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Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

Alette turned as the time neared for class to start. She had lived in Death City for a long time, and in that sense, she already knew Stein would be late for his own class as she had met the man before multiple times. She made her way through the halls, and paused by Excalibur's door, listening to the class that had already started, with a feeling of pity for those who had him the first class of the day. With a small sigh, she continued on to Dr. Stein's classroom, and entered. She glanced at the students already assembled and found a seat towards the back. There wasn't much chatter going on yet, something that surprised her.
HanaHaru said:
"Get your stupid cane out of my face.l, and to answer your question, I woke up late." Autum said as she moved the cane out of her face. She had heard of this little penguin looking thing, the "holy" sword Excalibur. He was in the staff list in the brochure that was given to her a week before attending the DWMA and she wanted to annoy him so badly. Although she would never pester an actual teacher, this sword was a weapon and a pain in the butt. "So there is your answer... fool." she said with a smirk on her face.
Excalibur put his cane down, before putting it up again and yelling "FOOL! Don't ever call me a fool." He said in a very gentlemanly way to her. I suppose since it is your first day, your tardiness is somewhat acceptable, but next time you should know better. Now, where was I...ah, yes. Number 59!" He continued in the class as a bunch of students groaned again.
"Fufufu.." Autum said quietly as she ignored his little lecture about what not to do when he was in our presence. She took out a notebook and wrote down a famous saying that was in the brochure. A sound soul, dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body. The only pens Autumn had was the green one she just used, lilac one, and a blue one. While Excalibur continued his list she made my own list. A list of pen colors that she needed.
Yawning loudly, Alex opened his eyes and was slightly curious as to why the teacher was not there getting on to him. Noticing a girl had entered the room, Alex considered finding someone and starting a conversation, however there was very few people who seemed interesting enough. "Does anyone know if what this teacher is like?" He asked loudly, and since there was little chatter, Alex's voice echoed somewhat throughout the room.
Autum looked at the boy. The fudge. She thought to herself while shrugging and going back to the list. Becoming bored she decided to build a city out of her notebook paper, folding them into rectangles and setting them up. She then made an origami fortune teller and set it up on all fours to act like a tank. Finally she made an origami fox and placed it inside the "tank". Hee hee hee time for world domination.
Trey at this point was fast asleep, Excalibur going on and on about his provisions. Even if the world was ending, Trey would rather die than take Excalibur as a weapon choice.
"Does anyone know if what this teacher is like?" Alette looked to the boy who had asked the question, and then looked to the door. The room had gone silent, and if Stein was still using his chair, they would probably be able to hear him coming. Never-the-less, the point of the first day was to get to know others and find a partner.

"An odd man, with a large screw bolt thing in his head. He's strangely obsessed with dissecting stuff." Alette answered the boy, with what she knew about Dr. Stein from previous encounters. (@Silvey )
About to be slightly amused that nobody knew anything about the teacher due to the silence, he heard a girl's voice answer him from the back of the room. Turning to see who it was, Alex was surprised that his question was answered by the girl who had just came in not too long ago. "Oh? Congrats for answering my simple question, and who are you again?" He replied back to the girl, wondering how she would react. Alex was not actually trying to be mean, but it seemed to be the best way to get rid of the boredom inside. (@Sayomi )
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"Again? What do you mean by again? I don't remember ever introducing myself today..." Alette replied, with a confused look, completely ignoring the other words spoken. She could probably go ahead and introduce herself, but she didn't see the need. She continued to look in the boy's direction with the confused look. It would probably take a while, at least a good ten to fifteen minutes before Stein arrived. Excalibur's class seemed to have started earlier than scheduled.
Will he shut up?! Autum thought as she tried to occupy herself from the boring and stupid list of things that Excalibur was saying and ir seemed to never end. She looked at the clock, and the actual teacher still wasn't here. Sighing she continued to makd more origami fortune tellers and foxes.
Akimi looked over at the girl, thankful she was there. She had delayed Excalibur for a little, so she owed her one. Looking over her notebook and looked at the picture, better than listening to Excalibur speaking. Is that a fox in a origami tank?! She thought well she had a interesting imagination.

Akimi looked over the room as she saw how lucky Trey was being able to sleep, laying her head on the desk was not doing much other than making her want to slam her head against her desk, until she passed out. Which seems increasingly popular with each provision.
Finally, my first attack.. Autum thought. She folded a piece of paper and tore them into smaller pieces. Taking a rubber band and turning it into a sling shot, she put a paper into the center of the rubber bandel and fired, hitting Excalibur's hat. She was dying of laughter on the inside, but kept her composure and kepts a blank face.
Trey woke up a few provisions later, seeing a girl making origami foxes in tanks...what? Anyway, He sat up and yawned a bit, wanting to ask if it was over only to see he wasn't even near 200 provisions yet! He kept looking around the room, seeing other students he didn't know and looking to see Akimi. He smiled and gave a quick wave to her before looking to Excalibur and rolling his eyes. He wrote something on a piece of paper and turned it into a mini airplane, sending it Akimi's way. it said Make it stop, sooo bored.

Excalibur felt his hat hit by something and looked around the room. "Alright, who threw that?" He asked to the class.
Agatha shook her head at the boy's question, then listened to the new girl's answer. "I'm sorry. I can't answer you. I don't know much of anything about anyone here." she shrugged. "But the way you described him... This place certainly is," she stopped, looking for the right word. "Special."
Autum kept a blank face. By now everyone knew it was her, but she simply smiled and didn't say anything. I missed his nose, oh well. Thinking she slowly moved her tanks across the desk and ran them into the buildings she had made. Victory, muahahaha. To Autum, this day was going wonderful. She turned around and saw everyone was either sleeping, listening to music, or passing notes. She smirked, this sword was really that boring.
Sighing at the girl's confusion, Alex decided to move seats as it would be better to sit net to someone that was easy to talk to. "What I was asking was who you were, sorry if I confused you." He whispered in a soft tone to her after sitting down next to the girl. Stretching his arms, the thought suddenly came to him that maybe he was being a bit too friendly with this person. Shaking his head, Alex chose to ignore it since usually it was good to be friendly with people. Also realizing that maybe he should have asked to sit net to the girl, Alex spoke back up again after hearing someone else respond to him. "Depends on what you think being special is, and too bad. Anyway I'm Alex, an' what's yer name stranger?" He asked, making a fake cowboy accent as he introduced himself. (@Sayomi @albinope )
Agatha cracked a smile and sat up strat. "It's Reese, Agatha Reese," she said in James Bond smile. "It's nice to meet you, cowboy," She shrugged l. "And for special, its just different that my old school. A lot different," she glanced up at the ornate ceiling. "I already like it a lot better."
Alette blinked, still staring in the direction of where the boy had previously been seated. When he whispered to her, she finally realized he had moved and was now seated next to her. She didn't really mind, and made no comment for a while. When he introduced himself as Alex, she opened her mouth to respond, but closed it when she heard the other student introduce herself as Agatha. She looked in the direction of Agatha, and smiled lightly.

"I'm Alette. Nice to meet you both." She said, introducing herself as well. There was no sound of Stein's chair from the hallway yet, and now that there was a conversation going, she was happy their teacher had yet to arrive.
"Can I leave." Autum asked Excalibur, breaking one of his provisions. She was extremely bored of his talking and just wanted the teacher to show up so can get the overview of the DWMA and then look for partners. One second thought, Autum didn't want to, her soul wavelength was hard to match as she has met several weapons without miesters and always ended up burned or shocked.
Riley glanced over and saw the other students chatting. Perhaps she should... no. It's not that she didn't want to talk to people, it's that people didn't always want to talk to her. She supposed she may look a little intimidating, but that didn't mean she wasn't a good person. Riley looked away and made herself busy staring at her shoes. Why was Stein so late?
Akimi was not able to stop a smile across her face as the paper balls hit Excalibur's hat. She would not be as, she paused to think of a word.... Daring as to do it so publicly. She covered her face so Excalibur would not point her out of the crowd.

Akimi looked at the paper airplane landing on her desk, unfolding it, following the trail to Trey. She added to the paper you and everyone else, well besides the class prankster, paper airplane back towards him, after modifying it so it would go to him faster. Also probably escaping Excalibur's gaze.Akimi got out her chocolate chip cookies, eating them as Excalibur talks.
Autum sat there now making origami ninja stars and preparing for battle. She was halfway done with her first star when she realized Excalibur wasn't even close to 1,000. Sighing she continued to make origami stars, flicking a few at him, but stopped when she decided to make a larger star.
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Alex scratched his head, trying to think of a way to continue the conversation. "So....why did you two join this school anyway?" He asked, as Alex thought that since Agatha had said something about her old school, maybe she wanted to talk about it. Besides, just sitting here doing nothing but sleeping or imagining what kind of things the teacher would make them do until the teacher actually comes would be much, much more boring. He quickly thought up what his answer would be if they asked the same question to him, as some people did that, however it did not annoy Alex one bit when others did so. (@Sayomi @albinope )
"It's nice to meet you both," Agatha took a look at the clock. It was nearly time for class to start. Alex's voice brought her out of her stupor. She moved chairs so she sat next to two student. "Well, I joined because one day in math class last year, my arm started giving off sparks and then, erm, you know," Agatha scratched the back of her head. "It transformed? I know, hard to believe, but I was told this was the best place for people like me, so," She looked at Alex and Alette. "What about you two?"
Alette waited for Agatha to finish her explanation, smiling at the notation of her arm transforming. So she was a weapon as well, good to know. "I joined because--" She began to answer, but cut off abruptly as in came Dr. Stein, on his loud, roll-y chair. The teacher stopped at his desk, and spun slowly to face the class, turning the screw in his head as it clicked. He said nothing, and watched his students. It seemed most were going to be late, but he decided to forgive that today, as it was the first day. So long as they were on time tomorrow, they'd be fine.

Sid made his way from the Death Room, with his orders from Lord Death. He was to locate Excalibur's class and take over, so that the students got more than just the 'holy' sword's provisions. He found the classroom easily enough, and marched in. "Excalibur, your dismissed. Go have tea or something." He stated to the annoying being, and picked him up, carried him to the door, and dropped him unceremoniously outside the door. He then shut the door, and turned around to face the students. "I am Sid, and I will be taking over for your teacher for a while. Now pay attention."

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