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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp


He blushed brighter red and hid his face as he looked away, unsure of what to think of that "Really cute..." he said under his breath as he stared at the wall, He began trembling nervously​
Masika buried his face into his pillow. "Can you lay with me again?" he asked adorably. "I'm cold." He was indeed shivering, but that wasn't the real reason for wanting to cuddle.


He squeaked very high-pitched as he looked over at him and nodded slowly, He slipped his jacket off so he was only wearing a white t-shirt and took his shoes off before climbing back into the bed and laying there, now forced to look at him. His piercing blue-grey eyes stared directly into the other males as his face turned the color of a tomato​


He very hesitantly put his arms around him and held him close, his heart was beating out of his chest and he was sure Masika could hear it, He tried his best to relax but failed miserably and just laid there holding him​
David:L "Yeah?" i replied, walking towards the voice. It sounded slightly familiar, but i wasn't sure.
Masika finally woke up after almost a full day of sleep. He yawned and sat up, still weak, but looking a lot better than before.

Archer Savage

He had eventually fallen asleep but whined as Masika woke up and put his arm over his lap "Masika" he whispered in his sleepiness​
"Good morning." he smiled, lightly patting Archer on the head. "Is it even morning anymore?" he asked, looking around for the time.

Archer Savage

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, surprised the nurses didn't tell him off for sleeping in a patients bed, He looked over at his phone and unlocked it though it was hard to read through the shattered glass "It's like 2pm" he laughed a bit​
"Oh." Masika blushed. "Did I really sleep for that long?" He sounded amazed. "That's... probably more sleep than I've had all last month."

Archer Savage

He nodded and frowned "I mean, I guess that's good right?" he asked as he got out of the bed and stretched, his back popping a few times as he turned to him "Want something to eat?" he offered​

Archer Savage

He bit his lip and tried to think of what he wanted himself "What do you want?" he asked then realized Masika could leave "or we could go get something, y'know together" he added with a cute blush as he put his phone in his pocket​
"I can get up now?" he asked, a bit excited. He got his stick-thin legs over the edge of the bed, then waited for an answer. He was still hooked up to an IV.

Archer Savage

He nodded "Hang on though" he said as he pushed the button for the nurse to come and unhook him​

Archer Savage

The nurse eventually came and unhooked him, giving him a plain bandaid over the area that had the IV, Archer held his hand out to help him "Careful your legs are probably still weak" he said gently​

Archer Savage

He blushed lightly and nodded "I can't leave you now you're on my insurance" he said quietly as he held his hand and helped him up before leading him out of the room slowly​
Masika giggled lightly, his legs were shaking, but he was able to walk with Archer's help. "Thank you for stopping to help me."

Archer Savage

He blinked and shrugged "Seemed like the right thing to do, No need to thank me" he said as he walked and lead him out the door "What kind of food do you want to get?" he asked​
"Uhm." He thought about it. "Some stew?" he looked hopeful, as if Archer might say no for whatever reason.

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