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Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

"Christopher Darkart, pleasure to meet ya miss Landry" He spoke before wrapping an arm around her waist and lifting her into the air, "Hang on tight" Chris said before taking to the sky, his wired wings allowing the air to glide through them. Flying back to his spot near the oasis.
"Pleasure to meet you too, Christopher." Landry responded, a smile lighting her face up. It quickly disappeared when he put a arm around her waist "H-hey!" She snapped, blushing at the touch. When he lifted her up into the air she could guess where this was going. "W-we're flying there? Christopher are you sure you can hold my weight?" Her protests were drowned out by the wind though and Landry had no choice but to hold onto Chris as tight as she could.
"My wings may not look like much, but if they can hold me I know they can hold you." The boy chuckled at her protest, but it was definitely the fastest way to get there. Sure, he'd be beat by the time he got back to the place, but it beat having to walk. Not long after the take off they hovered over a rather large oasis, flying over to the more grassy, shaded area he gently set her down. "It's not perfect, but I call it home"
"I uh, I appreciate the lift but I can fly myself." To be fair she hadn't really practiced it much because of her adversion to being a beast, but she should at least let him know. Also probably the other things she could do... But Landry was quickly distracted by the view of the oasis. Of course the desert would have one of these, beasts coming back to the city wouldn't be a issue if the beasts died of thirst. "Oh wow.." Landry didn't realise how much she had missed the sight of water and greenery until now. She took a few steps closer to the water once she was set down, just so she could get a better look at the view.
Christopher sat down, his back leaning against the base of a palm tree. "Oh? You have wings?" He was a bit skeptical at her saying that, most beasts that had wings used them on a daily basis out here. Though it was also custom of them to walk in case of bandits with guns and whatnot. "I don't believe you do. There's no way someone with wings would walk in the heat to find shelter."
Landry sheepishly smiled, attempting to explain "Not in this form. A week ago I didn't even know that I was a beast, so I've only changed like...twice? It's nothing cool like your wings, I can just change into a bat." Landry indicated the size with her fingers. "Your right, I probably should try to take advantage of it more often." Landry reluctantly agreed and sighed. She didn't want to though, if it were up to her she'd never use any of her powers.
"Nephilim's aren't all that cool either, so don't feel bad." He opened one of his closed eyes and looked at her smiles back, beforehearing she could turn into a bat. "So.. You don't know how to just summon your wings and stuff?" The Raven titled his head to the side in confusion, the girl in front of him was rather fascinating, he'd never come in contact with a newborn to their own abilities.
Landry sat down on the sand as he spoke. Nephilim huh? She couldn't really remember what that was, but wasn't going to ask and seem like a idiot. "No, and even if I could, I doubt I could fly with wings about the size of my hand." The girl looked up at him "How long have you been out here, if its not rude to ask?"
"Uh, for about as long as I can remember. I even watched that city build up, so I know I've been here for a while" He mumbled, then looked at her "You could always change your arms into wings.." He didn't know much about how other peoples' wings worked, but, it wasn't hard to ask.
Landry blinked. "Oh." Wow, he was old then. "Sorry, If that was rude to ask." To be fair he was asking about her, so maybe it wasn't? She tried to lighten the mood somehow. "You certainly didn't seem that old. You don't look a day past 20." That was a compliment for old people, right? At the mention of changing her arms into wings she frowned. "I didn't know I could do that...but it's fine. Honestly, I prefer walking."
Chris smiled lightly at her complement, "That's a first. Never been complemented before" He said, chuckling at her frown, she must not like the fact that she's a beast. He then placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair gently. "Sorry if I upset you kid, I didn't mean it"
"You didn't upset me." Landry protested quickly, giving him a weary smile. "Just, more used to my legs then my wings I... guess?" She shrugged helplessly. Landry nearly stopped Chris from ruffling her hair, but then remembered that what old people do. Like her grandpa back at home. Well, the city. The desert was her home now. Landry looked out at the water. "What do you even do out here? Just...survive?"
"Survive, relax, enjoy the life that's been given. Occasionally infiltrate the city for food, water and a girl" He shrugged, smirking more to himself than at her as he stared at the water then to the sky. "What caused you to be thrown out here? Other than the obvious?" He asked.
That explained the sandwhich and water bottle. Beasts weren't suppose to be in the city, and her first reaction was to chew him out for sneaking in. She had been one of the city guards for heavens sake. But, where else was he going to get food? It made sense. So, as long as he hadn't caused any trouble and he hadn't stolen anything, landry supposed she could let it slide. What good would it do to argue anyway? It's not like she could arrest him. At the next inquiry, she looked at the sand instead of the water. Landry started making circles her finger "I wasn't thrown out. I left on my own accord."
"Lucky, I was thrown out here in this wasteland, Mother and Father said it would be good training for me.." He shook his head at that, "I think they were merely trying to get rid of me. I understand them wanting me to increase my strength, but this is ridiculous." He wouldn't tell her how he'd gotten his food, that was definitely his secret and his secret only. But he'd probably get in trouble if he told her, so he didn't bother. Looking up at the sky he chewed on his lip for a moment before standing up and walking around the sand dune, motioning her to follow after him. "Shadow hounds will be out soon and I don't wish to deal with them.
She stood up and followed him. "That's pretty harsh of your parents to do, I'm sorry." Landry didn't think her dad would ever do something like that. He was pretty doting when he had the time. In fact he was probably worried out of his mind since she's disappeared... At the mention of shadow hounds Landry shuttered. They were starting to get closer to the city, something the guard captain liked using colorful language to remind them of. "Me neither, lead the way."
"One of these days they're going to get into the city, I'm not jinxing it or anything. But they're smarter than they seem." He pulled back a curtain made out of leaves gently pasted over with mud, inside was a small shelter just barely big enough for two people with a small place to start a fire. Considering his size, Christopher was two little people put together to make one big person. "I know it's a bit small but it's definitely roomy enough for us.." He said as he waited for her to enter.
"I hope to god they won't, but they are starting to cause more trouble then the beasts.." Landry trailed off, there must be something she could do to somehow help. Eventually. For now, she followed Chris into his shelter. Landry tried her best not to grimace, but it would definitely be a bit cramped. As she crouched by the enterance of the shelter and got a good look inside, it occured to her that she'd be practically be sleeping next to the man. Her cheeks burned. The last time Landry had even brought a boy to her house, her dad had refused to leave them alone in same room, and that was for a school project. Sleeping next to a man... alone? This was about a billion times worse. "Actually, Christopher, why don't I keep watch or something? I used to be a city guard so I'm really good at, erm, guarding!!" Did she really say that like that? Really? Landry was she sure she'd die from humiliation before her embarrassment.
Christopher nearly lost his composure at her embarrassment, only cracking a half smile as a chuckle left his mouth. "Oh come now, don't tell me you're scared to sleep to next to me? It's not like I'm going to do anything to you, and I can't leave you out there to guard while I sleep. What kind of man would I be? Besides, those shadow hounds would tear you apart before I could." He replied to her, a smirk falling on his ageless face as he wrapped an arm around her and gently nudged her inside. Though he was only joking about his last words, her embarrassment was too much, he couldn't help but tease her.
Landry covered her face with her hand, wondering if she could get any redder. Did he really just innuendo? Or did she just jump to conclusions and have a dirty mind? Ughh! Landry almost wished she was alone again. Almost. "I'm not scared! I just," She had trouble figuring out what to say. "don't think we can both fit in there. I'm not scared. B-becides. I can do more then change into a bat, so you don't know, I could probably take a shadow hound." After some reluctance, she let herself be guided into the shelter. Landry tried to will her blush away but to avail.
"You may be able to take on a shadow hound by yourself, but not a pack. They don't travel alone like most beast. We've trained ourselves to deal with conditions out here, so we know what to expect. With it only being your first day, it's probably good that I found you instead of bandits." He lowered his voice to that of a whisper as he closed the curtain of leaves behind him, it certainly had been a bit more snug than he'd anticipated. But he was sure that they'd be fine, well, he would be. Reaching over he grabbed a match and ran it over a dry piece of wood light the small fire place to keep them warm.
When his tone grew more serious her embarrassment lessened."...Yeah it probably is. Thank you. Hopefully I can make this up to you soon." She smiled shyly at him, feeling genuinely grateful. Hopefully other beasts would be as kind as Christopher had been to her. Landry sat down on one side of the room, resting her chin on her knees and hugging her legs to try and take up less space. It was definitely tight but at least there was a fire, like the one she and the other guardsmen would huddle around after a long day of work. They would exchange stories, roast food and have drinks before retiring to bed- aaand now she was getting sad again. Landry scowled at the fire, as if blaming it for making her remember. "There isn't any way to just...not be a beast, right?" It was an absurd question, and she felt a bit stupid for asking it. Landry just...missed it when everything was normal.
Christoper shook his head, "You can't change being kind can you? Even if you don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of you can't stop being kind. It's like that, you're born the way you were meant to be." He spoke, crossing his legs as he leaned his back against the wall. Lowering his eyes he sighed quietly, "It doesn't matter how much one person or beast says something out of line. It's who you are, I definitely wished I'd been born a full demon or an angel some days. But I wasn't because my parents for one night, truly and eternally loved each other. Creating me, but they weren't ready for me." He then looked at the fire, his gentle green eyes flickering with the flame before he smiled. "I probably sound like a crazy old man, right?"
Once again, Chris was right. It seemed to become a trend, but didn't this typically happen when you talked to someone older then you? And this guy had been around since before the city was even built. Landry shook her head. "Even if I ever thought that, Christopher, I could never call you that. If it wasn't for you I'd still be lost in the desert for heavens sake. At least I can mildly relate, I was adopted because my biological parents weren't ready either." Landry paused, her mood uplifting just a bit. "Oh, heh, Get it? Relate? and I'm talking about my parents?"
The man smirked and shook his head, "That's a cute joke" He mumbled before hushing his tone, his bright green eyes darkening as he stared at the opening to their shelter. It wasn't unusual that he'd get a visitor every once in a while from maybe a wandering mouse or hare, but this feeling wasn't of a harmless animal. It was rather, sinister, like it was hunting for something. "Shadow Hounds.." The young man gripped the chained blade at his side and narrowed his eyes.

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