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Realistic or Modern Salinate Academy (A school for heroes. Always accepting!)

She smirks as her ring emits a purple light. Her speed increases as she grabs his other leg and uses his weight to flip to the side and throw him. As she flipped to the side she dodged the other guys attack. She didn't throw Klaus to hard though she hoped she didnt throw him against a desk or something. It was pretty hard to see in the smoke. She lands in a crouched position and sighs. "Butting in huh? Oh well suppose the more the merrier! And there will be no setting people ok fire in this class thank you."

@Zedisback @FrostXShadow @Ethan Hart
"fuck" he cursed when she threw him, he quickly focused and a blue smoke emitted from his body causing him to float and land on a desk safely

He studied her ring "what the hell was that" he said a loud towards her before using his power to fling himself towards her his hex amplifying his kick that he threw at her

@Libra259 @Ethan Hart @Zedisback
Sighing as he was told no setting people on fire, he watched as the people continued to fight. "Now that isn't fair. Two against one? Hey teach, I'm jumping in." Walking in front of the teacher, he waited for the kick to come in close. Slowly, he raised his hand and caught the kick. "Is that it?" He asked. "I knew this was going to be boring..." Throwing the leg away, he walked back to his seat.

@FrostXShadow @Libra259
"Oh that warms me when someone is about to attck me. Now the sudden burst in speed is just because I havent been trying. There is to be no powers in this class while we spar." Her ring emits a bright white light and anyone relatively close to her with powers would feel a slight weight to themselves. "This is a temporary power nullifying ability I created when I was 12. I dont need anyone getting severely injured."


@everyone in class
As he ran to where she landed having trouble seeing in the smoke, he said. "Klaus lets work with each other." The boy said, as he would try to find the lady who was teaching, having some trouble seeing in the smoke As he ran at the teacher the best he could as he would try to axe kick her.

@FrostXShadow @Libra259 @Ethan Hart
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"he gave a shocked look when the guy from before caught his leg instead of the teacher the guy threw his leg away and Klaus stood there dumbfounded as the guy walked back to his seat he shook his head and look back to the smoke and he heard the guy talking to him "right" he nodded and jumped into the smoke preparing to kick Jackie he was about to amplify his kick and realized his powers didn't work "crap" he muttered having to put al his strength towards his physical attacks now.

@Libra259 @Zedisback @Ethan Hart
She dodged Klaus' kick and attempted to kick him in the side. Even at this point she was only half trying when it came to offense. She needed to feel like she had to use all her physical strength before she did.

As he reached into his pocket, trying to form a knife, he would stare in awe when he was unable to form one, not really knowing what to do anymore, he had a plan, as he was starting to think he got himself into more than he could handle, as he ran at the lady dropping himself to the ground, as he would try to sweep her legs out from under her.

@FrostXShadow @Libra259 @Ethan Hart
Alexis leans back in her chair and pulls out her phone, as much as the fighting looked fun she just couldn't be bothered to join in. Her suit was very unlikely to stop working so she wasn't really worried about having to resort to hand to hand combat.
Her ring glows purple and she swings her other leg up towards the other guy to both avoid from being tripped and try and kick him in the face.

Jackie flips in the air landing in a roll then standing right back up, "bravo! Perfect teamwork! Im impressed." She says while standing her ground. She still didnt feel like she need to become offensive yet.

@Zedisback @FrostXShadow
As he was fighting with Klaus the way to win would enter his mind, jumping up from where he let himself fall, he grabbed the other boy by the collar of his shirt, pulling him into a huddle, as he whispered "I have a plan." Now waiting for the boy to speak back to him.

@FrostXShadow @Libra259
FrostXShadow said:
after throwing her he was grabbed by Max "What the h..." he heard Max whisper that he has a plan "ok so what is it" he asked they needed to hurry before she came after them again.
@Zedisback @Libra259
As he started to whisper again he said. "Okay you'll run at her ready for an attack, and I ran behind you and I'll leapfrog over you, giving her less room to dodge." He whispered knowing it was harder for her to dodge two people at two different angles.

"Not smooth never look away." Jackie says as she sends a flying kick at Klaus' back attempting to have him knock the other guy and send them both flying back.

@FrostXShadow @Zedisback
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(HOW THE HECK DID YOU KNOW THAT THE FROST PART OF MY NAME MEANT FROSTBITE??????) Klaus gave a grunt as he flew forward a few feet before jumping at her and Kicking her Right arm with as much strength that he had left "SON OF A GUN THAT HURT" he yelled his back hurt now
"You let your guard down." She lets him kick her but hooks her foot around his leg so she took none of the damage. She used the strength of his attack to flip into the air and attempt to kick them both.

@FrostXShadow @Zedisback (i didnt xD )
As the male he was planning with got knocked into him, as he got knocked back a few feet looking over to the other boy. Saying "Ready?" He asked hoping the boy was ready to try to plan, as this lady seemed more powerful than the both of them, as he winced in pain from hitting the ground, as he turned his gaze to Klaus.

@FrostXShadow @Libra259
Jackie smiles and lands perfectly. She stands her ground waiting for them both to attack. She knew exactly what she was going to do and to think, she still hasn't drawn her boe staff or really attacked yet. They were clever but she could definitely teach them a lot.

@Zedisback @FrostXShadow
FrostXShadow said:
He blocks her attack and jump back he looks over to max and nods before running at full sprint towards the teacher he prepared a punch and was ready to attempt the plan that max had came up with
@Zedisback @Libra259
As he would smile, he ran behind the boy, waiting until, they closed in on the lady, before he leapfrogged over the boy named Klaus. As he gazed at her, as he would aim his right hook for her face. As he would fly at a downward angle at her.

@FrostXShadow @Libra259
Jackie also jumps up at Max, dodging Klaus' attack and turns her ring to her boe staff. She puts it diagonally over her head to his hook slides off of it. At the same time she attempts to kick Klaus.

@FrostXShadow @Zedisback

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