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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp

Archer Savage

He frowned and nodded "Lets just say my father and I didn't get along" he said quietly as he looked away and his expression grew dark, His mind going off to some other place

Archer Savage

He nodded and leaned on Masika with a deep sigh "We could play 20 questions" he said quietly

Archer Savage

"I ask you a question, Then you ask me one" he said with a smile "What is your favorite color?" he asked as he laid back on the couch behind him with a small groan of pain from laying a on a bruise before pulling Masika down with him

Archer Savage

He took a mental note of his favorite color before responding "Red~ What's your favorite food?" he asked as he played with a strand of Masika's hair absently and closed his eyes
"I don't really know." Masika said. "I only ever got to eat the scraps of things." He shifted slightly to get more comfortable. "Where's your favourite place to just sit and listen to everything?"

Archer Savage

He blushed a little "Probably this place back home, If you went far enough into the woods there was this great, crystal clear river and a waterfall and I would just sit on a tree stump or lay in the grass for hours" he explained nostalgically "And yours?"
"There was this place I would sit at on the way home... Deer would always be passing through in the evening when I was headed back, so I would sit there and just watch them." Masika smiled a little, "Did you ever have any pets?@

Archer Savage

He nodded "That sounds awesome, And yeah I had a cat...I wonder if my dad kept her or got rid of her" he said sadly "She was a tiny tortoiseshell, a runt, She barely grew" he said quietly "Pumpkin" he added


Archer Savage

He pulled up a picture of her on his phone and showed it to him "Wasn't she cute?" he asked cutely "What about you?" he asked


Masika smiled when he saw the picture. "She's really adorable. We had a dog, but I didn't really like him... He would bite me unless I gave him some of whatever food I got to have at the end of the day."

Archer Savage

He smiled a bit "I want to go back and get her so bad" he said quietly, still playing with Masika's hair "Your hair is so white" he said absently
"It went white a few years ago." Masika explained. "I read somewhere that your hair can go white if you're under extreme stress or something."

Archer Austin Savage

He looked curious "Really? I kind of like it honestly" he said as he played with it, inspecting it cutely

Archer Austin Savage

He nodded and smiled at him a little "Are you a wizard or something?" he asked quietly as he stared into Masika's eyes

Archer Austin Savage

He blushed lightly "Because I'm actually happy when I'm with you" he said quietly and looked away

Archer Austin Savage

He blushed more and wrapped his arms around him warmly "Wizard" he stated quietly

Archer Austin Savage

"Bullshit" he whispered as he looked down at him and bit his lip sexily, his fingers trailing up and down Masika's back

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