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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

Xinyi would be happy to see the Skelebots smashed to pieces but would wonder if it is smart to hang around here too long.
Psychie Psychie Yo honor! Da jury haz come to a decision! Dem damn Skelly-botsies be... guilty as hell! =) Dere antics have got ta go, yo honor! Just lookit dem actin' da fools! =)

Halloween Jump GIF by Squirrel Monkey

(Where do they come up with these crazy GIFs?!) =)
Takuma's half-flesh, half-metal turns to the woman...monk? Fist fighter?

His shirtless body shows signs of wear and tear as he does not notice or even care that some of his skin is gone. It might leave you wondering how much of this man is human and how much machine. The cyborg ninja places his weapon back in his compartment, something a normal person does not have, and turns to look at you. "Chill out woman. We have no intention to hurt you, unlike these monsters" He points his thumb at the skeletons "So how about you put that weapon away and relax so we can have a proper introduction" He said his right left eye glowing red but otherwise the machine show no signs of hostile action if that can be trusted.
GunMan2 GunMan2 Good going, Guns! I don't remember the last time you put in such a good post with Takuma expressing himself so well. Keep it up! =)
Psychie Psychie Setting questions. So... with the talk going on in-game, I take it the Skelebots are destroyed and not just temporarily stopped? Some of their heads may be still intact for Takuma to do his thing?
Psychie Psychie do Rab and Oleg register as 'non supernatural' under a See Aura? Also do they have any magic on them?
Psychie Psychie do Rab and Oleg register as 'non supernatural' under a See Aura? Also do they have any magic on them?
Rab shows as a mid- to high-level human, next to no PPE (which is normal for a regular human), low ISP, and for a man in his sixties he is showing to be in relatively good shape with no aberrations or diseases and no possessing entities. He has all the hallmarks of an old adventurer that has passed his prime.

The old man has a magic necklace on that is tucked under his shirt against the skin but has no other magic items on his person.

Oleg is a low level human with slightly higher than normal PPE, but his ISP is very high, showing that he is some sort of psychic; maybe a budding Mind Melter. He is in good health and also has no possessing entities in him. He has no magic items.
Sherwood Sherwood Okies! Let me know when it is best for you for me to swap from Dreamy to Snowfall? Have a good shift!
Wow. I must have been tired when I wrote that! Derp!

Psychie Psychie Let me know when it is best for you for me to swap from Dreamy to Snowfall?
With little Sylvie urging everyone to move faster, you make it over the small rise that is between the attack site and where you have left your vehicles. Xinyi can see a pair of large ground vehicles, one an old style eighteen wheeler tractor/trailer, and the second is a large three-wheeled truck that looks like it can seat six to eight people comfortably with a small cargo area in back, and there is also a robotic horse standing there.

In addition to the vehicles, there are a pair of people standing nearby the vehicles, people that are immediately familiar to Dreamy - even without sight to help her out.
Purr Purr please describe Snowfall and his companion to the group.
Dang it, RP Nation Alert system! Where is the alert for these posts? Or did I miss it all on my own? Either way, I'll catch up and put the post up with Dreamy and Snowfall's interaction when able. My pardon for the delay! =)

EDIT: Then again, these posts were made during one of my 72-hour migraines. I could have just completely missed it. If that's the case, I apologize RP Nation Alert system! Hee hee! =)
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Dang it, RP Nation Alert system! Where is the alert for these posts? Or did I miss it all on my own? Either way, I'll catch up and put the post up with Dreamy and Snowfall's interaction when able. My pardon for the delay! =)

EDIT: Then again, these posts were made during one of my 72-hour migraines. I could have just completely missed it. If that's the case, I apologize RP Nation Alert system! Hee hee! =)
You are fine, my good friend. I’ve seen the effects of a migraine on other people and they are nothing to laugh at. Post when you can.
Between the new game I'm developing and that migraine I had days ago, I've been more than distracted but in more good ways than bad; everyone's company has been a big part of the good!

I will try to get a post up today!
I look forward to it!
I want to point out that I felt my in-game post tonight was getting long enough as it was. Do forgive me if I'm saving the part where Dreamy introduces Snowfall and her German sensei to the team (instead of just Rab Colson).

I had to stop that post somewhere - it was taking on a life of its own! Could you tell? =)
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well, it would appear that I have disappeared again. that's on me, I had a fellowship intensive and also The Plauge (Of the modern variety, but while it's less fatal, it's still no fun) but as the school year begins anew, I think that this motivation rush can help me get the sheet done. again, thank you for your patience.
well, it would appear that I have disappeared again. that's on me, I had a fellowship intensive and also The Plauge (Of the modern variety, but while it's less fatal, it's still no fun) but as the school year begins anew, I think that this motivation rush can help me get the sheet done. again, thank you for your patience.
Heya Alex! Glad the Plague wasn't so bad as to keep you away for too long! =)
Question? Our GM typed this:
With little Sylvie urging everyone to move faster, you make it over the small rise that is between the attack site and where you have left your vehicles. Xinyi can see a pair of large ground vehicles, one an old style eighteen wheeler tractor/trailer, and the second is a large three-wheeled truck that looks like it can seat six to eight people comfortably with a small cargo area in back, and there is also a robotic horse standing there.

In addition to the vehicles, there are a pair of people standing nearby the vehicles, people that are immediately familiar to Dreamy - even without sight to help her out.
Purr Purr please describe Snowfall and his companion to the group.

Sherwood-Bud, you typed this:
Raven is apprehensive at first, but quickly begins to calm when it is clear that they have the trust of Dreamy. He clears his throat and says, “Dreamy is a boon companion of mine and worthy of my complete trust. She trusts you, so I shall also. Right here and now is not the most optimal location to talk. Just over that rise is a fairly large contingent of soldiers that are itching for a fight and I don’t wish to provide it for them. Can we talk and move at the same time? Then we can get our introductions made.”

Psychie Psychie Which is true, please? Did I miss something?
Question? Our GM typed this:

Sherwood-Bud, you typed this:

Psychie Psychie Which is true, please? Did I miss something?
I’m not sure where your confusion is coming from. My post was of your group running asking to your vehicles (the eighteen wheeler and the Mountaineer) and seeing that there are a pair of beings next to them waiting to talk to you.

Sherwood is seeming to say that you guys are getting chased and any conversation should take place somewhere else. He also said that he’s not targeting Snowfall and the shadow since Dreamy obviously vouches for you.

Sherwood Sherwood am I correct in how I read this?

Purr Purr does that clarify the scene better for you?
I’m not sure where your confusion is coming from. My post was of your group running asking to your vehicles (the eighteen wheeler and the Mountaineer) and seeing that there are a pair of beings next to them waiting to talk to you.

Sherwood is seeming to say that you guys are getting chased and any conversation should take place somewhere else. He also said that he’s not targeting Snowfall and the shadow since Dreamy obviously vouches for you.

Sherwood Sherwood am I correct in how I read this?

Purr Purr does that clarify the scene better for you?
Yes, that is pretty much what I was trying to say. Do I need to edit my post?
I’m not sure where your confusion is coming from. My post was of your group running asking to your vehicles (the eighteen wheeler and the Mountaineer) and seeing that there are a pair of beings next to them waiting to talk to you.

Sherwood is seeming to say that you guys are getting chased and any conversation should take place somewhere else. He also said that he’s not targeting Snowfall and the shadow since Dreamy obviously vouches for you.

Sherwood Sherwood am I correct in how I read this?

Purr Purr does that clarify the scene better for you?
Psychie Psychie Are we being chased? You're the GM; did I miss a post where we're being chased? I thought we were out of danger. If so, my bad. But if not... =)
Sylvie has said that there is a large group of Coalition troops on the heels of the Skelebots that you just trashed, and they are after the people that shot the heck out of their robots. That was mentioned in an earlier post.
Sylvie has said that there is a large group of Coalition troops on the heels of the Skelebots that you just trashed, and they are after the people that shot the heck out of their robots. That was mentioned in an earlier post.
O.K.. Thanks! I guess we run.
Pardon me for my brief post - the way I see it, I'm already taking up more than my share of "spotlight" with character-swapping. The less I type until we get Rab Colson's answer, the better.

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