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Fantasy School for the Gifted

Rodrik watches as Bloo takes his hat off. "Oh, a neko. I've never met one before. Aren't we supposed to be sworn enemies or something?" Rodrik laughs at himself. "Sounds like bullshit to me."

Emilia sighs. "You draw?" She takes a closer look. "They're very good. You're really talented."
Victoria smiles. "Thank you. I work with quite a few mediums though. Drawing is my favorite though because it's very portable." She begins to pull other things out of her duffle bag, arranging them neatly on one of the desks in the room. Acrylic paint, watercolor, more colored pencils, and sketch markers.
Bloo sighed, "Yeah. My Dad used to tell me stories of how werewolves and nekos were enemies and how they hated each other. I never understood why. I guess it's just something they tell kids to make them hate someone. Hate is taught and it isn't needed."
"I agree 100%. I never understood why we should hate one another. I don't hate anything or anyone unless I'm given a reason to." Rodrik explains.
"Yeah, I never liked hands or feet." Elsera sighs at the thought of when she used to try to draw. She hated to say it, but she missed her mother making her try to learn the drawing skill.
Victoria stacks various sizes of sketchbooks on the desk and puts the duffle bag underneath. "I think I'm going to explore the campus... See if I can find anything interesting," she says. She picks up the large sketchbook and box of pencils before leaving the dorm room.
He blushed more, "Same. You don't seem like a bad guy." Bloo smiled.
Elsera watches as she leaves. "Oh, okay." The girl isn't much for conversation.

Rodrik laughs. "I'm glad you don't think I am."
Victoria walks down the hall, singing quietly. She passes various dorm rooms on her way. 11, 12, 13. Where was she going to go first?
Bloo smiled and grabbed his suitcase and began unpacking, "So why this school? I mean other than the fact that you're a werewolf."
Rodrik shrugs. "I don't know. My sister begged me to come because she didn't want to be here alone. We're really close so I guess I just didn't want to part from her."

Elsera decides to transform into a wolf. She runs out of the room and past her brother's dorm.
Bloo took clothes out of the suitcase and put them in the drawers at the bottom of his bed, "What's your sister's name?"
Adam walks excitedly throughout the hallways exploring the world around him

"It's crazy how much strange beings there are here" he muses as he rounds the corner towards the dorms

He had never been in a place. Where his physiology changed so much

Just walking in the building his DNA morphed at least seven times.

"Hello anybody know where my dorm room is?" He shouts boldly down the hall.

Elsera notices a boy shouting. She transforms back into human form. "Oh, hi! I'm Elsera. I can show you where your dorm room is if you'd like!" She says excitedly.


"Elsera. She's a shapeshifter." Rodrik explains as he stares at the ceiling.
Victoria exits the building and begins to walk down a path leading around the campus. Despite the buzzing of vehicles in the distance, it was a quiet place. She enjoyed it. She sits under a tree and props her sketchbook on her lap. She pops open the tin of pencils and chooses a light graphite pencil.
"That's cool. I've got a little brother, his names Corey but he's not coming here yet. He's gotta wait another few years." He opened his guitar cases and took out his blue acoustic and red electric and put them against the wall. "And. Stay."
He blushed, "He is a lot like me but he's more of a prankster." He unpacked his headphones, laptop, laptop charger, tooth brush, hair brush, cat brush, and other small things. "So do you wanna go around the school? We could go talk to people and learn how not to get lost for tomorrow." He smiled. Something about Rodrik made Bloo happy.
Bloo stood up and looked up and Rodrik, "I'm so short compared to you. And I'm the tallest in my family." He sighed, "Anyway!" He smiled, "Let's go,"
Victoria continues to sing softly. Her voice is accompanied by the scratching of pencil on paper. She was stepping out of her comfort zone a little bit on this piece, but she figured it would pay off in the end.
Bloo ran out of the dorm, "Keep up!" he giggled. He ran around a lot when he was a child after growing up in a forest. He wasn't muscular but he kept himself healthy. He held is arms out like a bird and ran down the hallway.

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