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Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp

"Oh." Masika gently started playing with Archer's hair. "Some people just shouldn't be allowed to be parents at all."


He blushed as his hair was played with but found it quite soothing, He quietly fell asleep and draped his arm over Masika's lap cutely​
Max chuckled, "its fine, I was simply teasing" she ruffled Masikas hair and sat back down. "Besides the base is pretty well hidden."
Masika looked confused at the mention of the base, but shook it off. He positioned himself to be laying beside Archer. "Why did you run away?"


He groaned a little in his sleep as he clung to Masika rather adorably for being nearly twice the boys size​
Max stood being careful not to wake the two silently closing the door behind them, forgetting her mask on the seat
//They are so cute that I can't even ;3;


He grinned sleepily and put his arms around him warmly before falling asleep again​
David: I had gone out again, searching for more items. I had stolen a few more things, and gotten a bit more food. I had even taken more from the stash i had found. I had felt a strange, wind. It was weird, but nothing i wasn't used to. The only thing it had done was put me on edge. I started heading back, feeling the pain in my side yet again. I had picked a fight with the wrong Rottweiler, and it had gotten a good bite. But, i continued on. I knew it hurt, but it didn't matter. My sister was what mattered. Whether we had to live on the street again, or i finally got that apartment i was trying to get. I would figure it out.
Max walked down the street hands in her pocket as she left the hospital, seeing what seemed to be a person limping in the distance, hesitant to actually say something she took a step back before yelling "HEY YOU!"
David: I stopped, turning around to see who was yelling at me. I couldn't really see them, the shadows not doing me many favors. "What?" i shouted back.


He woke up some time later and looked down at Masika, stroking his hair lightly before wondering why this boy made him feel so calm, He'd never been this calm in his life. His whole life revolved around going to school, Being beaten by his drunk father and ignored by his mother until the day he ran away when he was 15 and never looked back.​
(Xcuse me, but some characters are awaiting for acceptance)

Fricka was slowly walking along the street, sniffling quietly. Her dad was drunk this morning, and actually slapped Fricka in her face. Her mother couldn't do nothing, as she left the house with her backpack. Her right cheek was glowing red.

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Max yelled back "YOU OKAY?" As loud as she could to make sure he heard her, "hmm hope Archers doing well with, Masika" she shook her head, "I dont know why i care for him in the first place, oh well" she thought to herself
(whoops, sorry haha)

Masika finally woke up quite a while later. Still exhausted, but feeling hungry again. "Archer?" he yawned.


He was just laying there staring at him "Yes?" he asked calmly as he stopped playing with his hair, His own hair quite messy now from sleeping​

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