belt for the pokeballs. His pants were just a pair of baggy cargos and along with the outfit, he wore his glasses. Walking out of his room, with his backpack thrown over his shoulder and Silky on his other shoulder, Pierre walked downstairs towards the kitchen where his two sisters were waiting for him with his parents together,"

Huh? Why are you two still here and mom, dad, don't you guys have work at this time?

" He asked confused but was attacked with hugs -- Silky jumped off in time to dodge it -- and almost fell as he become more bewildered but soon understood,"

Good luck brother!

" Melody said squeezing him tightly,"

Make sure to keep in touch with us and catch a Dragonair for me!

" Emily chimed also hugging her brother tightly making Pierre feel as if the two were trying to suffocate him. Then another one join in the crushing hug, Reuniclus, his mother's partner pokemon, lashed itself onto his face.

A few screams and cries from Pierre were made but don't worry, no pokemons or sisters were harmed in the hug, only Pierre.


Prof. Rowan's Lab

After eating breakfast and saying good bye to his family, Pierre headed out towards Sandgem Town which wasn't far from home as it only took a while for him to arrive to Prof. Rowan's Lab where he could sign u to join in the Pokemon League with his pal, Silky!

Inside, he was greeted by a bustling group of trainers already getting their equipment and registered into the Pokemon League. He had already study up on what he needed to do and kept a confident composure but deep down, he felt like he could faint. Silky had noticed his trainer's nervousness and to help him ease his stress, Silky bit him on the head,"

Waah! Ouch!

" Pierre gasped in surprise by being bitten in front of so many people and pulled Silky off him as he sighed,"

I-... yeah I know. Thanks.

" He said, already knowing why Silky did that and patted his head,"


" Silky cried happily feeling pleased that he was praised as Pierre held him in his arms while walking over to Prof. Rowan.

Waiting till the others got registered in, he then went up towards the Professor,"

Ah, I know that face anywhere! You look just like your mother, Prof. Halfrey.

" Prof. Rowan exclaimed already knowing about Pierre though Pierre had only seen the guy from afar until now in person,"

Oh uh... Y-yeah. Nice to meet you Professor Rowan, I'm Pierre Zain Halfrey and this is my partner, Silky.

" He introduced, Silky giving a proud pose and cried with thrill. Prof. Rowan couldn't help but chuckle at the confident gestures Silky showed,"

I can see a strong bond between you two, I have great confident you'll be an unstoppable duo.

" Prof. Rowan commented making Pierre smile at the kind compliment,"

Thank you Prof. Rowan.



Now, let's get started, shall we?

" Prof. Rowan said as he called for Dawn to bring the equipment needed as a tray of six Pokeballs and a magenta Pokedex placed neatly set for Pierre was bought over. Typing in Pierre's full name and everything else he knew -- due to his relationship with Pierre's mother who loved to brag about her kids -- Prof. Rowan soon stopped and looked back at Pierre who was kinda getting creeped out that Pro. Rowan even knew so much about him from just chatting with his mother. He just hoped his mother didn't tell anything else about him... like his embarrassing childhood moments,"

You're all set, Pierre. Congratz on becoming an official trainer in the Pokemon League.

" Prof. Rowan said with a smile and handed him the items,"

Treat your pokemons well and make sure to make lots of great memories to cherish on your journey.

" Prof. Rowan said as Pierre couldn't believe what just happened to him,"

I'm an official trainer... official trainer... trainer...

" His mind went blank and another bite to his head was made,"

Ouch! Silky!

" He yelped pulling Silky off him again and blushed in embarrassment when Prof. Rowan laughed at the scene before him,"

I look forward from hearing you guys again and...

" Lowering his head, he made a connection with Silky as their heads touched,"

I can't wait to see you grow stronger.

" He finished as Silky cried in joy as a promise that he would be a great pokemon, determination reflected in his beady eyes.

After his small lecture over the procedures and responsibilities as a trainer were made. The two said their thanks and goodbyes to Prof. Rowan and left, about to head out to start their adventure when...




While being distracted by his excitement and the Pokedex in hand, he had accidentally bumped into someone but luckily, he didn't fall though he was quite worry about the other who he bumped,"

I'm so sorry! Are you alright?

" He asked worried that he may had hurt the person as Silky fumed at the person who he believed was at fault for not watching where they were standing and almost making Pierre fall.

@anyone who wants some interaction made


OOC Notes: Don't be shy, we can do a three-way collision too!~

:D ]

Pierre is an official Sinnoh League Pokemon Trainer! On another note, he bumped into someone!

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Phoebe sighed as he apologized for getting her name wrong.

"It's totally OK," she said calmly.

It wasn't the first time someone got her name wrong. Once, her mother made her get a pen pal. His name was Mike, and he was a total idiot. The day the met for real, Mike pronounced Phoebe's name as Po-be.

"So then... you just signed up for the league?"
Percivale entered the laboratory in curiosity. Looking at the various modern instruments, and it's large collection of anthologies and other reading material, it was... An impressive place. Albeit the area was slightly messy with the paperwork and all.

Tyranny follows after Percivale shyly, his eyes peering over her legs. He notices the chaotic ness of this place, but he soon trails off with particular interest.

At the back of the laboratory stood an old man, whom you can vaguely recognize from the television screen.

"Well, well. Look who it is," He spoke in a bellowing, almost raspy voice. His hair and moustache were long and grey, and didn't help to give him a very gentle appearance. In fact, he looked very stern.

"This is...?"

"Percivale Olsen," Dawn introduced.

Percivale step forward and shakes the professor's hand firmly.

"A pleasure, Proffesser Rowan."

"The pleasure is all mine. Now do you have what I need?"

She showed the brown leather suit case to the pokemon Proffesser and smiled. He took it from her, and set it down on his desk.

"Excellent. Now, I hear that you want to become a Pokemon trainer, correct?"

"You heard correctly."

Un-latching the brown suit case, one could easily see an arrange of color set out like a metallic rainbow. He took out a light blue pokedex, along 5 other pokéballs. Proffesser Rowan asked another question, "I also hear that you already had a starter pokemon. Where is he?"

Percivale looks around, curious as to where he is as well. She manages to spot him near the corner with random plant.

"There he is," she points.

"Ah, a Larvitar, I see,"he strokes his beard in thought, "They're quite the rare sight. You're fortunate in having such a tough pokemon with you, as they are extremely battle-... What is he doing?"

Percival turns around to see Tyranny smelling some daisies.

"It looks like he's smelling your flowers."

"...I see."

Proffesser Rowan handed the light blue pokedex and pokemon balls all to Percivale, who seems to be preoccupied by staring at the Larvitar in interest.

"I know, he's quite the weird fellow isn't he? You'd expect him to eat those flowers for breakfast, but instead he has the talent to grow them. He's such a weirdo." She went on as she placed the pokéballs and her pokedex in her black bag."Come here, Tyranny!"

He stopped sniffing the flowers and trotted his way to Percivale, staring at the professor with interest.

"This is Tyranny. Tyranny, this is Professer Rowan."


"My, how amusing. The nature of pokemon is quite diverse. Tell me, why did you give him such a name?"

Percivale laughs awkwardly, "I don't know. I based it on his looks and thought he'd grow up to rule the other pokemon in Tyranny. It's quite funny, actually."

Proffesser Rowan looks at her dryly, "Dawn, have her registered for the Sinnoh Pokemon League."

"Right away, Proffesser. "

Percivale follows Dawn to one of Rowan's computers. Unlike the other super computers in the laboratory, this one was a simple PC. Clicking on the mouse various times, she asked.


"Percivale Olsen."

"Spell it out for me, please?"

"P-E-R-C-I-V-A-L-E O-L-S-E-N"




"Uh, Anistar City."

Dawn looked up from the PC, staring at Percivale.

"Isn't that in the Kalos Region?"

"Yea, it is."

"Why did you come to enter the Sinnoh League then? Surely, there's pokemon League in Kalos as well, if you don't mind me asking."

"Yea, there is a league, but I came to Sinnoh out of recommendation from a friend. And here I am."

"I see," Dawn returned to typing on the computer, "Gender, is of course male-"

"I'm actually a female."


"I'm a female. You know? A woman?"

"I'm sorry I just thought I heard you say you were a woman."

"... Uh? Cause I am?"

"Your joking."

"Uh, no I'm not."



Percivale is now a valid Sinnoh League Pokemon Trainer!

This is longggggg overdue, but I have just implemented this.

Kasumi Takasha, Phoebe Jensen, Alexis Finntry, Dewey Glants, Percivale Olsen, and Pierre Halfley have all been formally registered into the Sinnoh Pokemon League System.

Congratulations, everyone.


It was -totally- okay, she said? Ah, Dewey finally understood this. So, there were 'nice people' out there and, or maybe people like him? Phoebe seemed 'good' to him, either way.

"Yep!" Dewey tried to appear as though nothing had happened just now and simply, go back to normal. "Y'u did that too, yes?" Soon afterwards, though, a moment of silent. It happened again! Of course she registered, why would she be here if she did not! He found himself extremely idiotic when in the 'outside world'. He felt like a foreigner from a distant region who had just made his way to the Sinnoh region. Everything was unfamiliar to him, and unlike at home, he was making way more mistakes than he ever did. This was record-breaking for him.

Other than all the above, Dewey was also silent because of, decision-making. Should he ask her, or should he just leave her be? What if she said yes? Would it be a bother? What if she said no? Would it be devastating? Conflicts after conflicts, in the end, he came to a conclusion and decided to resume the conversation again.

"S-So.. W'ud y'u want me to accompany y'u on your, journey?" Dewey really, really, really did not want to do all of the Pokemon-adventuring all by himself, and he was hoping that Phoebe would say yes to his offer, but he was also worried that he might become a burden. His heart rate was increasing ever so much at every passing second; he could not anticipate what actions would Phoebe take.

Only time could tell.

Having previously left the lab, her new Cyndaquil in her arms, Kasumi slipped out of the building before any one else could arrive. While she'd quickly gotten along with her new partner and the Professor, the pink haired teen didn't really want any social interaction. She'd rather get used to the area before meeting anyone knew for a little bit, seeing as she didn't know anything here.

Glancing down at the Pokémon she held, Kasumi smiled, squeezing the Cyndaquil lightly as she headed back towards the beach, seeing as it was the only place she knew. "Ne, Cyndaquil...." she murmured, before going quiet. "Hm...I guess I should give you a name...?" she wondered. Looking up at the sky, she realized they had arrived at the beach. Sitting down carefully in the sand, her legs bent at the knees, she held her new friend in her lap.


"Hm...What should I name you...?"


Smiling at the fire type, Kasumi was glad that he at least seemed happy about the idea of getting a name. "Osamu?" she tried.

With a few furious shakes of his head, she knew that the name was rejected.

"Hm...Ken?" she tried again, testing out the first name that popped into her mind. Another couple furious shakes.

"Alright..." she sighed, trying to think. This was proving to be slightly difficult.

"Quil, Cyndaquil!" he chirped, making her smile.


He was quiet for a moment, and Kasumi was ready to start thinking again when a small nose bumped her chin. "Eh?"

"Quil quil quil!"

Laughing as he kept bumping into her, Kasumi put her hand on top of Shuu's head and started to pet him. "So, Shuu it is, huh?" she giggled.


Laughing softly now, Kasumi let herself fall backwards, her hair flying around her, landing in a wild mess on top of the sand. Feeling Shuu climb on top of her chest and curl slightly so he was laying just under her chin, Kasumi closed her eyes in happiness. Pure relaxation and happiness. While she'd felt happy and relaxed at times, she had never felt anything like this. 'Mina...' she thought, a small smile gracing her serene. If it hadn't been for her, she never would have left her home.

"Mina....Thank you...."


Cyndaquil has been named Shuu!
The waves were crashing against tge sides of the boat. He could hear the sailors barking orders at each other one slid to a stop behind him placing a cold wet hand on his shoulder.

"You'd best take for cover young lad, it looks like quite the storm is brewin."

"I'll be fine. I've dealt with worst."

"Aye, well then I'll leave ya to your thoughts."

He nodded in return to the sailor as he turned back towards the ocean his greeb eyes locked on the destination ahead of them. a slight push from inside his hoodie disturbed him once again, in one quick movement he unzipped his jacket slightly, allowing the orange ball of fluff to spring free slightly as it popped its head out.


"Oh hey, Nuka I thought you were still napping..wanna watch the storm with me?"


"I'll take that as a yes." Leon smiled slightly at the pokemon before turning his attention back towards the sea, watching nature take its course. A few hours had passed before the storm finally died down and a rainbow was left in the sky replacing the dark clouds. Nuka jumped happily from the inside of his jacket looking up at the colorful stream in the sky, running around in circles trying to figure out what it was.

"It's called a rainbow you goofball." Leon shook his head at the now dizzy Torchic and reached down gently scooping it up in his arms. He was about to say something but a sailors shouting caught his attention.


"Finally." A few minutes had passed before they docked. wasting no time he grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder before jumping over the rail of the ship on onto the sand of the beach followed by a very hyper Nuka who landed flat on its head in the sand, its feet kicking at the air furiously. Leon sighed heavily before pulling Nuka up and dusting off his head, taking one last look at the ship. The words 'SS Lapras.' painted roughly on the side.

"Well let's go bud."


With those words Nuka took off running through the town, Leon quickly followed after him a bit worried about the trouble he'd get into. While he chased Nuka he caught a glimpse of a sign with the towns name.

"Sandgem..looks like we're here, Nuka slow down! you don't even know where the lab is."

The torchic turned a corner and quickly dipped into a rather large building. leaving leon to follow behind him, once he enterned the building he saw Nuka near an older man flipping happily in the air.

"Why you little.."

Leon ran over to the two stopping quickly on his heels as the older man held out a hand in front of him.

"Who exactly are you young man?"

"Leon White, Sir are you Professor. Rowan?"

"Yes, what may I do for you? wait let me guess you wanna become a trainer?"

"Yes, is it that obvious?"

"No..you're one if many people who have been in and out of here all morning, all with many different personalities and pokemon."

"I see, so may I become one?"

"I suppose, are you ready to begin the evaluation?"

"yes!" He shook his head with fool confidence

"very well, Name?"

"Leon Ezra White."




Leons jaw dropped at the question. He'd never been asked such a strange question but he sighed heavily and answered. "Male."

"Right, Starter pokemon?"

"The puffball doing backflips next to you."

The professor looked down at the stilp flipping pokemon and nodded writing everything down on a clipboard before walking over to his desk.

"Pick a color, Mr. white any color."

"um black I guess."

he heard the professor make a grunting noise before typing something in his computer and returning to him with a jet black pokedex and five pokeballs.

"You're officially registered for the Sinnoh Leauge and are now an official trainer, good luck Mr. white I expect great things from you."

"Trust me I won't disapoint."

And with that he called over to Nuka before rushing outside with the Torchic right by his side, he stopped outside the building as he looked around trying to figure out what he should do next. After five minutes had went by he motioned for Nuka to follow him as they made their way towards route 202 as they ran one thought went through his head. "My starter might be on drugs."


Leon is now a restistered trainer and registered for the Sinnoh Leauge.
"I'm a trainer! I'm a trainer~!" Alexis sang; her presence beaming with happiness and so much cheerfulness and brightness. Jacob laughed, watching his baby sister twirl and dance around, the lavender-colored pokedex in her hands in a tight grasp. The male was leaning against the counter, where Dawn was previously was. She had left to go help some other new trainers that had recently came in to sign up for the Sinnoh league. There was people walking in and out of the door, with various of pokemon in their arms or some sort. Like, there was this one girl with a cute Squirtle in her arms chatting away with a guy with an Elekid.

Alexis saw a young female adult walking out of the lab with a Cyndaquil grasped tightly in her arms, and entering the lab was some guy following Dawn to the computer with a cute Larvitar little bits away from his trainer. The lab was practically brimming with new trainers.
"Wow! There are so many new trainers!" Alexis gasped in awe, now realizing how...crowded the lab felt.

"Mhm, today is the day Professor Rowan takes in new trainers. As a pretty famous pokemon professor, he is really busy each day of the week. There are only a few times he isn't, and when he isn't, he usually takes in new pokemon trainers." Jacob explained, a cheeky grin on his face.

"That's amazing!" Alex grinned, however her grin was wiped off her face once she felt the device in her hands snatched away and the weight on her head disappearing. She immediately realized who had taken her pokedex when she saw a blur of red zooming past her with a glimpse of purple in his hands. Dyrao, her starter pokemon with a mischievous smirk on his face as he began running toward the exit.

"DYRAO!" the fifteen year old cried out, starting off onto a run.

"ALEXIS!" Jacob's voice sounded throughout the lab, giving them a few stares. And the chase began.

The charamander ran around, his destination? The exit. Running on only his two feet, he pretty much wobbled as fast as he can toward the exit, only to skid in a stop in front of a young guy who was exiting the lab.

Alex called out for the charamander in anger, and a bit of hope as she saw her pokemon skid into a stop; however she didn't see the person in front of him and ran into his side. Surprisingly, he didn't lose his balance, instead, he had jumped back as Alexis tumbled onto the ground, and almost on her pokemon, who jumped in fright with a loud

"Owowowow...." Alexis moaned in pain, having to slip forward and pretty much face-plant into the hard tiled floor. Her hands were outstretched ahead of her and between her arms was the charamander, who was pretty much sitting down with a frighten look on his face. He even whimpered when Alexis's face slowly looked up to him with a harsh glare from her silver-blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

The person's voice snapped Alexis momentarily from the scolding glare she was giving her pokemon and glanced up at the person, who was staring at her with wide golden-honey eyes. On his shoulder was a cute little fuming caterpillar. A Sewaddle, Alexis thought, knowing the pokemon because her father had made her learn every common bug in every region.

Alexis gave a sheepish grin as she quickly sat up, dragging Dyrao (who was trying to crawl away with her pokedex) by the tail and propping him in her lap,
"Yeah, sorry about that! I'm fine!" she chirped. "The question is; are you alright?" she asked with a small giggle.

"Alexis!" her brother's voice cried out, jogging over to the fallen girl and helping her up. "Are you alright?" he asked, worry lacing his voice.

"I'm fine! I'm fine! Just...kissed the ground, that's all..." she laughed, rubbing the back of her brown mess sheepishly. She looked back at the male and observed him closely. His soft gentle orbs matched his overall appearance as well, Alexis mused. He had fluffy, strawberry blonde hair, covering a part of his face and a worried look as a facial expression. He looked around seventeen, eighteen? Obviously a few years older than Alexis, and seemed like a nice guy...

"Hi! I'm sorry for crashing into you earlier," she laughed, giving him a sheepish grin, positioning Dyrao by holding him with one arm. Dyrao grumbled as he still hold the pokedex in his hands. "I'm Alexis, and you are?" she bluntly introduced, holding her free hand out for the guy with her grin turning into a gentle smile. If he's nice, why not try and be friends? There is no rule about not talking to strangers, right? That's how you make friends, right?


Alexis got her Pokedex stolen by her evil little Charamander and crashed into Pierre!

"I'm really sorry for pretty much running into you! I'm surprised you actually kept your balance...Pierre was it?"
Alexis Finntry

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