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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp

Max looked down at the floor running her fingers through her hair. "Maybe, we got him in in time. Maybe hell be alright, I'm- I'm sure of it." She said attempting to be lighthearted about the situation


He nodded "I fucking hope so" he said under his breath as he looked at him and stroked the back of his hand with his thumb softly "Already had to argue with the Doctor and the receptionist about insurance and covering it" he added​
Max, "Im going to find some sort of job, even if its low pay" she said sitting up "I dont want anyone to be in his position." She wiped her eyes trying to act strong.
She looked over at him. Then glancing back, "why did you even bother with us. Im not saying it was bad but, why?"


He rolled his eyes at her crying "Relax I not-so-sweet talked them into it" he said and frowned as he started waking up, his cheeks still pink from the hand-holding​
His eyes opened slowly, looking over to Archer first, then around the room sleepily. "When did you get here?" he asked Max. He hasn't noticed the hand-holding quite yet.
Max looked over at Archer "I wasn't crying okay, I just tear up at times. Its been that way ever since an accident involving a stolen bike, and a loose branch." She said in a almost annoyed tone.


He rolled his eyes "Sure you weren't" he said as he shook his head and looked at Masika "Morning sleepy" he teased a little then blushed and straightened up but his hand didn't let go, In fact he scooted closer to the bed and looked over at Max "She just got here" he said quietly​
Max, gave a small wave before giving an annoyed glance at Archer crossing her arms. "I wouldn't under estimate my swindling powers, and how powerful a tree is..." She looked back at Maika with a concerned look on her face.
He turned to face Archer's direction a little more, and the faintest of smiles appeared on his face. "Morning to you too." Masika looked a little nervous suddenly, then quietly asked, "Am I allowed to eat anything yet? I haven't had anything since... since.. uhm." he looked a little confused, trying to think of how many days ago his last meal had been.


He returned her annoyed glance before grinning and nodding, an odd look for him. "I'll go get you something right now what do you want?" he asked kindly as he stood, pulling his arm a little with him before blinking and blushing as he carefully let go of his hand awkwardly​
"I dunno," He was finding it a little hard to think clearly just at the moment, "Do you think they will have soup?" he asked, blushing a little as well once he realized that they had been holding hands.
Max, "of course, what kind of hospital wouldn't have soup!" She gave Makisa a wide smile, "What kind do you want?"


He nodded "I'll find out" he said before giving Max a 'shut up' look before wandering out of the room​
Max gave a look back turning to Makia, "if you dont mind me asking, what happened? Before I found you I mean."
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Masika brought his hand that wasn't enshrouded by IV's up to his head with a small sniffle. "I-I... It's... uhm." he struggled with the words. "It's a long story, and..." he shuddered, and seems to be on the verge of tears.


He had wandered off somewhere to acquire soup and got himself a coffee on the way, He made his way back slowly​
Max looked down "Sorry i asked, you never needed to answer." I dont mean to come off, as too invasive, I guess its just my nature in a way.
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Masika sniffled again, trying to pull up the blanket a little more. "It's okay... I just... I don't want to say that I've been through a lot, because I know there's people who have been through worse than I have, but..."


He soon returned with the soup and his own coffee and set it on the table beside Masika "Stop making him cry you evil girl" he gave Max a look again and wiped any tears that had escaped Masika's eyes kindly as he sat on the side of the bed​
"S-she didn't make me cry. She just asked a question... The question made me cry." He said, moving a little closer to Archer.
Max felt anger build inside of her before saying "Evil? Such a strong word." She stood up in protest but sat back down not wanting to escalate it any further

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