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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp

(thats fine, just go with it I guess) Max, "well Im not going to have you dragged to the slammer with me, you think I payed for that hot dog" she hissed standing up
"O-Oh no!" Masika stuttered, all this excitement being a bit too much for his currently very frail self.


He growled as he picked up his now shattered phone and shoved it back in his pocket as he looked up at them "If you don't want help I can go." he stated as he stood and shoved his hands back in his pockets, kicking a pebble on the ground​
//So far he's very grumpy xD


He shrugged "He doesn't look too good..." he said referring to the pale, painfully skinny boy "I have some money.." he trailed off as he pulled his wallet out​


He handed them $25 with a small grin and scared eyes "Make sure he eats okay?" he said kindly​
Masika is, at this point, very confused, a bit scared, and feels like he might faint. Some small noise escapes him, and it becomes quite evident that he should definitely receive medical attention of some kind.
Max game a small nod "I wouldn't use this for anything else" before turning around walking back to Masika digging the dirt next to him till she hit a wooden plank removing it was a hole. Will you be able to climb down?" She asked calmly


He was about to leave but looked over at him "On second thought he might need to go to the hospital" he said with a concerned look as he walked after her and saw what she was doing, He blinked a few times "Nice." he stated​
Max, "mhm I would take him to the hospital, but my identity is just as important. Ill just do it myself" she responded turning to Archer with a strait face
Masika blinked, and replied in a weak sounding tone, "I-I don't think so." He seems to be having trouble with just staying awake right now.


He cocked his head "Yourself? You aren't a doctor how old even are you like 15?" he asked with an eyeroll "I can take him..." he added quietly as he looked at the boy​
Max gave out a long winded sigh. "Fine, ill get food with the money you gave me then, and you shouldn't underestimate my powers of survival! Just be careful with him, he's not a rag doll, I'm sure you're more then aware."


He snorted "I promise I won't just carry him like some potatoes" he said as he lifted the boy up with more ease than he even expected, holding him bridal-style​
Masika looked up at Archer, then back to Max, "Uhm... !Eep!" Startled by being so suddenly picked up, he started shaking.


He grumbled "I'll tell you later" he said as he carried the boy off "Relax. I'm not going to hurt you" he said calmly as he carried him in the direction of the hospital, his dark brown-nearly black hair flopping in his face a bit​
"O-okay.." Masika attempted to relax, and his shaking stopped for the most part. He feels almost painfully bony, and has quite obviously either been severely neglected and abused, or has been lost in the woods for a really long time.


He grinned a bit at Max's name before looking down at him "What's your name kid?" he asked sounding a lot older than he was as he rounded a corner and hed him close in a rather protective manner​
"Masika." He muttered, "It's an egyptian name... I don't know why mum and dad chose it, we're not from egypt."
While running she looked back for a second, unsure about trusting him but shook the idea out of her head and went to a different marketplace then the one she was at earlier.


He nodded "Archer." he said quietly, for some reason he trusted this boy. He carried him into the hospital and set him in a chair as he began yelling and arguing with the receptionist until they finally agreed to look at him​
Minuets later she was walking back with a small bag, filled with a variation of fruits vegetables, and a piece of wrapped meat.

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