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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp

Archer Savage

He nodded "I could take you by my 'place' if you want and make you some" he suggested, He'd rented an apartment for about a month with what little money he'd had​
'Okay" He smiled, pretty happy. "But where'd they put my clothes?" he asked, just now realizing he was in a hospital gown. Though his "clothes" from before had been falling apart and very dirty.

Archer Savage

He shrugged "I'll give you some of mine don't worry about it" he said as he lead him to an apartment building pretty close by​
"Really? Okay, thank you." he followed, holding on to Archer, though his legs began to give out from under him.

Archer Savage

He frowned and caught him carefully "Let me carry you then" he said concerned as he scooped him up​

Archer Savage

He sighed "Stop apologizing so much, Are you canadian?" he joked as he carried him up the stairs easily "Plus, you barely weigh anything" he added while kicking the unlocked door open​
:P ... That stereotype is true though, at least for me.

Masika almost apologized for apologizing, so he just blushed instead. "I'm surprised they didn't try to weigh me." He said.
//I'm in MIchigan so thats close enough. and yes, so true xD

Archer Savage

He shrugged and carried Masika in, setting him on the couch gently before shutting the door and wandering to the kitchen "Probably didn't need too, Your so thin anyway" he said quietly as he began cutting vegetables​

Archer Savage

He shrugged "Might do that next time you have to go in" he said before cooking the stew, stirring it occasionally "Want something to drink?" he offered​

Archer Savage

He opened the fridge to water, milk or orange juice "Water, Milk or orange juice?" he asked as he got cups out​

Archer Savage

He laughed a bit at his excitement and poured him a glass before taking it over to him "Careful not to spill" he said as if he were speaking to a child with a cute smirk​
"I'll try." Masika said. "But my arm are already shaky, so maybe I should sit somewhere else?" his arms were indeed quite shaky already.

Archer Savage

He shrugged "You're fine just try to be careful" he said as he dishes out the stew only for Masika and took the bowl to him before sitting beside him "Plus I can help you" he said gently​

Archer Savage

He shook his head "I'm fine" he lied before holding the bowl for him to make it easier "You eat" he said sternly like a mother​

Archer Savage

He winced as someone above him banged on the floor causing him to grumble "Assholes" he muttered quietly before scooting closer to Masika​

Archer Savage

He blinked and laughed a little "Sorry" he said quietly then the smile quickly faded as there was more banging and yelling​
Masika looked uncomfortable because of the arguing upstairs. H squirmed and curled tighter, trying to ignore it.

Archer Savage

He frowned and put his arm around Masika protectively "Relax it's okay" he said softly as he set the bowl down and wrapped the blanket around him tighter​

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