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Futuristic Star Wars: The New Empire

Wolfe looked in surprise as his mind grew alert of dark force being implemented on him. The moment the Emperor let go of his hand, he brought it to his forehead as if a splitting headache had just attacked him. The emperor went somewhere and came back rigged with a Mado-style Battle armor. Wolfe was dumbfounded seeing the Emperor like this. Where had he gotten such wonderful Mado Armor? Was he himself a Mandalorian?

This questions he kept to himself, as he didn't want a slow and painful death.

"Try not to linger on it..." The Emperor said. Wolfe's eyes almost fell out of their sockets and his jaw almost unhinged as it dropped. What did it mean? Had the Emperor read his mind? Had he seen Wolfe's doubt in the Empire?

"S-sir, what do you m-" Wolfe started, but immediately shut up, thinking that just the wrong question could bring him death. "Apologies, sir. I'll be silent now." He finished as the ship entered hyperspace.
"I know what you want, I can see your loyalty hanging in the balance. As a Mando myself I'll respect your decision to desert if you want too, it shouldn't be illegal to leave a cause you don't support, an ideology you don't believe in, a clan you don't feel family too. I just ask you to finish this with me, this one mission.", Contrallus would say with a chuckle, looking back at Wolfe. "Then you will earn your retirement, ner vod.", he'd finish, staring at Wolfe for a few more seconds until the ship suddenly landed unto the wet and moist dirt of Jur Eet. Contrallus was clearly a Mando, or once was, at least, and as any Mando Clan Leader would he was giving his other clansmen a challenge, to prove themselves.

The door shifted open and the ramp laid out. The Knights rose and nodded at Contrallus, then Wolfe, and prepared their weapons. Contrallus would turn quickly after speaking and began slowly stepping down the ramp. Jur Eet was rather covered in jungles on the small continents it had, and it was eighty percent water. Clean water, that could be filtered to harvest much Jureefite, which lead to many more minerals.

The trees were large and reached as far as the eye can see up into the air, and it was rather thin, except for the large cocoon-like leaves it had, one per limb. They were filled with water, and as they aged the leaves would begin turning orange and the water would be converted into sap, the waste that followed oxygen. The trees, Jureili trees, worked with the many animals of the planet and relied on them to harvest the sap so the water cycle could begin again.

Contrallus looked back at Wolfe and awaited an answer, shooting him a look that pierced through the armor that covered the Emperor's face. One asking, 'Will you accept my challenge?', in a brotherly kind of way.
"Of course, my ship is docked not far from here, Port Theta-78." The Hutt returned his attention to Tak. "You may join us if you wish to see the Emperor laid low." He turned to slither towards the door. "If you refuse... I don't have time to clean blood off my armor today." After tightening the strap on his railgun, the Hutt dashed out the door. The trail through the crowd would be obvious.

The port was only a mile from Lakri's hideout, followed by a brief lift ride to the higher levels of Nar Shadaa. The dock crew welcomed him with a bow and cleared the way to Mokta's ship, Fierfek IV. The Fierfek was a modified M22-T Krayt gunship, stripped for lighter armor, greater stealth capacity, higher atmospheric speed, and larger crew capacity while maintaining a large armament of heavy laser and ion weaponry. An additional railgun is mounted along its belly, its barrel running almost the entire length of the vessel. It is piloted by a pair of Iktotchi pilots, both capable of telepathic coordination and minor precognition. An astromech droid managed its hyperdrive and ECM capabilities.


The pilots lowered their heads as their employer boarded the vessel. Mokta settled into a low-set couch and began barking orders in Huttese. "[Prepare to enter orbit and dock with the Wrath of Jabba.]" Gorga the Hutt had named his flagship, like many things in his criminal empire, after his late uncle. The Iktotchi pilots began readying the ship. "[We are expecting guests, at least one. Humans. Send code fwanna-k'wanna-bo as we approach. Jeedai aboard.]"
Wolfe got up as the Emperor started to speak. He was utterly shocked at the Emperor's kind words, and heard him out.

When the Emperor shot him that look, Wolfe felt extremely embarrassed and ashamed. The Emperor was giving him an option. He looked up with renewed strength at the Emperor. He walked out of the ship, grabbing his Deecee from his back. He walked out of the ship until he was right next to the Emperor, looking forward. "I accept, sir. I will do this mission. I have seen and appreciate how you treat your troops: Kindly and proudly, as if they were your brothers, sir." He paused for a second. "You treat them as if they were your family." He turned to the Emperor and said "Sir, I would love if you could teach me more of the Mandalorian culture and language, If it were not a problem." He walked a little forward until he reached the end of the ramp, where he turned to the Emperor again and added "I apologize if that sounded presumptuous of me, sir, but I am very interested in the culture and language. My allegiance lays with the Empire, sir" The lyrics of the Mando chant resounded in the Imperial Commando's helmet.

"Vode An" he said, checking that the safety was off on his deecee.


((Also, a little Mando music: [media]


Man I love this stuff))
(x3, yeah. I'll reply tomorrow, going to hit the sack for now. Gotta love the Mandos.)
Lakri took off after the Hutt, intending to keep as close as possible without losing either the Rebel or the apprentice-to-be. She took a firm grip of the boy's wrist, trying to be as gentle as possible without risking the chance of losing him. Soon enough, they were aboard the Hutt's vessel as it prepared to dock with the Wrath of Jabba.

"Honored Mokta.." Lakri began, stepping around to be in the Hutt's view. "I do not wish to intrude further, as a gracious guest aboard your vessel. It is unhappily, then, that I must ask you for a certain privilege while aboard your vessel. If I am to train an apprentice, I will require a facility to do so in. Any open space would do, truthfully. And I assure you, his skills will be put to use for our cause." She said, hoping the Hutt would agree. Without open space to maneuver in, there was little she could train the boy besides finding the Force more easily.
Contrallus nodded and repeated, "Vode An.", he'd mutter before he began running forwards. The jungles were tough and hard to navigate, but Mandalorian spirit ran through the two, and their speed and strength would match that of the ancient Taung, the first brothers and sisters of Mandalore, the Warriors of Shadow.

Nearby there were Rebel patrols, five men each, and armed with standard Imperial blasters, makeshift plastoid armor (standard Imperial armor was now made of beskar, old stormtrooper armor used plastoid.), and many rounds, however to their dismay many were plastoid rounds, used for non-lethal situations; and with the New Empire, most situations weren't non-lethal.

The front patrol would spot the two, and begin firing. In a soldier's perspective, the trees and many shrubs were good cover, but for a Sith, the trees were seen as shields and projectiles. Contrallus was doing just that, using his powerful teleforce ability he ripped trees from the ground and launched them at various patrols whilst deflecting blaster-fire.

"Osik..", Contrallus would mutter after spotting a large group of ancient yet seemingly upgraded droids. Most would know the, from history at school, or perhaps from college classes or from hearing tales about the Clone Wars. IG-100 MagnaGuards, wielding an electro staffs.



Jaskar got to the clearance room and breached it quickly, entering. The smoke bomb attached to the breaching explosive obscured the team. They all entered and dropped the five guards in the room, Jaskar's left shoulder being the only casualty with a minor burn from a blaster-bolt.

Vel covered the three as they proceeded through the room and broke down the door to the private quarters of General Gauhrn. Belus and Marrks entered the room first, and a long blade of light flashed by, striking the side of Belus. Belus felt the heat of the blade, however his beskar armor saved him. The squad began opening fire, but Gauhrn was dodging and parrying, and eventually got close and began striking Belus repeatedly, finally his blade went through Belus and cut him horizontally in half.

As the two limp parts of Belus fell and hit the ground the team felt an anger strike their hearts. "You.. you exogorth!", Marrks yelled, charging Gauhrn. The two engaged in melee combat, Marrks using his vibroblades and fists, and Gauhrn using his lightsaber. At the same time as the fight Gauhrn managed to deflect the blaster bolts hurtling towards him at great speeds.

(Info: Osik means S***, Vode An means Brothers All (I bet Angel already knew that), and an Exogorth is one of the big space slugs that tried to swallow the Millennium Falcon.)
((Awesome use of star wars vocabulary. I haven't heard osik since I read the books xD I am seriously planning on learning Mando'a one day... Give me a bit to whip up a post.))
Lakri grabbed a hold of Smichal's wrist, and a flood of memories came pouring in, mostly unfriendly ones. He held back a cry and followed along as quickly as he could, despite his leg flaring up, as it so often did. Before the boy knew it, they were aboard a ship, which apparently belonged to the Hutt, Mokta.

"Honored Mokta," Lakri said, "I do not wish to intrude further, as a gracious guest aboard your vessel. It is unhappily, then, that I must ask you for a certain privilege while aboard your vessel. If I am to train an apprentice, I will require a facility to do so in. Any open space would do, truthfully. And I assure you, his skills will be put to use for our cause."

Smichal raised an eyebrow and looked at the woman curiously. "T-train an apprentice?" he mumbled, and a second later realized he'd said it aloud. After all, he'd never seen another person with her, and it seemed to be a boy, judging by 'his skills will be put to use for our cause'. But he hadn't seen this guy. Was it the man--he still didn't now his name--?

"Wh-where are we going?" he asked shakily, looking up at Lakri, very confused. "Wh-what's going on?" He was unusually talkative at the moment, no doubt due to his fear and uneasiness. "What's gonna happen to me?" His lips quivered and his vision started to become blurry. He rubbed at his eye, looking away.
The boy gave her no time to wait for the Hutt's answer. She hoped he didn't take offense to her apparent rudeness, but she had to keep this one in check. She bent at the knees, coming down a bit closer to the boy's level.

"We're going somewhere safe. Where.. they, won't find you. I'm going to teach you how to protect yourself from them. How to do the right thing, and be very, very strong. But I just need you to be calm for a minute now, okay?" She said softly, lightly placing her hands on each of the boy's arms. "I'm going to teach you to be the strongest there ever was, and be the best person you could be. It'll be hard, but I'm right here to help you along the way. Because that's what Masters do for their apprentice."

She sighed and nudged the boy gently with the Force, hoping it may calm him down a bit. It was the least she could do for him, after essentially kidnapping him and taking him away from his home. A little serenity never hurt anyone, and this boy looked like he needed it. Even so, his overwhelmed state made it difficult for her to help him much, and he probably wouldn't even notice the effects.
Smichal couldn't help but feel that Lakri was a bit annoyed. She bent down next to him, and he flinched. "We're going somewhere safe." she said. "Where...they...won't find you. I'm going to teach you how to protect yourself from them. How to do the right thing, and be very, very strong. But I just need you to be calm for a minute now, okay?"

He nodded, and his lips quivered when she placed her hands on his arms. "I'm going to teach you to be the strongest there ever was, and be the best person you could be." she continued. "It'll be hard, but I'm right here to help you along the way. Because that's what masters do for their apprentice." He bristled visibly.

"I-I'm your...apprentice? For what...?" he whispered, but he was starting to feel a bit better. "Are...are you a Sith?" he asked quietly, staring down at his dirty, torn shoes. He really hoped not. He had heard Sith were scary, but she didn't seem... that... scary. Sure, he had been a bit frightened of her at first, but she seemed kind and he was getting more comfortable around her.
Wolfe smiled as the emperor raced past him, and he also started running, at some point catching up to the powerful man. The forward patrol spotted them, and Wolfe quickly commenced a flanking maneuver, catching a rebel soldier by surprise and piercing his skull with his vibroblade. He held him like a human shield and killed two rebels before throwing the corpse at a last one, loaded with a frag grenade, which exploded.

Then the magnaguards came out. "Fierfek." He cursed into the air. He looked around and found a metal rod laying there. He picked it up as two magnaguards came at him.

He deflected the first few blows with the staff, but one got really close when he had to block it with his vibroblade. One of the magnaguards lifted the staff high into the air, leaving an opening where the center of its torso was. Blocking a side attack from the other droid, he lunged at the opening, vibroblade out and ready. He punched the droid in the gut, piercing it with the gauntlet knife and leaving a small hole. From his position, he managed to thrust the metal rod up through the bottom of the robots jaw, but not after yanking out his arm from the hole and slicing one of the shoulder's servo's, rendering one of its arms useless. The other magnaguard went for the strike, but Wolfe backed up and kicked the droids lower leg. It was an old model, so the balancing was a little outdated, making the droid trip and stab its companion with the electric staff instead of Wolfe, who narrowly dodged it and, pulling out the deecee, emptied two whole magazines into the Magnaguards before they could recover, dispatching one of them. He made short notice of the now damaged magnaguard by impaling it with the metal rod in the center of the chest. It lay there, twitching on the ground. Wolfe placed the muzzle of the DC-17 to the droids head at fired a few rounds, rendering the robot useless.

He killed two of those things by himself. He had read in one of the books his mentor had given him that it had taken four Republic Commandos to do what he had done. But he understood perfectly, Magnaguards back then must have been something new and maybe frightening. Now, to a normal infantry stormtrooper, it may have been, but to an Imperial Commando and a very, very, powerful Sith Master they were obsolete machines, almost incapable of dealing lethal damage to them.

However, in numbers, the Magnaguards could be a threat. A group of another 3 were approaching the Emperor, so Wolfe tossed two frag grenades at them, one even hitting a magnaguard on the head. They blew up, scoring another two Magnaguards for Wolfe's killcount. He would have to draw the markings later, however, because the magnaguards were spilling out in big numbers.

"My lord" he said into the comms "They outnumber us, but we can take them."


((I recommend reading it with one of the two Mando Battle Chants I put there before, it may go well with it. I think I did a pretty good job, and its a huge as shiet paragraph xD ))
Contrallus smashed most of the patrols with the launched trees, but the magnaguards had dodged them. Six of them charged Contrallus from the front and he began fighting them all at once, moving too fast for the human eye to see clearly. He deflected and slashed down three of them, wounded one, and launched the other two with a teleforce push across the entire forest.

A magnaguard, some sort of upgraded version, launched itself towards Contrallus's back. The Emperor turned and took a step back, the electrostaff barely missing his chest. Another magnaguard launched itself at Contrallus, who jumped early, and managed to send a dive kick down unto the magnaguard's spine as it flew in close, smashing it against the ground and nearly splitting it in two.

Two others rushed Contrallus, and the Lord deflected the two's blows before he shorted them out with force electricity, using his hand to direct it. Teleforce didn't mix with force electricity, not every force ability did.

"My lord, they outnumber us, but we can take them.", Contrallus heard as he cut through another magnaguard. "Agreed, ner vod.", Contrallus would say with a laugh as he deflected another magnaguard's swipe and turned the staff on it's user, striking hard against the magnaguard's skeletal like spinal part, launching it to the left only to be stopped by a tree. The limp droid hit the ground and was decapitated by Contrallus before it managed to get up to strike once more.

Remaining magnaguards adapted and switched to an Ataru form of lightsaber combat, using gymnastics to make their ways up the trees, one by one dropping to attempt to impale one of the two Imperials with enhanced speed using booster packs.

(Heh, I think Dha Werda Verda, aka Warriors of Shadow, fits much more when it comes to action. I feel like Vode An is more like a mourning song for the aftermath of a war or devastating battle where there are few survivors, or for a dramatic 1 v 1 battle / one where there are few people against many opponents, EX: Delta Squad vs Magna Guards or something like that)


X sighed, her father was not picking up, and there were no current jobs being offered to her. She chugged another full glass of Coruscant-shipped ale, nearly falling over in her seat within the Clan's social house.

"Cyar'ika, don't get too batnar...", Go'Vis would mutter over to X. Go'Vis was the father, the buir, of Clan Zellut. He sighed, this wasn't the first time he found X sitting among her brothers of war (the sisters were much too strict to get along with X) nearly about to pass out due to having chugged at least around ten large glasses of some kind of alcohol. It wasn't the first time this week, nor this day.

"Make sure she doesn't drink another glass, or sip, mind you.", Go'Vis whispered to Jarvin, the middle-brother of the Clan. He nodded, and pulled away all the alcohol from X, who reached forwards only to fall forwards and slam against Jarvin's chest. Instead of retracting she just remained there, nearly out of it. Jarvin sighed and stroked her hair, he was the only one of the brothers who didn't like to test and pick on X, and was her definition of big brother, and best friend. "No writing on her face this time, ner vods.", Jarvin would say with a smile as he looked down at X.

"Th..Thanks.. Jarvy..", X said with a drunken giggle. Jarvy was Jarvin's nickname, to his dismay, he was only called that when he was being teased, and he despised the nickname itself, preferring Vin. 
(You can find the meanings to some Mando'a words here http://www.mandoa.org/ )
((Oh yeah, Vode An is more like scenes where they all start singing it in the hangar bay. All the clones, that is. Friggin epic...))

Wolfe looked up as a Magnaguard attempted to impale him. "You believe you can fly, eh, clanker?" He muttered, the comm repeating his message to the Emperor without wanting to. Just before one of the Magnaguards landed on him, he rolled out of the way, but not after planting the metal rod into the ground, not giving the droid enough time to react, it impaled itself on the rod. Wolfe approached the droid and slashed off its limbs with hi vibroblade, leaving the torso there, impaled on the makeshift spike.

He approached the droids staff, which lay on the ground, and picked it up, using his Deecee with his other hand. Three more magnaguards landed around him. He could tell that they had adapted to his way of wielding the metal staff, but not two weapons with both hands. Two of the androids attacked him from the sides, an attack that he easily evaded with his speed. The magnaguards missed each other by an inch, but their reaction time was slow. Wolfe impaled both of them on the ends of the staff, electrocuting them. He blocked a few of the last magnaguards attacks with one of the limp droids, but the droid had adapted and managed to knock the staff out of the clone's hands. Wolfe now only had the Deecee and his vibroblade.

They circled each other, and then the droid struck, Wolfe rolling out of the way and discharging the blaster into the droids unprotected sides. This one, however, reacted much faster and deflected the bolts with the staff.

Wolfe wasn't shocked. The first ones he had killed hadn't adapted to his style of fighting yet, but this one had. He lunged at the droid, parrying its strikes with the flat of the vibroblade, and firing off shots with the Deecee. He backed up and, when the droid attacked, he found that one of its arms was open to damage. He lunged back, confusing the droid, and fired off a few shots that ripped the arm off. The droid staggered back and stared at the commando, who in return ran at him again, and just when the machines staff was about to strike him, Wolfe slid under the attack and slid under the robot's legs. When he came out from the other side, he got up quickly and punched the machine square on the back, ripping a hole in it. The Magnaguard, did not take kindly to this gesture and spun around, kicking Wolfe and sending him flying into a tree. The imperial commando got up and laughed. The robot looked confused as a beeping sound could be heard, a red blinking light emitting from the hole that Wolfe had punched through the droid.

The clone caught himself counting down in mando'a "...ehn... t'ad... solus..." BOOM.

The Magnaguard blew up in a million shards of shrapnel that impaled other droids that had gotten close to it. "Dammit, I lost count..." he said to himself. He crippled another two magnaguards with his deecee. "Buir, there seem to be less and less of them." He said to the emperor, realizing that he had just caught himself calling the supreme leader of the Empire his father. "Sorry sir, my tongue slipped."

((Okay, thats it for tonight. You can answer but I'll respond in the morning or later on. Good night, although I really want to see how the emperor reacts to being called father XDD))

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Lakri chuckled at the boy's question. Of course, being a child, he didn't have the sense to know much more about force-users than there being Sith. He probably didn't even know much about Jedi, considering that he was raised in an orphanage under the Empire.

"No, no, boy. Not a Sith. I am what the Sith fear more than anything else. I am a Gray, and they cannot understand me. And because of that, they will be afraid of me. And soon, they will fear you as well." She answered, giving the boy a mischievous smile. "I am not a Sith, or a Jedi, but something infinitely more powerful. The best of both worlds, if you will."

She released the boy, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulders as she withdrew. He had potential, and she could see that, but she would have to coax it out of him. Fortunately, Lakri was a patient woman when she chose to be. The boy would grow quickly, she would insure it.
"Jedi!" He yelled at the old man, cutting through the ventilation shaft, and landing on the next cart. "I'm here to finish what my master started..."
Gauhrn smiled as he force-pushed Marrks across the room, smashing through a window to fall into the deep mines, smashing into a blob of grotesque bone and flesh jelly, drenched in blood. Gauhrn rushed to Jaskar, slicing against the man's armor repeatedly before his lightsaber pierced through the beskar, cutting deep into Jaskar's side. The blade sizzled, the sound of instant-cauterization, as it slipped half way through his torso.

Jaskar fired one more shot, striking Gauhrn's shoulder. The Jedi growled and kicked Jaskar off of his lightsaber. The barely-living commando fired another shot with his deecee at Gauhrn, only for it to be deflected. The blaster bolt struck Jaskar's head, only burning through his helmet and slightly scarring his face.

"Rangir! For the Empire!", Jaskar yelled, firing automatically at Gauhrn with his deecee, striking the Jedi in surprise a few times, and the Jedi yelled in agony before he managed to begin deflecting, approaching close enough to be able to quickly decapitate the man.

Meanwhile Vel was hiding behind a few crates and dropped his rifle, pulling out a vibrosword. He rushed the General and began quickly fighting with the Jedi, the General's force-enhanced movement and speed was matched by Vel's skill and armor, however skill and armor didn't repair the despair Vel felt after watching his brothers fall.

"You have.. killed my brothers, aalar aaray!", Vel screamed as he charged the General after pushing him back a second before, taking out a thermal detonator as he rushed forwards. The final beep was reached when they were at least one foot away from each other, and a large gush of smoke marked the end of Vel.

The General was bloodied, and now a match for Kyle. "Y.. You are just an apprentice, a fool, a brat!", Gauhrn yelled as he suddenly leapt up in the air and launched himself at Kyle, slashing quickly at him. His old age would give Kyle enough room to dodge and perhaps counter-attack.
"No, no, boy. Not a Sith." Lakri chuckled, and Smichal felt a bit better. "I am what the Sith fear more than anything else. I am a Gray, and they cannot understand me. And because of that, they will be afraid of me. And soon, they will fear you as well." She gave him a rather mischievious smirk, and his eyes widened.

He didn't want to be feared. He just wanted a friend, if he was honest. "I am not a Sith, or a Jedi," Lakri continued, further explaining, which the lad was grateful for, "but something infinitely more powerful. The best of both worlds, if you will." Smichal stared at her curiously, and as she pulled away from him she gave a small pat on the shoulders.

"So..." he mumbled. "Where are we going? A-are going to fight people...?" He looked at the man and Mokta the Hutt, hoping they would say something. He hated feeling like he was wasting Lakri's time, because he knew she had better things to do than reassure some random kid he was fine for the millionth time.

He couldn't help it. No matter how many times he or someone else told him that it was okay, or he was safe, he could just never believe it. However, Lakri had been getting to him, he had to admit. After all, he wasn't scared of her anymore; now it was more of an uneasy trust, if nothing else. But he liked her anyway.
He ducked under him, and dodged rolled to the left. "You killed members of my squad!"he planned to trip him, and stab his heart. He reached for the side of the other one, planning to slice his foot off.
Contrallus raised a brow, buir? Father? He chuckled to himself a little bit, and ignored Wolfe's apology. "You can call me that, if you'd like.", Contrallus said with a low voice, then slashing through the third magnaguard left. The other two began fleeing. "I already have one daughter to call me that."

He sighed in relief as he realized the magnaguards were leaving. He and Wolfe must've killed around fifty, or maybe sixty. Something around that. Contrallus was sweating, however not tired yet. He was too old and powerful to be tired out by such a fight, too experienced.

"You could meet her, sometime..."


Gauhrn would have suddenly leaped into the air and launched himself back with a hard strike with his lightsaber against Kyle's, which hurtled him back against the walls of his room. As he made contact with the durasteel wall he propelled himself across the room again with the force, but this time breaking through the vents and beginning to make his way through them.

He wasn't going to be killed by some Sith, especially an acolyte or apprentice. He wasn't going to be killed this day, or any time soon. Not if he could help it.

The old man sliced his way through multiple barriers in the vents with his lightsaber, and was moving quick with force speed.

"Fool, you've picked the wrong opponent, for I have no honor, and equal the skill and strength of one of your own!", he'd yell out in a boom, laughing after he spoke.
"How sad..." He smiled. "Fallen Jedi... You're not even a Jedi. You're just an old man with a saber...." He ran after him. "Tell me... Which one of your loved ones did my master kill first ?"
Wolfe raised his eyebrows under the helmet as the magnaguards fled. He shot down one of them and watched the rest run away. He smiled at what the Emperor had said to him. "Thank you, buir. I never really had a father figure in my short life, and you are like a father to the whole of the Empirial forces." He cleared his throat when the emperor said something about a daughter. "I... um, thank you sir. Now, what are we supposed to do now? Do we blow up their base?"


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