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Futuristic Star Wars: The New Empire

As Elizabeth was cruising through the skies her holocom rang, and upon answering it she was surprised to see who it was that was ontacting her. Lord Contrallus, now there's a call I wasn't expecting she thought as she put the car in auto-pilot. She figured it was only a matter of time before she'd probably have to answer for the death of her adoptive father, but she wasn't expecting the call to come from the man himself.

She was a bit nervous about the call and even being one who loved a challenged she wasn't too psyched about a 1-on-1 with this man, but she quickly cleared her mind. Perhaps he would be impressed with her feat, seeing as how she hand handled him with relative ease and dispatched of him in a quick yet honorable fashion.

As the holocom connected Elizabeth straightened herself up, "Lord Contrallus," she said acknowledging the connection and to whom she was speaking, not sure what else to say.
Lord Contrallus smiled as she picked up, "Please, just call me Contrallus.", he responded. It was informal for someone to call a lord by just their name, but he was insisting on it. "I have an open job for someone, it goes by the name of Apprentice. I also have a deal for you.", he'd say with an alluring tone.

Contrallus then began to speak once more. "In one year I will give you the seat of the Emperor, so long as you accept my offer. Along with a suite in the Republica 500 Tower, and your own custom lightsaber, built from my personal smiths.", he'd finish.

Contrallus was tired of being bored, his job was over anyway, he had resurrected a dead culture, and he had brought down the Jedi. Meanwhile the Royal Guards were trying to restrain Kyle.
He got angered. "Get your hands off me!" He yelled, cutting off their hands, pushing them on the walls so hard it would snap. He looked over to see the deal going down. "He..." He mutters. "What does he have that I don't, huh! I have anger! I have passion!!" He yelled. "You're a blind old fool!" He yelled. "I have been denied everything!! My family, my title! !!" He yelled, the ship ripping itself from the force push. "You will not take this from me!!!"
Elizabeth was a bit taken aback by the casual nature by which this information was handed to her. The position of Emperor!?! That was an insane thought to her, but at the same time she was intrigued. The apprenticeship that came with this was more than she could have imagined, she would be going from one master to another even more powerful teacher, the offer was too much for someone like her to even second guess.

"Lor-...I mean Contrallus," it still felt a bit weird to just call him by his name without his title, "I humbly and gratefully accept your offer." she said with a hungry grin crossing her face. On top of all the training she would recieve that would further her power, she would get a suite at the Republica 500 Tower, a custom saber, and undoubtedly become a target of everyone, which meant that she'd have a nearly unlimited supply of targets of her own. "When and where shall we begin?" she asked trying to hide her excitement as best she could.
Contrallus turned around and kept the Holo Pad held in his left hand, his right hand gripping a pitch black light saber, with a light whip in the bottom of the hilt. He whipped at Kyle multiple times with the light whip. He wasn't even trying, but he could still fight at the skill of any other usual Sith Master. That was the benefit of his secret Bio Technology. Perhaps he should share that with Elizabeth...

Meanwhile he was speaking to Elizabeth. "It depends, do you wish to come to me or for me to come to you?", he asked as he struck out at Kyle.
He blocked some of the blows, but was hit by most, with a lot of cuts and bruises from them. "I saved up everything to be an apprentice!" He got knocked back, "I just want to learn..." He was smacked again, leaving a cut on his lip, bleeding profusely. "So...I can have my vengeance on the Jedi !!"
Elizabeth played with the automated system inside her vehicle setting a course for the Republica 500 Tower, "Setting a course for the Tower, I'll be there shortly." she said as she took over the manual controls of the vehicle and began to haul ass through the sky toward her destination. She hadn't really had any particular course of action when it came to dealing with the Jedi that Veertook had been watching, but this opportunity was going to ensure that she had all the possible chances to get her hands dirty again...and soon. Nothing like a good fight to keep her going.

The entire drive to the tower she wondered what being an apprentice under the Emperor would be like, and visualized it as grueling and taxing as ever, however the outcome would by far would pay a thousand fold for all the hardships that were probably in stored for her. She was genuinely excited about this opportunity, and could feel that Sin was just as anxious and excited as her. "I'll be there in 5 minutes." she said as she put the thrusters to their maximum output.
Contrallus sighed as he was whipping at him. "Who said I was disowning you, Kyle?", he asked as the onslaught continued. It was kind of like practice, only Contrallus was going much harder on him. "See you here.", he'd call out to Elizabeth.

"Besides, you both hate Jedi, or so I assume.", he'd say with a smile. More Sith did, so he would just guess.

The nearby Royal Guards were standing by, ready to fight if they were called to do so. The tension was rising as their staves were getting in a offensive stance.

"Plus, you don't want the seat of Emperor do you? Only to kill the Jedi..."
"I..." He looked up. "I am your servant... " he bowed, even though it hurt to due to all the blows. "I... I let my rage overcome me master... I want to kill all the Jedi, yes... But i thought I could be more after my job is complete... I want to know the ways of the force too..." He looked down.
Elizabeth swerved and dodged her way through the air traffic as she made her way toward the tower. A few minutes later she had parked herself outside the front of the huge building, and before exiting her vehicle decided to put her helmet on, full dress would be the way to go for her first meeting with Contrallus.

"I've just arrived outside, I'm heading into the lobby of the tower soon." she said as she shut down her transport and exited the vehicle, taking a moment to stare at the exquisite tower before her. "Apprenticeship with the title of Emperor in a years time, that's a lot to take on...don't you think?" Sin's voice rang in the back of her mind, temporarily pulling her attention from the building. She shrugged off the voice and began to head for the tower's front doors, she knew that Sin was overjoyed with these turn of events. Nothing like being trained by the highest seat and then eventually having that seat to make a Sith feel all warm and bloodthirsty inside, and with a slight chuckle underneath her mask, she began to ascend the steps of the tower toward their doors.
"It's okay", Contrallus said as he held back another blow. "Besides, we should focus on the real enemy, the Resistance, and the Jedi. And if you ever wanted a sister, think of her as so.", he said with a sigh as he looked around at the injured guards. "Let's hope she's as skilled as I thought she was.", Contrallus said as he picked up a nearby guard and healed him.

It was a long day for everyone in the galaxy.

Meanwhile the Empire were tearing through the remaining Nautolan military, and the more rebellious planets were not taking it well the the Empire, who simply killed a few of their people to shut them up.

As Elizabeth arrived the guards split apart when she stepped towards them. They'd follow with a bow as she passed.
He looked at his new sister, and smiled a bit inside. "Family..." He muttered underneath his breath, feeling more relaxed, he passed out on the floor due to his injuries. He was a young boy at heart, due to his parents taken away from him at a young time. Contrallus would see that now, if not before...
Elizabeth smirked from beneath her mask as the guards split and bowed as she passed and as she walked through them she could feel a heaviness that was slowly subsiding in the Force as if a skirmish had taken place. Elizabeth could feel Sin clawing to break loose at the back of her mind to be set free, but she kept her cool and kept her mind strong and clear until she was able access the situation. She had undoubtedly agreed to let Sin handle their next encounter and thought that it might be a possibility that her abilities be put on display soon, and although she looked forward to the opportunity, it came both as a sweet and sour feeling. On one hand, she had promised Sin the next fight, which would help quell her dark passenger, and on the other hand she was a bit ticked off that she would have to sit on the sidelines for the next event. She looked at the young man who had hit the floor and then to Contrallus. "Have I interrupted?" she said as she took in the scene before her.
Lakri grinned at the man's decision to cooperate. She knew he still felt threatened, as evidenced by his insistence on keeping a weapon ready. In an attempt to ease his fears, she hid her saber. After all, it was only one of her weapons, considering her Force capabilities.

"You can put away the dart. If you were an Imperial, you would have used it already. Which means you're either a neutral party or a Rebel, and I have no quarrel with either." She commented, not even looking in his direction as he spoke. She eyed the boy over one more time, examining the fear and hesitation in his eyes. She would make him strong.

Figuring the boy would follow out of the combination of fear and lack of other options, she stretched out her legs a little before turning around and heading for the hotel complex, figuring the Hutt was getting rather impatient by now. She would address him first, then the unidentified man, and then the child. The boy would need the most time, in all likelihood, so he would come last.

She led the way inside, down into a sparsely furnished basement. There was little of note; only a few piles of crates, a bed, a few foldable chairs, and a lockbox. She took a seat and awaited the others.
Kathna's car swerved through Courscant's traffic, closely followed by a second vehicle carrying the droids. The convoy were en-route to the spaceport, at high speed. Kathna turned to watch the Holoscreens mounted on the buildings they were passing. No news of Jedi aside from the Sith Killer. None yet.

The Jawa leant over to tap Unit 02 on the shoulder.

"Inform the Command Unit that we're inbound," Kathna said sharply in Jawaese.

"Tell it to withdraw the surveillance droids, and gather its team at the ship. We're leaving."

"Roger Roger," The droid intoned, before raising a hand to its head and reciting Kathna's message over the radio.

The Jawa spotted the Space Port ahead, a felt a wave of relief wash over him.

The assassins are no doubt within the Republica building by now. Hopefully the Sith will be too busy dealing with them than arresting me."

The car stopped, and the Jawa and droid climbed out. A moment later, the occupants of the second car joined them.

"Form up around me." Kathna ordered to them, eyes scanning the crowds for Imperial troops over and over again.

"Be on the lookout for any Sith. Should any try to detain us, cover my escape."

Hopefully it won't come to that. Kathna thought. He was fonder than most of droids. Ideally, his battledroids wouldn't have to lay down their existence for the sake of one, careless deal with Jedi.
Mokta watched the exchange with the child with disinterest. A negotiating technique he was not unfamiliar with. Make the other party think you have better things to do. Fortunately, Hutts are very patient creatures. In a blink of his inner eyelid, the conversation was over and the Jedi was leading her new guests inside.

"Achute, my pee kasa Mokta. I am Mokta the Hutt." His massive eyes narrow. "We can trust our new friends, I take it?" Feigning being busy was one thing, but actually bringing the other party along for negotiation, and some little bukee? The jedi is escalating towards outright rudeness. Perhaps they will get along, after all. He moistened his lips. "The Council will know if I am killed, jeeday, no funny business."
Contrallus looked over at Elizabeth as she came into view and laughed. "No, we were just finished. This will be your new... brother of sorts, I hope you two will get along..", he said in a worried tone. "But anyway, it is nice to finally meet you."

With that Contrallus approached and bowed to Elizabeth, something a Lord would never usually do to anyone below him, especially an Emperor. Contrallus was obviously the kindest Sith Lord in recorded history, or so it would seem anyway. He looked back up at her as he rose, and then would shift his gaze to the right, at the HoloNews, but then back at Elizabeth. It seemed that the Emperor had a lot of things on his mind, especially since he had just ordered the execution of billions of lives, but he was saying nothing, he had an aura of coldness to him, not an anger or evil kind of coldness, but an inability to feel at the right moments.

This Emperor got his throne by brains, not brawn. However different HoloVids of him killing off multiple Jedi would suggest he had the power to follow the intelligence. The perfect mixture, reinforced by the magic of Bio-engineering.
Kyle looked at her, with a warm, inviting smile, even through all those injuries. "H..H..." He stammered due to the injuries. "Hello..." He outstretched his hand.
Elizabeth was even more shocked as the Emperor bowed to her, this action had certainly caught her off guard, but feeling well out of place in the situation she returned the bow in kind. As she stood back up, listening to his words, she looked down at her "brother in arms". "The pleasure is all mine, Lord Contrallus." She returned to talking formally.

She could feel the cold aura he admitted but it wasn't a hostile bloodthirsty one, but more of a black hole hole of nothing...a giant void of feeling and emotion. She then turned her attention to her downed brother as he spoke, and as he outstretched his hand she considered helping him up.
"If you're to be my brother, I expect you to not look as bad as you do right now," she turned her attention back to Contrallus while still talking to the boy on the floor, "Now pick yourself up already." her tone wasn't condescending or mean, yet even and to the point. Clearly he had bitten off more than he could chew and under the circumstances didn't lose his life, but since he was still alive she would treat him as asked.
"Yes..." He smiled. He walked over to the nearby medical droid within the suite, which treated only cuts and bruises like he had.. He sat down on the operating table. It whirred to life, treating them with quick precision.
Contrallus would watch the two and study them, every motion, every physical sign. His mind drifted to reality as he focused more on Elizabeth. "So, how about that custom lightsaber, and the suite's design, of course.", he'd ask, you could tell he'd be smiling if he didn't always have to have his suit on.

He had a generally caring aura to him when he focused on Kyle and Elizabeth, he seemed like a logical man, but not one who could not feel. It were two opposites mixed, but somehow they blended well within the Emperor. Contrallus looked pretty intimidating physically however, due to his suit and his stature.
"May I have one as well, emperor?" He said, through the anesthesia mask that he put on to dull the pain. He viewed the emperor as his father, and treated him as such. "I want to strike them down with my own blade...."
Elizabeth grinned beneath her mask, "It would be an honor," she bowed her head at Emperor. The thought of a brand new custom-made light saber was thrilling, a new teacher and new tech to go along with it...the signs of a start toward something new.
Contrallus would nod, "It is about time you had something other then a normal saber, something more rare, like my whip...", he'd say with pleasure towards Kyle. "Now follow.", he'd say, directed to both of them.

They went through many hallways, and eventually would reach a sealed durasteel door that opened after Contrallus typed in a code that was very long, yet he did it super fast, obviously using the Force. The door slid open to reveal a few tiny Ugnaughts, known for their obsession with carbonite and engineering. They quickly bowed and asked in their snorting and squealing...

"What would you like us to do?"

"Follow these two's instructions and craft them lightsabers.", Contrallus said simply, stepping into a nearby corner to watch. This might be amusing, considering how easily irritated these Ugnaughts could be.

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