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Fandom Rwby Rp! (Always accepting!!)

Douglass didn't have much breathing room as the Ursa was putting its weight on Scratch's greatsword form, and he could only resist that much weight for so long, even with training.
"Yeah let's go help him"He Runs at the Ursa and stabs it on the back causing it to stand "Shoot your weapons!"
The attack on the Ursa gave Douglass just the opening he needed as he brought the greatsword over his head, and smashed the blade on the Ursa's face, finally killing it.

"Phew. That was an ordeal. Thanks for the help. Name's Douglass, by the way."
"Nice to meet the both of you. By the way, did either of you lose a cape earlier?" He unclips the cape he's been wearing for a little bit. "Found this in a tree a ways away, figured it might be someone's."
"No problem, Virgo. I just saw it and thought it had to be someone's. And agreed. Let's get in there. At least it has walls instead of just open space."

Douglass transformed Scratch back into it's briefcase form and walked into the temple.
"What's up? And are we sure the relic is in here?" Douglass maxed out the brightness on his MP3 player, which didn't help much. The area's illumination is similar to a cheap LED flashlight.
Moni rolls her eyes she knew more were here and probably watching them but he could figure that out for himself. She approaches it and smirks. Hm lets draw this out a bit, just for fun! Moni continues to walk towards the ursa as it watches her and charges. She holds her parasol slightly slanted. Right as the Grimm would collide with her parasol she does an aerial while pushing off of it. She spins in the air and lands perfectly. Her smirk widens and she rests her parasol on her shoulder as the ursa turns looking at her. It swings at her and she holds her parasol to block it, being slightly pushed back. She does a backbend kicking it under the chin and returning onto her feet. The ursa roars (lol can i call it that? xD i dont know) and charges at her again swinging down on her. Moni smiles drawing her rapier and in one quick slice she cuts its arm off. It stumbles back a bit. It was obvious that she was playing with it and her eyes twinkle with amusement. I should probably end this.. We do need to find a relic. She sighs and puts her parasol back together, pulling the rounded part off only. She held it up and fired it multiple times. Shooting the ursa in the face, blinding it in the left eye. Moni then puts it back together and charges at the ursa. She jumps up and preforms what looks like a spinning kick but draws her rapier and slashing down on its head. Rose petals fly everywhere as the head rolls onto the ground, followed by its body going limp. Moni lands in a crouched position and stands up. Returning to her normal position like nothing happened.

Virgo's eyes widened and he turned around and gasped. Slowly backing up, he tapped Douglass on the arm.

"D-do temples u-usually have skeletons?"
"On occasion, usually in old adventure movies. Poor souls. Wonder what got to them?" He continued despite he growing apprehension about the situation. He readied Scratch for a transformation, with the briefcase humming lowly, just in case.
"I think we are getting close to the relic I guess what's going on?"he asked them both holding his sword .
"U-Uh, I'm not sure...but something's not right." Virgo slowly said, hiding behind his shield. "I wonder how Nathan and moni are doing..."
"Friends of yours? I'm sure they're doing fine. But something is off." Scratch transforms into a bladed staff. "Best be on guard. And try to keep calm." Douglass was terrified. I mean, there were probably Grimm in here, but he was going to persevere.
"I'm sure they are fine also everyone calm down alright I am equally scared here but I don't let it get to me let's just keep going"

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