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Realistic or Modern Salinate Academy (A school for heroes. Always accepting!)

Alexis scans the classroom and sees the boy from earlier, she walks over and sits in the seat in front of his. She puts her bag on the floor and turns to him.

"Hey," she smiles. "Sooo about earlier, of course I know the avengers."

Klaus looks at the girl and the pencil drops ..his eyes widen" y-your Alexis Stark Iron man's daughter" he smiled it was the first time he meet a child who's parent was on the original avengers team

Jax enters the classroom and smiles at her small class. "Im not gonna make this boring so lets get to the point if this class! This is combat training and I will be helping you all train for situations where your powers or suit may not work! I bet you all know something about combat but I need someone to volunteer to demonstrate with me. After I need you all to get with a partner.. Which shouldnt be hard since it looks like a lot of students are late." She explains while setting her bag down at her desk and smiling.

@everyone in the class
As he ran to his first class, he came to the door, he didn't want to enter the wrong classroom again, "Room 256." He said to himself, as he would enter the room, taking a seat in the back as he waited for class to start as he hoped he wasn't late for his first class.
"That's pretty awesome." She says. The people here are pretty cool. She thinks while turns back to the front of the class to listen to the teacher.
"Thank you Klaus, can you tell me how skilled you believe you are with hand to hand combat?" Jax asks. "Oh and your suppose to call me Ms. Lane.. But Id prefer Jackie." She replies.

@everyone in the class

Jackie grins, "good I like your confidence. I always have to reply on hand to hand combat since I possess no actual powers. So come at me, and dont feel like you need to hold back. The objective is to land a blow on your opponent. Each time you will take turns playing offense and defense. Once Klaus is done I will be using offense and he will be using defense." She explains. The classroom was quite large and the front of the room looked like an area.


@everyone in the class
FrostXShadow said:
"im pretty good I have to rely on it when I cant use my powers so im well versed" he responsed to Jackie as he walked to the front of the class
@Libra259 @NightSky @Zedisback
As he raised his right hand, he said "Jackie, me and Klaus said we would spar, can we do it in this class?" As he wanted to keep his word to his new found friend, and he needed to finish what he started with the boy anyway, so why not ask. As he waited for the teachers response.

@FrostXShadow @Libra259 @NightSky
Alexis puts her elbow on the desk and rests her head on her hand, leaning forward with interest. This is more intresting than I thought it was going to be. If I can learn to be better at hand to hand combat I don't need to use my suit as much.
"Of course, but I need to finish this demonstration first though. After you both will do this and another pair will too and so on." Jackie wasnt even paying attention to Klaus and catches his punch, "now that was a halfass punch." She curses with a chuckle. "Oh and I may be a teacher, but im a student teacher who's sixteen. So yes I swear and I dont care if you guys do either. Its a way of life thats almost inevitable." She lets Klaus' fist go and faces him. "Didnt I say dont hold back?" She replies with a raised eyebrow.

@FrostXShadow @Zedisback

@everyone in the class
he laughed when she noticed he only used half strength "you noticed that huh" he took a couple steps back "well guess I won't hold back then" he smirked and jumped at her going extremely fast aiming his knee towards her face while at the same time preparing a punch

@Libra259 @NightSky @Zedisback
Yawning once more as he walked into the class late, Alexander glanced at the person fighting. Weak. How was he meant to learn anything here? His powers would never leave him, he had no need in this lesson. With a loud sigh, he slowly walked over to a seat and slumped down in it. "When is this going to be over? I have better things to do..."

Jackie smirks sidestepping and avoiding both his attacks then kicking up. Aiming to set him off balance in the air. "Dont leave space for your opponent to dodge or block." She replies. Jackie laughs at the sudden bored question someone new asked, "as soon as your boredom ends." She replies, "but really not till another 50 minutes each class is an hour. Sorry dude your stuck here for a while."

@FrostXShadow @Ethan Hart
"Would have been longer if it was the first option..." He mumbled to himself before watching the fight. "Urgh, wake me up when the class is over." Alexander then rested his head shoulder and crossed his arms as he tried to sleep. However, he always kept one eye slightly open as he slept, just to make sure nothing would hit him.

Alexis giggles, she liked this teacher and this class. She glances over at the person that just walked in, he has striking red eyes and is extremely bored, creating quite a negative atmosphere. She rolls her eyes and looks back to the front.
He laughed when she side stepped his attack "I figured you would do that" he landed on the ground in a crouched position and swiftly kicked the back of her leg with full power....he heard the guy talking about how he was so bored so in the process of kicking Jackie he used his power to make a pencil fly at the boy.

@Libra259 @Ethan Hart
Jackie jumps up doing a backflip and attempting to grab the boys leg. "Oh but I let you. And really a pencil? If your gonna throw something at least make it good.. Maybe like a paperweight.." She says.

As the pencil flew at him, Alexander's arm flew up. As soon as his hand was level with the pencil, it caught on fire and turned to ashes. "Try that again, I dare you." He mumbled as he slowly brought his hand back down. "You'll be the pencil if you do however." As the teacher said a paperweight, Alex opened his eyes. "Oh? That may be fun. Never burnt that before..."

@FrostXShadow @Libra259 @NightSky
Libra259 said:
She laughs, "i'll be waking you up before that." She replies while waiting for Klaus.
@Ethan Hart @FrostXShadow
As he looked at the lady fighting, he remembered he had some old smoke pellets, in his book bag, as this was combat class, he need to learn too, reaching into his bag, he grabbed three pellets. As he ran behind Jackie trying to attack her in the smoke, as he attempted to give her a right hook, to the leg.

@Libra259 @FrostXShadow
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