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Realistic or Modern School of Power | Out-of-Character

"Yep, but sadly im the only one smart enough and trained enough to actually use them without getting a random unrelated effect with high probability of self-injury "
"This is one of 13 possibilities of what happens when you touch me."
Eventually he just gets so tired of dissimilating every night and he's just like "Fuck it, apparently I'm a chick now"
"Hence stacking the deck in my favour, draw enough cards your going to get a Royal Flush eventually"
(Also was expecting them to say "Cute? I look just like you!","Thank you!","...")
I just keep picturing the current roll that came up when Kai assimilated Vetr
That or depends if its rerolled each time more material is added.
But if Kai dissimilates tonight, you could probably get another roll in the morning
Yeah, finer mechanics of it were still a ??? for me so wasn't sure.
Oh, yeah, he and Vetr can have a proper convo about her power now. Part of the assimilation process. He has a pretty good idea of how it works, he just doesn't know what he's doing
Yeah, its more needing the mental ability to actually use it, like they would need prep time for each use of it and even then the amount of focus/difficulty would keep it on the low end. The power itself was the skill/mental type that lets it do what it does, every action needing a whole slew of variable calculations to be incorporated into the actions, With enough time they could maybe get the basic jumps down in single directions but thats likely going to be the limit due to the actual mental/intelligence levels are so diffrent. (She can act airheaded at times but its drastically different in reality)
Yeah, got a list of crazy time abilitys later on. Like higher end....she could actually pull King Crimson stuff with enough training/practice.
Its a ability from Jojo that became a meme of "It just works". To try and explain it....lets them activate the ability, move normally during the ability but out of sync with everything else, and when the ability ends they are where they ended up. But for the other person? they carried out whatever actions they would have during that time, but have no memory of it with that time is effectively skipped.
Its complicated and hard to tell that its even been used outside of certain specific tactics to notice time has skipped ie looking at a watch, using something to count time consciously to see that it happened.

Yeah, I was just gonna have Kai sit down at his laptop and code an app to do the math for Vetr.
8 years at a computer
Yeah that would help to a degree, still needs the measurements/data entry part then interpreting the results quickly enough to use. Shes quicker at using effects on herself because she knows those figures from memory, but on others she needs to work them out (I mean i guess she has some extra-sensory ability worked in for purpose of working this information out/gathering it) but yeah a program would help out, maybe multiple instances running/data being colated.

I did have one of her gadgets later on be essentially a Solid Eye with stuff like that in so would be cool.
Well, there's a lot more to it than just a calculator, but yeah. Kai is probably gonna ask for her numbers book to see what her calculations are like at some point
Yeah....thats going to take a while to just understand the level of math/formula. Pages would look like this....


and yeah, hard to explaion full extent but TLDR "its complicated"

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