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Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

Goddess Nebula

Queen of the Night Sky
Let me paint you the scene in which you find yourself in.

A strange white creature approaches you and looks you in the eyes. You stare at it confused, trying to figure out what it is, A cat? A raccoon? Before you can determine what it is, it Speaks to you. "I can grant you one wish, and in return I can turn you into a Magical Girl/Guy" You stand in shock at what you hear. For a Single Wish, you can become a magical being. The Creature looks at you some more. Trying to determine if it is worth it.

Do you Make the Wish? Do you Sign the Contract? Only time will tell.
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Aika sits on a park bench, listening to some music. Its late at night when a white creature appears before her. Aika stares at the creature before it begins talking, throwing her for a loop. "I can turn you into a magical being" the creature says. Aika stands up and slowly begins to walk away before the area around her suddenly changes. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/IllusionDolls-image-illusiondolls-36071879-640-360.jpg.684e43e7e9f8c3e83e5c5386688b8db6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/IllusionDolls-image-illusiondolls-36071879-640-360.jpg.684e43e7e9f8c3e83e5c5386688b8db6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>"What the hell!"



  • IllusionDolls-image-illusiondolls-36071879-640-360.jpg
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Sakura is walking back home after getting some groceries and she blinks when the surrounding changes "What the..." she mumbles and walks on, looking around, she was just taking a detour since she needed some time to thing. She sees another girl and runs over "Hey... do you know what just happened?" she asks, not noticing the creature just yet.
"N-no... it just... happened!" She looks around paniced before looking toward the creature. She grabs Sakura's hand and begins to pull her away from the creature. "This started after THAT thing started talking" she says, hoping to find an exit
Sakura finally sees the creature and blinks "Talking?" she asks and sighs "I'm sure that thing can't talk" she adds and glances around "Though the sudden change of surrounding is strange". She just blankly glances around and thinks for a while, but can't find an explanation.
Kyube appears before the two out of nowhere. "I can talk, thank you very much, and I'm not your enemy, but an ally" He flicks his tail before jumping onto Sakura's shoulder. "I can make any wish come true, and in return, you become a magical being" It jumps onto Aika's shoulder before jumping back infront of them both, sitting down and flicking its tail some more.
"Yeah right" Sakura says "Begin by explaining where the hell we are" she adds, glaring down at the creature, she didn't like their situation one bit, but they had to find a way our "My aunts probably worried sick by now" she thinks.
"You are in a witch labrynth. I can give you the power to fight these. Also, i wouldn't head this way unless you want to meet the witch yourself. If you wont make a contract with me, enjoy trying to get out of here" Kyuybe flicks their tail before walking away from Aika and Sakura.

"Shit. Now what!" Aika turns to Sakura, somewhat scared. No one will notice im dead. Ill be forgotten. Im going to die here! She panics to herself absolutely terrified.
Sakura thinks for a while and she starts pulling Aika in the different way "As long as we won't meet this witch I'm sure we'll be fine" she says, she wasn't going to give up on trying to find a way out "Besides, we have to get out, it wouldn't be wise to stay here forever, we'd probably go insane if that happened".
Sakura nods "So, do you know how we can get out?" she asks, she walks over to him and pulls him up "Also, who ate you if I might ask?" she asks looking at him.
(sorry. sometimes I type too fast)

"Okay..." Sakura says and she looks at his outfit "You look funny" she says and looks around "Well we were walking away from this witch so no need to follow us" she says and adds "And I'd like to return back to the normal world soon".
Aika stares blankly at the guy as he runs away. "If this is our savior... We are screwed" she says blantently to Sakura before shrugging. "So, do we wait or keep walking away."
"Well it's not like we're getting anywhere" Sakura says and she sighs, wondering what time it was "I promised to make dinner tonight..." she mumbles looking at the bag she's carrying.
Taiyo runs between enemies inside the Witch Barrier, and begins shooting thorns from his Arm Vines. He slides under a rather big Witch Familiar and uses the vines to grab its ankles and topple the beast, before filling it with thorns. The boy finally makes his way to the center of the barrier, where the witch is.

"Daaaamn shes big."
Aika shrugs and looks a Kyuybe. "This is all your fault you damn rat" She says to him, glaring

"That's not a very nice thing to say to someone who can give you anything you dream of" Kyuybe replies, its tail swishing from side to side. "I will be joining my magical being with the witch. Enjoy wandering the labyrinth" It says before vanishes and reappearing next to Taiyo. "Those two are very stubern, They remind me of Madoka and Sayaka when it comes to joining" He says watching Taiyo fight the witch. "You should try to convince them to join. Mami did a good job of it, maybe you can as well"
"Look, I don't remember who you are, and I don't really care. But right now, Matilda is my focus." Taito leaps over the railing, and plunges towards the twisted beast. He slams his hands into the ground, and giant vines burst from the ground, lashing at the witch.

@Goddess Nebula
Kyuybe walks around Taito. "I am the reason you are the way you are. You wished to remember nothing. I granted your wish and gave you your powers. I id you a favor. Now you do me one. Convince those two to make a contract with me." Kyuybe flicks its tail leaping away from the vines. "now hurry up with this witch."
Taiyo's vines wrap around the witch, and it thrashes about. After a short period, its chaos subsides, and the witch fades away, leaving a Grief Seed. As the Witch Barrier vanishes, Taiyo sucks the Grief from his Soul Gem.

"Fine. I will do something about it."

@Goddess Nebula
Sakura sighs and she says "Now that everythind's back to normal we should probably head home, my aunt must be so worried right now" she says and thinks for a while, she didn't really know what to wish for in the first place.
Kyuybe flicks its tail to say thank you before leaping away.

Aika watches the labyrinth fade away and sighs "That god that nightmare's over." She begins to walk away from Sakura, not really saying anything else. "Able to wish for anything. Seems selfish" She says as she walks.
"And I doubt he told us everything" Sakura says and she waves while walking of, wondering if Kyuube was hiding something from them.

At home she puts the bag on the table and she sees a not saying 'I'll be back this evening, eat dinner without me'. She sighs and puts everything away before grabbing something simple, she leaves the house after writing a note saying that she's of somewhere.
A young woman dressed in simple clothes sits on a bench nearby, her attention consumed by a game system. She barely looks up in time to see Aika walk past. She takes a good look at the girl, then returns her attention to her game.

"Ah... lost another life."

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