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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

Just a heads-up. After the battle, Dreamy is going to offer up her Net Gun and Barrier Projector to the team before she goes - she's the kind of gal that would rather the party keep it instead of her just recently earning it and then departing.

Slaver's Net Gun (TW). Just as the name suggests, this weapon ofSplugorthian Techno-Wizardry launches a magic net to ensnare its opponent; same stats as the magic spell. The gun is the large, bulkyweapon depicted on the Rifts® cover; the figure on the right. Range:1 80 feet (55 m). Rate of Fire: Two per melee. Payload: 20 nets; must bemagically recharged at about 8,000 credits. Duration: Up to 20 minutes.Note: Splugorth design. Cost: 250,000 credits.

This hand-held device is rather bulky and unwieldy. It is shaped like a short rifle with a large, squat cylinder for a barrel and a pair of handles instead of a grip and trigger. Upon mental command, the projector fires a large energy beam that envelops its target in a sort of energy bubble. This works quite well against beings who can teleport on their own and those who use Phase Powers. Remember, Phase Powers cannot pierce magic barriers. It is also used extensively for containing the non-magical members of raiding parties.
Weight: 10 Ibs (4.5 kg).
Mega-Damage: None, but creates an energy bubble with 120 M.D.C., and those inside the bubble can not teleport, phase or use a mystic portal.
Rate of Fire: Two shots per melee round.
Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet (91.4 m) and the bubble has an eight foot (2.4 m) diameter.
Payload: Six shots and regenerates its full payload in 24 hours or instantly at a Stone Pyramid.
Market Cost: 750,000 to one million credits; very rare on the open market, typically used only by special Splugorth troops.

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Also, I have swapped out Dreamy's character sheet for Snowy's. It'll be great to play him again!
GunMan2 GunMan2 I need to know what you want to do. If I don't hear from you I'll have to move on.
Psychie Psychie Not to play his character for him, but GunMan2 GunMan2 hasn't been on since he posted last Friday. Is everyone cool if we just say that he attacks the damaged one(s) and we keep the battle going? Real life might be holding him up.

His declaration to attack is good enough for me as a player.
Skelebots 7 and 8 give Raven the robotic middle finger since they used up their actions trying to target the Cyber Knight and are now out of attacks.
Do they really? I love creative touches like that, Psychie Psychie ! It makes me wonder who in the world programmed these things to do that? If not done too often, I feel it also makes the fight a bit more memorable. I have been known to do things like this in my own tabletop games. =)

Nice touch, lady!
Do they really? I love creative touches like that, Psychie Psychie ! It makes me wonder who in the world programmed these things to do that? If not done too often, I feel it also makes the fight a bit more memorable. I have been known to do things like this in my own tabletop games. =)

Nice touch, lady!
Lol I just wanted to add something more to the post besides the basics. Thank you, though!
Psychie Psychie
With the pressure now gone, you find yourself alone in the burial chamber feeling a bit light headed but otherwise you are fine. Spellbreaker is still wrapped around your wrist, and it feels warm, almost as if it were alive. What do you do now?
I am in the process of taking you up on your offer to fully respec O Mighty Fat Cat. However, I have a lot more reading to do. Only now am I recovered from the past four days (my batteries are at about 60% if you know what I mean).

I'm thinking of some Attribute changes, perhaps some Skill changes, I may nerf his survivability a bit by giving up one of the Ox-Body Technique Charms (because if I'm reading it right, he's tough-enough to kill). Plus, I need to know what you're willing to throw his way in terms of Martial Arts. You've done a lot for this character already, which I'm grateful for, but I need time to grasp what's right for him. I'm still not certain what he can do now. Exalted is such a wordy and "crunchy" system...
OOC Are we still rolling this, or are we moving out of combat time?
I believe Psychie might allow us to send these Skelebots to Rust Bucket Hell if we are all in agreement to pull the trigger.
The first bunch of robots are too entangled to be able to shoot back, and the last three can only do minor damage to Raven with their lasers since Eon’s character is currently immune to energy. So yeah, no need to dice it out at this point. I’ll post IC soon.
Yeah, good to see ya too....Sorry for not posting but was on vacation to see family in a different country.
I figured something in real life was keeping you busy. Just glad to hear it was a good kind of busy!

Just so you know I'll be changing characters to an old favorite of mine. He's already in the character thread if you want to see him.

If your vacation is over, does this mean you'll be able to post more often?
Yeah, well....kind of. ill be able to post more often than when i was on vacation and if i got time as uni started up again.

But ya i got more time to do stuff
Yeah, well....kind of. ill be able to post more often than when i was on vacation and if i got time as uni started up again.

But ya i got more time to do stuff
Ah! Uni definitely comes first. Just... if you're able to, please let us know in the future if you think you're going to be gone awhile?

We didn't know what in the world happened to you. I wasn't certain you were coming back.
Eonivar Eonivar What's your vote on whether or not to blast the Skelebots or flee? Your vote means something too (and forgive me if I missed it in here somewhere; I didn't see it when I looked). =)

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