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Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora froze as she heard the two howls, but didn't have time to react as she saw a girl run over the top of the sand dune towards the Oasis.

She whizzed by, grabbing water in her canteen as she went, then bolted off into the desert.
Copperkirin21 said:
She whizzed by, grabbing water in her canteen as she went, then bolted off into the desert.
Daggora relaxed again, as the girl left without noticing her, before looking back at the sand dune. She could smell others over there and wanted to stay alert until they left too.
Tyler let out a quiet breath when the girl didn't notice him. He wasn't surprised when she proceeded to shift into a wolf and noticed that everything was working out sell for him. With inhuman speeds he ran after the girl he had been stalking for a while (@Copperkirin21 ), almost definitely faster than anyone else here, but the burst of speed was short lived. With all pretense of stealth out of the way he shifted back into his human form, becoming visible again, and used the momentum he had to snatch the canteen of water from the girl. Regardless of how prepared she was for this he simply had too much momentum behind him for her to keep a grip on it. He really wanted to get more out of her, but things were getting crowded and it would be dangerous to stick around. He was out of speed, but he had plenty of energy left to run deeper into the desert and lose his pursuers.
Shog said:
Tyler let out a quiet breath when the girl didn't notice him. He wasn't surprised when she proceeded to shift into a wolf and noticed that everything was working out sell for him. With inhuman speeds he ran after the girl he had been stalking for a while (@Copperkirin21 ), almost definitely faster than anyone else here, but the burst of speed was short lived. With all pretense of stealth out of the way he shifted back into his human form, becoming visible again, and used the momentum he had to snatch the canteen of water from the girl. Regardless of how prepared she was for this he simply had too much momentum behind him for her to keep a grip on it. He really wanted to get more out of her, but things were getting crowded and it would be dangerous to stick around. He was out of speed, but he had plenty of energy left to run deeper into the desert and lose his pursuers.
Suddenly she landed in front of him and a blinding, painful, explosion of light flashed in his eyes. Due to the momentum he was close to her when she did it, making the intense pain even worse.
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If the sounds of battle weren't already unsettling, then the flash sealed the deal.

*Shoot...Too many Beasts, maybe they haven't seen me yet.*

Samuel's sight throbbed painfully from the flash, he had been stupid to look at the girl after she jumped. He let out a hiss, rubbing his eyes. Samuel attempted to start his bike up, his hand missing the trigger.

*My Gradma's Turkey-Shoot! If I already wasn't a target, I basicly am basting myself with "EAT ME!!!!" Sauce.*
Tyler grunted in pain and clamped his eyes shut. It was a different kind of pain than he was used to, but nothing he couldn't tolerate. He had several scars from various weapons. The most notable one was along the side of his neck where he had barely dodged a spear several months ago. If he could get away from that while thinking his throat might have a tear in it then he could get out of this as well.

She was close. Too close to pull out an ax, and it would be foolish to attempt hand to hand combat while half blind, but not to close to pull out one last trick. A small, purple energy ball formed in Tyler's hand and he launched it at her. At such close range it would be impossible to dodge it. It might leave a small burn where it hit her, but nothing that wouldn't heal fine. It would, however, stun her for just a moment as it coursed through her nervous system and then she would have to take another moment to recover. She was strong and he didn't know percicely how much time it would buy him, but he was sure it would be enough.

Once Tyler shot the energy sphere he jumped to the side to avoid running into her and continued running. His eyes were quickly recovering and he opened them, but only enough for him to see where he was going. If she came after him again he would change, but he had yet to be beaten in any kind of distance race.
Daggora saw the boy run past, towards where the girl went, followed by a huge flash. The flash caused her to lose her vision momentarily and disoriented her, causeing her to fall out the tree. "Ahhh!" She yelled in pain as she landed on her still healing arm.
*Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot!!!!! Blast my eyes!!!*

Samuel's glasses had magnified the flash, so everything was still a haze. A all too familiar tingle pulled at the back of his mind. He could just change and get it over with, besides did he have a choice? The tingling sensation washed over him, making him seemily disappear. The bike was without its rider, leaning against its kickstand.
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Shog said:
Tyler grunted in pain and clamped his eyes shut. It was a different kind of pain than he was used to, but nothing he couldn't tolerate. He had several scars from various weapons. The most notable one was along the side of his neck where he had barely dodged a spear several months ago. If he could get away from that while thinking his throat might have a tear in it then he could get out of this as well.
She was close. Too close to pull out an ax, and it would be foolish to attempt hand to hand combat while half blind, but not to close to pull out one last trick. A small, purple energy ball formed in Tyler's hand and he launched it at her. At such close range it would be impossible to dodge it. It might leave a small burn where it hit her, but nothing that wouldn't heal fine. It would, however, stun her for just a moment as it coursed through her nervous system and then she would have to take another moment to recover. She was strong and he didn't know percicely how much time it would buy him, but he was sure it would be enough.

Once Tyler shot the energy sphere he jumped to the side to avoid running into her and continued running. His eyes were quickly recovering and he opened them, but only enough for him to see where he was going. If she came after him again he would change, but he had yet to be beaten in any kind of distance race.
Suddenly he heard the screech of a bird, ~I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!....Bah. Keep the stupid canteen. A gift from me to you...~ he heard the sound of wings taking off.
Damon had heard the sounds of a scuffle quite a ways away. His curiosity had gotten the best of him, and he had gone to investigate, prowling around in his lithe beast form. He had arrived after the bright flash, or was at least far enough for it to not affect him, thankfully, lest his sensitive cat eyes were blinded. But he casually strolled into the thick of it, climbing a tree and peering through the leaves.
Majarkhon said:
Damon had heard the sounds of a scuffle quite a ways away. His curiosity had gotten the best of him, and he had gone to investigate, prowling around in his lithe beast form. He had arrived after the bright flash, or was at least far enough for it to not affect him, thankfully, lest his sensitive cat eyes were blinded. But he casually strolled into the thick of it, climbing a tree and peering through the leaves.
He saw a huge white bird soaring into the sky. It flew into the sun so no one could see where it was going.
Damon's eyes followed the white bird until he no longer could, giving a huff as he took a glance at the burning sun. *Well then.* He thought irritably, blinking rapidly as if it would clear up his vision.
Jordan woke up to the of a fight. This was a usual occurrence in the desert but this one sounded big. He quickly got up and started scanning the desert for people. He saw a couple people just outside of a oasis and decided to go check it out. Jordan ran towards the group of people hoping for a chance to fight. He reached the group to see a guy watching a small bird or fly thingy gly away.

"Uum what happened here"
Kestrel observed the battle below. Most of the group was fighting and stealing from each other. A boy with a scar on his neck (@Shog ) stole a water canteen from a girl. Kestrel dived down from above and pulled it away from him as he was distracted while fighting, scratching his hand with her talons. Before Kestrel could flee with her prize, the girl set off a painful explosion of light. Kestrel crash landed and screeched in pain. Finally the light faded but Kestrel was to disoriented to fly. She shifted into a human and took off running away from the group, leaving the canteen behind.
Suddenly the bike roared to life, zooming down the dunes towards the Oasis. No one was in the seat, it seemed to move of its own accord. It bounced over some rocks at the bottom, yet it continued on towards the water.
Damon watched a girl (@Kestrel) run from the fight, eyes narrowed as he contemplated going after her for the sake of having something to do. He leaped down from the tree with a feline grace, shifting to his human form once he landed on earth. He trailed a good distance behind her, humming softly to himself.
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]Suddenly the bike roared to life, zooming down the dunes towards the Oasis. No one was in the seat, it seemed to move of its own accord. It bounced over some rocks at the bottom, yet it continued on towards the water.

Daggora heard the Bike, and looked up. It was heading right towards her, she quickly tried to dive out of the way, but was too late. It ran over her leg. She screamed in pain again.
The bike slowed down to a complete stop, just inchs away from the water. It seemed to be contemplating, its goal stood before. Instead it turned back to Daggora, making sure to avoid crushing anything else. Several tentacles sprouted out the back of the bike, bring with them the needed materials to make a splint or a cast. A screen hovered over the broken leg, assessing the damage.
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]The bike slowed down to a complete stop, just inchs away from the water. It seemed to be contemplating, its goal stood before. Instead it turned back to Daggora, making sure to avoid crushing anything else. Several tentacles sprouted out the back of the bike, bring with them the needed materials to make a splint or a cast. A screen hovered over the broken leg, assessing the damage.

As the bike came back a grew the tentacles, Daggora's eyes widened, and she tries to crawl away, but the pain in her leg and arm was too much. She could do nothing but sit there and watch as the bike did whatever it wanted to her.
The bike was fixed Daggora's leg, place a cast onto it. It also put some bandages over her arm. It backed away and retived what it came for, filling two tanks. It stopped for a second to give Daggora crutches, they would be adjustable. The bike zoomed from the Oasis, heading in the direction of A tavern.
Daggora was startled, by the bike fixing her up, and giving her crutches. She slowly stood up with one of the crutches, frowning in the direction of the bike. She quickly crutched back to the tree had been in, and shifted into her Beast Form, the shift healing her leg up just enough for her to run with it. She grabbed her scythe in her mouth and ran in the direction of the bike, following the smell of oil that it gave off.
The Tavern was called "The Desert Flower", a place were even the dumbest beast would do best to avoid.

"You Drunk!!! Get Outta Here!!"

A hardly-sober man was tossed out, a goofy grin plastered on his face. He waddled out to God knows where, Too Wasted to change into his Beast Form.

The bike had parked in front, Its engine still humming. Suddenly a part detached from the bike, cutting the purring of the engines. It stood at the height of a regular man, Its tentacles supporting its weight. It then turned into a thick sludge, which slid into the door. Shouts and Hoorays commenced from inside.

"Hey its Suicide! How have you been?!!"
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Tyler mumbled various profanities as his scalp was torn up and the canteen was ripped from his hands. Luckily the canteen was soon dropped again and he waisted no time collecting it again. Wandering off in any direction would be difficult to do at this point in time without another conflict, so he decided to follow the bird girl. He made sure took his distance. Maybe he could get something good off of her.
(Sorry I disappeared. I went skiing.)

Kestrel shifted back into her normal falcon form and glanced behind her to see if she was being followed. Of course she was. Nothing was ever this easy in her life. The boy she had scratched and taken the canteen from looked almost exactly like Peregrine. She flew up higher to escape the blonde boy casually following her, as if he was bored and had nothing else better to do. They probably wouldn't give up, and she didn't want to reveal her home, so she landed as a human and pulled out her sword, ready to fight. (@Majarkhon and @Shog)
Daggora quickly lost the bike and growled around the staff of her scythe, before heading back to her Oasis, hoping that all of the drama was done and over with.

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