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Futuristic Star Wars: The New Empire


Creator and Destroyer of One Thousand Realities
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The Imperial Logo

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A few decades ago the Sith emerged once more, strong in number and power. The New Sith Order had began fighting dirty, bombing the Jedi Temple with an antimatter charge, and they continued to bomb and murder until the Jedi Order and all of it's supporters fell. The remains of the Jedi holed up in the Temple. The New Republic's forces were decimated by Mandalorian ship squadrons and Tusken Raider infiltrators who boarded the ships and murdered all within.

Undercover Sith revealed the location of the Jedi in hiding and unlocked the doors that kept the Sith out of the inner chambers. Hundreds of Sith poured in and met the Jedi survivors in combat. In the end the Sith had claimed victory and the New Empire was established, Imperial City was once again the name of Coruscant, and the Sith Lord Contrallus had taken over under the title of Emperor.

The Jedi Temples were rebuilt as Sith Temples, and Jedi were hunted down and slaughtered across the galaxy. Remaining Force Sensitives were sent to the Sith Temple to learn, and Mandalore and Tatooine were made a location for new Sith Temples to be built.

The Empire quickly grasped control of the galaxy, and has ruled for 43 years so far. However, due to the fear it had generated, rebellions have kicked in.

Few Jedi remain, New Velius, a jungle world, being the headquarters for survivors and for the Alderaanian Resistance (AR).

So who will you be, and what will you do?


Imperial Commando

(Imperial Commandos are those who are the best of the best, hunting down Jedi Masters and taking them down with a covert and elite four man squad. They are armored with the best in the galaxy, and their Deecee weapons make them a force to be reckoned with when you encounter them.)


(Sith live off of their emotion, using it to gain power within the force. They use anger the most, and generate great power with that emotion. They're known for using mostly red lightsabers, but are not bound to the color.)

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(Jedi live off of logic and meditation by connecting yourself with the force. They do not believe in having relationships, and they also believe that you must completely commit yourself to the Order, and to the force through that oath.)

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Imperial Officer

(Imperial Officers are well trained and experienced men and women who lead in the battlefield and from their durasteel desks. Officers are the most casual looking Imperials, and are usually very logical.)

Resistance Fighter

(Resistance Fighters are men and women who put their lives at risk in order to fight back at the Empire. They are seen as terrorists and are hunted down across the galaxy. They are usually linked to the AR.)

Bounty Hunter

(Bounty Hunters, (Not to be confused with Mandalorians), are people who hunt down wanted individuals, dead or alive, in order to get a hefty amount of credits. Mandalorians usually take up this job, but many different kinds of people are seen doing this work every once and awhile. It is the most common occupation at this time due to the hunting down of Jedi)


(Citizens are your average person, living off of the governmental system through currency by doing labor either mentally or physically.)

Mandalorian / Mandalorian Knight

(Mandalorians are not a race, but an ideology. They believe in family and strength, their family being Clans, which can contain many people. Adoption is common. They are usually strong warriors, who trust in one another. They can be of any race, due to the fact they are not just one. The original Mandalorians died a long time ago. / Mandalorian Knights are Mandalorians who fight with the Empire, and believe that the Empire is their Clan. They are the Empire's greatest invasion infantry.)

Tusken Trooper

(Tusken Troopers are specially trained and armed Tusken Raiders, a race that reside in Tatooine. They are excellent in infiltration, and are experts in ambushing and in unconventional warfare. They are usually used to target convoys, patrols, and supply lines.)

Imperial Clone / Soldier

(Imperial Clones are your average, medium trained, Imperial Soldiers. Clones are made on Kamino, however the Imperial Army isn't just made of Clones, but also made of normal Soldiers, people who sign up for the benefits that them and their family get after a minimum of five years of service.)


(Freelancers are Smugglers, Explorers, Adventurers, and any sort of raggamuffin (heheh) that might wander across the galaxy. They have a wide array of skills and are a dying occupation, but certainly not too low in number to be considered one.)


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The new Death Star is much more advanced then the last, which was made approximately five hundred years ago.

Cities are very orderly now, except for lower Imperial City, which is still as crowded as usual.

Restricted areas include Tatooine, around the new Death Star, past Level 30 of subterranean Coruscant, and Contrallus City in Mandalore (it is being constructed).


1. Have fun

2. Don't god mode.

3. Be friendly!

4. Be realistic.

5. If you read the Rules put may the Force Be With You in Other.

6. Keep OOC in the OOC tab! (Unless it's a note about something IC)

7. Have fun
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

A New Empire has been born, after the First one born during the aftermath of Order 66, a quick takeover made by Darth Sidious, who was disguised as the Chancellor of the Republic during the Clone Wars. The Clone Wars was the perfect set up for Darth Sidious's takeover, where he pulled the strings for three years. Followed by the execution of the Jedi Order in 19 BBY.

Another move, similar to this one, was pulled off in 621 ABY, when Darth Contrallus bred a secret Sith Army and quickly hit the Jedi Temple through traitors who had infiltrated the Order through trust. The entire New Sith Order arrived and took out the Jedi, then quickly the Republic. In the aftermath Darth Contrallus became Emperor Contrallus of the New Empire. The Jedi, who have little hope, rely on the Resistance, a group of freedom-fighters who desperately fight off the Empire with what they can get. Right now the Resistance is at it's strongest, and it was ready to make a move. It's leader, "Cardinal", has begun to take actions more drastically.

Now the Resistance can make their moves, hopefully springing in the recreation of the Republic, or they will fail by the hands of the New Empire and the New Sith Order.

-A Summary of what's happened over 43 Years, 621 - 664 ABY (Current Date is 6th Month, 20th Day, 664 ABY)

621 ABY - Takeover by the New Sith Order (NSO), Allies in the Criminal Network gather forces from Mandalore and Tatooine. Formation of the New Empire (NE).

623 ABY - Invasion of Kashyyyk, Dac, and Naboo, Mandalore becomes the location for a new Sith Temple, Dar'Jetti (Sith).

624 ABY - Kashyyyk and Dac is destroyed by the New Empire's Death Star, Tuskens are adopted into the New Empire's list of Official Races.

631 ABY - Naboo is destroyed by the New Empire's Death Star.

632 ABY - The Alderaanian Resistance (AR), more commonly known as The Resistance, has been created on New Alderaan.

639 ABY - The Empire glasses half of Alderaan as a lesson to the rebellious Alderaan Government due to their secret funding to the Resistance. The Government's leader is replaced by an Imperial Admiral and it's cities are driven to Martial Law.

640 ABY - The Construction of New Sith Temples begin on Tatooine. Many Outer Rim worlds are quickly invaded due to Rebellions forming. Slavery and Bounty Hunting is the top market due to the New Empire, moral for citizens are raising up as the New Empire becomes much more like the Republic, but still ruled by the Emperor. Rebellions are un-popular.

641 ABY - New Velius becomes the Jedi survivor and AR HQ. The new Tatooine Sith Temple, Tuska'arii has been constructed.

649 ABY - Mon Calamari Slaves begin revolting, Mon Calamari are being shot on sight.

653 ABY - The Ewok become a Intergalactic Species and are accepted into the New Empire. They are allowed to harbor Wookie Refugees, who are also listed as Slave Reserves, replacements for Slaves until they recover. They are also known to be adopted into the Imperial Military.

659 ABY - A Jedi Master, Bel Narra, duels Darth Contrallus on live HoloNews. Bel is slain after a long battle on the roof of the Republica 500 Tower, being kicked off by Contrallus. Security tightens in the New Empire, citizens are now unhappy as they were during the takeover.

662 ABY - The New Death Star is improved with armoring and more defensive and offensive systems.

664 ABY - The Resistance's forward movement begins, genocide on New Alderaan and against Gungans and Nautolans due to their race being most common within the Resistance at the year. The Death Star looms over Glee Anslem (Nautolan Homeworld).

(The Wookies were openly rebellious at the start, resulting in war, the same with the Mon Calamari and with the Gungans and the Humans on Naboo. Mandalore was open to the idea of executing the great prey that was the Jedi and all of the credits to be earned during the bounty hunting season, and the Tuskens were ready to expand their territory. New Alderaan is being hit hard along with many other races due to their political standing on The Resistance.)


Darth Contrallus sighed as he rested in his Republica 500 Suite, gazing at the HoloNews. He stared at Glee Naslem, the world he had ordered to destruction. It was shameful, downright wrong and clearly genocide, but it had to be done. The Nautolan were on the brink of declaring all out war on his beautiful Empire, and he wouldn't let it happen.

He sipped his glass of Mandalorian Ale and decided he'd have to do something to counter the darkness that had engulfed his Empire's morality lately. Contrallus gave out the order to donate money and food to the poor Outer Rim worlds, and to contact the HoloNews about it. That would make him feel better....

And convince a lot of citizens, the not-so bright ones that wouldn't sense the tactic.

Lately Contrallus had thought of selecting an apprentice, though he didn't see the reason why. With his cybernetics he had almost complete immortality except for the fact that he could be slain, though that would be very hard to do. However, he countered that logic with the thought of his death, and the needing of a successor, what Emperor Palpatine did not have.

He just needed to be careful, the wrong apprentice would mean another thing to worry about. Another assassin to worry about. That reminded him of Bel Narra, the man the Jedi Order had called the "New Chosen One", due to his skills. It seemed like his skills meant nothing in the long run.

He sighed, and began to chug through his Mandalorian Ale, to wash away the stress. Contrallus decided it would... spice things up to have an Apprentice. Contrallus grabbed a nearby HoloPad and went through records until he reached a name...

"Elizabeth Marie Sinclair...", the Emperor mumbled. Soon enough he'd pay her a personal visit.
Elizabeth awoke in her bed in a frenzy...another nightmare about her time as an owned piece of property. It took a moment for her to take in her surroundings and calm down, and once she had regained her composure she hopped out of bed. She was still staying at her adoptive father's, Darth Veertook's, estate and had claimed the master bedroom as her own now since he was no longer in the picture. After a quick breakfast she went and got dressed in her training gear and went out back to practice, she understood that although she had disposed of her teacher/father that his regiment had proven itself to be very useful and as such she wouldn't slack off on all the things that she had gained from their time together. The entire time of her training she was visualizing all those who had ever stood in her path, making her actions more fluent and powerful with each move and step she made.
Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon. It wasn't the safest place, which is why it was such a convenient hunting ground for Lakri. In a moving blob of millions, she was all but impossible to hunt down once she entered the crowd. And she rarely left the crowd for more than the few minutes it took to still a beating heart.

Today, the target was more symbolic than practical. She had decided on her end goal days before, and the first blow would be one her target would most definitely understand. Bel Narra had been powerful, without a doubt. But in Lakri's mind, he was still beneath Contrallus. His strict following of the Code had weakened him. And so, just as Bel Narra had plummeted thousands of feet, so would one of Contrallus' minions. A weak one, but the comparison would only strengthen her resolve.

Kaledel was the target's name. A twi'lek, young but slowly rising to proper Sith-hood. His rise was about to be tragically cutoff, as he separated from the pack of civilians and entered one of the housing complexes. She followed him inside, up the stairs to his home, and knocked on the door. She counted his footsteps, waiting until he was just behind the door, then slashed the hinges with her saber and propelled the door inwards with a powerful push from the Force. It slammed into the surprised Sith, and knocked him out cold.

Dragging his body to the roof was the hardest part of the night. She set up the holocamera at an angle to cover most of the ensuing rooftop battle. She sat down, about ten feet away from the slowly awakening Sith, and turned her lightsaber on as soon as he awoke fully. The sharp green light bathed him in it's glow, and he jumped to his feet with lightsaber in hand.

Green clashed on red several times before the fight was through. It took little effort on Lakri's part to beat the woozy, surprised Sith, but she played it up for the cameras. One dramatic dodge after another gave Kaledel the impression he was winning, and then one more dodge from Lakri put him off-balance, standing on the edge of the roof. The last thing he felt was a boot plant itself squarely into his spine and push. He hurtled to the walkway below, landing head first and splattering against the pavement.

Lakri retrieved the holocamera and headed to deliver it to the nearest Holonews outlet before hastily melding back into the crowd of Nar Shaddaa. Once again, she was gone without a trace.
Gone without a trace, if not for the faintly radioactive isotope powder that had coated her clothing. Convinced the coast was clear, Mokta uncoiled himself and slithered free of the ventilation duct, knocking the vent cover free with his shoulder. An informant had mentioned that a hooded figure had been seen mucking around the temporary residence of a known Sith trainee. Mokta had been saving him for a bit of eventual sport, but apparently this other Sith hunter was in a bigger hurry than him. Mammals and their short time lines, so impatient.

Mokta blinked a few times, cycling through settings on his eyepiece until the radioactive spectrum of his trace chemical became visible. "Ah'chu apenkee..." The trail was spotty, his target was moving quickly, and jumping quite a distance. "Tagwa, grancha," he mused to himself, a sufficiently trained warrior could use a saber, but to move like that with no exhaust trail, his quarry is a Force-user hunting Sith. Very good. A blink of his inner eyelid zoomed the lens in on a spot that the Force-user seems to have stopped for a moment. Scratches in the building's surface, probably a holocam mount. Curious.

The Hutt slithered down to street level, drawing a bit of attention. While his serpentine anatomy allowed him to slither about unseen through ducts and sewers, at street level a Hutt does not go unnoticed, particularly one in armor with a large rifle strapped to its back. On the bright side, on Nar Shaddaa, the path clears when a Hutt is coming through. Mokta took off with startling speed into the crowded streets and alleys. Eventually he came upon a dilapidated residence or hotel block, hard to say which at this point, where the trail seemed to end.

"U kulle rah doe kankee kung..." he grumbled, loud enough to be heard. He was fairly certain anyone who could slay a Sith would know he was coming by now, but it was only polite. Not too proud to switch to Basic under these circumstances, Mokta declared rather loudly, "I have a proposition," as he reached for the door to the building.
Kyle walked down the halls in the traditional sith robes. His hair looked terrible.... it was all that F-ing barbers fault... he pulled out his hands from the robe, and looked at his blood stained hands, which the blood belonged to the now Ex- Barber... he didn't need those hands anyways... Useless to someone like him. Today was his day, and the dumb-ass haircut he had would ruin it. "LORD CONTALLUS!" He knocked at his suite door.

Raggamuffinz said:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
A New Empire has been born, after the First one born during the aftermath of Order 66, a quick takeover made by Darth Sidious, who was disguised as the Chancellor of the Republic during the Clone Wars. The Clone Wars was the perfect set up for Darth Sidious's takeover, where he pulled the strings for three years. Followed by the execution of the Jedi Order in 19 BBY.

Another move, similar to this one, was pulled off in 621 ABY, when Darth Contrallus bred a secret Sith Army and quickly hit the Jedi Temple through traitors who had infiltrated the Order through trust. The entire New Sith Order arrived and took out the Jedi, then quickly the Republic. In the aftermath Darth Contrallus became Emperor Contrallus of the New Empire. The Jedi, who have little hope, rely on the Resistance, a group of freedom-fighters who desperately fight off the Empire with what they can get. Right now the Resistance is at it's strongest, and it was ready to make a move. It's leader, "Cardinal", has begun to take actions more drastically.

Now the Resistance can make their moves, hopefully springing in the recreation of the Republic, or they will fail by the hands of the New Empire and the New Sith Order.

-A Summary of what's happened over 43 Years, 621 - 664 ABY (Current Date is 6th Month, 20th Day, 664 ABY)

621 ABY - Takeover by the New Sith Order (NSO), Allies in the Criminal Network gather forces from Mandalore and Tatooine. Formation of the New Empire (NE).

623 ABY - Invasion of Kashyyyk, Dac, and Naboo, Mandalore becomes the location for a new Sith Temple, Dar'Jetti (Sith).

624 ABY - Kashyyyk and Dac is destroyed by the New Empire's Death Star, Tuskens are adopted into the New Empire's list of Official Races.

631 ABY - Naboo is destroyed by the New Empire's Death Star.

632 ABY - The Alderaanian Resistance (AR), more commonly known as The Resistance, has been created on New Alderaan.

639 ABY - The Empire glasses half of Alderaan as a lesson to the rebellious Alderaan Government due to their secret funding to the Resistance. The Government's leader is replaced by an Imperial Admiral and it's cities are driven to Martial Law.

640 ABY - The Construction of New Sith Temples begin on Tatooine. Many Outer Rim worlds are quickly invaded due to Rebellions forming. Slavery and Bounty Hunting is the top market due to the New Empire, moral for citizens are raising up as the New Empire becomes much more like the Republic, but still ruled by the Emperor. Rebellions are un-popular.

641 ABY - New Velius becomes the Jedi survivor and AR HQ. The new Tatooine Sith Temple, Tuska'arii has been constructed.

649 ABY - Mon Calamari Slaves begin revolting, Mon Calamari are being shot on sight.

653 ABY - The Ewok become a Intergalactic Species and are accepted into the New Empire. They are allowed to harbor Wookie Refugees, who are also listed as Slave Reserves, replacements for Slaves until they recover. They are also known to be adopted into the Imperial Military.

659 ABY - A Jedi Master, Bel Narra, duels Darth Contrallus on live HoloNews. Bel is slain after a long battle on the roof of the Republica 500 Tower, being kicked off by Contrallus. Security tightens in the New Empire, citizens are now unhappy as they were during the takeover.

662 ABY - The New Death Star is improved with armoring and more defensive and offensive systems.

664 ABY - The Resistance's forward movement begins, genocide on New Alderaan and against Gungans and Nautolans due to their race being most common within the Resistance at the year. The Death Star looms over Glee Anslem (Nautolan Homeworld).

(The Wookies were openly rebellious at the start, resulting in war, the same with the Mon Calamari and with the Gungans and the Humans on Naboo. Mandalore was open to the idea of executing the great prey that was the Jedi and all of the credits to be earned during the bounty hunting season, and the Tuskens were ready to expand their territory. New Alderaan is being hit hard along with many other races due to their political standing on The Resistance.)


Darth Contrallus sighed as he rested in his Republica 500 Suite, gazing at the HoloNews. He stared at Glee Naslem, the world he had ordered to destruction. It was shameful, downright wrong and clearly genocide, but it had to be done. The Nautolan were on the brink of declaring all out war on his beautiful Empire, and he wouldn't let it happen.

He sipped his glass of Mandalorian Ale and decided he'd have to do something to counter the darkness that had engulfed his Empire's morality lately. Contrallus gave out the order to donate money and food to the poor Outer Rim worlds, and to contact the HoloNews about it. That would make him feel better....

And convince a lot of citizens, the not-so bright ones that wouldn't sense the tactic.

Lately Contrallus had thought of selecting an apprentice, though he didn't see the reason why. With his cybernetics he had almost complete immortality except for the fact that he could be slain, though that would be very hard to do. However, he countered that logic with the thought of his death, and the needing of a successor, what Emperor Palpatine did not have.

He just needed to be careful, the wrong apprentice would mean another thing to worry about. Another assassin to worry about. That reminded him of Bel Narra, the man the Jedi Order had called the "New Chosen One", due to his skills. It seemed like his skills meant nothing in the long run.

He sighed, and began to chug through his Mandalorian Ale, to wash away the stress. Contrallus decided it would... spice things up to have an Apprentice. Contrallus grabbed a nearby HoloPad and went through records until he reached a name...

"Elizabeth Marie Sinclair...", the Emperor mumbled. Soon enough he'd pay her a personal visit.
Smichal darted in between alleyways, as quickly as he could, which wasn't very fast at all, actually, due to his leg having been flaring up, so really it was more of a limp. He was absolutely exhausted, and fell forwards onto the ground, hands outstretched to catch himself. He crawled along the grimy floor, dragging his lower half along.

He could hear yelling coming from down the way, and he tried to hurry. He managed to wedge himself in between two large dumpsters, and then curled his legs towards himself, with his knees on his chest. He wiped his nose with his sleeve, but that only added a large dark smear across his already filthy face.

The yelling drew nearer, and he held his breath. He hadn't known, in hindsight, the uproar his escape would have caused. To be honest, he'd never even thought of running away before now, and why, he had no idea. Nonetheless, here he was, squeezed between two trash bins, terrified of being found. They'd been looking for him for a while now.

He heard the footsteps receding, and felt it was safer to come out. The boy slowly crept out from his hiding place, dusting himself off with one hand (which didn't do much good, but at the moment it didn't matter). He let out a shaky breath and almost didn't notice when a single tear streaked down his cheek, leaving a thin, clean line in the filth.

He stood up, shivering, and made his way to the alley's end, where he peered out to see if it was safe. It seemed to be, as he didn't see anyone he recognized. So, pulling his worn brown jacket closer around himself, he limped back down the way he had come. His eyes widened when he saw a Hutt with a rifle strapped on its back slithering through the streets, but he didn't say a word.

He instead watched the alien dart through the crowds of people, muttering something in a language the boy couldn't speak. Suddenly, as the Hutt neared a residential or hotel block, it said something in Basic, that of which Smichal couldn't hear. Next thing he knew, he was on the ground, for some rude passerby had knocked him over without a word.

He tried to get up, but it was almost impossible, so he crawled over to the less crowded area, where the Hutt had gone off to. He suddenly felt a pang of...something...shoot through him. He didn't know what it was, but he felt like something bad had happened. He felt things like that sometimes, but he didn't know why. He just figured it was normal.
Tak woke up in a panic. He pointed his FWG-5 about the one room living space and scanned about the room to make sure that he was alone. This had happened all too often lately. Waking up in a fear induced panic could not be healthy. He sat up breathing heavily for a moment keeping his pistol raised just in case there really was something there. He flipped the laser tracker on his FWG-5 on to make absolutely sure there was nothing cloaked there. Having checked the room to his comfort level, he lowered his sidearm. Too much was at risk to be staying in slaver traps like these, and at the same time there was no way he could afford a decent space without being detected or blowing all of his funds. This place only had to house him until his mission was accomplished, information gathering this time.

Tak began slowly readying himself for the day ahead. One must look like a proper low life to gather information. To deal with the actual low lifes, one must also be armed with something along every inch of his body. He decided that today he would conceal all he needed. His FWG-5 always staying with him ready to fire as well as some miscellaneous weaponry. A few improvised explosives and some gadgets and he was confidant in the task ahead. Fully dressed in his usual dirty attire, he left his awful living space and wandered into the streets.

He wandered about looking for someone that might know how to procure weapons and other supplies. After some time, his eyes settled on a hut moving through the crowd at a rather brisk pace. The rifle across his back was a tip off that this Hutt more than likely had connections. Also, the fact that this was a Hutt was a good sign that it might be a lucrative arrangement for the both of them. On that thought, he decided to trail the Hutt. He accidentally hit a younger person in his haste but couldn't slow down to apologize. This Hutt could be more important than good street manners. He saw the younger boy again at the end of his trailing. Now his conscience had kicked in and he had to apologize. It wouldn't be right if he didn't. This was as close as he would get to the Hutt without alerting it anyway. Talking to the kid would also make a good cover while listening in.

Tak pushed his way to the younger boy and took a knee beside him. The kid was experiencing something, had he hit this kid that hard? "Hey kid, are you alright? I kind of bumped into you back there." Tak kept his ears open to hear the Hutt and whoever it seemed to be talking to. His concern for the boy wasn't any less genuine, but it helped to have a small scapegoat when trying to remain undetected.
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Smichal's eyes widened as a man approached him and kneeled down next to him. He tried to move away at first, not wanting to get in the way, and honestly a little scared, but suddenly the man said, "Hey kid, are you alright?" The words were...unfamiliar to him. He understood what he'd heard, of course, but it didn't register.

He remained silent, unsure of what to say at first, and the man added, "I kind of bumped into you back there." That was when he found his voice again, and he stumbled over his words as he tried to steady himself. "I-I'm sorry," he stuttered, as he began to pick himself up, still a bit light-headed, which made him wobbly.

"I'm, um...I'm okay." He stared down at his feet, and the shoes he wore. They were old, ratty, and should have been thrown out by now, but he had nothing better on hand, and these were better than no shoes at all. "You're alright, it was my fault." He didn't dare look up at the man, afraid of what he'd say.

He wondered who the man was, though he'd never ask. He did that often--look at the people who passed by and just wonder what kind of people they were. He had a pretty good guess, usually, and looking at this man he concluded that he was nice enough, and not one to be feared as of yet. Hesitantly, the boy peered up at the man, a bit shyly.

He would've offered his name and a handshake, if he'd known it was customary, but the kid had never had any etiquette lessons and therefore had no idea whatsoever. Even if he had known, he most likely would have been too nervous to do it anyway. So he just stood there, a bit awkwardly, and unsure of what to say next.

Finally, the lad piped up with a soft, "Thank you." At least he'd known that much was good to say. He had said it merely a few times before, but didn't say it particularly often because he'd never had any reason to thank anybody. Nobody had ever thanked him, as a matter of fact, but he didn't really mind.

The small, skinny boy saw the Hutt again out of the corner of his eye, and felt something like a wave of...he didn't know, something...wash over him, leaving him confused but also a bit on edge, though he had no idea as to why or as to what the wave was of or was for. The alien didn't look to be a particularly friendly fellow, more the scheming type, which made him uneasy.

((Also thank you @Sensei Fox lol I wan't meaning for that to be an opening (just a filler really) but that's even better! So yeah thanks! =P))
Contrallus was just about to call for his private ship to be readied when a random scream came from outside his door. He sighed and drew out his lightsabers, prepared to cut down any random Sith ready to challenge him. The Lord opened the door, saw Kyle, and slammed it hard. "Go away"

He wanted to slay that pest... Contrallus groaned as he looked back at the HoloNews, and curiosity struck him.

Meanwhile, on Nar Shaddaa, the HoloNews showed a recording of a Sith being slain. In return Governer Ahkira massacred one thousand civilians as a way to pay for the anonymous Jedi's crime, as it was rather impossible to track the assailant.

Contrallus sighed, another Jedi to deal with. He then would begin to walk back to his couch, eager to meet this 'Elizabeth' character he had found on his HoloPad records...

Currently Coruscant was as it was usually, the bright lights, the grand towers. However a blanket of depression had laid over the city recently, the patrols were going from four troopers to ten, the security got tighter, it took at least two hours to get to work everyday.

Patrols wandered the streets, any ruffian they spotted, or rebel, they shot on sight. Executions were a normal sentence to arrests. Many patrols abused their power and picked on civilians they didn't like and would arrest them, however Contrallus was thinking of adding a system to counter that.

He needed them to be happy.
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Elizabeth had been training for awhile now when suddenly the Holonews came on behind her, and stopping momentarily to take a look she felt her blood begin to churn. She, herself, was composed and simply took in the info that was being shared and ultimately thought that it would be nice to have a Jedi come to her for once, but on the other hand she could feel Sin stirring beneath the surface, hungry for blood. The video of the slaying only made her body burn hotter and soon she had to shut it off. While she was the dominant personality of the two she could feel that Sin was indeed becoming stronger and stronger, but it didn't worry her too much. Veertook had helped her overpower and control her partner and Sin, for the most part, was willing to play her role without putting up too much of a ruckus, but from time to time that voice in the back of her head have her a headache. As the Holonews report ended the screen vanished and a now sweat-drenched Elizabeth went to shower and change, she wasn't sure what she would do today but felt the Force telling her that something was in stored for her.

"What's with that grin, didn't you see that video. Someone is killing Sith and making sport of it." Sin's voice rang in her head, her tone expressing her distaste of the situation. "I can see that. It's not like they won't go unpunished, we'll dispense some justice of our own soon enough," she said aloud as she stepped from the shower and began to prepare herself for the day, "Clearly the Sith that was killed was weak, you know just as I do that we won't share such a dishonorable and embarrassing fate." Elizabeth exclaimed staring in the mirror as she dressed in her Sith robes minus her mask, which was attached to the back of her robes. "...I guess I can't argue with that...just don't think that I'll sit back and watch you have all the fun. I let you have the last one, remember. That old man gave you a quite the runaround, I honestly expected you to kill him a lot faster than that," the condescending tone brought a scowl across her face. "Father deserved the opportunity to see the fruits of his labor before he departed from this world, I only wished for him to see all that he had accomplished before his final moments," she stood glaring at her reflection for a moment, "He was the only and the last person who will ever be shown any kind of mercy." She could feel Sin's acceptance and understanding of her words, and with that she decided to grab herself something to eat before heading out for the day.
"Roger roger,"

The ex-Separatist OOM battle droids closed in around the Jawa, the four of them forming a barrier on all sides which deflected the crowds from buffeting their mistress. Kathna's amber eyes gleamed from the darkness of her hood- alight with the prospect of business.

"Imperial checkpoint ahead, Commander."

"Hkeek nkulla..." Kathna cursed. The droids and their owner swerved left, separating themselves from the crowd to move through the lower Imperial City's side streets. The roads became thin and winding, and shady figures eyed the group from windows and doorways. Kathna hurried past them, keeping her head down, hand in her pocket, fiddling with the items that were concealed there.

They emerged back onto a main street, and quickly immersed themselves in the crowd once more. Kathna was hidden in the crowd- only as tall as a man's elbow- but nonetheless was hunched, trying to make herself as seem small as possible. She spotted Imperial uniforms approaching her droid's formation, and flinched. The Imperials brushed past the group, soon disappearing into the crowd, and Kathna sighed audibly.

Their destination was just up ahead. Battledroid Units 02 and 03 led the way into the housing complex, catching the elevator just before it departed. Kathna stepped into the metal box, and units 04 and 05 stepped in behind, just as the doors closed. The Jawa shifted her weight from foot to foot, watching the floor number increase. They would be going to the very top. Floor 88. She groped in her pocket, around the two cylinders which rested there and produced a scrap of paper. She turned it over, and read;

Floor 88. Room 15. Don't be late.

The elevator pinged softly, and Kathna stuffed the paper back into her pocket as the doors slid open. Stepping out, the hallway was deserted. The group turned left, and began to walk- Kathna watching the room numbers.

Room 7, Room 8. She thought. What if I'm caught?

Room 12, Room 13. I hope I can do this meeting quickly. Just in case the Sith-

Room 15.

The droids halted. Unit 02 shouldered its blaster rifle, and opened the door. Inside on the coach sat two men- cloaked and hooded. Kathna entered the room and walked towards them, scenarios whirling through her mind. The droids took up positions- two either side of the door, two flanking Kathna.

"Command Unit 01 reports no Sith movement in the area, Commander."

Unit 01 was the command unit for the droids, waiting back at the ship with Units 06, 07, 08 and 09. They had instructions to use the surveillance droids to guard the area, and to keep the starship's engines running.

In case I need a quick getaway. Kathna thought.

One of the men made to stand as the Jawa entered, but his fellow placed a hand on his shoulder, telling him silently to stay seated. Kathna reached into her pocket as she approached, and deposited the two Lightsabers on the table before the men.

"Shumeneez um toyneepa." Then Kathna swapped to accented Galactic Basic. "Show me the Credits, Jedi."
Lakri had uploaded the video file as she rushed home, hoping she may see it on a screen before getting there. Despite her best hopes, it took longer than she was willing to wait, and she didn't see it broadcast. Her home was the remains of a dilapidated hotel, nothing special, but nothing that would be noticed either.

Just as she was about to enable the multiple improvised security systems she had devised, she heard a voice at the entrance. Specifically, a voice speaking Huttese, which explained the odd presence in the Force. The mind outside was irregular, but didn't seem to bear any malice towards her. Rather, it seemed almost.. eager, to speak with her. And further down the street was.. a child, who interested her far more than the Hutt did.

She slid her saber up the sleeve of her robe, concealing it in a place where she could draw it at a moment's notice. "What do you want, Hutt? I'm not buying anything if that's what you're here for." Lakri grumbled, content to play the ignorant fool for a few minutes if it meant avoiding further notice. And if this Hutt was less than pleasant, she figured she could always just run from it.
-Events (HoloNews)-

Patrols begin hunting for Jedi in Nar Shaddaa due to the recent killing of a Sith. Officials say that this 'act of terrorism' will be put to justice, and that the assailant(s) will be given a quick death if they turn themselves in.

A man, Jeress Orgun, later identified as a mental hospital escapee, jumped off a 344 floor building in Coruscant to try and 'prove he is a Jedi' to the authorities. It did not end well.

A Jedi, Mall Shita'ar, is being held for trial in the Coruscant Imperial Court to 62 Homicides, 20 Vandalisms, 19 Thefts, and acts of Terrorism against the New Empire. (Mall Shita'ar is one of the men in the Jedi Council, a 52 year old Bith)

Recent bombings in Mos Eisley has the city's space port pushed into tight security. No ships may enter or leave the planet without Imperial permission first. Ships must be scanned and checked for any lethal weapons or equipment by patrols every week, and you cannot arm yourself with any weapon without the proper license.


Contrallus sighed as he continued to watch the news. He, nearby, had a special HoloPad, one that contained all of the recorded Imperial Intelligence so far. With the same Pad he could send the message to fire the Death Star.

And he just had.

The HoloNew's screen lit up as green flashed, and an explosion in the distance was seen. Glee Anslem was no more, the Nautolans were no more. The sliced in half HoloScreen, the left showing Glee Anslem and the Death Star, and the right showing the Nautolan ambassador, worked perfectly together. As the Death Star fired the Ambassador, Juu Watchi, gave a look that had matched the terror he was in. When it struck, the right screen went black before a quick flash of red and orange was to be seen.

He never liked Nautolans anyway.
"Oh ho ho, you insult me, jeeday. I would have sent a shag to sell you something, the Hutt have not fallen so far." The Hutt coiled himself loosely, continuing the conversation through the door, "Nobata, I am here because you killed my Sith. I had been waiting to strangle the sleemo myself."

Mokta removed his eyepiece, switching on a series of ultraviolet lights on his armor. Invisible to most sentients and even most standard droid sensors, the UV light rendered the Hutt quite able to see. "If I were more like my relatives, I might say you owe me a debt, but I am a forgiving Hutt." He drew a compad from his belt and began punching in commands.

"Now, may I come inside to discuss this like civilized people, or shall I transmit this data to the Hutt Grand Council? No friends of the Empire, but I'm sure they'd be willing to cash whatever bounty the Sith have put on your head, jeeday." He laughed to himself and narrowed his large, yellow eyes before squeezing a button on the side of the device. "Dead man's switch."
"Overgrown worm." She hissed, her voice hopefully low enough to not be heard through the door. She reluctantly opened the door, looking over the Hutt with a mildly displeased expression. "Come in, come in. I suppose I may as well accept multiple visitors, if I'm letting you in. All I ask is that you wait a few minutes."

She brushed past the Hutt, scanning the street ahead of her for the young, Force-sensitive mind she had detected moments before. It belonged to a boy, afraid and alongside a much older man. Hopefully it was mere coincidence; she wasn't excited about ripping the child away from his father. She approached the pair quickly, focused more on the child.

She knelt before him and drew back her hood, flashing a small smile. "Hello." She said simply, looking the boy over from head to toe. "You look like you need some help. Come with me?" She asked, using the Force in an attempt to manipulate the boy into agreeing without much resistance. The older man seemed unrelated to the boy, which made this all the easier.
"You're this one's guardian then?" Tak asked eyeing up the newcomer. She had pushed past the Hutt and the Hutt seemed to have been talking to her. Maybe this Hutt was bad news, trying to separate a family or some other Hutt evil. Tak stood fully to address this woman. He didn't trust her just for the fact of her involvement with the Hutt. She could easily be just a henchman.

Tak ran scenario after scenario in his head on who this could be and his mind settle on danger. She couldn't be trusted. His thinking pace was interrupted by a HoloNews screen. He watched what appeared to be snippets of a duel taken from a far off, possibly personally owned, recorder. Force users. Tak's mind immediately went into it's usual routine of defense when a force user was in the area. He summoned up every horrible memory from his home world's civil war and played them through his mind in every detail. If the force user tried to take a peek in his mind, they would have to sift through walls of emotion and pain.

His reasoning was that Jedi would feel the pain or just leave him alone all together as to not delve into emotion. As for a Sith, they may be distracted by the pain and look through that rather than his own thoughts. Either way, it was the only defense he had against a Force user. Tak had enveloped the entirety of his thoughts in those memories. They hurt. They brought him personal pain and he struggled keeping his face in check.
Elizabeth had finished eating and getting prepared to head out after grabbing her Master's holo-pad, he seemed to have a lot of information and suspicions stored in it and she found herself drawn to seeking out the truths of the words written within. She was more focused on the Jedi activity sections of the information, not really as a sense of vengeance or anything but because they happened to always put up exemplary struggles.

I wonder if Contrallus knows about the death of Veertook Sin's voice echoed in her head. Elizabeth hadn't really considered the matter that much and even now she didn't really care. Everyone probably felt a disturbance in the force when they had fought so it stood to reason that the outcome would be known to those who felt it, but she had other things on her mind and as she made her way outside to her transport she continued to scroll through the information.

It seemed that Veertook had been mapping out areas of Jedi activity all over with the help of informants throughout the Empire. She decided that she would do a little scouting on her own in some of the areas and perhaps cause a scene or two to see if she could draw any Jedi out for a little fun. She wasn't sure what she would fine but a smile crossed her face as she headed off to see what kind of trouble she could stir up or get herself into. Without Veertook to steer her chaotic mind on a singular path, she now had the freedom to take every path that appeared before her.
As he saw the woman approach, Smichal backed away a bit, frightened, and he cringed. He had a feeling she wasn't particularly evil or anything, so that was a bit comforting, but nonetheless the boy was still wary, not to mention still unsure as to what this lady wanted with him. Was she here to bring him back to the orphanage?

He didn't like the orphanage. The people there, from the outside, seemed friendly and loving and just the sort of people you'd expect to take care of poor abandoned children. However, this was not the case. Once the doors were closed it was one harsh insult after another, followed by a beating or two if he didn't get his work done in time.

The woman drew quite close, and he tensed. She felt...different...than the man. He wasn't quite sure why, but she just did. She knelt down beside him, like the man had, and looked him over. He felt a bit uncomfortable at this, and the man did too. After all, she had just been talking to that Hutt they had both seen earlier, that of which the lad was a bit afraid of.

"Hello." the woman said. It was a simple word, but it wasn't one he heard often, and didn't know how to respond at first. Finally, he just figured to say it back. "Hello." he replied, bowing his head a little. "You look like you need some help." she continued. "Come with me?" The man straightened. "You're this one's guardian then?" he asked.

Smichal suddenly felt a rather overwhelming urge to accompany the woman. He didn't know why, or what had come over him. He started to take a step forward, but upon hearing the man he forced himself to shake his head indignantly. This woman was not his relative, or godparent or anything. He had never even seen her before.

His tongue seemed to stick in his throat, and he couldn't protest. All he could do was walk to her whilst shaking his head furiously, hoping the man, or anybody, really, for that matter, would catch on, get the hint, and help him. He had little to no control over his limbs, and it seemed as though he was being controlled.

After a moment, he thought to himself, Why not go with her? She does seem friendly, after all, and I do need some help...besides, it'll only be for a little while... His head shaking slowed as he began to succumb to her mind tricks, but then his head came back and he willed himself to step backwards, shaking his head again. "N-no!" he stuttered, now shaking with fear and confusion.
As soon as the boy began to resist, she dropped the act. Further use of the Force would only distress him further, and she couldn't let him run away. The man had asked her a question, and she had ignored it for an uncomfortably long amount of time. If she lied, he'd probably see through it. The only route available at this point was the truth.

The issue there, however, was the man himself. He had erected a rigid wall around his mind, one of suffering and pain. She felt some of it transfer into herself, slowly losing focus the more attention she paid to the man. Anyone who knew to do this was trained in hunting Force-users. She was banking on one thing alone, and it was the man's choice of emotion that swayed her. Imperials would resort to rage and anger more often than pain, which gave her the slightest glimmer of hope.

"No, I'm not his guardian. I just want to help a boy in clear need. Like a Jedi would." She murmured, her eyes fixed on the man. She hesitantly flicked her wrist, revealing only the first few inches of the handle of her saber. If he drew a weapon, the last thing he'd see would be a flash of green light.
The Jedi studied the lightsabers, while Kathna watched. One of them grasped the weapon, stood and thumbed the switch on its side. The green blade burst into life, and thrummed as its wielder took several experimental swings before deactivating it.

"They'll do." Said the man still sat on the couch, watching Kathna closely. "Although tell me, Jawa. Where did you find these?"

"They were hidden in a locker, on the hulk of an abandoned starship drifting in space." Kathna stated, in clipped tones.

I need to leave, now. Before the Sith catch me here. If I was found, I'd be executed for sure. Maybe worse.

The Jedi nodded.

"So you clearly have some history then." He murmured to the lightsaber, held loosely in his hands. "A weapon more than suitable to end a Sith's life."

He turned to Kathna.

"You should leave, Jawa. Leave Coruscant. My colleague and I," He gestured at the other man, still inspecting his saber with a look of wonder. "Have some business to attend to, with our dear Emperor Contrallus." He stood, switching on his lightsaber and feeling the balance of the weapon. Kathna could feel the blade's heat on her face from where she stood.

"Revenge for our fallen comrades." The Jedi stated, eyes fixed on the blade. "Death to Emperor Contrallus."

He turned to his fellow Jedi.

"Come, Knight Tylis. The time has come to assassinate an Emperor."

"Yes, Master Balthazar."

The pair strode past Kathna. As he reached the door, Balthazar turned to look at her.

"You don't realise what you've done today, Jawa, what you have set in motion. The Jedi and the Resistance have already set their plans in motion. for the good of the Galaxy. With Contrallus dead, the Sith will fall to the Jedi with ease. I doubt that either Tylis nor myself will return from this venture, but know that we will always be in your debt. Should you ever need assistance, go to New Velius. You'll find friends waiting for you there."

With that, he left. Taking the first steps on the path to his own, needless demise.
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Contrallus made his way down the Republica 500 Tower, and was preparing his ship. On the way he attempted to make contact with Elizabeth through HoloCom on his HoloPad, shooing away his guards at least thirty feet in front of him. They were slowly making their way down the hall towards the elevator.

A disturbance in the force tingled along Contrallus's mind. He felt a challenge, but he shrugged it off as he waited for anyone to pick up. The heavily armored Mandalorian guards waited for him, holding their traditional spears, only they were now more like electrostaffs.

Meanwhile the remaining Nautolan fleet was being torn apart by an Imperial Super-Cruiser II, designed by previously obtained Mon Calamari slaves. Contrallus had his grip on the galaxy tighter then ever once again, and now the only problem were the Resistance, who were now fighting the Empire hard on Endor, followed by a few Ewok tribes. The loyalists and the platoons stationed there were currently fighting off the new-found threat.
Tak's mind focused at her last few words. This was the Force user. He made sure to maintain his flood of memory enough to keep her out before making any form of reply or movement. She made a subtle move, just a slight flick of the wrist and it set off his sense of danger. She had a weapon on him. She had her lightsaber ready to end him if he made the wrong move. Tak still wasn't sure if this was a Jedi or a Sith pulling a masquerade but she was definitely a danger now.

"Those are dangerous words." He put his words to a calm diplomatic voice. If this was a Jedi, they could be an ally. If this were a Sith, this could very will be his end. Not to mention, the end of this boy. That's when Tak found his way into a check maneuver. He placed his hand on the shoulder of the boy and felt the frame of the Stealth-2VX palm dart shooter he had tucked inside his glove. He had his thumb there the slightest movement inwards would fire the darts to electrocute his opponent. The angle was good enough to make hitting her possible and he kept his hand there. "Young ones can be great informants of those who speak too fondly of those kind."

The force user would obviously be able to sense the weapon and his intention but it was in place and the stalemate made him feel a little more at ease. Now he could try to uncover who this person was. He had encountered a force user before and not one he would want to meet again. He had no intention of running into this crowd and possibly taking collateral damage of civilians just to escape this could be Sith. He added to his last statement the hook to find out the intent of this woman. "Unless you're within like minded company."
"Watch yourself." Lakri murmured, glaring at the man's wrist. She wasn't sure of her odds anymore, but behaving like you had the upper hand had never hurt her before. Still, she needed to be wary. Admitting she wasn't a Sith could prompt him to fire if he actually were an Imperial agent. Then again, an Imperial agent would probably have assumed she was a Sith and let her be.

"I don't often keep company, but it will suffice to say I'm not particularly fond of either brand of force-wielders. May we talk inside?" She suggested, giving a slight nod of her head in the direction of her current home. "I prefer not to stay outside very long. It draws attention." She added, taking a few steps back. "And you too, child. We have a lot to speak about, if you're willing to sit down and have a meal with me."

She hoped both of them would agree. If the man did, and proved to be a threat, she could eliminate him quietly and dispose of him. If he ended up being friendly, he might prove useful to her cause. As for the boy, she had recently decided that having an apprentice could dramatically extend her reach. This boy reeked of force sensitivity, and any other issues could be dealt with in a timely manner.
This one wasn't Jedi, or at least not a traditional one. Jedi wouldn't denounce their order like that. That left a Sith, or something between the two Force factions. His odds were getting slimmer. "Yes, these streets are too crowded anyway." Tak would never have agreed if not for the boy. He was obviously of interest to this woman and any resource he could deny the Empire was a job well done. Also, the boy didn't need to be left alone until this woman was dealt with. She could track him down and and him or worse as soon as Tak was out of sight.

Tak gave her a motion to lead the way but kept his hand firmly on the boy's shoulder until his could come to the side opposite her lightsaber hand. Then, he let go of the child and walked with his hand cocked slightly to his side, swaying slightly but staying on target with the woman's leg. He had a feeling that they were going to walk at the edge of a bullet and a blade for a while.

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