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Fandom Rwby Rp! (Always accepting!!)

"You have a point Tatsuya. And that's the spirit Virgo." He twirls his staff. "....So do either of you know what this relic looks like? Or will we know it when we see it?" As he looks around he does a double take. Did something just move?
"Maybe the relic is something cool!" Virgo said. "Like a golden statue!" Virgo gasped. "Or a mint condition X-Ray and Vav comic!"
"Regardless, we should keep searching. The sooner we find the relic, the better off we'll be." As Douglass looked around the area, he swears he saw something creep just out of sight and whips the MP3 player around to find... nothing. "Calm down, the space is just getting to you." He continues forwards, searching.
"I see a light over their it Must be the relic"He said pointing at it
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Douglass shines his MP3 player on Virgo and the relic. Or rather, the stinger. As he followed what it was attached to, he gasped. A Deathclaw. "Virgo Tatsuya! It's a Grimm! Move!" Douglass put his headphones back on and readied for a fight.

(OK, that's where this was going right? Deathclaw in a cave. Sorry if I'm hajacking something else, it's just where I thought it was going.)
"W-Wait, wha-" Virgo went silent as he was looking in the eyes of a deathstalker. "Uh...hi."


Virgo screamed as the deathstalker began to charge.
(Just making sure. I don't want to accidentally step on anyone's toes. Also, getting late where I'm at and I have class tomorrow, so I'll be going to bed. G'night!)

Douglass ran harder than he thought possible out of the cave, stashing his MP3 player back in his pocket. He then transformed Scratch into dual hand cannons and aimed for the death stalkers eyes, firing one, then the other, then both to a rhythm only he could hear. The shots missed the eyes, hitting the thick plating on it's face, which only seemed to anger it more.
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"What do I do?! What do I do?!" Virgo panicked, flailing about as the Grimm moved its stinger to and fro, trying to shake him off.
"Use your weapons and focus fire on the stinger!" Douglass fired in sequence again, the first two shots missing completely, but the final double shot landing. Not nearly enough damage to break the stinger outright, but enough to hurt. The Death Stalker began to swing it's claws at Douglass and Tatsuya, with its stinger seeking out Virgo. Douglass barely rolls out of the way of the Death Stalkers claw before firing at its stinger once more.
He does a strong strike nearly breaking the deathstalkers claw "its nearly there!"He said moving out of the way from it and trying to strike the other claw
"Right!" Virgo grinned and grabbed his shield. "Time to test out my new move!" Virgo threw it, aiming for the stinger. "Star sho-"

He stopped as it missed the stinger entirely, instead impaling a nearby tree.

Douglass transforms Scratch into dual blades and starts rushing the Death stalker, managing to jump on its back and leap at the stinger, managing to land 3 consecutive strikes, boosted by his Semblance. The stinger looks in bad shape, a good hit will take it right off. This enrages the Death stalker further as it bucks, launching Douglass into the air and landing him on the ground nearby.
He jumps out of the way of the deathstalker from getting hit by the stinger.He gets up "Virgo aim at the stinger believe in yourself you can take the stinger clean off"
"You're right!"

Virgo took a deep breath and unholstered exemplary, he exhaled slowly and pressed the trigger


Surprised, Virgo looked to see the deathstalker screech in pain as its stinger flew off.

Douglass gets up and sees what Virgo did. "Great shot Virgo! Real hero material!" The Death Stalker backs up, and charges Virgo, trying to crush him with its claws.

(OK, last post for the day. I'm going to bed. I'll continue this in the morning. G'night!)
Silently Firenze flew along in his Phoenix form. He was flying to this new academy he couldn't remember which wing though. Oops. He landed on one of the porches on one of the wings and preened his fiery feathers. He changed human slowly not completely mastered in his ability. He shook his brown hair as he sighed. He looked around. Now what? He was lost and he was going to be late most likely. He opened the door in front of him better start somewhere.
Libra259 said:
Moni rolls her eyes she knew more were here and probably watching them but he could figure that out for himself. She approaches it and smirks. Hm lets draw this out a bit, just for fun! Moni continues to walk towards the ursa as it watches her and charges. She holds her parasol slightly slanted. Right as the Grimm would collide with her parasol she does an aerial while pushing off of it. She spins in the air and lands perfectly. Her smirk widens and she rests her parasol on her shoulder as the ursa turns looking at her. It swings at her and she holds her parasol to block it, being slightly pushed back. She does a backbend kicking it under the chin and returning onto her feet. The ursa roars (lol can i call it that? xD i dont know) and charges at her again swinging down on her. Moni smiles drawing her rapier and in one quick slice she cuts its arm off. It stumbles back a bit. It was obvious that she was playing with it and her eyes twinkle with amusement. I should probably end this.. We do need to find a relic. She sighs and puts her parasol back together, pulling the rounded part off only. She held it up and fired it multiple times. Shooting the ursa in the face, blinding it in the left eye. Moni then puts it back together and charges at the ursa. She jumps up and preforms what looks like a spinning kick but draws her rapier and slashing down on its head. Rose petals fly everywhere as the head rolls onto the ground, followed by its body going limp. Moni lands in a crouched position and stands up. Returning to her normal position like nothing happened.
he claps his hands chukling "That was awesome! Im glad you are my partner!"

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