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Futuristic Star Wars: The New Empire

"Even the men who hurt you?" Lakri asked, seemingly a bit confused. "Look at your leg. It still hurts, does it not?" Smichal flinched and he stared down at it, face blank. "They left you with a wound that you might carry for the rest of your life, and you don't even hold it against them." Lakri continued, then shrugged.

"Think of all the pain you've ever been through." the woman said, and Smichal's eyes shot up to where she sat. "Sadness, loneliness, shame, physical pain, hunger, thirst. Any kind of suffering. Just think of all of it, dredge it up from that dark place inside you. All the hurt, Smichal." His lip quivered slightly as he tried to remember.

He remembered being harshly ridiculed by the Mister, as well as his wife and children, not only by their words, but also by their actions. He didn't blame them for it, though. If he'd grown up in their environment, chances were, he'd have turned out the same way, and done the same things they had done. He'd have been a different person.

"I want you to find all of it. Get angry, get upset." Lakri said, snapping the boy from his thoughts. He still wasn't feeling upset in the slightest. "And then?" she continued, leaning towards Smichal and showing him her cheek. "Hit me. Just hit me, as hard as you can. Don't think about it, don't hold back, just swing."

The boy's eyes widened. "What?" he stuttered, taken aback. He didn't want to hit her. Lakri had been nice to him (so far), and he had nothing against her, as far as he was concerned. He didn't want to hit anyone, come to think of it. Not even them. Even if he wasn't scared out of his mind, he wouldn't want to hit anybody.
She stared at the boy blankly, waiting for him to make a move. "Hit me." She repeated, giving the boy a slight nod. His confusion and hesitance were evident, and expected. He needed motivation.

"Do not be a Jedi, Smichal. Weakness is not knowing when to strike. The Jedi always wait until they have been hit first, and they lose because of it. Do not be a Jedi. You have ten seconds to hit me, or I hit you. And I will hit hard." She gave the boy an ultimatum, something to make him think quickly.

She started counting off the seconds, down from ten.

"Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four.."
"Hit me." Lakri repeated, with the nod of her head. "Do not be a Jedi, Smichal. Weakness is not knowing when to strike. The Jedi always wait until they have been hit first, and they lose because of it. Do not be a Jedi. You have ten seconds to hit me, or I hit you. And I will hit hard." Smichal's eyes widened in fear.

He didn't want to get hit-- not again. He began to panic, and as Lakri began to count down, he felt his breath quicken and his heart race. He didn't want to hit her either, though, and he was starting to feel light-headed. "Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four." The boy took a deep breath, desperately trying to think up a solution.

There was none, unless he wanted to defend himself against her, but both the force-users knew he was unable to do that. He was panicking, and he knew it, so he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. He was going to do it. He squeezed his eyes shut, pulling his arm back, before hitting her as hard as he could.

He felt so out of place, and he hated the sensation that came upon him, even if he had been following her orders. He was out of his comfort zone, and he cringed as he pulled back, still not daring to look up at her. He also didn't dare to say anything yet, and his hand hurt from where it had made contact with Lakri's cheek. He rubbed it absentmindedly, and it tingled slightly.
((Sorry for posting here but I can't find the OOC for this. Anyway, I'll be returning as soon as I can make up some bull to get back with the group somehow without messing up anyone's storyline. A SITREP of current events would be helpful if someone could be so kind. ))
Okay, so Lakri and Smichal (the boy and the dark jedi lesbian) got on the Hutt's ship and now Lakri is testing Smichal a lil to see if he'd make a good dark jedi or not because he has a good midi-chlorian level and would seem like a suitable apprentice.

The Nautolan homeplanet, Glee Anslen, got blown up at the press of a button by Contrallus. Contrallus later got information that an important Imperial Admiral and other forces were pinned down on a newly adopted Imperial planet by AR forces. Contrallus and the commando Wolfe went to go eliminate the threat and are still currently fighting.

Shade, a Dark Jedi Vigilante, is currently running away from Imperial Authorities.

Contrallus's daughter is drunk and sort of passed out in her room. (She's separated from him and lives with a Mandalorian Clan)
Tak had been there. This time, he had really seen it happen. This time it was his fault. He had witnessed the end of the Nautolans helplessly when his job was to rescue them. Command had called in and ordered him to action to stop the destruction of the planet or at least expedite the evacuation. Tak felt bad for leaving the boy he had met in the care of that strange force user, but he had a planet to try and save.

He suffered several blaster burns and other lacerations in fighting to land on the planet aboard a rebellion frigate. Tak was finally cornered in an escape pod and launched by the attackers. Tak first saw his frigate erupt along with all the lives on board moments later. Moments after that, the planet erupted in the same morbid brilliance. The Nautolan planet was no more.

The force of the planet exploding shot his pod far out into the unknown. Tak plotted a course after coming to consciousness from the jolt of being flung across a galaxy. He took the pod as far as he could but still only found empty, lonely space. The fuel ran out and he floated silently in the nothingness outside the pod. Tak took an inventory of his oxygen and provisions and decided it would be best to try and rest until being found, if he would be. Before putting himself out with a Stim he recorded his distress message.

"This is special operator Tak for the rebellion. Glee Anslen has been destroyed. I failed in my mission to protect this planet. My pod has been tossed to this corner of space by the force of the explosion as well as my own piloting. I've lost fuel now and I'm stranded. Provisions won't last long but I'll die of my injuries sooner than of starvation or thirst. To whoever hears this, I will be either asleep or dead if this pod is opened. At this point, I wouldn't mind either outcome. If anyone can hear me, let these be my final words. Fight the emperor, but not at the cost of your own sanity. Give everything you can to stop him, but don't give what isn't yours to give. Only stop fighting if you become the evil that the emperor is now. This has been special operator Tak of the rebellion, good luck."

With his message recorded and set to play to any nearby vessel, Tak pushed the Stim into his vein and lost his feeling on the world. He took place in a corner of the pod and curled in on himself before losing the last of his control. The world faded and mixed with the space outside the pod and he was gone. Tak's body lay peacefully in the pod, waiting to be found.

((Come pick me up at your earliest convenience.))
"Sir, yes sir!" He yelled through the commlink, although he was already nearby the Emperor. He used the grappling hook to grab hold of one of the rebel officers and reeled it in. The officer resisted, and in the end his arm tore off from his shoulder. "I dont think he meant it literally..." The commando said to himself as the arm was reeled back in to him. He grabbed it and threw it at a rebel soldier who, in the confusion of having an arm thrown into his face, shot another rebel instead of Wolfe, who charged at the officers, blaster blazing. He killed two out of five during the confusion, rebel blood spilling as he used the grappling hook to smash a rock into two more officers. The remaining officer decided to make a run for it, but Wolfe wouldn't let that happen. He ran after the man, his perfect health and physical condition making him run faster than the rebel.

The commando leaped and landed onto the officer, who struggled to get away. "Stay... still... you piece of... rebel osik!" Wolfe yelled at the man as he reached for the blaster. He knocked the officer in the face with the butt of the blaster and got up. He blasted the officer once in the head to finish him off and threw the blaster away. "Never liked rebel blasters anyways." He got out his dual DC-17 hand blasters and started shooting at the rest of the rebels. "Buir, the officers are out, what would you have me do now?"

She watched the boy cringe and hesitate. Weakness. Fear. Cowardice. He drew his arm back. Her eyes locked on his, ignoring the small fist as it came her way. Of course, every instinct she had screamed to stop it, but it wouldn't do much harm anyway.

The hand crashed into her face, jerking her neck with the force of the blow. She took a second to shake the dizziness away, then turned to look at the boy again. "Good. At least you understand self defense." She murmured, giving the boy a slight, reassuring nod and smile. "Deal with the threat before it deals with you. Never forget that, and you'll go far."

She sighed and shifted uncomfortably on the floor. "It's a sad truth that I have little time to teach you. The Empire is in it's death throes, whether or not it knows it. I have weeks to teach you what it took me years to discover. So we move fast."

Her hand wandered inside the folds of her robe, searching for the thin, silver cylinder within. Finally, she found it and pulled it out. She looked it over, then rolled it across the floor to the boy's feet. "A training saber. Won't kill, just bruise. Used to be mine, now it's yours. We'll practice with it until you earn a real one. Red button is on and off, blade comes out the side with the hole in it. Keep it close, at all times."
"Good. At least you understand self defense," Lakri smiled, nodding, after shaking herself. "Deal with the threat before it deals with you. Never forget that, and you'll go far." Smichal nodded, but nonetheless he still felt the heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach. Lakri sighed, then adjusted her seat on the floor.

"It's a sad truth that I have little time to teach you. The Empire is in it's death throes, whether or not it knows it. I have weeks to teach you what it took me years to discover. So we move fast." Smichal's eyes widened, both in fear and worry. He was never known for being fast, even when he tried to be (which was almost always).

"W-weeks?" he stammered, his mind racing. He had to learn how to be like her in a few weeks? He absentmindedly shuffled his feet as well as his fingers, not taking his eyes off the woman. She reached into her robe, and Smichal held his breath. He thought she was pulling out a weapon, and he was right.

From her robe she produced a small, thin, silver-colored cylinder, at which she stared at before rolling it towards him, and away from her. He stepped back, surprised, as it lightly touched the toe of his boot. "A training saber." Lakri stated, and he looked up at her. "Won't kill, just bruise. Used to be mine, now it's yours."

Smichal said nothing, though he crouched down and picked up the object, weighing it in his hand. "We'll practice with it until you earn a real one," Lakri continued, as the boy rotated the saber in his hands. "Red button is on and off, blade comes out the side with the hole in it." Smichal noted that. "Keep it close, at all times."

The lad stood up again, ignoring the sudden pain shoot up his leg, eyes fixated on the device. He barely even heard Lakri's words about practicing with it until he'd 'earned' a real one, or even about a 'real' one at all. He did hear her telling him to always keep it close, though, and that he would do. "O-okay." he nodded obediently.
"Second lesson. The lightsaber is your primary weapon. But never, never discard another weapon that may provide you with an advantage. It is not about how you win the battle, but winning itself." She said, then stood up. With some slight nudging from the Force, she drew her saber without the use of her hands and turned it on. She balanced it in her hand, swaying it slowly side to side, observing the green glimmer of the blade with a keen eye.

"I'm going to blindfold myself, and you're going to try to hit me. We will not stop until you do manage to hit me. That could be a minute, that could be hours. Lets see what you can do, eh?" She said, coming off as fairly inviting despite the subject matter. She tied a thin cloth around her eyes, then flourished her blade lazily and turned to face him.

She'd already settled on a number. Truth be told, she could realistically hold him off for days, if not weeks. But that would prove nothing, give him nothing to be proud of, and deny him the feeling of success that was so crucial here. Thirty three blade clashes, enough for him to get tired and desperate, and she would fake a slip up, but nothing too dramatic. It had to be convincing.
"Second lesson." Lakri said, standing up and drawing her own lightsaber. "The lightsaber is your primary weapon. But never, never discard another weapon that may provide you with an advantage. It is not about how you win the battle, but winning itself." The green blade flickered to life, and Smichal was temporarily mezmerised.

"I'm going to blindfold myself, and you're going to try to hit me." The boy almost groaned. Not again; he'd barely been able to do it the first time! "We will not stop until you do manage to hit me. That could be a minute, that could be hours. Lets see what you can do, eh?" He felt his stomach flip, and he swallowed hard.

Lakri began to tie a cloth around her eyes, wrapping around her forehead, and Smichal pressed the red button on his own saber. A similar, glowing blade materialized before him, springing from the opening of the cylinder where there had once been nothing. He jumped back in surprise, before studying it closely. He thought it was beautiful.

Smichal looked back to where Lakri was, frowning. "Do I just... go...?" he asked, albeit hesitantly. He wanted to wait until she was ready, though no doubt she was prepared for anything. Still, there was no downside in making sure. He adjusted his hand as it rested on the grip on his lightsaber, feeling the hum almost surge through him, as an extension of his own arm. He liked this feeling a lot more than the last, which, he noted, had left.
Shade leaped up into the air as the large blaster cannon fired at him. The blasterbolt that was produced flew past him and eventually hit the street, killing at least twenty civilians. The troopers began firing at Shade, who was running through the crowds as fast as he could, pushing all those in his way to the ground.

They'd be safer there.

Another large blasterbolt flew by and smashed into a building, causing a large explosion. Bodies flew about like popping corn kernels, smashing into other people and into opposite buildings.

Shade had managed to lose the patrol by then, and stopped in an alleyway, remaining as quiet as he could whilst catching his breath.


Contrallus sliced through another Jedi, and finished off the last one with two quick stabs to the upper crotch. "Just kill, adi'ka," Contrallus would yell out as he sliced through three Rebels. For the most part he was simply toying with them, building up the fear from within them, so he could siphon it out and store it for later usage against real opponents...

The Admiral and her men advanced, and a few were shot down as they got out of cover. The surviving Commandos quickly began using a rather complex set of strategy, which Wolfe would recognize as a Mandalorian confusion advancement, used to confuse the enemy and make it safe to move up.

Flashes and objects flew about, lasers struck all around the rebels who aimed for the Commandos. By the time they recovered themselves the Commandos were already extremely close, however to them they were nowhere to be found.



X noticed a flashing signal on her ship's central surveillance map, it was a distress signal, but her connection with the sender was too bad for her to hear any of it. Before it could fully connect, X had found the source, a pod of sorts. She reeled in the pod with a tractor beam, and it landed within her airlock.

She stretched and sighed as she gripped the hilt of her right blaster, walking through her ship to quickly open the door too the airlock. X began busting through the pod, finding a man of sorts.

With curiosity on mind she dragged the man out of the pod and would set him down in her guest room, wondering what kinds of stories he'd tell her once he awoke, or whether or not this was some kind of trap.

@Sensei Fox
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Lakri took a moment to calm herself and focus, one deep breath in and out. She heard the boy's saber ignite with a sharp fthssss, followed by a consistent hum. Soon after, he asked for permission to begin. A faint smirk crossed her lips, and she took a slight step towards him.

"Whenever you're ready." She said, giving her blade a lazy twirl. At the end of the arc, the tip of her saber poked Smichal's blade, sending off a small flash of sparks.

"And try not to touch my blade by accident. It isn't designed for training." She added, reminding herself to be particularly careful about this exercise.
Wolfe smiled at the Emperors answer. "Copy that, buir." He said before advancing. The commando survivors were using a mandalorian confusion advancement on the rebels, and he thought he could use it to his advantage.

He pressed a button on his gauntlet and his cloaking activated, making him disappear. He grinned and started to run, grappling onto tree branches and trunks to try and get behind the rebel lines.

After a few minutes, he found lasers flying around and a few rebels behind cover. He grinned and, taking advantage of the confusion, landed behind them. He went to a rebel that was manning a heavy machine gun and snapped his neck. The rebel next to him yelled in surprise right before a red laser beam collided in his face. Wolfe stood there, the cloak dissipating, with a blaster in his hand. He shot another two in the head and stabbed another one with his vibroblade before the rebels could regroup and counter attack. The remaining rebels dropped their blasters and knelt on the ground, almost whimpering.

"Buir, this group has surrendered. Should I execute them?" After hearing these words, one of the rebels made a dive for a blaster and aimed it at the commando. "Die, imperial scum!" He yelled and shot. The reinforced beskar armor and shields resisted the bolt as if it were nothing, and Wolfe shot the soldier.

"Whenever you're ready," Lakri smirked slightly, twirling her lightsaber around easily. As she did so, the tip of it came into contact with his blade, sending small sparks shooting out. Smichal jumped back slightly, surprised, before he heard Lakri speak again. "And try not to touch my blade by accident. It isn't designed for training."

Smichal nodded, mostly to himself, and gulped as he looked at the woman's warm, humming green blade. "O-okay..." he said, before taking a deep breath. He swung at Lakri as quickly as he could, squeezing his own eyes shut. He swung again and again, ten times or so before stepping back to regain his breath.

The bad feeling was back again, but the good one was the only thing that kept him going. He told himself he wasn't trying to hurt Lakri; he wasn't even swinging a deadly weapon (that, in his case, wasn't even deadly). He was... um... doing a chore of sorts. Yeah, that was it. Maybe he was beating dust from a rug or something. It made him feel better, at the very least.
"Go ahead," Contrallus would reply after cutting down another soldier, who had dropped his gun and raised his hands up in fear. The Imperial survivors had lost three more, however they were still strong and battle-ready. The final wave was coming, all of them would hear their movement. Three groups of fifty B1 Battle Droids, all upgraded with scraps of durasteel, another squadron of magnaguards, and the last of the AR attack force.

They quickly ran through the forests, dodging and weaving as blasterbolts flew towards them from the Imperial forces, who had dug a trench over the time of the last battle, however the trench was mostly carved out of the craters of several explosives that were used.

Contrallus extinguished his lightsaber and set it to his side, standing in front of the trench as blasterbolts hit his armor, barely scratching it each time. He pulled out a sniper rifle, with a strange ending to it's butt, making a straight and flat line, surrounded by wires.

The Emperor quickly began taking shots, striking a few heads and chests, and the leading man of the survivors rushed towards him. Contrallus turned his sniper rifle and pulled a tinier second trigger, which ignited the sniper rifle's blade. A large blade, resembling a lightsaber's, spewed out of the long line at the butt of the rifle, taking the AR Elite by surprise as it impaled him as it ignited.
The familiar sound of blade on blade was soothing to Lakri. It was a simple training exercise to her, a relaxing meditation of sorts. Her movements were effortless, each block or parry coming as naturally as possible.

After ten or so strikes, the boy seemed to have paused. Tired, or considering his options, perhaps wrestling with doubt. It didn't really matter to her, as long as he eventually made the decision to continue. Some urging, and advice, would likely help with that matter.

"Combat is about balance, Smichal. An enemy with planted feet can defend forever. As soon as they lose their footing, you have the advantage. You flank them, strike high and low, sweep their legs out. There is no fairness or honor involved. So come again." She said, encouraging the boy to continue. She was slowly warming up to the boy, she couldn't deny it. And she supposed it only made sense; being pleasant to an apprentice was a decent enough way to provide encouragement.
Wolfe grinned and executed the 3 rebels who were pleading for mercy. He then looked around, noticing the last wave of rebels coming. "A squad of magnaguards, a near battalion of 150 B1 Battle Droids and some left over AR forces..." He thought to himself. He started running towards the squad of magnaguards. "Buir, allow me to take care of the clankers. They will be a junkpile soon." He said through the commlink. He stopped and grappled onto a magnaguards electro-staff and yanked it out of its hands. He pulled out one of his DC17 blaster pistols and ran at the droid battalion, followed by the squad of magnaguards.

He commenced fighting the B1 droids easily with the staff and the blaster, taking down droids in groups of three. The problem came when the magnaguards came. They attacked him from all sides, hoping to land a strike. Wolfe stabbed one of the androids in the servo-motor coordination center, making it shut down. Before the others managed to land a hit on him Wolfe grappled onto a tree branch and dodged them, shooting a volley of lasers at the nearest two magnaguards, tearing through their old and deteriorated armor and ripping their motors and sensors apart.

When he eliminated the last magnaguard, his beskar commando armor had some scratches and burns. He blocked the incoming laser bolts from the B1 droids and proceeded to eliminate them using two electrostaffs. It took him about 30 minutes to get rid of the mechanized battalion.

As he crushed the last droids head with his boot, he noticed imperial soldiers and commandos coming and finishing droids that he had not payed attention to or had not remembered to kill. He started to run over to where the rest of the AR forces were. "Buir, the mechanized infantry battalion has been eradicated. I'm on my way to help with the last of the AR forces, if you havent killed them all yet. He saw that his shields had just gone back up, and that he had a few wounds. Nothing a little bacta injection wouldn't fix. He reached to his back and retrieved a bacta injector and injected a small dose of it into his bloodstream, almost instantly feeling the pain leaving. "I'm almost there..." He mumbled to himself.

Contrallus rushed the enemy forces, who charged their trenches with newer vibroblades, much stronger then the vibroblades of old. The Emperor sliced through at least thirty before he heard Wolfe begin to speak, focusing on switching to defensive and listening to him. "I'll try to save some for you, then," Contrallus would reply with a laugh as he tore through another Elite.

The Imperials were handling themselves well, and only two more were killed by the time Wolfe told them that he was coming with a few of the others. The two killed were only Imperial recruits, who had been training when the attack began, surprisingly the two had a total of eleven kills altogether, this would make a fine story for Imperial propaganda.

The AR Elites were pushing them hard, and even if Wolfe came to help, through the general chatter of the Imperial Local COM, it would seem that he himself wouldn't be enough to stop the AR from overtaking the remaining Imperial forces and maybe even capturing the Emperor.

However, as Contrallus tapped a button on his gauntlet, there was a beep coming from the gauntlet of two Mandalorian Knights from miles away. The two climbed back into Contrallus' ship and set it to fly towards the battle. It did a quick run, and halved the AR forces, giving the Imperials breathing room. The scream of relief and bloodlust from the Imperial survivors, would make it seem like they had a chance at winning now.

((Sorry for taking so long to post, been busy.))

"I appreciate it, buir" Wolfe answered over the commlink. He ran a short distance more until the distant laser blaster sounds he had heard earlier were actual lasers wizzing through the air. An explosion in the forest accompanied by a rain of AR bodies made Wolfe's day. He saw a wounded commando crawling towards cover, blaster fire hitting all around him. Wolfe grunted and ran to his wounded comrades position. Laying down fire with his DC-17 blaster rifle, he picked up the wounded commando and ran as fast as he could towards a big tree that would serve as good cover.

He lay the man down, leaning against the tree trunk, and got out a bottle of caf from his pack. "
Whats your name, ner'vod?" Wolfe asked the man as he handed him the bottle full of brown, energetic, liquid. "Thank you, sir" The other commando said "My designation is IC-154-" Before he could finish, Wolfe interrupted, saying "Not your designation, your name. I'm Wolfe." The other commando just stared at him through the black tinted visor as if he had met some kind of god. "Sir, my mates call me Devastator. Devis for short." Wolfe nodded and took out one of his blaster pistols from its holster and handed it to his comrade. "Alright, Devis, I've got to go help the Emperor exterminate the remaining AR forces, so take this and stay safe. I'll be back when its over, or if you recuperate, then head for the extraction ship when this is all finished." The other commando nodded and Wolfe gave him a pat on the shoulder, got up from his kneeling stance and ran off to join the battle. He mowed through the forest of gigantic trees, cutting through three or four Rebels as he went, until he reached the Emperors position. He stood next to him, firing laser rounds into the depths of the forest, counting under his breath. "What is the situation, buir? I cant keep on getting so many kills, if not my whole armor will be full of '1's" He said jokingly.


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