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Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

Satan's head fell to look at the ground and a frown polluted her face as she let out a sigh. "Well that's a damn shame..." she then looked back up at the girl. "If you got nothin', how do ya survive out here?"
UnwantedTruth said:
Satan's head fell to look at the ground and a frown polluted her face as she let out a sigh. "Well that's a damn shame..." she then looked back up at the girl. "If you got nothin', how do ya survive out here?"
"Heh. That's for me to know and for you not to. And now I think I should go. I already know if I had something you'd try to put a bullet in my head right? Hmph...people these days..."
Before Samuel approached his home, he had passed near the oasis. He stood on a dune, his thoughts a jumbled mess.

*Should I... Maybe not... But then again... She might remember me badly... There is a possibility...*

Against better judgment, he started down towards his goal.

"H-h-hello?... A-a-a-anyone?..."

Samuel carried his bike beside him, it making tracks.
Copperkirin21 said:
"Heh. That's for me to know and for you not to. And now I think I should go. I already know if I had something you'd try to put a bullet in my head right? Hmph...people these days..."
She smiled. "Well it's a damn good thing you don't have anything good." she said.
Satan shook her head and went back to the place where earlier she was eating her beans. She silently began to continue eating.
((quick summary of what happened between @Kestrel and my character before the time skip (we both agreed on this)) Nothing too exciting happened. They fought in human form for a while before they ended up shifting to fight better. Kes ended up with a few small puncture wounds and a few slash marks while Tyler made it out covered in smaller scratches. They ended up parting ways to nurse their wounds.)

Tyler woke up the next morning and went through his normal routine as if nothing exiting had happened. He usually didn't run into that many drifters not allied with each other, but he did have several battle scars. he had his own small section of a cave to call his "room" and store some spare supplies. Each member of his clan had their own little nook in the cave to call their own, but it was mostly shared space. He sat down at the stone slab they used as a table and grabbed his ration of food for the day, eating some at the same time.

"What the hell happened to you?" Ebony asked. She wasn't much of a fighter, but acted as more of an organizer than anything. She had a great mind for strategy and could keep track of everyone's ever-changing schedules and prepare accordingly. She was asleep when Tyler had returned the previous night and hadn't seen his wounds. "I hope you don't think I'm letting you out there like that."

"There was a fight the other day. I got a spare canteen out of it too," Tyler replied. It wasn't the entire truth, but he wasn't about to admit he got nothing from the fight that got him most of the wounds. "I covered the wounds and know where not to stress. Besides, I know where to get more water and someone needs to check my section of traps today. Seriously Eb, you worry too much." He finished his meal and stood up, trying not to wince as he moved his backpack into position.

"I saw that," Ebony snapped. "You're in pain. Please, just stay home today."

"I'll be quick. If it makes you feel better, I'll avoid everyone I see unless I know their friendly. Happy?"

"No, but you're too stubborn to stay. Just be careful, ok? And when you get back I will look at each of your wounds, got that?"

"Doesn't sound like I have much of a choice," Tyler teased with as warm a smile as he could muster. "I'll be back before dark. If not, then you have my permission to worry."

"You're such an idiot. Get going."

"As ordered." Before Ebony could retort he walked away. Just before leaving the mouth of the cave he turned invisible. It was a rather windy day, but at least it would cover his footprints. When he was a good distance away from the cave entrance he became visible again and didn't stop until he reach the first trap in his section. As expected, empty.
Tyler saw the girl, but she apparently hadn't seen him yet. He crouched down and prepared to turn invisible should she spot him. He was in no condition to fight, and he had promised to avoid people he didn't know for sure were friendly.
Christopher snickered as he climbed back up to the top of the city's wall, he'd gotten more than he anticipated which wasn't a problem. "Food to last me almost two weeks, water to last me a month and a run in with a girl. Not too shabby Chris, not too shabby." He chuckled as he watched a few of the city dwellers gather at the bottom of the wall, shouting profanities and other rude things at the Nephilim. "Sorry, boys and girls, daddy's gotta go!" And with that he jumped down off the wall, his wire like wings spreading once more to allow him to glide through the air and back to his spot near the oasis.
It had been about 3 days since Landry had left her city. Having long since discarded her guardsmen armor, Landry trekked aimlessly across the desert in the clothing she wore beneath her armor: a white tank-top and khakis. The last thing she had eaten was some sort of (admittedly) suspicious cactus about half a day ago. It didn't seem to do anything too bad to her, and the juice certainly fought the dehydration the girl had quickly got from traveling in the desert.

Landry felt more exhausted then she had in her entire life, but even when she did find a mildly safe place to spend the night, her fears prevented any rest. What if she was murdered in the middle of the night, or robbed? Not that she uh, exactly had anything to be robbed of. Just her trusty spear, handed down by her father before her. He had been so proud of her decision to better the city...well at least, he was before she turned out to be one of the monsters she was keeping out. Landry balled up her fists. It was probably because she was adopted, this must have been her genetic parents fault or something, Landry thought bitterly. In frustration, she weakly kicked at the sand on the ground. Landry was so tired of this, there was sand in her shoes, her pants, shirt, everywhere.

After walking for three days away from the city she still hadn't run into another person. Landry honestly didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing... three days in solitude certainly didn't help her negative feelings about the whole situation. Was she doomed to walk these sand dunes until she died of dehydration? Landry hoped not. She frowned, pushing black bangs behind her ears, until getting fed up with them and retying her ponytail. "Oh come on, I know I'm not the only one who lives out here! I just want some water! I don't care what the price is, I'll repay it you stupid disgusting desert!" Landry shouted to no one, nearly at her breaking point.
"Well aren't you the angry little monster." Chris smirked as he popped up from one of the sand dunes, the raven haired man over heard the girl scream at the sky. And due to him being the curious cat he was he floated over to the girl, laying on his back as he looked at her. "Well, at least you're kind of cute.." @Tactless
Kasey awoke with a start and yanked her earbuds out. She hadn't intended to fall asleep under the tree. Now she was sore and stiff from sleeping in an uncomfortable spot, the sand was stinging and aggravating her cuts, and she was sunburnt. She angrily shoved the MP3 player in her pocket. Once she was in normal Kestrel form, she roughly preened her dusty feathers, nearly tearing out several in the process.
"Hmm...it should be around here somewhere..." Brooklyn said wandering around. She was getting close to someone, she sensed it. She saw the bird who she made fall out the tree the day before.

"Hey you! Bird girl!"
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Landry certainly didn't expect a response. Her heart skipped a beat and she nearly fell over in her surprise. "W-who.." Landry hesitated and wrestled with her emotions, suspicion won out. The girl's face hardened as she backed up from her sudden company a few steps, drawing her spear. "Back off! W-What do you want?"
Tactless said:
Landry certainly didn't expect a response. Her heart skipped a beat and she nearly fell over in her surprise. "W-who.." Landry hesitated and wrestled with her emotions, suspicion won out. The girl's face hardened as she backed up from her sudden company a few steps, drawing her spear. "Back off! W-What do you want?"
"I wouldn't try much if I were you, dehydration will take a toll on your body faster if you fight. And I'd rather not hurt a pretty face" He chuckled and pushed the point of the spear away from himself, shrugging his backpack off his shoulders he tossed her a water bottle and a sandwich. "Don't worry, I promise it's not poisoned."
This guy just continued to surprise her. Landry lowered her spear, and then dropped it to catch the sandwich and bottle the man had thrown. As hungry as she was, Landry managed to stop herself from immediately digging in. "You must have some sort of alterior motive for helping me, no one is generous out here. Where did you even find these?" Bottled water didn't just grow on trees. Even if they did, there wasn't any trees in this desert as far as Landry could tell. Maybe there was a town nearby?
"What? A guy can't be nice? And that's my secret. If you know then everyone else out here will find out, then you'll ruin my one way of getting food." He smirked gently at her before flapping his wired wings once again to gain a bit of air, "Anyways, I'd love to stay and chat but this heat is killing me"
Landry frowned, but she wouldn't press, he did help her out of the goodness of his heart after all. Besides, she had a feeling she didn't want to know. "...thank you then. I appreciate your kindness." When he opened his wings and said he was going to go, Landry protested. "Wait, please-" She hesitated, looking away from him and instead focusing on uncapping her water. "I know you've already helped me more then enough, but I've been practically lost for three days. Can you at least point me in the right direction for shelter or any kind of civilization out here? Perhaps even lead me? I promise I will find some way to repay you later..." Landry inwardly winced, she proabbly sounded pretty pathetic. Here she was practically pleading for a complete stranger to stay with her, simply because she was lonely and helpless outside of her city.
"Well, unless you have charming down to a science the city definitely wouldn't be a place for you.." Chris chewed on the inside of his cheek, debating on if he should take her back to where he stays for the nights in the dessert. "Can I trust you?" He already knew what would happen if he placed her at his shelter, if she were to do something that would put them both in danger, he knew he could defend himself if the shadow hounds found them. But could she?
Landry recapped her water after draining about half the bottle in one go."That's where I just left, so yeah, the city would definitely not be somewhere I want to go." Landry sighed, a mix of bitterness and sadness in her tone when she spoke about the city. She gave him a small smile. "Yeah, I won't tell anyone where you live or however you get your mysterious sandwiches or whatever. I promise this won't be a permanent thing, just temporary until I get my footing out here. I'll try my best not to be a burden to you." The girl seemed to realize something. "Oh, um, my name is Landry by the way. What's yours?"

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