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Realistic or Modern Secrets of Evercrest


Pounce Ninja
Secrets of Evercrest


Status: Open and Accepting

In a nutshell This will be a slice of life RP at its core. A bunch of college kids in a small town growing up and discovering themselves and the world around them. Getting into a hell of a lot of antics and craziness along the way. Overall think of a soap opera. 100 different plots with everything from amnesia and romance to betrayal, underhanded plotting and secrets. Most will be discuses and plotted over extended periods of time.
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Kenny B. Austin

Saturday September 8th 1:00 PM

Wow. What a game that was. It was his first game as the starting quarterback for the school, and though it wasn't a conference game and against small school with a weak football program, everything felt intense. That moment he ran out of the tunnel in those all blue uniforms with the matching helmet, he felt a huge weight on his shoulders. He had even thrown up a few times from the stress. 95,000 people were in that stadium excited after a year where their team lost in the national championship. They didn't expect a National Championship right away with a TRUE Freshman qb, but they did expect success.

He knelt in a circle of some of the religious teammates, and even some of the one's who weren't religious joined in as Kenny led in the prayers. They clapped their hands together in an amen before some of the veterans started to lead in hyping the team up. They had already gone through their warm up exercises. The coin toss occurred, and they were getting the ball first. The kickoff went out the endzone and this was it. The ball on the 25. Kenny put his helmet on, used his left hand to make the holy trinity, before marching on the field to a loud applause.

Who'd ever thunk? A true freshman leading one of the top football teams in America.He was sweating already, and soon the first huddle broke. Simple play, snap the ball and hand it off to the running back, a few yard gain. The next play was a passing play, and when he got the ball in his hands dropping in the pocket he had a receiver wide open, but because he was nervous he under threw the ball and it was intercepted for a touchdown.

The crowd grew silent, and Kenny marched to the sideline with his head down. His teammates and coaches tried to cheer him up, but something caught his eye. Though they weren't religious, Chase,Ari, and Saruh were holding up signs with some of his favorite bible verses. Phil 4:13 that his sister was holding caught his eyes the most. He nodded, and pointed to them before putting his helmet on and marching back on the field when it was time.

The rest of the game...was like magic. After that one interception, Kenny threw for four touchdowns in the first half, and ran for 1 setting a freshman single game record for Passing yards with 450. ...safe to say Kenny was here to stay.

Mondey September 10th

Kenny had just got out of morning workouts and was making his way to his programming 1 Advanced Java and Python class. He was greeted and waved at by almost every student he passed. A smile was slung across his face, as he tugged on the blue bookbag with a wolf on the back. His blue warm up suit with the school's logo on it showed proudly in the light.

It was different. Yes, he had made lots of friends in High School from being good at football, but they didn't greet him in the walkways like this. His twitter account was blown up by mentions, his snapchat too. Somehow, they had even gotten his phone number and he had 100's of text messages. It was different being at a school where football meant everything to them, and Kenny..Kenny felt important ..on top of the world.

Ariana & Chase

6:30 a.m.

A morning run was always great, especially when the morning air was still cool and the sun hadn't risen. The track on campus was clear of any other runners and only the fading sounds of light echoed around the large open space. It was made even better with company in Ari's opinion. her breath's came slightly strained as she maintained a consistent pace. Her heart was pumping and her legs starting to burn a bit from having ran for 40 minutes already. Still she could hear Chase's breaths right beside her his stride matching hers. It was never a race between them but there was always some hint of a challenge. When one would speed up so would the other.

Ari glanced over to her brother meeting his glance with a slight smirk as she pushed ahead trying to gain some distance on him along the straight away. She could hear him starting to catch up but was unable to match her speed as they cross the line ending the last lap.

"Hah!" Ari laughed as she panted for air a huge grin spread across her face. "That makes five times in a row. Looks like someone's loosing his touch." She chuckled.

"You say that now, but you actually got sleep." Chase pointed out with a slight smirk. "Lets see how well you run when your up all night working on projects."

"Excuses, excuses." Ari rolled her eyes

The older brother just shook his head. It wasn't much of an excuse but it was all he could really offer. With only a week into classes the class work was already building up. It was easy work but work nonetheless. Still as much as he stressed in the end it would be worth it. He reached out and ruffled his sisters azure locks as he passed to grab their stuff. Ari let out a slight growl in protest to the action but nothing more. Instead she smoothed her locks back into the messy ponytail. A few more deep breaths and sips of water and both had managed to catch their breath fully.

"Classes really hitting you that hard?" Ari spoke up slinging her dark blue duffle bag over her shoulder.

"Eh, no more than usual. How are you're classes going?" He questioned. It was Ari's first semester of college, he knew it could be stressful and hoped she wasn't getting in over her head by taking 5 classes and a lab. It seemed a bit much for a first semester but she was adamant about it. Chase couldn't exactly say no given his own course load.

"Good, nothing too stressful really. I dono why you complain so much." The teen teased.

"Uh-huh, give it a few weeks. It'll catch up." He smirked grabbing his own bag and heading back to the parking lot where a dark gray sporty Mazda sat. he fished out a set of key from his pocket along with his phone and pressed the button to light up the screen. No new messages. He was tempted to send Saruh a text but figured she would still be asleep. best to save it for later. Flicking off the phone and slipping it back into his pocket his attention was on Ari once more. "Let's get some chow and get ready for class before it gets any later."

Ari glanced over at her brother noting the look which flickered across his face before nodding slightly, "Right!"

Ari grinned slightly feeling the hype and energy from a good run. She loved running but even more so she loved running with her brother. With both of them taking classes and working hard time together was less and less so she cherished the moments she could get with him. With her mood high and being wide awake and ready to tackle the day!

10:20 a.m.

A shower and a hardy breakfast meant that both siblings would be more than ready come first class. Student moved back and forth along the paths, some along the grass. Most of them in a hurry with the occasional unlucky soul who was running across campus still looking dressed for bed. Chase was sitting on one of the benches near the science building waiting for his class to roll around. An anatomy book in his lap as she glanced over the pages.

Ari on the other hand was getting out of her first class, european history. An interesting enough class but not exactly her favorite. The blue haired teen glanced over the screen of her phone only seeing one message from her brother on where he was before putting the phone back in her pocket. There was only a half hour before they both had their next class but there was one thing she wanted to do first. She made her way a few building over, her step quickened a bit as she caught sight of a familiar face, Kenny. A sly smirk crossed her lips as she weaved through the crowds coming up behind her target. Before he could get much further Ari threw her arm around the taller teens neck already used to the height difference.

"Good Morning!" She beamed with a large grin.


Józef "Joe" Kowalski

12:00 AM-8:49 AM (REM)​

Why wasn't she there? sure they'd broken up...but she should have at least shown up to Graduation? He looked to where she would have sat, the chair was open, Her old friends hadn't seen her, and even then most people turned to Józef for an explanation as to where she went. He gritted his teeth as the roll came closer to her name, Applause erupting with each name being called, Come on...Where are you Christina? Are you really going to let 4 years of your life go to waste? He let out a quiet sigh as the principal called out her name "Christina Jasper. Christina Jasper?" Józef looked around hoping that she would show up somewhere out of the blue. She never did. The line of people continued on. His name was slowly approaching. All he could do was wear a distressed look on his face. 4 years...4 years of work down the drain. Why? Why would you throw that away?! the guy next to him pat him on his shoulder, "Dude you're up next!" Józef got ready to stand up as his name was about to be called. Then again she threw away three...why not make it 4? She's not coming back...she's gone. "Józef Kowalski, wake up." Józef's head turned towards the principal, "what?" A dull beeping filled the air as the principal spoke up again, "Józef Kowlaski Wake up!"

*Beep Beep Beep*

Oh Christ...it was this dream again...

8:50 AM

Józef slammed the sleep button on the alarm, yawning a bit as he did. Looking to the other side of the room, as far as he could tell, Erich was still asleep on the bed. or maybe it was a bunch of sheets he really couldn't be sure. He quietly crept from his bed, Grabbed his clothes and headed to the shower. He didn't really want to talk right now. All he wanted to do was get his mind off the past and back to the present. He had classes, labs, and homework. Students in the early Bio class had bets on when the first pop quiz was going to be. A majority had put their bet on today. Review stuff, basic cell structure. It was going to be fairly easy, at least hopefully. Right now, all he wanted to get was on the way and breakfast.

10:20 am

Backpack on and feeling a lot better after some bacon and pancakes from the dining hall, He worked his way through campus heading to the science building. he noticed a few of his fellow students looked worse for ware then he did, You think that most people would get into a rhythm after a week of this? Then again the transition was hard on more than a few people. Hell, he'd had a few problems in freshman year, and seniors had gotten to a point where they probably didn't care. He walked into the class and sat in his usual spot, and began flipping through the last class's notes.

10:20 a.m

I took my love, I took it down...

Eliana swung her hips ever so slightly as she walked, thrusting her hands into the pockets of her pink-knit cardigan. The girl gently tapped a fingernail on the portable tape deck in her pocket, humming softly along with the music as strolled through the campus. Her cheap headphones sat quite neatly in her mess of a hairdo (if you can even call it a hairdo). It was in some weird disaster of random braids and knots with the occasional trace of dirt...or at least Eliana
hoped it was dirt. A simple brown bag hung at her side, and it bounced against her hip with every step she took. Her guitar case was strapped snugly against her back (for some reason), which was incredibly hazardous when she spontaneously started doing Stevie Nicks twirls. At least two people got a guitar case to the face.

Climbed a mountain and I turned around...


And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills...


Till the landslide brought me down...

Eliana grinned obliviously as she continued walking, leaving the scene of what was probably some horrible accident behind her. She whipped her hands from her pockets, throwing them out (and nearly knocking out some poor passerby) as she sung out in synchronization with her music,

She continued grinning as she flounced along, biting her bottom lip as she gave a small giggle. Ah, life was good. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, the clouds were...uh...clouding. It was probably the loveliest day Eliana had seen since...well, yesterday! The girl couldn't help but be in absolute awe of the beauty around her, and she stopped on more than one occasion to pluck some wildflower from the ground and tuck it into one of her braids.

Well, I've been afraid of changing... "Well, I've been afraid of changing..."

'Cause I've built my life around you... "'Cause I've built my life around you..."

But time makes you bolder... "But time makes you bolder..."

Even children get older and I'm getting older too... "Even children get older and I'm getting older too..."

@Anyone, I suppose :)
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Update and Reminders!

Map key/legend had been filled out so you know what building are what.

Also! Don't forget you can add to the location and organization tab as you please. The location tab counts for in and off campus.

Lastly don't forget to visit the Google sheet! Feel free to suggest ideas, issues, events and fill out the connections tab when you get a chance ^^

Edit: There is also a notes tab for schedules, event flyers, love letters and other fun things like that

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7:00 A.M...


Bob Marley's song blasted through the quiet room of her two bedroom apartment that was a little bit from campus. The pandora alarm that played through the SONOS speakers sent Saruh shooting up from lying position with her eyes wide (and red) as she glanced around the room. She looked to her phone, that was on the edge of the bed on the charger, reaching to it before she switched the pandora station. A yawn left her lips, as the station began to play John Coltrane's "Favorite Things".

She moved through the apartment -no she was not wearing clothes- before getting into the shower, doing her morning routine of brushing her teeth and prepping herself and putting her underwear on. A deep breath followed, before she found her throwback Brooklyn Dodgers Jersey and put it on. She was actually born in Brooklyn, and spent four years there before moving, but that's a different story. She quickly followed it by putting on some fairly short white jean shorts, and finally followed it up with pair of white chucks.

A yawn left her mouth again as she picked up her skateboard, keys and her back pack and left out. Turning around to lock the door, she moved into the parking lot dropping the skateboard and began to skate away. While she was skating, she reached into her pocket to pull her phone out, including ear phones...and blasted her music away.

skippity skip...because I'm doing too much

Her first class of the day had finished, but Saruh had not made it to that class. Nope, instead she had fallen a sleep in the fitness and wellness center. She didn't wake up until
10:20 hit, and when she did she blinked,"Oh right...." she jogged out and then on her skateboard, though a lot part of campus she wasn't suppose to, but eventually carved her way to where Chase generally was at this time, running up to him and putting her arms around his neck from behind,"Morning bug."

She kissed the top of his head, and took a seat next to him, reaching into her back pack and pulling out a granola bar and beginning to to eat it as she rested her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes,"Sleepy sleepy.."


He had been too busy focused on everyone else, he didn't notice the rather taller woman approach him, and it startled him just a bit. It was a welcome surprised when figured it who it was and used the arm to closest to her to pick her up, hug her tightly with that one arm and drop her back down. "Morning there." He uttered to her with a large smile, readjusting the Rosary on his left wrist. He always wore it there, it was made of rubies, platinum, and koa wood from Hawaii. It was given to him by his grandmother, and the only time it wasn't on his wrist was during football activities, and then it was always around his neck.

He managed to glance up to see a fellow he referred to as Jo, and opened his mouth to speak," Yo' Jo!" He said chuckling a bit,"I still have to ask you how'd you like the gaming rig I built for you?" As an aspiring Computer Engineer, Kenny spent a lot of his academic time in the science lab, working on new designs for computers, his specialty was designing graphic cards, and building machines to run games. He always did it for free.

@Shura @Der Kojote

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The anterior cruciate ligament prevents the femur from sliding backward on the tibia or the tibia sliding forward on the femur.

Azur eyes scanned over the diagram taking note of the insertion point of the ligaments, muscles and tendons which made up the knee joint. It was a functional knot in the human body and one of the most complex part to know. It was the one of the strongest and weakest points in the human body. Not exactly a walk in the park to memorize but Chase was making decent progress. The sounds around him were fairly distant as his focused his attention on the textbook before him. The wound or running was barely registered as he turned the page, until a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind and a sweet familiar voice followed shortly after. A grin crossed his face as he glanced up to meet her eyes

"Morning Starry." He greeted, chuckling softly as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Setting the book aside for latter he wrapped an around around her shoulder. "I take it you had another late night?"

Jonathan Ripley

10:30 AM

Jonathan started heading towards his Asian history class. History was probably his favorite subject. He loved learning about ancient societies and civilizations. As he contemplated his love of history, he seemed to forget he had stairs and fell on his face. His lizard climbed out and climbed all over him, disturbed by the fall. "Ugh, don't worry, just a little bumped up." He got up and kept walking. As he walked Towards the building, he said hi to a few other students. After a little walking, he reached the building and went in. He passed an archeology display and someone sketching a Heian-era japanese city. He smiled a little. He was at home.

Evelyn James

6:30 am

The echoing of the phone alarm playing Girls Generation played throughout Evelyn's room. She swung her arm to turn off her phone to remembered she bought a movable alarm clock. Where her alarm would roll around her room until she got out of bed to turn it off. "But I don't want to get up!" She moaned while tossing to the other side of her bed. All she could hear is the thumping of the alarm on the hardwood floor. "Nope I can't handle that noise," She then tossed off her blanket and stomped to where the alarm was caught on her desk chair, "Now how do you turn this off?" After a couple minutes of messing with it, and possibly banging it on her desk, it finally turn off. "There's no point to going back to bed," She mumbled as she went to figure out what to wear to the studio.

After packing her small bag that was filled with clothes for when she showers and a couple bottles of water. Evelyn put on her black sweatpants that had the word dance on the side of them and her black sports bra on with a half shirt that had palm trees on it. She went into the bathroom and brush her teeth until they were pearly white. Her hair was thrown up into a messy bun and she was ready to go. Grabbing her small bag and her school bag and was going to head out the door when she remembered she needed to feed Princess. "
I'm sorry! I almost forgot to feed you again," She apologized as she put a couple of crickets in her tarantula's cage, "There you go!" When Evelyn got out the door, the sunny was shining bright. This was going to be a nice walk to the studio.

8:00 am

Once at the studio Evelyn found her locker and opened it and toss her stuff in it. She grabbed the CD that she kept in her locker before heading over to the stereo system. Sitting on the floor, she started to stretch out, she didn't need to be pulling any muscles or getting an injury already. Especially with competition coming so close. Even if it was a couple months still away that was like nothing in dance time.

Evelyn grabbed the remote to the stereo and headed to the center of the dance floor. "Here goes nothing," She said while getting into position and then pushing the play button. Evelyn has been working on a new contemporary piece, that was to the song All Of Me by John Legend, she was hoping she would go far in competition.

Sitting on the floor with her knees up against her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees during the beginning. When it got to the lyrics she moved out of the ball shape and elegantly brought herself up by taking her one hand on the floor and flinging herself onto her legs. Throughout the song she had some spins, jetes and tilts. She ended with herself laying on the floor.

After a couple tries, she took her bottle of water and took a huge gulp of water. Evelyn grabbed her towel and started to dabbed at some sweat that was on her. "Ugh!" She moaned while falling onto the floor, "I'm so tired!" She stayed laying on the floor with her chest heavily falling up and down.

When she was done catching her breath for a couple minutes she went and took a shower, that was there. Once she was done with her hot steamy shower and felt squeaky clean. She looked at the clock that was in the washroom area and saw she was going to be late for class. "Oh crap," Evelyn screamed while throwing all of her stuff in her locker and grabbing her school bag out of it. She then rush to her class.


Throughout class, the teacher kept giving Evelyn the evil eye because of her being late. The class started to at 9:30 and she was there at 9:45. "Hip-Hop music is a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping," explained the teacher. "Interesting," she whispered as she doodled on the side of her notebook.


She could only smile as her eyes remained closed,"Yes, another waitress didn't show up and blue's night is always busy. Every Sunday it's busy, so we had to do more work, and more stuff to clean up." She sighed before opening her eyes,"Which reminds me, I got you something." She put her granola bar down on her thigh, balancing it so it wouldn't fall, before reaching into her backpack quickly and pulling out an iPad box and handed it out to him,"I know you're busy, so I got this for you, with a lot of your books already on there. I figured it'd make life easier on you."

She nodded to herself closing her eyes again, ready to rest her head back on his shoulder and go to sleep. She worked at the music club purely for the connections and opportunities, all the income and tips she got was purely extra income. She earned a scholarship for tuition, and per their agreement, her parents would cover the cost of an apartment and bills (as long as the bills didn't get ridiculous). They also gave her 500 a month for expenses so she could focus on school, and Saruh also took out federal school loans just so she could have extra money to spend. Nothing really big, just 5000 a year which ended up as 2500 a semester. So the money she got from the job? Was all just to spend frivolously, and so she liked to spend it on Chase.

"How's it going for you though, bug?" she asked with a smile though her eyes we re still closed.

Tori Graham
Monday, 10:20am

Time passed by in increments of grass growth, the hands on the clock daring to suggest ten minutes had gone by when Tori knew, without a doubt no more than thirty seconds had crawled along. The math professor was droning on about something or another involving numbers that looked more like symbols the artist formerly known as Prince had considered at one point, his voice reminiscent of the teacher from Charlie Brown and the notes in her spiral pad had somehow turned into doodles of large-eyed cats and dogs. Mathematics was not, by any stretch, a passion of hers. If it hadn't been a requirement to fulfill her general education studies she wouldn't have stepped into so much as a business math class. The only thing worse than math was science, and she had to endure that nightmare Tuesday morning in Chem Lab.

The absolute only benefit was her abhorrent lack of knowledge meant tutoring, and tutoring was an excuse to see Chase...

It was wrong. It was wrong and she knew it, but she couldn't help it. It wasn't even the fact that he was startlingly good looking, or that he was built like bricks... It wasn't how, when he was feeling sheepish or embarrassed he looked up through those long lashes and his eyes resembled the glittering waters off the coast of Greece, so perfectly blue and clear, or how his nose creased when he laughed...

It was how he knew what she liked in her coffee and how he remembered what her brother's name was... It was the way he held the door for her, but not because it was some idyllic male requirement he was fulfilling, but because he was, at heart, a genuine gentleman. It was the way he never made her feel stupid, no matter how many times she had to ask a question... and how she never once had to worry that instead of listening to her talk he was trying to picture her naked. If he touched her, it was on her arm, and it was gentle and it was kind and reassuring... He was safe. He was safe and she was safe with him...

Unfortunately, he was also seeing someone else.

It had hurt, finding out - it had hurt worse than she'd expected. But after everything she had been through she had learned to cope. She had written about it in her notebook, she had spoken to her therapist and she had, carefully, brought the subject up in CoOp. She'd sucked it up like an adult ought to and she had moved on... or, well... she hadn't pursued it, at least.

But the feelings were still there and it was ignorant to pretend otherwise. And however awful she was at math and science, she was hardly ignorant.

"Miss Graham? Are you with us...?" Suddenly returning to English, her professor's voice carried across the classroom, cutting through her internal reverie. Looking up from the picture she'd sketched... a crude doodle of a soccer ball, she frowned softly.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I... I..."

"Please try to keep up, Miss Graham." He gave her a stare down which reminded her of a troll in one of those old fairytale illustrations and closing her notebook, Tori looked longingly at the clock...

It may have been her imagination, but she was almost sure for a moment it went backwards...

The brunette frowned slightly as he heard the news about another waitress calling out. "Again? Thats the third week in a row..." He knew Saruh loved working at a music club, getting to know others in the business and all but it still didn't sit well with him sometimes, especially when she worked late. He tried to go and stick around until the end of her shift. Between workouts and classes it was getting harder and harder to stay up that late. Still, he had managed to organize his schedule to have some more free time so hopefully he could spend it with Saruh. Whether or not it actually happened was up to the professors.

What came next threw him off guard to say the least. Random gifts wasn't too surprising especially when both had the money for it. He wasn't expecting an Ipad though, and already loaded with his books as well. "You really didn't need to." he replied brushing some of her wild locks back from her face as she snuggled on his shoulder again. "but thank you very much, it means a lot." He added before kissing her softly, it lingered a moment before he pulled back and let out a soft sigh at the question. "Eh... so far so good. First exams are starting to be announced and I swear professors plan them on the same day just to spite us..." He chuckled.


Józef "Joe" Kowalski

Józef looked up to see Kenneth talking to him. The guy was a man of duel talents, He could code like the best of them and played a mean game of football. Honestly if kept going the way he was going, he'd probably be fighting dueling contracts between a professional football team, Google and Microsoft. He'd also seen him at church, though mostly it was the back of his and everyone else's head, as Józef was more prone to sitting out of the way in the rear. He gave a quick nod in greeting, "Hey Kenny. The rig is doing pretty well, it's not chugging anymore, cooling system is performing excellently, and i'm getting 45 FPS constant even on High quality in most games. In all honesty I'm surprised Microsoft or Google aren't fighting over you yet."

He leaned back in his chair, "Nice Job on the Saturday game by the way. if some team isn't eyeing you right now, then their shooting themselves in the foot I think. I'm not avid watcher...but that had to register as a blip on someone's radar." Then he shrugged, "Or I don't understand scouting procedures for football and I'm making wild guesses. Still Congrats. Between football and the fact that shoving together an awesome gaming rig you've got options man." He also noticed someone with him, the size difference was...well noticeable. He hadn't seen her around much but he gave a polite nod to her as well, "Hello, not seen you around here before. Name's Józef."



Nerd Talk. It was the only thing she could really summarize it as they started talking about computer systems and FPS. Hanging around Kenny she had picked up on a lot. After her first 'disaster' of a computer Kenny took it upon himself to show her the ways of the techy. Only half of it really stuck. Okay maybe half of half. The basics really. She knew some terms and what made a good system but when it got into details and specific parts she was lost. Then again the same could be said with her talking about music to him. Then the topic switched to Football something more familiar. She couldn't like, Ari was very proud of her brother and how well he was doing. She was just worried what level of stress he would have to deal with. She already had to watch Chase go through his mood swings and panic episodes. She didn't want the same thing to happen with Kenny. The blue haired teen glanced over to Jo as she was greeted and a grin crossed her face. "Hi! I'm Ari! Nice to meet you as well."



She just loved when he kissed her, and she wore the world came to a stop when he did. He never even cared that sometimes her mouth tasted like tofu, granola, or even fish. They always seemed to perk her up, even for a second, but she was soon back to sleep before anyone knew. Her phone vibrating woke her back up, and she removed her head off of his shoulder and dropped the granola bar on the ground and sighed gently, before checking her phone. It was a text from her mom, and she quickly replied You Owe me a 'Nola bar, before returning her phone to her pocket.

She got to her feet from the bench and turned to face him,"Well I hope things lighten up for you babe, we're still on for our date after your practice tomorrow?" she questioned standing on her skateboard and looking into his eyes..boy..they were gorgeous. Her hair managed to get into her face and she pushed it out while rocking side to side on her board,"We also have to study for Stats too...and remember we have to go to Kenny's game this weekend."

Kenny's game was big for multiple reasons. One, it was a big game every year when they played their rivals. Two, this year their rivals was the number one team in the nation and Evercrest was currently number 9. Three, it was Kenny's first conference game and first big game. Kenny hadn't handle the stress well of his first game ever, and it wasn't even a big or important game. It was also against a team that they should have beat badly (which they did.). This time, it was against arguably the best team in the nation, and not only would there be 95,000 + in the stadium, possibly millions watching on tv. She was worried the pressure might get to Kenny.

She could only sigh at the thought of it all, before staring down to Chase,"Also......I think you should move in with me."


Kenny could only laugh at Jo's comments, and felt a little embarrassed about all the praise."I'm glad the rig is doing well, you 'ought stop by the dagum computer lab, and see what I did with one of the computers in there. It's powerful." He told him with a nod.

He chuckled a bit again,"I'm just a freshman, and it was against a bad team. Ha, talk to me after this weekend and see if you the same thing twice. I hope the team gets out with a win, God willing. That's more important than me playing well." He stopped and shook his head,"And it's nothing but God and putting focus into the things I do. I'm sure you're just as good at what you do, if not better than I."

He looked over to Ari and rested his arm on top of her head, as he liked to do sometimes because of the large height difference. She didn't seem to ever like it, but it was always fun to see her reaction,"I didn't know you didn't know Ariana, yeap, that's my little sister. Don't worry she doesn't bite...all the time....hard.....she's not poisonous?" He smiled glancing down to the woman before laughing,"Don't kill me."​

@Shura @Der Kojote


The Great Bug Rescue

Eliana stared down at her feet as she walked, stepping as if she were walking a tightrope. The girl dramatically swung her legs out with every step she took, strategically placing one foot right in front of the other. Her hands had once again found their way into her pockets, and she was as oblivious as ever. It wasn't until the familiar click of her tape deck sounded, followed by the lengthy rewinding reel, that she actually became conscious of her surroundings. Geez, time flies when you're listening to music.

Eliana pushed her cheap headphones down off her head and situated them around her neck, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. Looking around, the girl flared her nostrils slightly. She didn't recognize a great deal of the students she saw. A few were slightly familiar, but nary a face stuck out in her memory. The girl gently bit the inside of her cheek as she surveyed her surroundings, pulling her hands from her pockets and hugging her arms. Eliana's interactions with other humans never really went far past
intense eye-contact-that-goes-on-just-long-enough-to-be-extremely-uncomfortable, so she didn't have many friends. Well, if you don't count the random furry animal or some instinctive butterfly.

Eliana continued walking as she thought, about to place her headphones back on her head when...


The girls eyes widened, a shiver running throughout her entire body as she froze. She blinked a few times, slowly slowly her gaze down to her foot. She slowly raised it, her face twisting into an expression of horror as she saw the crushed cicada on the pavement. Eliana let out a wail as she dropped to her knees, her eyes fixated on the dead bug. Well, Eliana didn't know it was dead. She
PRAYED it wasn't dead. The girl, her vision growing blurry with tears, cried out, "WHY WERE YOU OUT IN THE DAYTIME?! Ohhhhh NOOOOOOO!"

She carefully plucked up the squished bug between her index finger and thumb before dropping it into her palm. She looked around semi-frantically, earning a few weird looks from passing students. Eliana quickly stood up, breaking into a clumsy jog as she whipped her head back and forth. He had to be around somewhere, right?

"JOE!" she practically shrieked, still cradling the dead cicada in her hand. Her guitar case emitted a series of loud thuds against her back as she ran. Ahh. Fifty or so students muttering, "What the f*ck..." under their breaths all in perfect unison. A new record.

@Der Kojote

It took him a moment to realize that the lovely lady beside him was actually asleep and not just resting on his shoulder. Chase just shook his had and tucked a stray lock behind her ear before looking at his watch. He had five minutes before classes started but didn't want to wake Saruh. Thankfully her phone did it for him as she jumped awake and dropped what was left of her granola bar. Taking the moment to sort out his thing he put his notes and book away, slipping his gift in along with the rest of his belongings. As he got himself in order he listened to the reminders sent his way nodding along to each one making sure he had written them down as alerts on his phone. "Mhmm, Yeah were still on for tomorrow and Classes are light still so anytime out of class is good to start reviewing." he assured standing up from the bench.

The mention of Kenny's game reminded him of the worries both he and Saruh shared. Freshman year was hard enough adjusting to classes but being part of a team just added to the stress. Playing a key roll was an even bigger one. Still he hoped Kenny wouldn't lose his head. Chase made a mental not to keep tabs on the boy and try to keep him calm leading up to the game. The waite was always the worst part. Chase had spent many weeks before a big game in a near state of panic, especially when he was moved to center forward.

His thoughts and worries were brushed aside thought at the mention of moving and he blinked out of his thoughts. "Wait move?" He questioned adjusting the strap as he slung his pack on his back. "I can't move. What about Ari? I can't exactly leave her alone. nore can I just up and leave the house on its own..." he thought aloud .


Things were going just fine until she felt him put his arm on her head like some kind of arm rest and she swatted his arm away with a slight growl of annoyance. Ari wasn't the shortest girl around but next to both Kenny and Chase she felt like she was. "Excuse you." She replied with a bit of sass to her voice. The situation wasn't helped much by the mention of her biting. Ari shook her head and simply smiled sweetly. "Kill you? Dear brother I wouldn't dare do such a thing before and important game." She replied her tone soft and almost patronizing. A sharp yell for Joe caught her attention and she caught sight of a franting young woman with something in her hands. Not sticking around to see what the problem was this time the teen simply patted both guys on the shoulder. "I shall leave you to deal with that." She said adjusting her bag before shifting to leave. Before she could take a step though she jabbed her middle and pointer finger into Kenny's side. Digging into the tender spot between a pair of ribs. "Have fun." She winked and stuck out her tongue before scampering off blending into the crowd before kenny could get her back.

@AkuNoOkami @Der Kojote

Józef "Joe" Kowalski

Józef gave a nod, "maybe at some point, would be interesting to see how bad you messed around with it. Probably could run an intensive server or two at once. It'll be interesting to see. though to the rest of Kenny's comments he gave a shrug, "Ehh To do Boga. (it's up to God.) You'll probably do fine, just get out there, breathe, and throw. If it all goes well, it goes well. If not well, think of it this way, you're a freshman, You're not used to this, transferring from Highschool to college is hard, in just about every subject, football probably isn't any different. Just take it a step at a time, and don't stress about something too much." He mentally sighed, Trust me...I know... Snapping out of his mental rut before it began, He then chuckled at Kenny's comment about Ari, who seemed nice, "Well, you know blue in nature does generally symbolize poison. I mean Blue ringed octopus...not saying anything bad about you Ari." Though his attention snapped with the mention of marine life, something was amiss. "speaking of animals of the sea...I Don't see Erich around. He'll probably show up eventually."

Then It happened.


Oh God. He could hear it from down the hall. The panicked scream. the manic running, the constant thumping of guitar against her back, factored in with the screech of his name, all signs pointed to one person in particular. Eliana. He slid down in his chair, Oh God...is it a chipmunk again? or a squirrel? Or maybe a turtle. He wanted to be a vet he was not a vet yet. and yet every time she found something she brought it to him. He muttered under his breath "Oh God...here we go again..." Maybe she wouldn't notice him in this class. Maybe she wouldn't see him? Maybe she'd run past the room...maybe...probably not.


@Queen Rai (mentioned)


What about Ari

She cringed at that statement, but did her best to keep her calm. She loved Ari just as much as the next, but she was getting older, she was becoming an adult..she could handle herself. Besides, she could stay with them..she had two bedrooms, and they could rent the house out and make some money. It was frustrating being in a relationship with Chase, because at times she felt like she was in a relationship with Ari too.

"What about Saruh? It'd make things easier, Ari could stay with us you could even..." she inhaled deeply, before letting out a slow exhale,"You have class, and I need coffee we'll talk later...." she didn't wait for him to respond, nor did she say good bye, I love you, have a nice day nothing, she just pushed off on her skateboard not bothering to look back at him. Though she hadn't expressed any outright emotion, Chase knew her long enough to know she was upset.

She wasn't happy at the moment, and she was still sleepy She had time until Stats class, but wasn't sure she'd even go at this point. Though school had just started, this had been her M.O. of lately. Stay at work late into the night, and skip classes in the morning. She could have just stayed at home for all she cared if this was how her day was going.


Kenny nodded when Jo spoke some wisdom,"Sounds good, you know you're pretty good at advice?" He chuckled before he mentioned that animals who were poisonous were often blue. He rose a brow at that, and smiled because it was an interesting thought. He never took a real interest in animals, I mean, he had a dog when he stayed with his grandmother. His name was sparky, but he departed ways with him when he moved back with his parents. That's about his extent with animals, and aquatic animals? Well ...dolphins?

He broke out of his train of thought when he heard someone screaming
Joe and looked up. It was that girl who seemed to be unhealthily obsessed with animals. It was a bit weird, and Kenny rather hadn't dealt with her right about now. Well, looked like Ari beat her to the punch and departed. He shook his head, and glanced to Joe,"Say man, looks like you got to do your vet thing. " with that, he tip-toed away from the two.
David Summers

8:00 am

*Chirp chirp chirp*

David's alarm was going off like it always did but he was up already writing away in his little black notebook that he took everywhere with him. "Hmm i better watch my history professor today, he seems to call students in a pattern..." He then shook his head in frustration not sure if his observations were right or that he was just driving himself crazy again. Stretching his arms up he spun in his chair and looked at his room. It was awfully spartan for a college kids room but he didn't know what to put up. He didn't want someone to come in and get the wrong idea of him and scare them away. That was to say that someone would ever come into his dorm room. It has been two weeks since he started college and not a single movement had been made to understanding people any better but he kept his head up.

He got up walking to his bathroom to get ready for the day. He looked in the mirror staring straight into his hazelnut brown eyes which were covered by his glasses. He stood there for a moment before turning on the sink. He brushed his teeth, slicked back his hair like he always did, and washed his face checking for any blemishes. His routine was the only thing he felt like he knew perfectly and hoped to change that with the classes. Slowly getting dressed he grabbed his notebook and bag looking at the time "9:30 i guess i could go people watch before class..."

10:10 am

Notes for the morning

".....Nothing really learned aside that expression is becoming a issue that is worrying. To think that people could walk around with such weird colors in there head. I don't understand the fascination with blue and pink. It seems that maybe it could be a form of social acceptance...There i go again assuming to much. Well maybe i'll just watch a couple people to see if its true. At least i can say one thing is true i was right about the teacher calling in patterns. He called on me third like i thought he would."

David relaxed in his chair waiting for his English class to finish thinking "Man this is boring."

That wasn't the reply she wanted to hear. That much Chase could tell from the expression that flickered across her face. It was a familiar one seen whenever he brought up Ariana while making plans. On some levels Chase wondered of she resented his sister for always putting her first. Saruh loved Ari, but they weren't blood related. No matter how close someone might get some bonds would be stronger than others. Chase knew he wasn't the best boyfriend or brother but he tried to balance the two out among the rest of his responsibilities. He sighed heavily watching as the moody woman pushed off in a huff and simply shook his head.

Responsibility. Not the most important word in Saruhs life. Then again she didn't have to worry about much other than the standard go to school and clean your room growing up. She was an older sibling as well but she didn't have to raise Kenny. That was a job that fell to his grandmother which probably turned out for the best. The bond of older and younger sibling was different between the two of them. Chase had to worry about his sister from the time he was in grade school. Telling off bullies and getting into schoolyard brawls then having to go home to an empty house and digging up something to eat. The nannies were always around and always different. By 13 there was no need for a nanny since he could do everything himself. Ari helped and did her fair share of the work but he made sure to be there for every scrape, disappointment, game, victory and loss his sister went through. And she did the same for him, through highs and lows. It was a sacrifice but one he never regretted or resents. How could he when all they had was each other for the majority of their lives.

Shrugging off the slight frustration Chase refocused in mind on the class ahead of him knowing any notes would be vital to passing the first exam. he made his way weaving through the crowds as he made his way to the marked room and opened the door to a half empty class room. With little thought he took the first available desk and waited.


0600 bright and early, she was out on the track. She was happy it was warm still, these midwestern states got cold in the winter unlike back in Texas. It allowed her to hit the track wearing a sports bra, fitted spandex/nylon pants, and her blue and white running shoes. A simple headband and a ponytail addressed her hair situation.

It was 10 minutes of stretching, before she had began to run around the track. 5 mile run, her morning routine. If she paced herself without pushing too hard, it should take her about 35-40 minutes, and she'd still have enough energy for the rest of her work out. So she took off, blue ear buds in her ear blasting all types of hype rap. It helped her stay pumped in the morning. Lap, after lap, she was running as if she was the only person on the track, I mean, she glanced at Ari and Chase, but they pretty much were never on the same side of the track at the same time, so probably didn't recognize each other's presence.

When she finished, she took a cooldown lap of walking, before jogging off to the weight room in the basketball stadium. After taking in some water for hydration, she stretched again for her morning weight training session.


/td%5D%5Btd%5D%20M%20W%20F%5B/td%5D%5Btd%5DGame%20Design%20I%5B/td%5D%5Btd%5DVH%20140%5B/td%5D%5B/tr%5D Her twin, Del, was already there before she got there just finishing up her weight training (her sister preferred to run on a treadmill), and helped Kota out a bit, with spotting. An hour later, she was done,it was about 0810 at this point, meaning Kota had to run quickly back to the athletics dorm, shower, and get ready for her first class of the day. Game Design.

The process wasn't as stressed as a normal person might have thought, she made it back to her dorm, showered, got prissy all in the matter of 45 minutes, giving her plenty of time to get ot her class which was a 10 minute walk away. She had changed into something simple, a t-shirt with the school's wolf on the chest that she had cut into a crop top, a pair of form fitting jeans, and a blue and white pair of jordans. This, this was what she considered one of her lazy day outfits. She had little make up on, save lip gloss, and her hair was still tied into that pony tail.

She slung her purple bookbag over her shoulder, before heading out to walk to her class. It wasn't a long walk, ten minutes as she said, but she sort of messed her schedule up. She forgot to get something to eat from the dining hall, but it was ok! She had a protein shake and two chocolate protein bars in her bag, she'd be fine.

In the five minutes before class started, she downed all of that and it made the hour and half long class seem to go by quickly. well it helped when you actually enjoyed the class. It ended all too soon at 1030, and Kota hd to make her way to her next class,"busy busy busy..." she muttered getting from her seat and heading out. Her next class? It was Anatomy and Physiology II, a class she took to help her with her own body for sports. It wasn't needed for either Major or minor, but did count as a free elective, and was beneficial to her. Well she believed it was, though it made her paranoid about her injuries sometimes.

She shook the thought off, finally making it to class and well it might have been half-empty when Chase made it, but seemed like the only free seat now was the one next to him, and so that's where she sat. She slid her bag in front of her and pulled out her laptop, flipping it open and immediately opening up a file, and saving it as Monday Sept 10 Anatomy. She glanced over to Chase and rose a brow,"Say I know you. You're Jason from the football team. You play receiver, good catch last game, but I guess with Kenny throwing the ball it's easy, huh? Yeah well you know I taught him everythang." Her Texan accent broke out at the end of the sentence, but it wasn't like she was ashamed.

Of course though she and Kenny were childhood friends, she didn't teach him squat about football. She did play him basketball often (AND WON ) but that was before kenny got all mega tall.


The dom mutter of chit chat circled around the room as Chase waited for the Teacher to shop up. he already had a print out of the slides along with a pen ready to jot down quick notes. A simple but effective technique overall. He tapped his pen on the desk to some unheard beat the class filling in rather quickly. He glanced over to the student who sat next to him vaguely familiar. Perhaps another class? He shrugged it off until she started talking. Chase simply listened with a neutral expression as she spoke confused at first as to what she was even talking about until Kenny was brought up. Which only confused him more. He was starting to wonder if perhaps she was just one of those quick talkers who liked to take the credit for other peoples hard work but didn't voice his thought. "I think you have my confused for someone else... I'm Chase, I play the other kinda of football." he smirked slightly "Soccer." he added with out skipping a beat.

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