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Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

Christopher, to say the least, was amused. He never thought he'd ever see a scene like this in his life. "Fighting over water? Tsk tsk, naughty kids." He mumbled, taking a sip of water from his own water bottle, the oasis water tasted nice but it was nothing like the fresh city water.
Brooklyn flew deep into the desert, cursing herself for loosing her canteen.

"Oh well...I'll buy a whole lot more when I'm done..." she chuckled.
Christopher didn't understand the Beasts who didn't get along, everyone was always stealing from each other, it was ridiculous. "Better find somewhere to crash soon.." He muttered as he watched the sun slowly set, shadow hounds would be out soon and the last thing he wanted was to deal with one of them.
Saton, silently seeping, not moving a single muscle. At first glance, one would've thought she was dead. Suddenly, her eyes opened. She sat up and looked around. She looked up and muttered to herself, "The stars are gone..." this was always her way of saying that it was time to eat and get going. She opened the backpack she used to store most of her stuff and pulled out a an of beans. It was one of the canned goods had picked it up from a poor human family who had been banished. She didn't kill them, mostly because they didn't resist. She picked up a nearby rock and hit the lid if the beans, creating a hole. She got out a spoon and began to eat.
UnwantedTruth said:
Saton, silently seeping, not moving a single muscle. At first glance, one would've thought she was dead. Suddenly, her eyes opened. She sat up and looked around. She looked up and muttered to herself, "The stars are gone..." this was always her way of saying that it was time to eat and get going. She opened the backpack she used to store most of her stuff and pulled out a an of beans. It was one of the canned goods had picked it up from a poor human family who had been banished. She didn't kill them, mostly because they didn't resist. She picked up a nearby rock and hit the lid if the beans, creating a hole. She got out a spoon and began to eat.
As she ate, she noticed a girl with a hood over her head and a walkman casually strolliing any some distance away.
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Satan pulled out her revolver and flipped opened the ammunition storage (not sure what it's called) to check if she remembered to fill it the previous night. She opened it and saw six bullets and gave a small smile. She put her beans down and began walking towards the girl. "Hey kid. You lost?" she called out, revolver ready in case of attack.
UnwantedTruth said:
Satan pulled out her revolver and flipped opened the ammunition storage (not sure what it's called) to check if she remembered to fill it the previous night. She opened it and saw six bullets and gave a small smile. She put her beans down and began walking towards the girl. "Hey kid. You lost?" she called out, revolver ready in case of attack.
"Lost? Pfft of course I'm not lost!" sh said taking the headphones off her head.
(The round part is the cylinder, and the bullet ready to be fired is in the chamber, I think @UnwantedTruth.)

Kasey was up by dawn. She shifted into her human form to carry her backpack. After drinking several sips of water, she carefully preened her feathers and glided away from the branch where she had slept as a normal sized falcon. As far as she knew, Shadowhounds couldn't climb or fly, so she should be safe if she was out of reach. She flew in several loop-de-loops for fun before she seriously began hunting. She spotted a rabbit under a bush and dived down, pulling out her left dagger as she did so. She quickly stabbed it at the base of the skull, killing it quickly. She landed so that she could skin it. She brought the meat back to her tree and made a fire at the base of the tree. She started a small, fairly smokeless fire to cook her breakfast. When it was done, she wolfed it down and listened to her MP3 player, quietly humming along.
Copperkirin21 said:
"Lost? Pfft of course I'm not lost!" sh said taking the headphones off her head.
Satan walked closer to her, standing about two yards away from her. "Why aren't you in school, kid?" she asked. "It's pretty dangerous out here."

(@Kestrel thanks!)
UnwantedTruth said:
Satan walked closer to her, standing about two yards away from her. "Why aren't you in school, kid?" she asked. "It's pretty dangerous out here."
(@Kestrel thanks!)
"First off, I'm not a kid. I'm a TEEN. Second there aren't any schools around here lady. Third. You don't even look that much older than me."
Copperkirin21 said:
"First off, I'm not a kid. I'm a TEEN. Second there aren't any schools around here lady. Third. You don't even look that much older than me."
Satan chuckled. "Kid, what are you, fourteen years old? Go home and come back to this dump when you're a grown up." she said with a smile on her face.
UnwantedTruth said:
Satan chuckled. "Kid, what are you, fourteen years old? Go home and come back to this dump when you're a grown up." she said with a smile on her face.
She growled a bit, "I'm 16. What about you Miss Adult? How old are you 67?"
Copperkirin21 said:
She growled a bit, "I'm 16. What about you Miss Adult? How old are you 67?"
Satan laughed. "Why, my dear, I'm as old as sin." she held out her hand for a handshake, still ready with the revolver if the kid tried anything. "The name's Satan."
UnwantedTruth said:
Satan laughed. "Why, my dear, I'm as old as sin." she held out her hand for a handshake, still ready with the revolver if the kid tried anything. "The name's Satan."
She raised an eyebrow and wondered if she was trying anything. Ready to fight she slowly shook her hand, ""Brooklyn."
Chris awoke atop a rather tall sand dune his clothes slight torn from the run in he had with a shadow hound, but he wasn't about to let those things kill him, he still had so much to experience! Not that he wouldn't get the chance to. If he died in his human form he'd merely go to purgatory wait a year or two then come back good as new! Sure, he'd be pissed at himself for allowing himself to go down without a fight, but at least he was back. Shaking the sand out of his head he looked around the dessert, finding a small bit of commotion going on a few miles from him. "Fighting this early in the morning.. Jeez." He then looked closer, I suppose they aren't fighting. Good for them. He wasn't too fond of bloodshed, well, while he had a conscious he wasn't.
Copperkirin21 said:
She raised an eyebrow and wondered if she was trying anything. Ready to fight she slowly shook her hand, ""Brooklyn."
"Where do you live kid?" she asked with a friendly smirk.
Samuel had stayed at the bar all night, fishing for jobs. Either people were really stupid or really smart to avoid the bar, two things that were a needed key to get a job. He had carved out a place and a name for him, a dangerous and stealthy mercenary.

" Hey Suicide Jack, need a hand? I know a little place that might need your assistance."

Samuel rolled his eyes and sighed, after his first time being alone he managed to drink himself into a stupor. Not his best idea... Not to mention how it affect some customers.

" No, I'm good... Business is slow these days. I'll be heading off..."

He walked outside, his cloak hiding him from the sun's harsh rays. With a hop, he scaled his bike and was off.

*Time to go home...*

Yes, back to the lonely trench of misery. Home Sweet Home.
"What to eat, what to eat.." He mumbled as he walked around the wall of the city, he could easily get in using his charm or sneak in better yet. He'd just ran out of last night seeing as he ate diner, "Sneak or charm..?" He asked no one in particular, his pale colored hands slid over the stone before he turned to face the wall fully, a smirk falling onto his handsome features as black wired wings slowly began to sprout from his shoulder blades. Soon after he spread his wings and scaled up the building, his eyes set on the top.
Satan frowned. "I ain't trying anything, I was just gonna escort ya back home. You parents must be pretty worried." she said.
UnwantedTruth said:
Satan frowned. "I ain't trying anything, I was just gonna escort ya back home. You parents must be pretty worried." she said.
She frowned, "I...don't have parents. My father died and my mother is still in the wall..."
Satan gave a small nod. "I can sympathize with that." she muttered before holstering the revolver. "Look, you seem like a nice kid. Tell me what you're carrying so I don't have to shoot you to find out." she said.

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