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Futuristic Star Wars: The New Empire

Gaurhn roared in rage as he suddenly stopped and launched himself at Kyle, preparing to send a quick and powerful slash at the young man. "Everyone!", he'd yell with great anger. It was a peculiar kind of force ability, but it certainly did work. The vents around them, including with the durasteel walls that the base was made of, bent from the sheer amount of force in the sonic waves of Gauhrn's yell. It wasn't enough to stop Kyle, but it would be enough to give him somewhat of a headache.

As Gauhrn continued spiraling towards this Sith, his hands would be surrounded by the force itself, as he focused all of his energies unto this one strike, and he was determined for it to be a blow.

One that would end the pitiful young boy's life.

To the boy, however, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get into his head, as his master would have taught him to do with sensitive opponents like him. Kyle's first lesson was to learn to control and stop feeling emotion, and to convert his hidden anger into power. And of course, his second lesson was on how to sense and manipulate the emotions of others, and turn it against them.



Contrallus would smile as Wolfe spoke to him, "Not exactly, there is an important figure within one of the buildings, along with other good soldiers pinned down in that base, some of the soldiers are Commandos, if that would mean anything to you. We need to extract them from the outpost before we kill off the Rebels within.", the Emperor would explain as he stretched and was getting ready to take off again.

"Of course, some of our opponents will be Jedi, and probably AR Elitists, some of the best rebel pieces of osik in this region of the Galaxy...", Contrallus would say as if they were nothing, and looked over at Wolfe.

"Whenever your ready, we should move...", he'd say in a friendly kind of voice, that would hint that Wolfe could take his time if he'd like. He wasn't enhanced by the force like other people, such as Jedi and Sith, however he was as strong and as quick as your average force-user, and that natural skill was backed up by years of training in the arts of war.

Still, Contrallus looked like he could fight off Jedi even without the Force, and that was saying something when it came to most Sith and Jedi.

"Right" He said, embarrassed that he had just said about blowing the place up. "I didnt remember that hostage thing, sorry, buir." He looked around, and approached a magnaguard. With his vibroblade, he cut off the few cables that held the robots head in place and ripped it off, stowing it in his backpack. "If you don't mind, buir, I want to redecorate my room with some trophies. And Jedi, they are pieces of garbage, of osik, yes. I can take the AR Elitists, you can take care of that Jedi. He probably wont be a match for you." He got up and picked up his Deecee. "I wouldn't want to keep our comrades waiting, so lets go on your command." He paused for a second and then looked at the Emperor again. "Buir, may I ask what your actual name is? Just calling you father is a bit dry, and I heard that the Mando's usually add part of the name before 'buir'. If you dont mind, that is." He said, armed with bravery.


((Im heading to bed, so feel free to respond, but I'll respond tomorrow.))
He did as the teachings had instructed, and calmed down, seeing the slow strikes of the old man, using the techniques to quickly dodge around him. "I bet It was your wife..." He smiled, his voice becoming colder. "Or your husband...the force never judges..." He chuckled a bit, and went to dual wielding, his flurry of strikes and dodging turning into a fast paced dance.
Gauhrn screamed in unforgettable rage, creating a Force scream, blasting more and more all around them as saber struck saber. Sparks flew and Gauhrn's strength was becoming greater and greater with every second, which each contained three blows within.

It was as if Gauhrn was hammering down on his own rage, shaping it, making it into his weapon, and it seemed like he didn't even know it.

The fool was becoming the thing he hated the most, a user of the dark side, a person consumed by hate, anger, and rage.


"My name is Regenil, Regenil Mors Contrill.", the Emperor would respond, quickly dashing off after he said his name, his Mandalorian spirit pushing his leaping steps to go further and faster as he was making his way through the forest and towards the outpost.

Meanwhile, explosions rocked the durasteel plating of the building, and the Imperials inside were growing restless.

"Fire the hypercannon!", an AR soldier yelled, followed by a few other soldiers who echoed his request. A sudden burst of light slammed against the barracks, and half of the building had been obliterated into nothing but rubble, meaningless debris that painted the surrounding countryside.

The Jedi Officers and AR Elites watched in satisfaction as the building exploded, bodies of some of the Imperial survivors flying by in the air, only to smash against the ground far away.

It was like confetti, only every piece was a corpse.






@Sensei Fox

I wanna see if we can start this up again, :o
Some brief words with the Hutt got Lakri exactly what she needed. Personal quarters and an empty docking bay would be far more than necessary to give this boy a crash course in her particular brand of training. "Come, Smichal." She murmured, waiting by the exit as the Fierfek docked with the Wrath of Jabba. As soon as it was cleared, she left the craft, and the Hutt, behind. She wasn't sure if this was considered rude, but she was rarely one for manners anyway.

His limp would prove to be a problem, if it were beyond medical treatment. She suspected it was nothing a dose of bacta couldn't resolve, but pain was a tool and she would use it to shape him. Training would begin now, with his injured leg to motivate him.

She had not been aboard this ship before, and it's layout was new to her. Fortunately, a service droid was able to provide instructions to both their quarters and the docking bay. She led him to the bay, first. The sides were packed with crates, a few broken droids littered the ground, but there was little in the room besides that.

She went to the center of the room, then turned to address her charge. "Tell me what you think of the Jedi, boy. And of the Sith. To see what it is you already know."
@Raggamuffinz Cool! I'll check it out! ;D 
Regardless of all his persistent question, all the boy got back from Lakri was a quick murmur of, "Come, Smichal." He did so diligently, following her without another word. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen to the man (that of which he still hadn't been formally introduced to), not to mention the Hutt.

The two made their way onto the ship, all the while Smichal staring at the places and hallways as the passed by, all around fascinated. He'd never been aboard a star ship, period, let alone one as (seemingly) magnificent as this. A service droid told Lakri where their bedrooms would be, as well as the docking bay, to which Smichal gave her a confused look.

The woman said nothing; instead she silently led him to the bay, where the boy caught sight of crates and various disassembled droids scattered around. Besides that, it was seemingly unoccupied. Lakri stood in the middle of the room, before turning to look at him. He couldn't help but feel a bit nervous at her stare.

"Tell me what you think of the Jedi, boy." she stated, and he froze. "And of the Sith. To see what it is you already know." Smichal felt his stomach, as well as his throat tighten. "Not much," he admitted, and that much was true. "I know the Jedi used to have a council on Coruscant... and the Sith eventually..." he trailed, not wanting to finish the sentence.

These things he had learned from the older kids at the orphanage, who used to read him history books when he was younger, seeing as he had never been taught to read. "But I don't know much else..." he finished, staring down at his now-shuffling feet, hands behind his back, a bit embarrassed. He hadn't been prepared for this question, after all, and he was still wary of Lakri, no matter what she said.

As she expected, the boy didn't know much. All he had to work from was a tiny bit of history, making him perfectly malleable.

"Then you have a lot to learn, Smichal." She said plainly, sitting down on the bay floor with her legs folded up in front of her. "In years long past, the Jedi supported the Republic. The Republic was nearly destroyed by the Sith, but was barely saved by the Jedi. Years later, the Republic was once again put in peril by a Sith. The Jedi fell, and the first Empire came into being. A short time later, a Jedi trainee destroyed the first Sith Empire, and established a new Republic. And, once more, the Republic fell to a Sith, and is now under the reign of Lord Contrallus."

The history was brief, and left out many of the details. But it conveyed enough material to make the lesson clear.

"You would do well to wonder why this is. Why both factions seem capable of overwhelming the other, even when the other is in power and has more resources. But we are constrained for time, so I will explain it myself. Both the Jedi and the Sith are weak. Sickeningly so. The Jedi are stagnant and defensive, incapable of fighting an enemy with more tact and cunning than them. The Sith are weak, for they are volatile and easily manipulated by their emotions. The Jedi are like a tree which stands strong against the wind of time, but a few swings of an ax may fell them with ease. The Sith are.. a bomb. With time, it will always go off, and destroy itself in the process. But sometimes, it can be set off early. Both sides are vulnerable." She spoke slowly, hoping to give the boy enough time to process at least some of this information, or store it for later contemplation at bare minimum.

"I, and you, soon enough, choose a different path. To be in between two extremes. The Sith and Jedi are madmen, criminally insane. There is no freedom in either path, no matter what they tell you. Which is why I chose to be free, and it is a freedom I am gifting to you, child. We take the strengths of both sides and mesh them together into one. Serenity, yet emotion. Passion, yet peace. Chaos, yet order. The Sith and Jedi see each of these concepts as opposed to the other, because they do not understand balance. I am a Grey Knight, and balance is all there is."

She knew it was a lot of information to cram in at once. But she saw intelligence in the child, and hoped some of it may stick with him.

"There is.. a complicated truth, Smichal. Sometimes, good men must do evil to protect the innocent."
"Then you have a lot to learn, Smichal," Lakri replied simply, and the boy shifted his weight. The woman then took a seat on the floor of the bay, crossing her legs. Smichal was a bit uncertain as to if he was allowed to sit as well yet, or if he was to remain standing. He chose the latter; if she wanted him to sit, she would tell him to.

"In years long past," Lakri began her tale, and Smichal made sure to pay attention, "the Jedi supported the Republic. The Republic was nearly destroyed by the Sith, but was barely saved by the Jedi." The boy remembered hearing about this from the other kids, and nodded respectfully at her words, still eager to hear more.

"Years later," Lakri continued, "the Republic was once again put in peril by a Sith. The Jedi fell, and the first Empire came into being. A short time later, a Jedi trainee destroyed the first Sith Empire, and established a new Republic." Smichal nodded eagerly. This he remembered. Well, not personally, obviously, but he recognized the story excitedly. It was a rather popular one at the orphanage.

"And, once more, the Republic fell to a Sith, and is now under the reign of Lord Contrallus." This Smichal knew all too well. Even from his room back... there... he remembered seeing images of Contrallus, ever since he was young. He nodded, his smile faltering. "You would do well to wonder why this is-- why both factions seem capable of overwhelming the other, even when the other is in power and has more resources."

Smichal said nothing, but would have nodded if it wasn't rhetorical. "But we are constrained for time, so I will explain it myself." A respectful nod come from the boy, silently asking her to continue. "Both the Jedi and the Sith are weak. Sickeningly so." Smichal hadn't anticipated that answer, certainly. After all, the Jedi who brought down the past Empire, and Lord Contallus himself, didn't seem weak, by any standards.

"The Jedi are stagnant and defensive, incapable of fighting an enemy with more tact and cunning than them. The Sith are weak, for they are volatile and easily manipulated by their emotions." The way Lakri described the two, they did seem to be weak. But then again, so was he, and he honestly wasn't sure which he was. Neither, he supposed.

"The Jedi are like a tree which stands strong against the wind of time, but a few swings of an ax may fell them with ease. The Sith are.. a bomb. With time, it will always go off, and destroy itself in the process. But sometimes, it can be set off early. Both sides are vulnerable." Smichal nodded understandingly. In his mind, her metaphor made sense, and he brightened a bit.

"I, and you, soon enough, choose a different path. To be in between two extremes." This was what Smichal had been expecting. "The Sith and Jedi are madmen, criminally insane. There is no freedom in either path, no matter what they tell you." The boy nodded, his eyebrows drawing close together, his forehead crinkling softly.

"Which is why I chose to be free, and it is a freedom I am gifting to you, child." He looked up at her, eyes widening. "We take the strengths of both sides and mesh them together into one. Serenity, yet emotion. Passion, yet peace. Chaos, yet order. The Sith and Jedi see each of these concepts as opposed to the other, because they do not understand balance. I am a Grey Knight, and balance is all there is."

Smichal felt a bit overwhelmed by the woman's speech, but he understood it nonetheless, and that, he supposed, had been the point-- that he understood neither the Sith or Jedi were 'free'. "There is... a complicated truth, Smichal," Lakri finished, and the child stared at her with his dark eyes. "Sometimes, good men must do evil to protect the innocent."

Smichal nodded, not sure what to say. Finally, he regained his voice and looked at her. "Like... if you were to kill someone who hurt a lot of people, it wouldn't be bad, even though it's against the law?" The logic, to him, made minor sense, but that was why he was asking. A wiser person (such as Lakri) would be sure to know.
As Wolfe listened to the Emperors name, the lines in his face deepened. The emperor trusted him with a lot of information on this mission. Would he kill the commando afterwards, or was he really the just leader and father he made himself look like? Wolfe hoped it was the latter. After all, he did not want to die.

He ran behind the emperor, trying hard to keep up. He would sometimes grapple onto branches and such to give himself more impulse and speed. It helped him keep up. After what seemed like half an hour of running, he got to a mountain ledge and looked down, spotting half the imperial outpost being blown to smithereens. "Fierfek!" He cussed, using the word the mandalorian knight had taught him a few years back.

He dug into his pack and retrieved the DC-17 sniper attachment and hooked it up. He also brought out the anti-materiel grenade launcher attachment and hooked it to his belt. He looked through the holographic scope and aimed at a big weapon that seemed to be the one that had destroyed the base. On it were a few rebel officers and AR Elites. "A hypercannon..." He thought to himself. Looking around, he found the operative of the massive weapon and aimed at his head.

"Buir, the rebels used a hypercannon to eradicate half of the outpost. I have the operator in my sights. Permission to fire." He said through the commlink.


((Tell me if there is something to correct here.))
Contrallus suddenly plummeted from the trees behind Wolfe, flying towards the enemies on the ground. "Permission granted", he'd say as the Force began to empower and surround him. He looked like a perfect impersonation of death, a hooded black figure, surrounded by an aura of power. The Emperor turned forwards as he got close to the ground and extended his lightsaber.

By the time the Wolfe would've fired and hit the operator, not too far away, Contrallus would have impaled a Jedi on his saber and smashed him into the ground. Time seemingly resumed for the others, as the Emperor was in front of them in a blink of an eye.

The Sith swung around and struck down the three closest Elites, all whilst dodging their vibroblade attacks. Five Jedi began running towards him, all Knights, he'd see, but no Masters. Contrallus was holding them off, even giving them openings and closing them before they could land a blow, just to infuriate the Jedi.

As two more Jedi entered the fight, they exited quickly. Contrallus released a sudden Force shockwave, pushing all the Jedi back. While they were recovering, Contrallus extended his saber to a double-bladed, and used his Tele-Force to levitate six other sabers from under his cloak. They all activated and launched themselves at the Jedi, each entering the duel as if they were one Sith Emperor themselves. On top of all of that, Contrallus had entered the battle himself.

There were many stories of Contrallus' Tele-Force abilities, but it seemed truly amazing in person.


The Rebels, at least thirty, split up into two groups of fifteen. One group went for Wolfe, eleven engaging him, while four were moving towards the mountain ledge. The other group all were entering the building, or half of it at least, engaging the survivors within.

A Mandalorian Knight followed by two Commandos ran out to engage in close quarters combat. The two Commandos extended their vibroblades and were quick to move, taking down five of the enemies. The Mandalorian was dodging and weaving from one of the Jedi in the group, and eventually was able to push the Jedi back, giving himself enough time to activate his lightsaber and begin dueling, all the while slicing and deflecting the shots of the AR Elites around him.

The normal troops within the Barracks had taken down four troops as a whole. Their eyes flashed with hope as they recognized the Emperor, and a sense of honor and duty filled them. All of the recruits began charging, surprisingly becoming somewhat of a match for the startled and off-guard Elites.

"For the Empire!", the Admiral there yelled, Alee, one of the most famous and renowned Imperial officers in the business. She blasted a Resistance down, one of the ones engaging Wolfe.

(Nah everything is good @Darkangel666 )
"Exactly, Smichal. If you must kill, it must be to save more lives. I want you to consider this situation. The Emperor is a bad, evil man. Cruel and murderous. He has killed many, and he will kill many more. He is in a city, and million people live in this city. We can destroy the entire city, and kill the Emperor, but all of the innocents will also die. Is this just? Fair? Do we have the right to kill so many, as long as the Emperor dies too?" Lakri asked, giving the boy a questioning look.

His answer mattered, much more than he likely knew. She hoped he gave the question proper consideration, and made sure not to let emotions cloud his judgment here.
"Exactly, Smichal," Lakri said, and the kid gave her the beginning of a grin. "If you must kill, it must be to save more lives. I want you to consider this situation. The Emperor is a bad, evil man. Cruel and murderous. He has killed many, and he will kill many more." Smichal felt his stomach roll. He didn't know that. But then again, he didn't know much about the Emperor to begin with.

"He is in a city, and million people live in this city. We can destroy the entire city, and kill the Emperor, but all of the innocents will also die. Is this just? Fair? Do we have the right to kill so many, as long as the Emperor dies too?" He didn't know what to say. "Why do we need to destroy the entire city...?" he mumbled finally.

"If everyone dies in the hopes of saving them, then..." he froze, before shaking his head. "Who do we have left to save?" He swallowed. "Why can't we just get rid of the emperor? The people don't need to die... right?" He wasn't sure if he'd given her the answer she'd wanted, and he swallowed again, not daring to look at her.
She listened to his answer, giving it a slight shrug. He was young, he wasn't likely to understand the full scope of the situation. That was expected, and she couldn't truly be disappointed in him for it.

"Let me.. Give you a bit more information. Earlier today, the Emperor destroyed an entire planet. Twelve billion people, gone in a flash. And that is not the first planet he has destroyed, Smichal. Would you still say that it is wrong to destroy the entire city? What if I told you the Emperor was going to kill another hundred billion people if we don't destroy the city and everyone in it?" She asked, doing some phrasing to guide the boy towards her point. The thought might not be his naturally, but enough slight nudging might push him to see her way, and that was enough.
Lakri only shrugged, and Smichal flinched nervously. "Let me... give you a bit more information." she said. 'Wrong answer,' he thought, and would have sighed to himself if she didn't continue. Instead, he bit his lip. "Earlier today, the Emperor destroyed an entire planet." The boy's eyes widened in horror, and he felt his mouth fall open slightly.

"Twelve billion people, gone in a flash." He felt his stomach twist into a knot, almost on the verge of feeling sick. "And that is not the first planet he has destroyed, Smichal." He couldn't move, and he felt his throat closing up. "Would you still say that it is wrong to destroy the entire city? What if I told you the Emperor was going to kill another hundred billion people if we don't destroy the city and everyone in it?"

Smichal shook his head slowly, still a bit hesitant. He thought he was going to throw up. Or cry. Or both. He wasn't sure, but he hated this feeling and wanted it to go away. It didn't. "N-no.." he mumbled quietly, adjusting his jacket by pulling it closer around himself. He still really didn't like the idea of hurting innocent people, though.

People with families, and people with bright futures. Well, as bright as one could have here in the heart of the Empire. He swallowed hard. If he had had a family, he wouldn't be here, discussing this. But he'd also be the one to die. He wasn't sure which one he'd rather have. Maybe neither. Nonetheless, there was no changing it. He was here, now, with Lakri, discussing the deaths of innocent people.

"Are we... are we really going to destroy the city?" he asked finally, not daring to look up at the woman. He sincerely hoped it had only been an example, and they weren't going to actually do this. It would make him feel a bit better, he admitted to himself, but the terrible feeling still didn't go away. He had a feeling he knew her answer.
"Perhaps. Perhaps not. It all depends on the situation. If we have the opportunity to.. We very likely will. Because some things must be done for the greater good, Smichal. And these things must be done, without a single flinch. You must be brave, because people will hate us, Smichal." Lakri said, leaning slightly towards the boy. She seemed to take no pleasure in this last statement, giving a small frown.

"They will call us villains and monsters, just as cruel as the Sith. But they simply do not understand why we do what we do. At the end of the day, we know what needs to be done. We think, and we make a decision. We are not slaves to the desires of others. People are fickle and ignorant. They do not know what is for the best, so we must help them." She sighed and reached one hand out towards the boy, palm up and fingers open. Scarred into the palm and accented with a light green ink, an image of a chain split in two is marked into the skin.

"I am free, Smichal. To make my own decisions. To be strong, and powerful, and without fear. But you, Smichal. You still bear your shackles. You still fear them, the Sith, the Empire, the people who hurt you." She closed her hand and dropped it to her side, then stood up.

"It is time to break your chains. Tell me who, or what, you hate the most."

(Sure thing, PM me a post and I'll modify it for yeh) 
"It's time to break your chains. Tell me, who, or what, you hate the most."

@Vudukudu (I think you'll like this character)

Shade ran across the alleys, dodging blasterbolts that whizzed by, striking a few innocent people, but none died. The crowds were large, and they were useful when it came to live barricades against the Stormtrooper patrol that was tailing him.

Shade turned right, and ran forward quickly with the aid of the Force, the air around him pushing the homeless against the walls. The Stormtroopers turned only to find Shade shambling into the window of an apartment complex. They began to scale the walls and ignored the homeless people who began to beg for credits.

Shade ran through the house, pushing the occupants out of his way. He ran straight for the door, charging forwards with his right hand extended, as he made it to the door he quickly tapped the holopad attached on the wall to open the door, and leaped off of the staircase before him, landing on the streets below.

The Stormtroopers soon entered the house after them, the nine man squad split up, three staying to apprehend the occupants, while the remaining six continued the chase.

Shade had no choice, he knew he would rather not accidentally kill innocent civilians, but they had to die in the name of freedom, and sacrifice. War had it's victims. He quickly pulled out his lightsaber and turned with a skid, rushing forwards at the patrol as the blade whizzed into full form.

Already, Shade had already dashed and burnt the eyes of a bystander, sending the crowd into panic and filling the streets with screams. Fantastic.
"Perhaps." Lakri said, and Smichal shivered. "Perhaps not. It all depends on the situation. If we have the opportunity to... We very likely will." Smichal gulped. "Because some things must be done for the greater good, Smichal. And these things must be done, without a single flinch. You must be brave, because people will hate us, Smichal."

The boy nodded confidently, though he wasn't sure he was confident. "They will call us villains and monsters," Lakri continued, and the kid felt the words like a punch. "Just as cruel as the Sith. But they simply do not understand why we do what we do. At the end of the day, we know what needs to be done." Smichal nodded again. He didn't want to be hated. He didn't want to be a villain or a monster.

"We think, and we make a decision. We are not slaves to the desires of others. People are fickle and ignorant. They do not know what is for the best, so we must help them." Lakri lifted her hand to show him her palm. On it was the image of a chain split in two, accented with green ink. Smichal leaned closer to see it, then returned back to his original stance.

"I am free, Smichal. To make my own decisions. To be strong, and powerful, and without fear." The kid swallowed again, anxious as to what she was going to say next. "But you, Smichal." He flinched. "You still bear your shackles. You still fear them, the Sith, the Empire, the people who hurt you." The words stung, and he felt like crying again. But now wasn't the time.

"It is time to break your chains." Lakri stated. "Tell me who, or what, you hate the most." Smichal froze. "I... I don't hate anyone..." he muttered finally, a bit hesitantly. That much he was sure of. He didn't hate... them. In fact, he'd love to see them again, so long as they were nicer to him. He figured no one was entirely evil, and neither was anyone entirely good. So he had no more reason to hate them than they had to hate him.
"Even the men who hurt you? Look at your leg. It still hurts, does it not? They left you with a wound that you might carry for the rest of your life, and you don't even hold it against them." She shrugged and gave the boy a pensive look. Maybe she would have to take a different route.

"Think of all the pain you've ever been through. Sadness, loneliness, shame, physical pain, hunger, thirst. Any kind of suffering. Just think of all of it, dredge it up from that dark place inside you. All the hurt, Smichal." Lakri said, scooting slightly closer to the boy.

"I want you to find all of it. Get angry, get upset. And then?" She continued, leaning slightly closer to the boy and turning one cheek towards him. "Hit me. Just hit me, as hard as you can. Don't think about it, don't hold back, just swing."
Shade rushed forward, dodging and weaving as blasterbolts flew past him. He reached the first stormtrooper and sent a quick kick into his crotch. As the man bent forwards, Shade uppercut his head, and sent him into a violent flip, smashing into the ground.

Next, Shade reached two others and quickly sent his lightsaber into the chest of one, and pulled it out just a little to deflect the blasterfire of the other, which unfortunately struck the soldier back in his face.

"We need backup!", the Captain yelled, keeping her rifle on Shade as she kept the trigger pulled, hitting at least six civilians in the background. Not one blasterbolt would strike Shade. Another stormtrooper was doing the same, however one of the three ran away in fear of death, and the Captain was cursing the coward in her head.

As a KII-L made it's way through the crowds, escorted by a squadron of ten stormtroopers, it was lining up a shot on Shade. By the time they had reached their destination, they saw that the Captain had just fell, and the rebel was standing there, lightsaber in hand.


(A KII-L, used mainly on land, but can be used in the sea as well. The KII-L is known for being used by the Advanced Division of Imperial Authority (ADIA, basically SWAT) against riots or for cleaning out entire gangs. Usually, it is used on the galactic battlefield.)
Wolfe smiled as he hit the AR Elite in the head, making it explode, and making the rest of the body topple over the side. Before he knew it, a battle broke out, the Emperor using his mythical Tele-Force abilities while fighting off various jedi at a time, imperial comrades coming out from the base and retaliating and a group of eleven or so rebels going after himself. He gave a thumbs up to the imperial officer that had killed a rebel that was going after him, and resumed shooting. after killing six of the ten remaining rebel forces, four remained and they were AR Elite. He shot one in the head before finding that he was out of ammo. The soldiers surrounded him, aiming at him with their blasters. "Surrender or die!" One of the rebel scum said. Wolfe just looked at him through the gleaming blue visor of his helmet, and immediately ducked, shooting the grappling hook from his gauntlet into the rebels face, making him scream in agony.

He reeled it in and slammed the soldier into one of the other AR Elites before he could react, and then he grappled onto a rock at caved in another one of the Elites heads by smashing the rock onto him. Only one remained, mouth open in fear. He dropped the blaster and started to run, but he only got a few meters away before Wolfe grappled onto his leg and dragged the terrified man towards him.

When the soldiers body was a few inches away, he got out one of the anti-materiel rounds from the deecees attachment and timed it, before catapulting the screaming soldier into the air, the man exploding in mid-air.

Wolfe reeled in the grappling hook and grabbed a rebel blaster, heading down to assist the others.

Contrallus quickly took down the Jedi he was dueling, and found that his lightsabers had managed to take down three other Jedi. While his sabers distracted the Jedi who fought against them, Contrallus would leap into the fight and kill them off.

Six more Jedi rushed in, followed by fifty AR Elites, who all came from the west. A large Mon Calamari styled ship began hovering in the air, coming into view as it passed the canopy of a nearby forest, attempting take off. It was followed by five fighter-class Imperial ships, however marked in large red characters, "AR"

The AR Elites who had began the assault were dead by then, and the survivors came to meet up with Wolfe and Contrallus. Blasterbolts littered the airs while the Elites hammered the areas that the Imperials took cover in. Contrallus advanced and deflected shots at himself, using force speed as he ran towards the Jedi, who he began dueling on his own. "Knight!", the Emperor called back to the ranks.

All of the lightsabers that he was controlling began deflecting blasterbolts sent by the enemy, giving the Imperials more breathing room and more time to take returning shots. The Mandalorian Knight ran forwards to assist Contrallus in the fight against the Jedi, and three of them were taken down already.

And so, whilst the Mandalorian Knight held off the Jedi, Contrallus began focusing on the ship. With one second of focus, Contrallus had gained the power to force grip the large ship. He then motioned with a quick swipe downwards, forcing the ship to plummet and hit the ground, bursting into a ball of red flame. The Fighters scattered in confusion, and two of them crashed against each other, causing another explosion. After his display of power, Contrallus entered the fight once more.

"Wolfe, tear their officers apart!"


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