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Fantasy School for the Gifted

"The Rains of Castamere, Game of Thrones right?" Bloo knew a lot about Orchestral music from his mother and Modern music from his father.
"Yes," Elsera smiles as she finishes the piece, "I'm glad you noticed."

Rodrik smiles at his sister. He hoped the three of them could be good friends. They hadn't had a friend since Vee, who was back home. He knew that Vee was important to Elsera so he hoped that Bloo and her would get along.
Bloo sat behind the piano and thought about what he could play. He began mumbling, "Well there's Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Bach, other less well known composers. Could always do a cover of one of my favorite 21st Century songs... I know." he placed his fingers on the keys and they danced.


(I love Panic! At The Disco omg)

Elsera smiles and watches as Bloo plays.

Rodrik watches Bloo. He was very talented. He loved the song he chose as well.
He breathed out, "I would've sung but... I'm not that great." He was insecure about his voice especially around people he just met. "You'll get to hear my voice someday but for now, just piano and guitar." He rubbed his hazel eyes before smiling.
"Oh, stop. If you can play this good, I think your singing is even better." Rodrik says.

"I agree. I would love to hear you sing." Emilia smiles.
He looked down, blushing, and rubbed the back of his neck, "Maybe another time," He hoped they'd understand.
"Yeah, absolutely." Elsera says and nods. She walks back over to the cello to practice.

Rodrik sits beside Bloo and begins playing his favorite Beethoven piece.


Bloo stared at Rodrik whilst he was playing. He was falling quickly for this boy. He examined his features. From his chocolate brown hair to his to his big feet, this man was his type. He knew being in a relationship with a roommate wouldn't work besides who ever said this guy liked boys. No one. And it isn't as if Bloo could ask him, 'Do you like dudes cause I like you?' What was Bloo thinking? He wasn't in love with Rodrik. No; these are just first day feelings that will go away. He hoped.
Rodrik finished the piece and smiled. He hasn't played in a while, so he hoped Bloo thought it was good. "How was I? I hope I wasn't that bad."

Elsera rolls her eyes at her brother. He was being a flirt, as usual. She sits the cello down and walks over to Bloo and Rodrik. "You were amazing, right Bloo?"
Bloo was left speechless and still staring, "I-you-I mean-"He sighed, "Yeah." He smiled at Rodrik.
Elsera giggles. Bloo obviously likes Rodrik and Rodrik obviously likes Bloo. Should she be the one to point it out?

Rodrik laughs. “I’m glad you think so.”
Bloo blushed, "I can teach you more if you'd like me to," Anytime with Rodrik he thought was a good time.
"I'd love that." Rodrik smiles and looks at Bloo.

Elsera rolls her eyes. "Okay, lovebirds, I'm gonna go find some food before I starve to death." She says and leaves.
Bloo blushed even more. How was he supposed to come back from that? Sure, Rodrik was hot but Rodrik couldn't like him, could he? His mind was racing full of possible comebacks. He felt his Adam's apple bob from the embarrassment. He was going beet red.
"That's exactly what we are." Rodrik stands up and looks at Bloo. "Where to next, lovebird?"
"Well this seems interesting enough..." X thought, the large building in his view. He was still quite a few hundred miles away, his scales glimmering in the sun. A small package the size of a dragons talon was held delicately. He needed not to have so many clothes, his human form quite small. He flew with great speed and precision, a few minuets later arriving over the school. His great form blocked the sun's rays for a moment as he landed, wings whooshing small particles everywhere. He smirked, teeth gleaming, long tongue flicking in and out. He roared, a loud roar. A sign of, "I'm here". His gigantic head swung around, huffing, smoke billowing out of his mouth. He didn't know quite what to do, he was very hesitant.
Bloo blushed even more. He pulled his legs to his chest and rests his head on his knees, "Wherever," he mumbled, "I don't care." He was unsure whether Rodrik was messing with him. If Rodrik really wanted him so badly he should say. He heard a roar and immediately ran into his arms.
Elsera hears a loud roar. She curiously goes to find out what it is. She finds a dragon there. She wasn't afraid of him. She could shapeshift into a dragon if she wanted to.

Rodrik was taken by surprise when Bloo ran into his arms. He liked Bloo in his arms. "I wonder what that was."
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Bloo's cat ears were flat and his tail had wrapped around Rodrik again, "H-Hold m-m-me," He was afraid of loud noises and the dragon roar scared him a lot.
Rodrik holds him tight. "It's okay, don't worry." He says softly.

Elsera continues to look at the dragon.
He stared down at the female that stood before him. She was so small, fragile, and... Somewhat adorable. He lowered his head, nostrils flaring, silver cat-like eyes glowing intensely. He growled, his growl shaking the ground. He inspected the female as if inspecting treasure, wings ruffling.

Hello." He said, voice deep, loud, but mouth unmoving. For the time being, only the female could hear him. "My name is Xiuhcoatl. I am a Silver Dragon from worlds unknown. Whom might you be?" He didn't want to frighten her, maybe make sure she would at least be on alert. He could have eaten her, claws scraping against the ground, tail flicking back and forth. His chest rose and fell, evenly, taking in deep breaths and her scent, storing it in the deep parts of his brain.

Even though these creatures were not ordinary humans, they would not be as afraid, but would be warned to be cautions. Dragons were noble, feared creatures, showing respect would be the best way to get on one's good list.
"I wanna go to our room," Bloo said tears spilling onto Rodrik's shirt, "Carry me?"
"Sorry, I've never seen a dragon before. I apologize if I am being rude," Elsera says and backs away. "I'm Elsera. It's nice to meet you."

Rodrik picks him up, holding him in his strong arms. He walks down the hall and into their room, sitting him onto his bed. "Hey, it's alright. Nothing to be worried about. If anything comes in here, I'll protect you."
X tilted his head curiously as she backed away. He extended his neck, his nose inches from her face. He smelled of rain and moist air, eyes boring into hers. He sat there for a moment, not moving, a third eyelid closing, then reopening. He seemed liked a statue, or a snake ready to strike. His back leg muscles contracted.

It is my pleasure to meet a young one like you, Elsera." He said, out loud this time, voice loud, deep like a canyon. He suddenly moved forward, gently moving over the female, slowly, his stomach far above her head. As he turned around towards the back of the building, the tip of his tail flicking under her chin.

Muttering some unknown words, there was a brilliant flash, he now human, but out of site of the others. He ran his hands through his silver hair, sighing. "Wow... That was intense..." He turned around the corner, hoping not to be seen by the female, which was nearly impossible. Cheeks flushing red, her face popping into his head. He shuffled toward the front doors, quickly, stumbling on his two legs, cursing loudly. He hoped she didn't see him, or didn't know he was just the enormous serpent that suddenly vanished into thin air...

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