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Futuristic Star Wars: The New Empire

He looked at the creatures. He looked at Contrallus like a boy getting is first choice of a toy, and wanting to make him proud as well. He looked at all of them with wide eyes, asking them many things, deciding on two designs. He smiled after beholding the the masterpieces.



the first was lightweight an very thin, built for deadly, quick cuts to specific places. The second one was still a bit sharp, but still heavy, and could be separated int two lightweight ones. Staff style was rare these days, and he couldnt decide between classic or new. "Witch one one would you prefer. master? Or can I have both?" He was soo full of glee
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"Both is fine.", Contrallus said with a hint of glee at the end of his voice. He seemed to be happy, if there was ever a gesture of it. The two weapons were weapons that Contrallus would favor, showing that his training had seriously rubbed off on Kyle.

Contrallus could use all weapons, however, this much was publicly known. He knew all forms of lightsaber combat and even had his own, especially favoring Vaapad, Mace Windu's personal style, along with Ataru, the more agile and gymnastic sort of combat form. Vaapad being one purely based on power, harnessing the darkness of your enemy and yourself and converting it into power... only Contrallus had mastered it to also do this to the light side of the Force, making it even more powerful. Especially on Jedi, the dark side mainly being focused on himself for power and in case a Sith were to fight him.

The Ugnaughts were already nearly done, crafting it quickly but clearly skillfully as well.
"Really master!!" He said, smiling. "Can we test them out afterwards?" He didn't know Vaapad, and only knew a little of Ataru. He knew the most basic form of attacks, and the droids never felt the same...
Contrallus nodded, and the sabers were done. The Ugnaughts presented them, and Contrallus turned over to Elizabeth, the Ugnaughts preparing the materials for her saber.

It was her turn to do it. The pig-like creatures would squeal and snort as they began to ask her how she'd like it to be made. As ugly and weird as they were their craftsmanship with Kyle's was very respectable. Their products were known to sell for many credits in the Banking Clan's auction houses.
One side with a black blade and the other gold. Elizabeth explained the design to the creatures. She liked a dual sided weapon that had the capability on being used with one hand or being used as two separate weapons. Veertook had taught her in the ways of Vaapad and Ataru, with her specialty being Ataru, where as Sin was more suited for Vaapad and a weapon such as this suited her best.

And a second design entered her head that she thought would work well for the both of them. A katana was an elegant weapon that was also extremely deadly if handled by an expert, so she went ahead and ordered them to make her this style weapon as well. The color of this one being white.

She smiled as the first set of weapons were done for her new brother, happy to see his excitement, and a bit anxious to see them finish up her weapons as well.
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The Ugnaughts were precise to every detail, and were done in mere minutes. Contrallus smiled as the tiny creatures handed Elizabeth her weapons, and he was convinced that he had showed them just how significant the most unusual things could be. That lesson would be useful, especially when it came to sizing up enemies.

"Your first training session will be more of a mission. Follow me.", Contrallus would say, walking out of the doors and into the hallway. He took out his HoloPad and flashed it up into the air above, showing a large 3D image.

He'd wait for the two to gather.

"You two will help a group of Imperial Commandos infiltrate a Resistance outpost, kill the rebels within, and hunt down General Vehllus and General Gauhrn, two Jedi Masters who have betrayed the Empire. Kyle, you will take Gauhrn, and Elizabeth, you will take down Vehllus. The Commandos will cover you two and take out the minor terrorists.", he'd say, pausing afterwards.

The 3D image showed a compound of sorts, most likely a factory made for mining, and it had the location written below the image. Jor Deel, Outer Rim. The compound looked heavily fortified, but with makeshift things. There were many terrorists visible and a town was nearby, seemingly under Imperial control. They obviously had them pinned, and needed the right people to finish them off without even a chance of failure. 
(Let's wait for the other peeps to post AKA slow down a little.)
"Yours are so cool!" He he looked at his sisters, smiling. "What's the design of that one...?" He looked at the strange white one. "I've heard of that one... It's called a kaaaa...kkaana ?" He was not a history buff. 
(Sorry xD and I edited mine.)
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Smichal had been a bit uneasy ever since the weird feeling had left him and he'd regained control of himself. He was now extremely wary of the woman, and the man too for good measure. They seemed to be trying to outwit each other at first, and the boy could almost feel the hostility in the air as the two conversed.

At one point, quite early on, the woman flicked her wrist a bit, revealing about the tip of the hilt of...a lightsaber. This made Smichal very afraid, and he shivered, trying to stay composed. He didn't think she was a Sith, but he knew they were wily people, and not ones to be messed with. What would a Sith want with him anyway?

The man placed a hand on his shoulder, and he almost jumped, instead straightening, both surprised and confused and even a little scared. As he did so, though, he felt a twinge in the back of his mind, similar to the one he had felt earlier, though he made no movement or made any sign that he had felt anything at all.

Eventually, the heaviness in the air seemed to disperse as the woman relaxed and said something about darts and Imperials and neutral something and Rebels and quarreling, which he figured meant she was not a Sith, and neither was the man, luckily. The woman beckoned for the boy and the man to follow, and Smichal was unsure what to do.

The man seemed to be cooperating with her, following, though the boy could tell he was still not completely trusting of this woman. Smichal was too afraid to protest, and he had nowhere else to go. He had no other options, and he knew the woman had intended it that way. As for why, he was still not sure.

He walked beside the man; he was more comfortable near him, at least for now, and he could feel a rather large and ominous presence inside the woman's dwelling as the group approached. He knew what it was, of course--the Hutt they had seen earlier--but nonetheless the mere thought made him shiver with fright.

As he entered the place, he took note that it wasn't a particularly nice place (not that he would know or be one to judge, seeing as he had hardly ever been inside at all, much less a particularly nice place). They were led to the basement, where he saw the few odd bits of furniture the woman had had lying around. He saw her sitting and was unsure what to do next.
Contrallus gazed at the Holo Image and nodded at the two. He then brought up another image, these two, however one at a time. Contrallus would begin to explain about the first one before he'd bring up the second.


"Master Gauhrn, now known as General Gauhrn, the left hand man of the AR. He is known for his combat skills and his force abilities, however his age will lead to his death. He has a yellow lightsaber, knows all forms of lightsaber combat, however his skill in ataru is dull. His weakness is rage, anger him, remind him of the execution of his order, and he will become as a Sith, however this will cause him to strike out recklessly, use this to execute him.", he'd say towards Kyle. Contrallus flashed off the image and showed off a new one.


"Master Vehllus, or General Vehllus of the Resistance. She was once Gauhrn's apprentice but had rose to Master by the time of the Order's downfall. She is courageous and hardheaded, however this does not stop her from connecting to the force. She knows all lightsaber forms except for Soresu. Vehllus is not so good in her force abilities, however is better then the average Jedi. Her weakness will be her courage, lead her somewhere and best her with the force, that will end her.", Contrallus would say back to Elizabeth. After he had presented the two targets he closed off the HoloImages and gazed at the two. "You two will go in your ships, decide on a point to land and then on a plan. Failure is not an option, and will result... in some kind of punishment, but I highly doubt that you two will fail."
Kyle looked at his master as he was leaving for the hangar. "Master?" He said, looking at him. "What was the execution...Rather, the execution he carried it out in..."
Contrallus nodded, and would sigh as he began to speak.

"Back before I was Emperor, when I was a Sith Master, and had the newly founded and emerged New Sith Order at my back, I had assaulted on the Jedi Temple. Our spies crushed them from the inside and let our entire order in to kill the wounded Jedi who had been injured by planted bombs that had been detonated right before the siege began. We executed almost every Jedi, however few escaped and others off planet survived. A few days after that we had managed to overthrow and take over the Republic and had founded the New Empire..." Contrallus would tell Kyle as if it had happened yesterday, like the memories were new and fresh, however they were many decades old. Everyone knew Contrallus was a cyborg, meaning he'd live much, much longer, however no one knew his exact age as a human.

"Many Jedi still dwell over it, and that will be their end..", Contrallus said with confidence, and he looked back at a guard. "Get ready to move, I need to visit a few politicians on New Alderaan."
He bowed. "Your will be done." He went into the hangar, looking at the troopers. He saw his squad, Reaver Squad


"You four..." he pointed to the 'shineys', troopers fresh off the batch. Which was good for him. Dispensable. He pointed to their bulky, defensive ships, with hi- caliber rounds. Best be prepared.


He went into his own, personally designed ship, sleek and stealthy, built for speed and infiltration.

Lakri's eyes narrowed at the sound of the Hutt's voice. She had never been particularly fond of the overgrown worms. "You offend me, Hutt. I have no reason to kill you as of yet, and I would prefer to keep it that way. Besides, you said you had an offer that may be.. mutually beneficial. Now, speak." She said, ushering him on with a hand gesture. She had little time and two others to speak with.

"Ho ho ho," the Hutt chuckled. "The jeeday falter, my father watched two jeeday 'Republics' fall to the plans of a few Sith. The Resistance is foolish and disorganized, the Rebel Alliance would have failed but for the incompetence of the Sith. The new Emperor is mad and as incompetent as the last Sith, he destroyed a planet that has been uninhabited for four hundred years."

Mokta grinned. "But you, jeeday, you understand. The jeeday and Sith are not leaders. The Hutt are leaders. Jeeday are weapons. You accept your place. The Hutt wish to remove the Emperor, but we are not so bound by the honor of the jeeday and the Resistance." He folded a few feet of his body over his tail, coming to rest eye-to-eye with the rogue Jedi. "This war will end quickly."

She quirked an eyebrow as the Hutt explained, although she was taking him completely seriously. "The Jedi are zealous fools and the Sith are murderous fools. It is, as you have explained, no surprise to me that both have fallen to the other on multiple occasions. This galaxy needs a leader, or at least to depose the current one. I take it you wish to be the replacement, then, Hutt Mokta?" She asked, eyeing him up slowly.

"Can't be any worse than Contrallus. So what's the plan, Hutt? The Resistance doesn't have much time left, and they're the best distraction we've got."

"I expect my family to be given a priveleged position in the Hutt Grand Council, yes." The Hutt stifled another laugh. "And the plan is simple, jeeday: the Death Star is destroyed, the Mandalorians kill every Sith they can find, Contrallus unconditionally surrenders the Empire to the Grand Council. Then you kill Contrallus." The giant gastropod sounded entirely serious.

"You expect the people of Mandalore to betray the Sith? They've served quite contently for some time now. Does the Hutt Council have the funds to outmatch the Imperials?" Lakri asked, mildly concerned about that particular arrangement. "The rest of this plan sits perfectly fine with me, Hutt. Particularly making Contrallus' head roll."

"Many people have built superweapons, even some misguided Hutt. They all fail, too easy to destroy. Particularly if you are wiser and less foolish than the jeeday. The Mandalorians follow our orders because we ransom Mandalore. They join us, or we destroy Mandalore the same way we destroy the Death Star."

"I like the way you think, Hutt. I accept your offer, and hope it brings us both a tidy profit. The name is Lakri, in case you have some sort of verbal contract." She nodded curtly, then continued. "But I have two other.. ventures, to attend to for the time being. Please, pardon me, Hutt Mokta."

Lakri grinned. This Hutt meant business, as most Hutts did. They would discuss specifics later, but for now she had other people to attend to. Like the man and apprentice-prospect. She turned her gaze towards each of them, waiting for one of them to approach her and speak.

(This post was made collaboratively, I PM'd with Mokta to discuss dialogue.)
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Tak busied himself checking their meeting area for bugs or other forms of traps. He listened to the Hutt and force user discuss some conspiracy. This was how it started. He remembered his own world and how people talked with high ideals but little thought. He held his tongue as the Hutt denounced his rebellion and continued checking the room thoroughly. The Hutt went on explaining it's plan and Tak mentally poked holes in it as he went on. The force user turned away and Tak concealed his pad after his scans were comeplete.

"Neither of you have been in a real resistance." He said turning coldly to the force user. "And you lack basic understanding of this galaxies pecking order. Mandalorians aren't a conventional army or planet to be taken or sold. Mandalorians do as they need to survive or conquer. Their planet is nothing but a resource, their homes are on your grave if you try to hold them for ransom. That's not even factoring in the Mando Knights. The Empire is their home and they won't abandon it." Tak explained in a cruel tone.

He had faced the Mandalorians when they swept through Qiilura. They had no hearts. They killed those who stood in their way and took what they needed to remain in existence. They certainly wouldn't be ransomed by some force user and a Hutt.
"Neither of us have been in a real resistance because yours is weak and slow to act. Perhaps without the Jedi you could accomplish something, but they are too high in rank. If you want something done, you be direct. Assassinations, objective destruction. The Mando knights cannot be dealt with, but those on Mandalore have no choice but to listen. I am not above destroying a planet, kid. If it brings the Empire down, I will gladly detonate a virus bomb on Coruscant. Your "resistance" doesn't have what it takes to win this war and I think you know that." Lakri replied, her eyes fixing on the apparent rebel.

"If Mandalore must burn, it shall burn. Man, woman, and child. I am no Jedi, and I am no Sith. Just someone who gets the job done. Much like yourself, I'd think. You're clearly not some front line grunt, which makes you important. A spy, then?" She asked, giving the man a more inquisitive look-over than earlier.
"Vaporizing a planet as well as innocent life to bring down the empire is no better than the Empire doing it to bring down the resistance." Tak ignored her inquiry to who he was. He had no intention of revealing himself fully here after this information. "War is for soldiers and politicians, not simple people. If you go on with your plan of mass destruction, you'll be seen as a terrorist regime and done away with by another resistance. You have to win over the common people while removing the enemy."

Tak began reminding himself of Qiilura. So many simple people who had no place in the war were killed. Too much suffering. If this Hutt and force user were planning on killing everyone in their path up to the emperor, Tak would die here trying to stop them. Nobody would massacre innocent people, not the resistance nor the empire nor some basement group of conspirators.
"The Empire destroyed another planet, hours ago. Billions of lives, Rebel. Billions. Do you know why?" She asked, making the question more rhetorical than questioning.

"Because, somewhere on that planet, there were a few people like you. Terrorists, according to the Empire. They destroyed a whole planet to take out some of you. And what kind of response has your pathetic Resistance mustered? A few minor skirmishes, some assassinations, and a couple sabotages. You can't win a war like this through terrorism. People will die, by the billions, if we let this war go on. You may say I have no right to take the lives of an entire planet, but this Hutt and I know I have no right to let them live. Not if killing them saves a dozen other planets from the same." Lakri countered, her eyes practically aflame.

"I'm giving you a choice, Rebel. You leave this place and stay out of our way, or you do something meaningful. I ask that you help us, Rebel. Help us avenge billions, and save billions more."
"I will help only to destroy only the empire, nothing else. Regular people will be spared as well as their planets." Tak stood firm and refused to back down from his ideals.

"You need someone like me more than you can imagine. I've fought like this before and I know what needs to be done for this to be a success. I know targets that can cripple the empire to be destroyed and how to do it. I know how to get the support you want from the Mandalorians." Tak felt for the pommel of the small force spike he kept in his sleeve. It would buy him time if he could move fast enough. "If you want to send a message to the emperor and rally people behind you, you have to do something big. The empire has a station where they've been build massive Keldabe class ships. Those are the ones that are basically one big cannon covered in smaller cannons they build for the Mandalorian admirals. They launch invasions from these things and clear out the inside of most cruisers in one shot. The station has all manner of tech as well. Stealing from the station then blasting it will put us at a better vantage point to assault the emperor. Think of it as the first step on a trail to the emperor."

Tak explained this objective hoping that she would take it as acceptable. This would help in a lead up to bringing down the emperor. Mandalorians would see the vulnerability of the empire and make for easier negotiations. The empire would be crippled in making these death carriers and it would provide a launching platform to take out another target.

"If we can hijack enough tech and firepower, we can persuade the unaligned Mandalorians to our side and gather a force of rebels. We can launch an assault on a Sith temple and remove it before the Emperor can come after us. We build more support and remove planets from his control until you can personally remove his head." Tak put together this rough plan quickly just using his own sense. "Removing the emperor is one thing, but removing his influence is another. We can remove both if we do this right."
"Narrow-minded. But confirmed as a Rebel spy, certainly. Which at least means I don't have to kill you, thankfully enough." Lakri muttered, tapping her feet on the floor.

"Tell me, what is your concern with the lives of civilians? The Empire considers them expendable. The moral high ground does not win a war, just ask the foolish Jedi. They've lost more than one war because of their strict adherence to lofty ideals." She rolled her eyes and stood up, pacing back and forth a few steps.

"Ram the station with a hijacked cruiser. Fewer casualties on our side, same damage inflicted, the Empire learns that no where is safe. And then, with or without you, I could very well do the same to Coruscant and crush the Emperor inside his home. The Sith are already disloyal, and the Emperor's death will send them into turmoil. Cut off the head of this particular snake, and it will eat itself alive without our intervention. The only reason they're managing at all right now is because of their near-Jedi emperor anyway. Shame on the Sith for calling him one of their own."
The Hutt laughed openly. "Kava doompa stoopa, tah-koh tee womp rat e'nachu! The Mandalore are an army, and no army will allow their source of food and supplies be destroyed. Moreover, they are mercenaries. When the first Death Star was destroyed during the time of my grandfather, the Imperial credit plummeted in value overnight. The same will happen here. Hutt currency will remain strong. Mandalore will follow the money. Threatening the planet is secondary."

"Besides, human, history shows that no matter who overthrows the former 'evil' regime, they will be welcomed with open arms, at least for a time. The Skywalker's and Solo's were inept as leaders when the Galactic Empire fell, but they were heroes for killing the Emperor. If not for the hubris of the Vong and weaponization of the jeeday, the Vong would have taken the galaxy from them."

He rotated towards the rogue Jedi. "Grancha, jeeday. Great minds. The simplest way to kill all life on any large object is all around us. We simply need a hyperdrive engineer to perform minor modifications to a vessel. We may even be able to reclaim the station afterwards, or at least salvage it for material."
Smichal hadn't spoken a word since entering the woman's home, and he didn't intend to. He was too scared, and he wanted to leave. The Hutt and the woman talked for a while about a lot of things that the young boy didn't understand, while he and the man stood awkwardly around, waiting for them to finish up.

Once they had, the man and the woman began to talk to each other, and if Smichal was a normal teenaged boy he would have sighed and rolled his eyes. However, he was mostly terrified of what would happen if he did. So he simply stood there, watching, waiting. He thought about leaving, but he knew the woman would find him, and then she'd be mad...that is, if they didn't find him first.

He shuddered mentally at the thought, and suppressed a tear just thinking about the wretched place. Come to think of it, they were probably still out there, searching for him. One unknowing person might believe they were looking for him because they cared for his welfare, but that was not the case. To them, he was nothing more than a workhorse (in our terms), and he hated it.

The Hutt piped up again after a while, adding to the adults' conversation, and Smichal frowned. He still wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't interrupt, but he couldn't leave, and sitting down or making himself feel comfortable was out of the question. He shuffled his feet and adjusted his coat a bit instead.
The boy was radiating negativity, that much was clear. Lakri wouldn't have had to be a force-user to detect his distress, but the added help certainly made it clear that he was not having a good time. She put on her best face, one she had learned with the Jedi to use when addressing younglings, and made her approach.

"I'm sorry, child. I know this is difficult, but you'll appreciate it later." She said softly, then touched the boy's shoulder. All she needed was contact with the cloth, and she saw years of the boy's life flash by in a matter of seconds. Her smile turned to a frown almost instantly.

"You've had it tough, boy. But adversity breeds heroes, and I can teach you to be one. You're different from the other boys and girls, you know. Truly special. You just don't know quite how, yet. One little test and I can find out just how special you are. May I take a blood sample? It won't hurt at all, I promise." Lakri said, producing a small syringe from one of her pockets.
"The Solos and Skywalkers never committed genocidal attrocities to achieve their goals." Tak hissed at the Hutt. "And get this straight Hutt. Mandalorians are not an army to be controlled unless united under the Mand'alor. The Knights fight as an army for the empire because they believe that is their way of life. The emperor is the leader of their clan and they follow orders as organized savage killers. The other clans are loyal to themselves first and always. Their planet is nothing but a resource. They don't get supplies from it other than Beskar and they have enough of that mined up to last them a long time. You can hire mercenaries with your money but you won't ransom them. Their planet is a barren rock with some families and older mercenaries trying to find peace."

Tak pulled out his pad and brought up the schematic of Tel-Dak station and the Keldabe cruiser. "I'm your engineer, Hutt and I'm the best you're going to get. My price is that we keep this conflict between fighters. Otherwise, I'm free and won't cost you anything. I can fight and fix or modify anything you need. You won't get a better deal."
Meanwhile the Empire had entered a time of no-blowing up planets, and Contrallus had flew off to his Death Star. His ship was armed and defended to the teeth, and was filled to the brink with guards, however it's main feature was how fast it went, and in just a few seconds Contrallus found his ship docking within one of the Death Star's hangars. Kinks of being an Emperor.

A news reported came up to him and asked him a few questions, and were only allowed to publish three unto live news.

"What is your purpose as Emperor?"

"It's a game, of course. I find politics and warfare much more tolerable if you think of it as a game. I'm not saying the lives that are being lost and the tensions are funny, of course, but I'm simply stating that it is much more... calming if you think of it all as some kind of complex game."

"What will be your next move?"

"Increasing our funds and exploring new sections of the Galaxy, I will also tighten security due to the recent organization known as the Resistance's hostility against galactic safety."

"Could you give us a little bit of personal information?"

"I was once a bioengineer and human, however due to accidents I was to eventually become a cyborg. I was also once a member of a clan from Mandalore, and you can see that in my fondness to the great people. The greatest thing about the Mandalorians is that they're not a race, but an idea. You cannot kill an idea, and due to that the Mandalorians are immortal. One final fact about me is that I refuse to label myself as a Sith, I am no Sith or Jedi, but a force-user, however I prefer Sith culture and I embrace it, therefore I am a Sith Lord by title."

After the interview Contrallus had walked off towards his meeting room, exhausted but happy in a sense. He got to tell the galaxy more about him, and being honest was his specialty.

-Galactic News-

Mobs on multiple planets were put to arrest and a few even were shot down by authorities. Gangs in Nar Shaddaa are being eliminated one by one by the Empire and Resistance in a treaty, simply a publicity stunt used by the Emperor to show that the Imperials were able to conduct peace. However he allowed his troops to open fire after the job was done and tapes were edited to show the Resistance opening fire, attempting to sway galactic minds unto the Empire's side.

More footage was edited to show the Resistance bombing and killing civilians, and more. People are beginning to once again support the Empire, however loyal Resistance supporters are still with them, suspecting hoaxes.

A shipyard above New Ju'Wanni, the newest and recently the most fuel-producing Outer-Rim colony, has been shot up by a few terrorists calling themselves 'Resistance'. Fifty-one people were shot and killed, three killed in by a planted explosive, and one hundred and four injured. Resistance negotiators convince the press that the men were not Resistance and were simply labeling themselves as them.

Another Death Star is under construction, and is publicly announced as to be a back-up and a second headquarters to the Empire. It's main resource will be Beskar, from the ever-loyal Imperial center, Mandalore. Clan Skirata is now being trusted as one of the head clans of the Empire and of Mandalore, and will be in charge of offensive and defensive units on and orbiting Mandalore.


Kyle's ship finally hit the dirt below, at least one mile away from the factory. It was noticeably a ship factory, and that meant a lot of explosions if they were clumsy enough, and this was supposed to be a stealth mission, at least until they killed their target.

The team stood behind Kyle, ready for orders. They were all armed with the standard Imperial outfitting, Beskar Plate armor, along with custom weapons of various types.

"Ready, sir", their leader, Jaskar, would say in a nervous tone. They had never been on a mission, however passed on Kamino with flying colors. They had the standard voice around the pitch of Jango Fett, the ancient Mandalorian Bounty Hunter. Their armor mimiced that of a Mando's, however looked much more orderly.

(A few new characters by me will be up sometime, one will be a Resistance, another will be a rogue Jedi (Dark Jedi to be technical, looking at you Vuduku), and one more will be one of the Empire's most important Officers.)

(Info about Factory has been added)
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