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Futuristic Star Wars: The New Empire

He nodded. "Check for Security flaws, and radio me when you do." he pointed to one. "You can do that, right?"
Jaskar nodded and saluted, "Yes sir!", he'd bark. He and his team, Vel, Marrks, and Belus, all marched out of the ship and down it's ramp. It was raining, and the winds were hard. Tiny lakes were made in circular valleys, luckily they were smart enough to all land on top of the mountains with Kyle. The factory was within the mountain, however it's defenses spiraled all around it.

The team began their run there and eventually got in distance to where they could use their MOCs (Mega-Oculars), and were marking defenses. Vel pulled out his sniper rifle due to Jaskar's sudden hand signal and aimed in the location he pointed and signaled out with his fingers. 21, 32, 9902. He zoomed in on the location to find a three man patrol. His first kills, he thought. Vel pulled the trigger when Jaskar gave the signal and all three went down with the single shot, got to thank the single-file line formation.

They retreated back five meters to take cover behind rocks, and Jaskar used his COM to contact Kyle. "We've taken down a patrol, looks like they got six autoturrets guarding the entrance, but a EMP can take them out. Their gate is open at the moment, a long line of large carrier speeders have got resources that are being shipped in. About twenty Resistance guarding them, but we could hide in some of the supply crates, Sir.", Jaskar would report speedily while his boys watched for any approaching patrols.
"Execute that plan...I'm on my way." he wanted not only the building demolished, but also to draw the Jedi out through his presence. "My first kill.." He said, gripping his sabers. He found it quaint how weak the rebel forces were. They see,ed to not even stand the might of a small Empire squadron..
Wolfe woke up with a splitting headache and sweating. "What the hell..." He said to himself. He jumped down from the bunk bed that had been assigned to him and another squad mate, even though he usually went lone wolf. He walked through the barracks until he got to the cafeteria, where he grabbed a cup of coffee-like liquid and sipped on it while sitting down. "Ah, Wolfe." Said a familiar voice from behind him. His instructor and mentor, Darth Tychus. "You are late today, I expect there to be an excuse?" he barked. "No sir" said Wolfe, quickly draining his cup of caff. He stood up in attention. "Get your armor, commando, and get to the shooting range. Await orders there." The Sith instructor ordered.

"Yes sir!" Wolfe barked and ran off to the Armory. There was his armor, a Katarn-Class Mk VI, especially made for the notorious imperial commando's. In five minutes, he had strapped on all the duraplast plates onto his person and grabbed the standard issue DC-17 which was inherited by the imperial commandos a long time ago from the Republic Commando's. He ran over to the simulator where he engaged in a one on ten battle.

Him against 10 rebel troopers. "I guess I forgot to change the difficulty." He said to himself. 10 seconds later, he emerges from the simulator, barrel of the deecee smoking hot. He sits down on a crate and starts to clean the blaster, awaiting orders.

Contrallus walked through the endless halls of the Death Star after his meeting, attempting to find where he'd usually find Wolfe. Finally Contrallus would reach the area of the firing range, where in the distance he spotted many Imperial troopers and commandos shooting targets, which made him feel rather proud of the Empire he had built so far.

Contrallus walked in and looked around to spot Wolfe, who he stared at for a little while before he approached the commando. "Wolfe.", he'd address the commando while forming a statue-like posture. "You're to follow me.", he'd say simply, awaiting for some kind of answer. Most Sith Lords would probably just turn and start walking without some kind of signal that the soldier was ready, but Contrallus was nicer then most Sith. Strange for a man who takes billions of lives with the push of a button, most would assume.


Jaskar nodded and replied, "Roger that." The clone quickly gave the signals to his squad and Vel fired an EMP round, knocking out enemy COMs and the auto turrets. He and the others began approaching the factory's convoy of carrier-speeders and they dropped a Resistance patrol like nothing as they approached the last carrier-speeder. The four quickly got unto it's flat platform that extended from the back of it's cockpit and shoved themselves into different crates of supplies, mostly food and weapons.
(edited it in, x3. I'll probably just post my char's post first and then the squad's post after I think about it through editing the original post)
Wolfe looked up from from the DC's components he was cleaning, just to find himself looking at the Emperor himself. "My lord..." he said, rapidly leaving the blaster on the crate and kneeling in front of the most powerful man in the empire and probably the universe. He looked up from the ground to the man and said "What will you have me do after, my lord?"
He walked to the Bridge off, sneaking through around the turrets in case they activated, he cut the turrets in half as soon as the carrier rode away. "Time to kill a Jedi..." He smiled. HE used the light-sabers to open a hole the door.
Contrallus smiled and looked down at the commando. "No need to kneel, I'm not so honorable such as some other Sith you might know...", he said with a slight chuckle as he glanced over towards Wolfe's instructor. "Anyway, I'm going to need you to follow me so I can explain your mission to you, you'll be going to Jur Eet to do what you do best, but the details are a little confidential..", Contrallus would say, gazing around at the other soldiers who were entering and leaving the firing range.

Contrallus then sighed and stretched, "Besides, I'll be accompanying you on this mission, there's nothing else to do", he'd say as if it were no big deal that the Emperor was going on something that should be something the Imperial military would handle. It made him very respectable to most soldiers, however, and the strange niceness that he showed in person was very opposite to the cold and factual aura he'd usually have when in a dire, political, or intense combat situation. His cold aura was especially common on the HoloNews.

The Emperor quickly walked into the firing range, bowed to by all of the people nearby, however he didn't seem to notice and he grabbed a nearby Commando Deecee, quickly aiming once the highest difficulty would commence. He fired and aimed quickly and precisely, like any other top-notch clone would, but found that he was 2nd place to someone, Wolfe. Contrallus would complain in a way as if he was a kid who lost a game and would begin to laugh.


Marrks and Belus exited the crates first, gunning down almost all of the rebels. Jaskar and Vel came out next, taking down the rest and covering the two as they secured the entire perimeter. It was stealth so far, and the nearby cameras were already disabled by the shockwave-class EMP shot. Marrks looked over at Belus and smiled, "I got eleven, you?", he'd ask. Belus sighed and groaned out, "I got nine, you bantha..."

Jaskar was about to contact Kyle through radio before he found that the Sith had entered through the door by force. He nodded at the Lord and the four got ready to receive orders. So far they were in the cargo/hangar, and the things in between them and the private quarters of the General were the cafeteria, and armory, a long hall way with many crew cabins, then the meeting room and a small room guarding the private quarters.

The most armed places would be the armory and the small guard room, however all the rooms were easy to pass by through large ventilation that surrounded almost all of the rooms. The vents would go as far as the meeting room and they could go on from there.

Besides, it would seem rather unprofessional to charge head on and go five versus at least one thousand AR troops.


(I'm going to hit the sack soon too. By the way, Jur Eet is an Outer Rim planet adopted by at least twenty years ago and usually gets income from trading minerals and food to other galactic civilizations due to the large amount of water on Jur Eet and the large amount of valleys. A natural substance called Jureefite also is very mud like but can be transmuted through a few chemical substances to mimic different minerals and also tends to push other ores and gems to the surface of the planet's many valleys.)

[Note: Civilization Name: Jureenia] [Full Name: Jureeniatali'razilginat]

[Note: Native Species: Jureeini] (Jir-e-knee) Plural: Jureei [Jir-ai]


Sentient Bird-like life forms that have joined the Empire with welcome arms... er.. leg..arms? They are carnivores and their society is council-like made between different clans/tribes that work together. They tend to be a nomadic society and the new Imperial City, Jureah, has become a center of politics and trade to them. A few are force sensitive, who become shaman in their tribes, currently a few are being recruited to become Sith, and are known to be able to levitate things just using their mind such as other powerful force users like a few Sith Lords, Jedi Masters, and even Lord Contrallus

(The one above is a female, as males do not have the top feather-crown type growth. More info about them will be made throughout the RP including a few of their words.)
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"Take the ventilation..." He smiled. "Plant charges or any timed explosives you have on the armory, living quarters and then detonate when I give the signal, or when time runs out. Be sure to be safe...." He took out a lazer cutter and opened the ventilation shaft. "Now go!" He jumped in first sensing the master....
"I'm sorry, child. I know this is difficult, but you'll appreciate it later," the woman said suddenly, turning to him and placing a hand on his shoulder, to which he straightened, still terrified, regardless of her words of comfort. Suddenly, her once-smiling face transformed into a rather disgusted frown.

"You've had it tough, boy. But adversity breeds heroes, and I can teach you to be one." Smichal gave her a confused look. How had she known what his life had been like? And who said he wanted to be a hero? "You're different from the other boys and girls, you know," she continued, "Truly special. You just don't know quite how, yet. One little test and I can find out just how special you are."

The boy felt himself squint and he raised an eyebrow at her words. "May I take a blood sample? It won't hurt at all, I promise." she finished, before pulling out a syringe. Smichal's eyes widened in fear at the pointy needle, and he managed to mumble, "A-are you sure? It looks...s-scary." He looked to the man, and the Hutt, but they were still deeply in conversation.

"W-what do you need my...my blood for?" he asked finally, holding his wrist in a defensive position. "What...what are gonna do with it?" He stared at her, an uneasy look plastered across his youthful face. He still wasn't sure if he could trust her. Maybe this was to confirm his identity and return him to...them.
lfe was surprised by the Emperor's attitude. He stood up and was especially surprised when he said he was going to go too. Under his helmet his expression shifted from serious to surprised as the Emperor went to the shooting range and lost to him. He bowed his head. "My lord" he said "I will go wherever you order me to go. I was bred to serve the empire, and the empire I shall serve. Under my boot will be a thousand crushed rebel skulls and on my gauntlets will be their blood. I will kill all Jedi you order me to kill, be it a Knight or a Padawan. I was bred to serve the Empire and its Emperor." What he had just recited was the Imperial Commando oath of allegiance, albeit Wolfe being doubtful of his, he needed to be sure that he convinced the kind Emperor that he was indeed loyal to the Empire.

The boy was certainly afraid, and with good reason. Lakri was fairly understanding of his concern, but even so, she needed to take a sample.

"To run a simple test. You're different from the other kids, and I think you know that. You feel.. odd, sometimes? Like you're picking up on things no one else is? You've always been a little bit faster, a little bit stronger, a little bit quicker to react? Sometimes you feel like you know a lot about someone without even talking to them?" She asked, gently leading the boy in the right direction.

The test was, of course, for a midi-chlorian count. If the boy proved to be a weak force-user, she would refer him to the Jedi. However, if he proved to be something more.. well, she would take a more personal hand in his training. But first, she needed him to take the test.

"And I promise, it won't hurt. I'll even get you some food and something to drink afterwards, okay? I just need to see your arm for one quick second, and it'll be over before you know it."
The Hutt scoffed and narrowed his eyes at the human. "We must agree there are no noncombatants on the Death Star." He continued ignoring the witchcraft being performed on the other side of the room, Jedi nonsense. "I will request an audience with my grandfather, his dreadnought is in orbit." The Hutts had remained far more militarized since the Vong invasion, though they had not been foolish enough to challenge the Imperial Navy when they demanded Tatooine. Important Hutts spent much of their time aboard heavy warships rather than space yachts.

"I expect he will grant us a flotilla. A cruiser and a few escort frigates will suit our purpose. When we have demonstrated our plan, he will grant us more ships. We will need droids to complete the final stages, but my estate has plenty. Jeeday! Finish your test, we must make haste to a starport."
Contrallus rolled his eyes from underneath his biosuit and began walking out of the range and into a nearby hallway, where he urged Wolfe to follow. Assuming he did, Contrallus would begin speaking about his mission.

"You are to accompany me to Jur Eet, a few rebels have taken an outpost there and we will be going to execute them. The outpost is an important location to the Empire and especially to me, there are a few squads of Mandalorian Knights pinned down in the barracks, and the growing rebel force will soon be able to destroy them.", Contrallus said with a shake of his head, looking down at his lightsaber's hilt. He couldn't let them begin spreading on Jur Eet, the security was too new and the land too new for the Empire to track them efficiently. They had to discipline the rebels, teach them not to spread on new Imperial lands. "We'll land a few miles from the outpost and begin our assault from there, for their patrols are spreading out as we speak."

The Emperor would then begin walking towards the hangar and quickly mumbled something into his COMs, the doors in front of him, at least thirty feet away, opened quickly and guards would spew out of his ship. He wanted this to be a duo mission, and he would crush the rebels in a bath of beskar and blood, beskar and blood.

For the first time in awhile, he had felt like a Mandalorian again.


Jaskar and his team entered the vents and were planting charges along the way, moving through until they reached the meeting room. They broke open the vent and quickly shot down three rebel guards, one rebel knight charged them and Jaskar quickly parried their vibrosword with his shorter vibroblade, in which gave Vel enough time to shoot the man.

The rebel knight stumbled backwards, burns scattered around his chest, and he collapsed only to hit the side of the table, which sent his limp body smashing against the carpeted floor. Belus and Marrks exited the ventilation next and pulled the bodies into them, they then re-merged and began moving along with Jaskar and Vel after Jaskar got finished locking the back door.

"Sir, cleared the meeting room and locked the doors to enter it, we're moving on to the hall and to the clearance room after it, over.", Jaskar would swiftly say as the door to the hallway opened and he dropped the single rebel guard within. At the same time Vel and Belus shot off the lights and Marrks was covering the squad's back.

This was a textbook operation, so far.
The woman's expression softened further. "To run a simple test." she said. "You're different from the other kids, and I think you know that. You feel.. odd, sometimes? Like you're picking up on things no one else is?" That much Smichal could agree with, but he had believed that that was normal. Now he was being told it wasn't?

"You've always been a little bit faster, a little bit stronger, a little bit quicker to react?" As for those, he wasn't too sure about. He wasn't fast; his leg was the cause of that, and he didn't believe himself to be particularly strong. "Sometimes you feel like you know a lot about someone without even talking to them?" she continued, and the boy nodded, not knowing what else to do.

"And I promise," the woman concluded, "it won't hurt. I'll even get you some food and something to drink afterwards, okay? I just need to see your arm for one quick second, and it'll be over before you know it." The food and drink sounded amazing; he even felt his stomach growl when she mentioned it. As for the needle he was still unsure.

Regardless, the potential hope of sustenance was just too good to pass up, and he held out his arm to her. "O-ok.." he mumbled quietly. The Hutt and the man were still talking about something else, but Smichal could tell that the large slug-like alien was becoming impatient. "Jeeday! Finish your test, we must make haste to a starport." it said to the woman, startling him.
Lakri wasted no time plunging the needle into the boy's arm. As promised, it was a relatively painless procedure, and a small green light on the side of the syringe blipped twice. An affirmative report, then.

"Thank you, child. My name is Lakri. And I have a lot to teach you." She said quietly, ruffling the boy's hair. "But we must hurry, before my Hutt friend leaves without us. Come."

She stood up again, towering over her new-found apprentice. He had potential, and she would coax it out of him. But first, they needed some place safe and stable, and she believed the Hutt was more than able of providing it. "Lead on, Mokta the Hutt. I suppose you have transportation ready and available? I certainly do not." Lakri said, turning towards the slug. "Stay close to me, child. They will not find you as long as you are with me." She added, her voice a mere whisper directed towards the youngling.
Smichal couldn't help a small, quick intake of breath as the syringe pierced his skin, and he flinched. Well, she was right, it hadn't hurt. A green light flickered on the needle, and the boy wondered what it was for. "Thank you, child." the woman said, removing the tool. "My name is Lakri. And I have a lot to teach you."

She ruffled his hair, and he froze, too surprised to pull away. "But we must hurry," the wom--Lakri added, "before my Hutt friend leaves without us. Come." Smichal decided not to ask too many questions. He simply mumbled, "I-I'm Smichal..." before grabbing a peek at the Hutt. "Lead on, Mokta the Hutt." Lakri said, standing up. So his name was Mokta.

"I suppose you have transportation ready and available? I certainly do not." she continued, before whispering to the boy, "Stay close to me, child. They will not find you as long as you are with me." Smichal hadn't been sure if she had known about the place he'd run away from before, but now he was dead positive.

"A-are you coming too..?" the kid managed to say, though with a shaky breath. He had directed it to the man. He liked him; after all, he had been the first person to be kind to him, and he didn't want to see him go...not yet, anyway. Besides, if this...Lakri lady really was going to take him back, he knew the man would stop her.
Wolfe looked up and followed the Emperor hurriedly through the hallways until they reached the hangar. "Yes, my lord. I am honored that I am doing a mission with the Emperor himself." The commando said. He took one quick look at the Emperor's ship, seeing it was incredibly armed.

Under his helmet, he was frowning. He set the playback system to play 'Vode An', an ancient Mandalorian chant sung in Mando'a which he learned from a bounty hunter, to play in a while. He settled, calming his senses, and prepared to board the ship at the Emperor's request.
With his sensitive Force hearing ability he picked up on the song, and began to hum it himself. Contrallus's bio-suit was thought to keep him alive, such as Darth Vader's, but it was more like an enhancement, it made him better then biological, but at the same time just as reliant and emotional as any living being. It increased his midi-chlorians, making his count sky-rocket, but his body was damaged slightly as a result, so he decided to add mechanical parts, in his eyes they were another great attachment to his test-subject of a body.

Contrallus got unto the ship whilst humming the tune, and got unto the ship, where two Mandalorian Knights escorted him and Wolfe up the ramp and unto the ship. "These knights will accompany us on the way there, and will be on the ship to guard it and will serve as reinforcements if necessary." The Knights looked traditionally armored, however their weaponry was much better and they had lightsabers too (common for Mandalorian Knights). The two had tally marks on their gauntlet, loads of them, as if they were marking their kill-count. Common for Imperials and Mandos these days, tradition taken from earlier Clones from the Clone Wars.

Whilst the ship took off; Contrallus turned to face Wolfe and extended his hand in a calm and friendly motion, as if asking, not demanding, that the commando should take it. One of the knights were piloting the ship, and the other was simply nearby, in a standard guarding position.


[A common Mandalorian Knight design, some Imperial Clones even design their armor in this fashion. This is not mandatory, though, and any Knight can design their armor in any way. People believe this shows the utmost loyalty of Mandos to their new clan, the New Empire, and the New Sith Order]

Wolfe was confused at first, but by lowering the volume, he heard that the Emperor was humming. He smiled to himself, thinking that this Emperor seemed different when with his troops than when he was being interviewed or something.

They boarded the ship with the Mandalorian Knights. He cracked a smile, glad to know there were mandalorians, since he got along well with them. He noticed the markings on their gauntlets and immediately understood that the marks were their killcount. Wolfe himself did it, having one of his shoulder-pads full of carved lines that counted into the hundreds.

He nodded at the Emperor's comment about the Mando Knights. "Understood, sir" He said. He was utterly surprised when the emperor held out his hand, as in to take it. However, it didn't seem as a order, but instead it seemed like a question. He took the emperor's hand, wondering what would happen next, the lyrics of the Mandalorian Chant still sounding in his head.

Wolfe's mind felt rather violated, but it didn't hurt or irritate in any way, it just felt like it was being read quickly, like a novel of some sort being read in three seconds flat. The reader, of course, was Contrallus, scanning Wolfe's mind for thoughts as if he were looking through a computer's history.

He nodded and turned around, walking somewhere private, as if to change. He came out in a mandalorian style armor, beskar plating covering his bio-suit. Most people had never seen it, and most of those who had died in a matter of seconds afterwards. It was Contrallus's battle armor, and it was riddled with attachments of different technological cultures.

What he had done to Wolfe could be many things, but he wouldn't feel any different. However Contrallus was a very powerful force-user, so there were many possibilities.

"Try not to linger on it..", Contrallus said as he turned to face the exit door, and at the same time the ship had already managed to flash out of hyperdrive, it's multiple windows and large window in front of the pilot's seat flashed with an image of the planet Jur Eet. (It was all made of transparisteel, a common replacement of the much weaker glass from ancient times.)

Jur Eet


The rumors of the planet's beauty were all well true, and the newer found world's atmosphere seemed much more surreal and detailed then other terra-class planets. You could almost feel like you were staring at a HD HoloImage just watching from a distance.

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