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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp


He cocked his head at Max and blushed, realizing he was defending someone he just met before ignoring her reaction and handing him the bowl of soup "Careful its hot" he said before sipping his own coffee​
Max just sat there, setting her mask on the arm of the chair, "what'll happen afterwords? I made some space in the base, its not exactly the most luxurious, but its something." She said blowing the hair out of her face.
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He blushed at the closeness, his arm brushed against Masika's causing his heart to beat faster, He looked over at Max and bit his lip with a shrug "I-I don't really know...I move around a lot, Don't stay in one place too long...so..." he trailed off awkwardly​
Max looked at the wall then at Masika hesitating before replying "I have a base as formerly mentioned, you can stay there for a bit."
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//I'll be gone for like an hour


He nodded "I guess that would be fine for awhile but I will eventually leave..." he said hesitantly as he glanced at Masika​

Max looked over at Archer "Hm okay then" then turning back to Masika, "after whatever theyre doing is all said and done ill show you around the base." She rubbed her neck giving a hopeful smile at him
Masika seemed saddened by the news as he looked up at Archer, then back down at his soup. "Well, I'm not really in any condition to be going anywhere for a long time, so. I guess I'll be staying with you, Max. Thank you, both of you."

(Okie Dokie)
Max nodded "I guess we can only imagine what would happen if we didn't..y'know find you." She looked down at the floor. "Archer said youd be here for a few days. I guess enjoy it while you can."


The look Masika gave him practically broke him inside. He frowned "I'll atleast stay until you're healthy enough to leave here" he said quietly and broke even more when he realized how bad of condition he was in, He looked out the window for a moment before back to Max "I'll stay overnight with him so you can go back to your base or whatever if you want" he said quietly​
Masika leaned against Archer, having finished about half his bowl of soup. "Can't eat any more." he mumbled quietly, arms around his stomach. Being so long since his last proper meal, his stomach had shrunk quite a bit.
//I love that their relationship, whatever it is. Just sorta happened xD


He nodded and took the bowl from him and set it away before leaning against the back of the bed, basically becoming his pillow "As long as you eat anything is fine" he said as he pat his head looking a bit tired​
(Ikr, I guess it was just meant to be)

Masika cuddled up to him with a yawn. "This is the first time in forever that I've felt safe, thank you."


He blushed bright red as he was suddenly cuddled and nodded stiffly "No problem" he said quietly as he looked over at Max, his arm hesitantly going around him protectively as he pulled the blanket up​


He smiled a little and ruffled Masika's hair before turning to look at Max "So...What'll you do now?" he asked​
"I'm honestly unsure. Im sure theres someplace that'll be hiring, but i don't suspect I will be hired lacking a complete education for a too well paying job." She looked at the ceiling then back at Archer


He nodded and shrugged "I guess you can only try right?" he asked, his hand absently playing with Masika's hair "I'll stay with him if you have anything to do..." he added​


He shrugged again "I'll probably pass out soon then if you don't mind" he said quietly as he looked down at Masika and decided what the hell before scooting down and laying on half of the pillow, looking exhausted​
Max, "Yeah, everyone does or else we wouldn't be here. I just don't want to be with my parents, and I'm sure they dont either" she said looking over at Archer.

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