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Fandom Rwby Rp! (Always accepting!!)

He goes to take a golden king "It seems suited for me for some reason and yes Virgo you can take that one you have the strength of the knight good friend." He said to him "Do you think we should hide them again?"
"I'm going to leave them out. I'd rather not cause trouble with my future classmates." Douglass starts heading south, intent on getting back to Ozpin and Glynda in one piece. "We should head back. I'd rather not encounter another large Grimm."
"Good point we should go now I do hope we do not encounter any ursas that would be terrible"he said now walking back south
Silently Firenze walks the halls looking for anyone. He sighs then walks forward. He quickly begins to trot. He wants to find someone quick to tell him which classes he is taking. He needs to know where the principle is.
"Ugh. Tell me about it. Riding one of those things is not comfortable." Douglass rubs the base of his spine to emphasize his point. "Uh, Tatsuya? Weren't the rules to bring back one relic per pair? I, strangely, never ran into anyone on the way here. I found Virgo's cape and hoped that he didn't have a partner, but you seem to have had that part covered. Or maybe I'm just misremembering something again." Douglass scratches his head.
"Yeah I'm with Virgo yet you don't have a partner so yeah...."He said looking around for any grimm
"Maybe ozpin will give you one." Virgo suggested. "It would seem pretty unfair to mmake you do all this and get kicked out for not having one. And there weren't many people there."
Silently Firenze walked into a gym. He looked around and called, "Hello?" No one odd. He walked around until he ran into someone and said, "Oops. Sorry. Listen I am new here and I am from the fire Kingdom could you tell me where those type of people normally go for classes?"

(To Anyone. Please someone reply to this.)
"Ozpin could but Virgo you did a great job out their you didn't fear the Grimm at all great job"He said patting him on the back
"I can hope. Or maybe we'll run into someone on the way back, however unlikely that is." Douglass chuckled a little. "Maybe I'll get lucky and end up on the same team as you two!"
"It would be a party, that's what it would be. I wouldn't consider us unstoppable, but I would consider us formidable." Douglass smiled. "Wonder who would be the leader in that case?"
Firenze looked at the person he had bumped into. The person moved on without a word. Odd. He looked around. No one. Silently he sat down by the beam cross-legged. He yawned then closed his eyes resting. He accidentally leaned against whatever was making the beam and it flashed. Oops. Firenze looked at the beam trying to figure out how it worked.
"Nor would I. But for all I know, Virgo would prove to be an excellent leader in his own right. I guess it isn't in our hands who the leader is, though." Douglass shrugged and kept walking. "For all we know, one of us is going to be chosen as leader, and we won't get a say."
"Eh I wouldn't mind having Virgo as a leader but I would be good at leading the team it would be quite fun"He said
"Yes, Virgo. It is quite exciting, the unknown. You seem to know how to direct your companions, Tatsuya, and maybe all this discussion will end with you as a team leader. Personally wouldn't be opposed to taking up the role myself, but I'll never know until I'm with a team now, will I?"

(And that's my last post for the night. Continuing in the morning. G'night!)
"Indeed it will be." Douglass stops at the edge of the clearing. "You two go on ahead. I'm going to wait here and see if anyone is in need of a partner."
"Don't worry. I know you both can handle it." Douglass smiled warmly at the two of them. "Good luck, both of you." He turned and started walking back towards the remaining relics. "I'll see the both of you later!"
Silently Faolin looked at the buttons on the beam making thing. He decided to let his go. Mostly because he didn't understand how the tech worked. He laid down and closed his eyes. He needed a rest any way.

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