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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp

When Archer and the receptionist started fighting, he curled up, closed his eyes, and covered his ears. Masika really was not at all a fan of fighting in any context.


He smirked a little when they'd agreed to look at him and walked over "C'mere they're gonna make sure you won't die and probably hook you up to some IVs for awhile" he said as he held his arms out to pick him up​
Masika peeked one eye open cautiously, then held out his arms as well so as to be picked up easier. "Thank you." He whispered.
Max, climbed into the underground fort in the corner a small cooler. She set the bags inside, begging to set up a sleeping bag like bed made out of what seemed to be cotton and leaves for Maskia.
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He lifted him up easily and carried him into the room before setting him on the bed, The doctor came in and looked him over with a frown before hooking him up to some IVs and pulling Archer aside to talk to him​
Masika yawned, pretty comfortable, and very tired. He would have fallen asleep almost immediately if he wasn't curious about what Archer and the doctor were talking about.


He looked annoyed with the doctor when he left and drug a chair over next to the bed and sat down "You'll be on IVs for a few hours until you're atleast hydrated then we can get some food" he said as he stared at the floor​
Max, worried at the time since she never knew how long it took for doctors appointments threw on a mask, and began to walk to the hospital making sure to cover up the hole and buried it
"Okay. What were you talking about?" Masika seemed very tired as he talked, getting quieter as he went on.


He shook his head "Don't worry about it just insurance stuff" he said as he twiddled his thumbs and blushed a little, suddenly becoming nervous as they were alone in the room, He was never good with silence​
Max walked into the hospital looking around since she never had been too one, or at least to her memory. "Excuse me" she said walking up the the receptionist

The Receptionist

She looked up at her with a weird face "Yes?" she asked as she typed


He watched him fall asleep and grinned a little as he got his headphones out and put one in, listening to music quietly on his mostly broken phone​


He grabbed Masika's arm carefully to keep him from knocking his IV out but didn't bother to wake him, instead just sat there leaned back in the chair holding his wrist while he listened​
His fingers gently curled round to hold onto Archer as well. Still asleep, but somehow looking more relaxed with someone to hold onto.


He blushed deeply but moved his hand to hold Masika's gently, looking over at the peacefully sleeping boy with a sheepish grin. It was weird, he rarely ever smiled or grinned or felt this...calm, Around anyone​
Masika continued to sleep for several hours, no real movement after the first while, just good solid sleep.
Max, walked into the room. "That receptionist" she muttered her mask till on but slightly tilted" Is everything okay? I got worried since you didn't come back, I thought that you had.." she stopped herself
((Mine too I'm with you <3))


He jumped when Max entered the room but completely forgot about the hand-holding and just stared at her "What'd you expect? He has to be on IVs because he's severely dehydrated and malnourished" he said in annoyance then soon realized he was holding Masika's hand, causing him to blush bright red​
Max blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry, I just, its just that. Im not a doctor, and its painfully obvious. I was just worried more then anything, whats his condition?" She sad in one of the chairs in the room criss cross applesauce
A quiet whine of protest escaped him, and his sleeping self attempted to weakly cover his ears with the hand that wasn't holding Archer's.


He looked over at the sleeping boy and didn't let go of his hand, in fact he squeezed it tighter "He's been on fluids for a bit and when he's done he'll get to eat something but other than that I don't really know...He's so severely malnourished they are kind of worried" he said quietly​

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