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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp


He nodded "Let me go warm it up though, It's probably cold now" he said as he sat up and tucked the sheet back in around the other male as he yawned and cracked his neck, running a hand through his own hair​
"Okay." Masika complied, still very weak from all that had happened to him. It was honestly quite miraculous that he hadn't died years ago.


He took the bowl and wandered off to heat it up, he returned moments later with a cute, suspicious grin on his face as he handed the bowl back to him "Here you go" he said sweetly​
Masika took hold of it weakly, trying not to spill it. "Thank you." he smiled at Archer, and started eating slowly. He didn't seem quite as pale as he had been before, a good sign.


He nodded and sat back down on the bed beside him watching to make sure he didn't spill it "There was an adorable little boy out there playing with the bead maze" he said randomly as he watched him​
Masika just looked confused. "Bead maze?" he asked, he had never gotten much experience with anything remotely qualifying as 'fun'.


He nodded "It's like these twisted wires with big beads on them of different colors that you push around" he explained then looked over at the door as the little boy was peeking in at them, He flashed him a cute smile "Hey little guy are you lost?" he asked as he got off the bed and crouched by the door​
"Oh." Masika said quietly, still not fully understanding. He watched as Archer went to help the young boy, and ate a couple more spoonfuls of soup.


He smiled and picked the boy up before looking over at Masika before whispering something to the boy which he then repeated even though he promised not to "He said you're cute!" he said adorably to Masika causing Archer to blush bright red "Dude you promised!" he complained playfully as he tickled the boy as punishment​
Masika proceeded to blush as well, and wanted to hide his face, but if he moved his hands, the soup would spill. This was quite the predicament. "D-did you really?" he asked Archer.


He ignored his question "I'm going to go find his parents" he said as he bounced the kid who ended up on his back out of the room and down the hall, He soon returned with his face still just as red as before​
Masika had managed to finish off the food by that point, and was attempting to put the bowl back on the table with a rather shaky arm.


He frowned as he saw the bowl about to drop and rushed over to grab it, He looked up at Masika and caught his eyes, staring into them for a moment before setting the bowl on the table with an unwavering blush plastered on his cheeks​
Masika hid his face as he blushed again, and quietly said, "Thank you Archer." and bit his lip. "Did you find his parents?"


He nodded "Yep they were a few corridors down visiting his grandmother" he said as he sat in the chair instead of the bed this time, Becoming overwhelm with embarrassment at what the kid had said, He looked out the window and began biting his nails​
"Good." he peeked out from between his hands, a bit sad that Archer didn't sit next to him on the bed again. "How... how long do I have to be here for?"


He shrugged "I'm not entirely sure" he said before getting up again and going to speak with a doctor, He returned some time later with a sigh "They said you can leave in the morning but you'll have to come in for checks every week" he said quietly​
"But... I don't have any money." he stated, "How am I going to pay them for all this." He was worried. "And what if they tell my parents that I'm here? They'll kill me."


He rolled his eyes "I argued them into putting you on my insurance for now" he said calmly, He'd gone and had himself emancipated awhile ago so he had his own insurance​
//I'd assume so


He shrugged "Maybe, Maybe not" he said, not seeming too phased as he sat back down in the chair and crossed his legs, his gaze going anywhere but at the boy​


He stiffened and glanced at him from the corner of his eye "And if I did?" he asked quietly, his face going red again as he looked at the floor, Afraid he'd think he was weird or gross for liking another guy​
"Then I would say that no one has ever called me cute before." he continued to blush, "And then I would say that you're cute too."

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