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Fantasy Rutherford Institute for the Gifted

@Obsession Kirt elaborated, "If you have the ability to control emotions, then looks like we've got something in common." Now knowing Naomi is also Pathokinetic, Kirt refrained from enhancing his emotional spell upon her as to not scare her off immediately or creep her, at least for the time being. After all, she may be resistent, as Nick told him.

@Samuel Briscomb Kirt quickly turned to Nick and told him, "Feel better little friend," He called out, gettting a glimpse of Clair as well, not knowing its the Clair Nick had mentioned earlier.
@Obsessed Nick quickly headed inside and towards his private rooms. After opening the doors, he collapsed on the bed, and after shaking for about 5 minutes he was fast asleep
Clair sighed looking back at the group "well make sure you get a note from your father otherwise i'll have to write you down for ditching and i don't want to do that"she muttered soon realizing it was pointless.she turned to the other three and yawned "ok you three classes are starting get a move on."
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@Shaba7 "Oh, so people with the same abilities can know that that other person also have the same ability?" Naomi asked curiously, "But why didn't I notice? How did you notice?"
@Mr Swiftshots "Aw who gives a damn," Kirt argued back, semi-rudely. "We just got here. Just a minute."

@Obsessed "Well, it was just a hunch for me," Kirt shrugged. "You' arent the first pathokinetic person i meet. Plus, i felt you trying to emotionally interact wtih Nick. Not sure what you were trying to do, but the hunch was there."
@Shaba7 "Oh? Well, I didn't mean to." Naomi sighed, "I really need to learn to stop using them unconsciously. It's kind of hard since it can't be seen.

"Now we're talking about classes, what's the first class? I forgot to bring my... class schedule. Do we have the same classes?" she added,
Clair sighed after listening to the taller male in the group "listen kid its your first day here , so i don't want to be handing out punishments" She then turned to the girl and spoke calmly "alright whats your class and year?"
@Obsessed Kirt, rather than cut to the chase with his usual antics, decided to take a new approach with Naomi. "Hmmm... perhaps I can teach you about how to use your power to the fullest?"

@Mr Swiftshots Kirt laughed at how assertive Clair had become so fast. Rather than argue, he attempted to soothe her tense mood down to a more mellow one. As Naomi gave her credentials, he added, "Whaddya know, Naomi, same class, what are the odds."
@Obsessed "Mhm, anytime you want," Kirt answered, still smiling to his new friend. He reached for his back pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He held it out to Naomi. "Here. Enter your number, call yourself, and save my number. Then hit me up whenever you wanna learn."
Clair sighed looking down at her watch "math room 27" she said looking over at the door "you have five minutes to get there or your late", it was true what Mr.Devon had said this year was definitely interesting .
@Shaba7 @Mr Swiftshots "Okay," Naomi took his phone and typed her number and called it. Something buzzed in her pockets and was then followed by an "I'm a gummy bear" ringtone. She cancelled the call and saved the number. "Here you go," she said, returning the phone. She glanced at the blonde hair and smiled, "Thanks!" and then back at Kirt. "I'll go to class then."
@Obsessed @Mr Swiftshots "I might as well go with.... there's no one else around..... a good nap in math class would suit me well anyway." Kirt took his phone back, slipped it to his back jeans pocket, and followed Naomi to class, where he'd get a decent nap in the mix, regardless of what anyone would say.
Clair sighed making her way to the maths class as well , she took her seat bin the back by the window. She sat waiting for the class to start , which she found was rather pathetic but she had promised to try avoid using her powers.
When Nick woke up, it was just past lunch time, and there was a note sitting on his pillow, reading 'You weren't given permission, but get better soon. David'. Nick crumpled it before coming up with a wicked idea.

Pulling his skateboard down from the shelf, he sneaked out into the hall before putting the skateboard on the floor and pushing off. He used the wind around him to keep himself on the board, and to go extremely fast.
Celeste finally arrived at school. Her train ride there was delayed three hours so she is very late. She goes to the office to get an escused absense and settled into a dorm, she set up her chemistry sets and her animals.
"Probably shouldn't have skipped for the rest of the day yesterday, probably missed important, I got to get myself together." Let's do this. *I walk to the office to figure out my first class*
Naomi sat on the field's bench. Lunch already passed and she have spare two hours. She didn't know what to do so she decided to pass time on the windy bench, watching students practice their magic.
*I find a nice empty spot behind the school and decide to practice my magic* "Alright let's get started". *I summon a fireball in my hand a shot it at the sky and watched it explode* "wow still awesome as ever."
After napping through math class, Kirt, now fully rested, continued to browse the campus. He looked to the sky to the sight of a fireball exploding in the air. He smiled at the thought of chaos, something he found well in order to get acquainted. He held his hand up and fired an electric bolt into the air, likewise, making it burst once at a decent altitude.
"Woah, pretty knarly, that lightning bolt was pretty good but I wonder who that was, but I think I can make a bigger exploision". *I summon a fireball in both hands and combine them and launch them in the air and watched the big exploision* "They can try to top that."
Kirt saw the second fireball burst in a larger explosion. He saw this as competition. "So it is war, ehh?" He clenched his fists tightly, bits of electricity emitting from his limbs, then, with a grunt, launched a bolt up to the sky, then allowing it to burst in the air, surely visible from a mile away.

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